Naveen's Resume

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ABES Engineering College , UPTU (currently AKTU), India 2022 - 2026

● CSE | CGPA: 8.1 (till 3rd sem)

Bhagat Public School, Kota 2019 - 2021

● CBSE (Class XII), Aggregate: 82%

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Banda 2017 - 2019

● CBSE (Class X), Aggregate: 94%

C/C++ | Problem Solving | HTML | CSS | JavaScript | NodeJS | ReactJS | ExpressJS | MongoDB | Git/
Github | Machine Learning | Python | MySQL | OOPS


E-Commerce Website
This website involves replicating the essential features and functionalities of E-Commerce websites.
Here's a brief overview of what it is included in this project:
● ReactJS is used as a frontend framework for making components of websites, and uses hooks to access react
● Firebase is used as a backend service for making authentication, hosting, and database.
● It includes a login and signup page where real time user data is stored.
● FireStore is used to store user data, product data, payments data, and placed order data.
● For processing payments of products we used Stripe as payment gateway.

This is a real-time chat application built with the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js).
Chatterbox allows users to chat with each other using a unique ID generated in the query parameter.
● MongoDB: NoSQL database for storing user data.
● Express.JS: Web application framework for building robust APIs.
● React.JS : JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
● Node.JS: JavaScript runtime environment for server-side development.
● WebSocket: Enables real-time, biredection communication between clients and servers.
● AWS: Used S3 bucket for storing images of user which can be shown while communication.

Academic and Extracurricular Achievements

● 320+ problems solved on LeetCode, GeeksForGeeks, Coding Ninja.

● Participated in MLH organised hackathon - Hack the mountain.

● Participated in College level hackathon organised by ScholarHat.

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