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Oleh: Sisilia Hotrepiyanti Br Naibaho

a. Carilah seorang kerabat, teman, atau kolega di luar kelas.

b. Buatlah janji untuk melakukan interview.
c. Siapkanlah pertanyaan yang akan diberikan terkait dengan identitas diri dan keluarganya. Pertanyaan
terkait dengan identitas diri dan keluarganya. Bila yang yang akan diwawancara tidak bisa berbahasa
Inggris, wawancara dapat dilakukan dalam Bahasa Indonesia.

No Questions
1 What’s your name?
2 Where are you from?
3 Where do you live now?
4 What do you do in your free time?
5 What’s your hobby?
6 What is your Job now?
7 Do you live with your family?
8 How many members in your family?
9 Tell me about your parents?
10 How about your siblings? Can you tell me about them?

d.Lakukanlah interview pada orang tersebut. Gunakan alat perekam untuk menyimpan informasi.

e.Buatlah sebuah teks tentang orang tersebut berdasarkan informasi yang telah dikumpulkan sebelumnya.

Amira and Her Family

Her name is Amira Marpaung. She is from Buluh Pancur, tanah karo. Now, She lives with her parents.

She likes watching cartoon. Her hobbies are playing snack game and watching cartoon. She likes playing

snack game almost everyday and watching cartoon once a week. She lives with her family. There are six

members in her family, father, mother, one sisters, two brother and her. She is the last child of her family.

Her father's name is Guntur Marpaung, he is 48 years old. Her father is a farmer. Her father is very kind

and hard worker. Her mother's name is Herlina, she is 45 years old. Her mother doesn't work, she is a
housewife. Her mother is very beautiful and patient. Amira is my neighbor's sister. we met when I was on

holiday from school in the village. Their family is very harmonious.

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