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The dataset comprises 62 observations with 7 variables: county names, FIPS code, census

populations for 2010, area in square miles for 2010, population density for 2010, predicted

populations for 2015, and population density for 2015. A combination of character, numeric,

and integer types make up the variables.

Using a variety of packages, including dplyr, ggplot2, maps, and usmap, the R code performs

an extensive analysis and visualization of county-level population data for the United States

for the year 2015. Loading the required libraries, reading population data from a CSV file,

and examining the data structure and column names are the first steps.
The shows the county-level population density in the United States in 2015 using the ggplot2,

dplyr, and maps packages. The preprocesses the data by converting pertinent columns to

numeric format before combining it with data from US maps. The resultant map emphasizes

population density by emphasizing different shades of pink to purple for Washington, D.C.,

and its environs.

it loads county map data for the western states in the United States and displays the

population density in 2015. After merging the data with the population dataset, a map

showing the population density is made using a color gradient that goes from dark green to

analyzes Census data, combines it with county map data from the United States, and creates a

heatmap that shows the population density of each county in 2015. The heatmap shows

different population densities across the United States using a color gradient.

show U.S. population changes in 2015 using two line charts made with ggplot2. Two charts

are presented, one with red lines and the other with blue lines. The charts show changes in

population in different regions.

County map data for the western states of the United States, combines it with population

density data, and creates a thematic map. The map's color gradient, which runs from red to

yellow, visually depicts the population density in 2015.

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