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Build this UI using HTML5/CSS3.

You are tasked with creating the HTML template for the shared design.All the resources are icons are
shared over a zip file that you can use in your code.The UI should be visually appealing, user-friendly,
and compatible with various screen sizes (desktop, tablet, and mobile). You are provided with the
following assets in a zip file.

● Create an HTML5 file and a CSS3 file for the landing page.
● Implement a responsive design that adjusts gracefully to different screen sizes (desktop,
tablet, and mobile). You can use media queries for this purpose.
● Use semantic HTML elements (e.g., <header>, <nav>, <section>, <article>, ) appropriately to
structure the page.
● Use CSS for styling, and consider using CSS animations or transitions to enhance the user
● Make sure the page is visually appealing and matches the provided design mockup as closely
as possible.
● Test the page on multiple browsers (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari) to ensure cross-browser
● Validate your HTML and CSS code to ensure it follows best practices and is free of errors.
● Provide a ZIP file with all the necessary assets.

Evaluation Criteria
● Visual design and layout accuracy compared to the design mockup.
● Cross-browser compatibility.
● Semantic use of HTML elements.
● Brownie Points if you showcase your design skill over the design provided by us.

Assets Link

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