Soil Mechanics

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Compiled by : Rajdatta Dewang


Soil Mechanics is a discipline involving the study of soil, its Behavior and application
as an engineering material.

Soil Mechanics is the application of laws of mechanics and hydraulics to engineering problems
dealing with sediments and other unconsolidated accumulations of solid particles, which are
produced by the mechanical and chemical disintegration of rocks, regardless of whether or not
they contain an admixture of organic Constituents.

Compiled by : Rajdatta Dewang



Soil is important to architects cause it’s a material we:-

• built on: foundations of buildings, bridges
• built in: basements, culverts, tunnels
• built with: embankments, roads, dams
• supported: retaining walls

Compiled by : Rajdatta Dewang


Soil is important to architects cause it’s a material we:-

• built on: foundations of buildings, bridges
• built in: basements, culverts, tunnels
• built with: embankments, roads, dams
• supported: retaining walls

For the design and construction of almost all projects the engineers have to deal with
both soil and rock, either as construction material or as a foundation support.

Compiled by : Rajdatta Dewang



Foundation to support Structures and Embankments

Effects of static loading on soil mass

Shear failure of the foundation soil
Settlement of structures

Stability criteria (Solution)

There should be no shear failure of the foundation soil.
The settlement should remain within permissible limits.

Firm Soil -> Spread Footing (Spread Foundation)

Soft Soil -> Pile Foundation (Vertical members transferring load of structure to
ground i.e. rock)

Compiled by : Rajdatta Dewang


Compiled by : Rajdatta Dewang



Effects of dynamic loading on soil mass

For Design and construction of roads following must be considered:

• Compaction Characteristics
• Moisture Variation

Compiled by : Rajdatta Dewang

Foundation design is directly based on the type of the soil

Two main soil characteristics affect the choice of foundation:-

1.Maximum loads that can be carried without failure
2.Excessive settlement

Key term: Settlement

The way the soil reacts to having a load placed upon it – usually the soil ‘sinks’ a
little due to the extra weight placed upon it, although this settlement should not
affect the building a great deal.

Key term: Compressibility

The ability of soil to compress and withstand a load imposed on it.

Compiled by : Rajdatta Dewang



Compiled by : Rajdatta Dewang

SOIL MECHANICS: Properties of soil

Cohesion : It is internal molecular attraction which resists rupture or shear of material. This
property of soil behaves as binder in soil mass. It is due to clay present in the soil.

Internal friction : It is due to mechanical resistance of grain particles to slide over each other. This
is the characteristics of coarse grains in the soil. It depends on grading, shape, surface texture of

Plasticity – It is the property of soil to undergo large deformations without cracking when
stressed. It is property of all cohesive soils. Non-coheive soil are Non-plastic. This property being
very important certain std test limits are prescribed.

Liquid Limit – It is the minimum % age of water added to soil that will just make it to flow like
liquid when disturbed. This limit means it gives amount of moisture necessary to make it slide
under very light force. It is also when the cohesion becomes zero. Clay soils have LL to the order
of 50 to 90%. If sand or silt is added to clay it reduces LL. A LL between 20-40% indicates a
mixture predominantly sand and silt.

Plasticity Index : Liquid Limit – plastic Limit. It shows in what range soil is in plastic state. Plastic
state is important because in this state the soil is able to mould.

Compiled by : Rajdatta Dewang


SOIL MECHANICS : Types of soils

1. Rock
Hard solid formations, often impervious, such as granite or sandstone. Form excellent strata on which
to build.

2. Granular- Sand/gravel: non-cohesive granular material.

Can have good ground bearing capacity if well compacted. Good water dissipation and run off, and
often very stable.

3. Cohesive-Clay
Good ground bearing, with impervious characteristics preventing water from passing between strata.
Often found at depths close to surface of the earth making it economical, and reasonable, on which to
build low-rise structures.

4. Organic-Peat
Soft, permeable and unsuitable surface for foundations. Can indicate the presence of water table and
groundwater conditions that can make the ground unstable.

5. Filled or made ground

Good quality, clean, hard-core rubble. Graded, selected and compacted in layers to engineer’s levels
means that ground stabilisation is possible with this method.

Compiled by : Rajdatta Dewang

SOIL MECHANICS: Soil condition

Poor Soil
• Eg. Peat, silt, soft alluvial, filled ground
• Poor load bearing and settlement characteristics
• There are techniques that can be used to stabilise the ground and improve the load
bearing capacity
• Normally the unsuitable soil is excavated and the foundations are sited on a better
load bearing ground at a lower level

Non cohesive soil

• Eg Sand/gravel
• Stronger and higher bearing capacity and low compressibility compared to cohesive
• Settlement occurs instantaneously
• May be suitable for any foundation type.

Compiled by : Rajdatta Dewang


SOIL MECHANICS: Soil condition

Cohesive soil
• Eg. Clay
• Reasonable bearing capacity
• Prone to long term settlement
• Sensitive to changes in moisture content, prone to swelling/shrinkage

Rock – Strongest material on which to put a foundation

• Solid rock only needs to be levelled (and it can take some doing) for most house
• A thin layer of blinding can then be laid to provide a level base for bricklayers.
• Cavities and fissures may need filling.
• There is a potential problem of differential movement if rock and other materials are
supporting the foundation. For example, a predominantly clay subsoil, with rocky
outcrops, could pose problems.

Compiled by : Rajdatta Dewang

SOIL MECHANICS: Soil condition

Contaminated Soil

• Landfill sites
• Gasworks
• Sewage farms and works
• Scrap yards
• Industrial sites

Primary concern while build in such environments is health. Secondary some aggressive
contaminants can damage buried services and structures.

Common approaches to contaminated land

• Removal –costly and disposal needs to be made to licenced tips (Permanent)
• Capping –Sealing of material by a clean material 1m deep. (More Economic).

Compiled by : Rajdatta Dewang


SOIL MECHANICS: Soil condition

Key Terms

The vertical downward displacement at the base of a foundation or structure due to soil
consolidation, normally caused by the load applied by the structure.

Soil shrinkage is the reduction of water content which causes a change in volume of soil. It is
most evident in clay soils during long periods of dry weather, compounded by moisture
abstraction from vegetation.

Soil expansion due to the increase of water content which causes a change in volume of soil. It
occurs during wet weather and is compounded by previous removal of moisture-dependent
trees that would otherwise effect some drainage and balance to subsoil conditions.

Compiled by : Rajdatta Dewang

SOIL MECHANICS: Soil condition

Gravel – Non-cohesive soil

Field identification Field assessment of structure & strength Possible foundation problems

Particle size 2mm to 60mm
Loss of fine particles in water bearing
Some dry strength indicates presence of Loose, easily removed by shovel

Compiled by : Rajdatta Dewang


SOIL MECHANICS: Soil condition

Field identification Field assessment of structure & strength Possible foundation problems

Particle size 0.06mm to 2mm - when dry,
clean sands break down. Sand particles Excavation below water table can wash out
Compact, requires pick for excavation.
are just visible to the naked eye and feel sand and cause runs and local collapse.
gritty between the fingers.

Compiled by : Rajdatta Dewang

SOIL MECHANICS: Soil condition

Plastic - shattered, damp and slightly Frost heave is a risk in chalk, floor slabs are
White and thus readily identifiable compressible or crumbly. particularly at risk if constructed in cold
Solid - needing a pick for removal weather. Swallow holes can also form.

Compiled by : Rajdatta Dewang


SOIL MECHANICS: Soil condition

Field identification Field assessment of structure & strength Possible foundation problems

Particle size 0.002mm to 0.06mm - not
normally distinguishable to the naked
eye. Silts feel slightly gritty; moist lumps A soft silt can easily be moulded with the Frost heave , especially in fine sands.
can be moulded with the fingers but not fingers; a firm silt requires strong finger Excavation below water table can wash out
rolled into threads. Shaking most lumps pressure. sand and cause runs and local collapse.
in the hand brings water to the surface.
Silts also dry rapidly.

Compiled by : Rajdatta Dewang

SOIL MECHANICS: Soil condition

Field identification Field assessment of structure & strength Possible foundation problems

5 types:
Smooth and plastic to the touch. Sticky
 very soft - exudes between fingers
when moist. Hold together when dry. Wet
when squeezed Shrinkage and swelling caused by
lumps immersed in water soften without
vegetation and long term settlement by
disintegrating  soft - easily moulded with the fingers consolidation. Some clays contain sulfates
Soft clays either uniform or show
 firm - moulded with strong finger which can attack concrete.
horizontal laminations.
pressure Drainage can be poor.
Harder clays often fissured, the fissures
stiff - cannot be moulded by the Movement down slopes, most soft clays
opening slightly when the overburden is 
fingers lose strength when disturbed.
removed or a vertical surface is revealed,
eg, by a trial pit.
 hard - brittle or tough

Compiled by : Rajdatta Dewang


SOIL MECHANICS: Soil condition


1. Earthquakes ( Shaking / Vibrating)
2. Expansion / Contraction due to water
3. Expansion / Contraction due to loading
4. Unable to support load, so sliding/slipping ( shear failure )
5. Filled up or reclaimed land ( case of Mumbai )
6. Top soil which has tree roots, rich organic content, animal presence etc. (case of black cotton

Thick fat book loaded on top will fail under shear. The paper is not
disintegrating, or the cardboard is not bending.

Foundations on hard rock and low bearing capacity soils are prone to
shear failure.

Compiled by : Rajdatta Dewang

SOIL MECHANICS: Soil condition


• Degraded rock (Murrum) is considered less reactive to water. Offers grip / friction
to the foundation.
• Consolidated soil which is well compacted.

Compiled by : Rajdatta Dewang


SOIL MECHANICS: Soil condition

Compiled by : Rajdatta Dewang

SOIL MECHANICS: Soil condition

Compiled by : Rajdatta Dewang


SOIL MECHANICS: Soil condition

Compiled by : Rajdatta Dewang

SOIL MECHANICS: Soil condition

Compiled by : Rajdatta Dewang


SOIL MECHANICS: Soil condition

Black cotton soil

Compiled by : Rajdatta Dewang

SOIL MECHANICS: Soil condition

Compiled by : Rajdatta Dewang


SOIL MECHANICS: Soil condition

Black cotton soils and other expansive soils have typical characteristics of shrinkage and swelling
due to moisture movement through them. During rainy season, moisture penetrates into these
soils, due to which they swell. Most of the fine grained clays, including black cotton soils have
their grains which are more or less in the form of platelets or sheets (just like leafs of a book),
and their grains are not round. When moisture enter between the platelets under some
hydrostatic pressure, the particles separate out, resulting in increase in the volume. This increase
in volume is commonly known as swelling. If this swelling is checked or restricted (due to the
of footings over it), high swelling pressure, acting in the upward direction, will be induced. This
would result in severe cracks in the walls etc. and may some times damage the structural units,
such as lintels, beams slabs etc.
During summer season, moisture moves out of the soil and consequently, the soil shrinks.
Shrinkage cracks are formed on the ground surface. These shrinkage cracks some times also
known as tension cracks, may be 10 to 15 cm wide on the ground surface and may be ½ to 2 m

Compiled by : Rajdatta Dewang

SOIL MECHANICS: Soil condition

Compiled by : Rajdatta Dewang


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