Ahmad Physics-2

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I hereby declare that this project is the result of my own investigations, except where

otherwise stated. I also declare that it has not been previously or concurrently

submitted as a whole for any other degree at the Sokoto State University or other


Name: ……………………………………………………

Sign: ……………………………………………………

Date: ……………………………………………………


This is to certify that this project has been read, approved and accepted as meeting the

requirement for the award of Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree in Physics in the

Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Sokoto State University.

Malam Usman Abubakar Sign/Date

(Project Supervisor)

Prof. GM Argungu Sign/Date

(Head of Department)

Prof. A.O. Musa Sign/Date

External Examiner

This project is dedicated to God Almighty the giver of knowledge and giving me the
starting and the finishing grace in my academic career. I also dedicate this work to my
beloved Father Alhaji Musa Aliyu, and also, to my mother Hauwau Musa for their
support to ensure that I complete this research work successfully. Furthermore, I
extend my dedication to my beloved parents, who have served as an endless source of
inspiration throughout my life journey. In moments when I felt like giving up, they

have been my pillars of strength, providing unwavering moral, spiritual, emotional,
and financial support. Their love and encouragement have been instrumental in
shaping my path. I would also like to acknowledge and dedicate this project to my
brothers, sisters, relatives, mentors, friends, course mates, and loved ones. Their
words of advice, wisdom, and encouragement have been invaluable, propelling me
forward and enabling me to complete this study with utmost dedication. To all those
who have played a part in this project, be it through their support, guidance, or simply
their presence, I express my deepest appreciation and dedicate this work to every one
of you. Together, we have made this achievement possible, and I am forever grateful
for your contributions.


I wish to acknowledge and thank everyone who contributed one way or the other
towards the success of this work. My special thanks goes to my supervisor Malam
Usman Abubakar for his numerous contribution and effort to make this research a
success. Also my beloved parents Alhaji Musa Aliyu and Hauwa’u Musa for giving
me the great opportunity. I want to say a big thanks to my best friends, Isah Sani and
Yushau Musa for their support and love. My siblings and friends for their

encouragement and advice, i wish to acknowledge their effect.

Table of Contents

Title Page…………………………………………………………………………..….





Table of contents……………………………………………………………………...v

List of Figure………………………………………………………………………...vii

List of Tables………………………………………………………………………..viii



1.0 INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………1

1.1 Background of the Project…………………………………………………………1

1.2 Statement of the Problem………………………………………………………….1

1.3 Aims And Objectives………………………………………………………………2

1.4 Significance of the Project………………………………………………………...3

1.5 Research Hypothesis……………………………………………………………....3


2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW……………………………………………………….…4

2.1 Definition of Battery………………………………………………………………4

2.1.1 Electrochemical Battery…………………………………………………………4

2.1.2 Types of Battery…………………………………………………………………4

2.1.3 Primary Cell And Secondary Cell………………………………………………5


3.0 METHODOLOGY………………………………………………………..………7

3.1 Research Design…………………………………………………………..………7

3.2 Materials Used………………………………………………………….…………7

3.3 Method for Potato…………………………………………………………………8

3.4 Method for Tomato………………………………………………………………..9

3.5 Method for Banana…………………………………………………………..…...11

3.5 Method for Lemon…………………………………………………….………....12


4.0 RESULTS……………………………………………………………….………..11

4.1 Results for Potato……………………………………………………….………..11

4.2 Results for Tomato……………………………………………………….………13

4.3 Results for Banana……………………………………………………………….15

4.4 Results for Lemon………………………………………………………………..17

4.5 Discussion…………………………………………………………………….….27


5.1 Summary………………………………………………………………………....29

5.2 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………….29

5.3 Recommendation…………………………………………………………………30

6.0 References…………………………………………………………………….….31

7.0 Appendix………………………………………………………………………....32


Figure 3.1 Potato connected in parallel………………………………………….…9

Figure 3.2 potato connected in series………………………………………………9

Figure 3.3 Tomato connected in series…………………………………………….10

Figure 3.4 Tomato connected in parallel………………………………………..…11

Figure 3.5 Banana connected in series……………………………………….…....12

Figure 3.6 Banana connected in parallel……………………………………….….12

Figure 3.7 Lemon connected in parallel…………………………………………...13

Figure 3.8 Lemon connected in series……………………………………………..13

Figure 4.1 Time and voltage measuring for potatoes in series and parallel………..23

Figure 4.2 Time and voltage measuring for tomato in series and parallel…………24

Figure 4.3 Time and voltage measuring for banana in series and parallel…………26

Figure 4.4 Time and voltage measuring for lemon in series and parallel………….27


Table 4.1 Contains results of Potato in series…………………………….……14

Table 4.2 Contains results of Potato in parallel………………………….……..15

Table 4.3 Contains results of Tomato in series………………………….……..16

Table 4.4 Contains results of Tomato in parallel………………………..……..17

Table 4.5 Contains results of Banana in series…………………………..…….18

Table 4.6 Contains results of Banana in parallel……………………….………19

Table 4.7 Contains results of Lemon in series…………………………...…….20

Table 4.8 Contains results of Lemon in parallel……………………….…….…21

Table 4.9 Time measuring for potato in series……………………….………...22

Table 4.10 Time measuring for potato in parallel……………………………...22

Table 4.11 Time measuring for Tomato in series………………………………23

Table 4.12 Time measuring for Tomato in parallel…………………………….24

Table 4.13 Time measuring for Banana in series……………………………....25

Table 4.14 Time measuring for Banana in parallel…………………………….25

Table 4.15 Time measuring for Lemon in series……………………………....26

Table 4.16 Time measuring for Lemon in parallel………………………….....27


Fruit battery is a simple experiment using physical objects in daily life. The article
studies the types of fruits, the types of electrodes, the depth of electrode insertion, the
distance between electrodes and the different states of fruits. In this science fair
project, construct batteries from various fruits and test them to see which one will
produce the most electric current. Then, determine if it would be practical to use fruit
as a natural source for generating electricity. The source of electric energy in this
demonstration is the combination of copper and zinc strips in the citric acid of the
lemon. The citric acid of the lemon reacts with the zinc and loosens electrons. By
using acidic fruits, we can demonstrate the transformation of a chemical reaction into
an electrical reaction. Using the lemon, Cu, and Zn Plates, we can observe oxidation
and reduction (i.e. redox reaction) reactions, which means redox. After conclusion on
of my experiment my result and data show that lemon battery better than others fruit
and vegetables in terms of voltage and storing charge. After connected in series and
parallel similarly, because lemon contains more citric acid and potassium ions than
others fruit and vegetables.




Batteries are containers that store energy, which can be used to make electricity

(Crompton, 2000). This method of storing energy allows us to make portable

electronic devices (imagine what a pain it would be if everything had to be plugged

into a wall outlet to work!). There are many different types of batteries, but they all

depend on some sort of chemical reaction to generate electricity. The chemical

reaction typically occurs between two pieces of metal, called electrodes, and a liquid

or paste, called an electrolyte. It turns out that the moisture inside a potato works

pretty well as an electrolyte, (Michael. F, 1867). So you just need to add some metal

electrodes to a potato, and you have a battery.

Making a battery one need to understand some basic concepts of electricity (Petrovic,

2020). The flow of electricity is called an electrical current, which is measured in a

unit called amperes (A). Voltage, measured in volts (V) is what pushes electrical

current through wires. Finally, electrical resistance, measured in ohms (Ω). A common

analogy for electricity is to imagine water flowing through a pipe. The amount of

water flowing is like the current. The pressure pushing the water is like the voltage.

The resistance is like the size of the pipe—it is harder to squeeze a lot of water

quickly through a very tiny pipe than through a big pipe (Borvon, 2012).


Batteries pollute the lakes and streams as the metals vaporize into the air when

burned. They can contribute to heavy metals that potentially may leach from solid

waste landfills. They expose the environment and water to lead and acid. They contain

strong corrosive acids which cause burns or danger to eyes and skin. In landfills,

heavy metals have the potential to leach slowly into soil, ground water or surface


Dry cell batteries contribute about 88% of the total mercury and 50% of the cadmium

in the municipal solid waste stream ( Pauling, 1988). In the past, batteries accounted

for nearly half of the mercury and over half of the mercury and cadmium in the

municipal solid waste stream. When burned, some heavy metals such as mercury may

vaporize and escape into the air, and cadmium and lead may end up in the ash (Winie

et al., 2020).

Safety is the main reason manganese is used in lithium-ion batteries. Because of its

increased energy density properties and reputation for stability, manganese is known

to increase capacity and improve driving range.


The aim of this research is to use varieties of crop to construct a simple battery. The
following objects to achieve are
1. To construct the battery using Potato, Lemon, Tomatoes and Banana to
produce light.

2. To understand the working principles of fruit/vegetable battery and it power


3. Explain how the voltage of fruit/vegetable batteries change when connected
them in series and parallel


The significant of this research is to using crops electrochemical reaction to act as a

battery by converting chemical energy into electrical energy to power the light

emitted diode (LED). This can reduce waste and chemical hazard and provide clean



The use of potato, Lemon, Tomato and Banana battery is a type of electrochemical

battery, or cell. Certain metals (like zinc) use as electrodes. Ones can experience a

chemical reaction with the acids inside of the Potato, Lemon, Tomato, and Banana.

This chemical reaction creates the electrical energy that can power a small device like

an LED light or clock.


hypothesize that different Potatoes, Lemon, Tomato and Banana will produce different

amounts of electricity. My hypothesis is based on my gathered information about

different species of potato, tomato, lemon, banana and different chemical composition

of each one. I also think that the amount of minerals in a potato depend on the type of

soil and mineral content of the soil. In other words, it is possible to find different

potatoes, lemon, tomato, banana of the same species that produce different amounts of




2.1 Definition of Battery

A battery is a device that stores energy and then discharges it by converting chemical

energy into electricity (Crompton, 2000). Typical batteries most often produce

electricity by chemical means through the use of one or more electrochemical cells.

Many different materials can and have been used in batteries, but the common battery

types are alkaline, lithium-ion, lithium-polymer, and nickel-metal hydride. Batteries

can be connected to each other in a series circuit or a parallel circuit. Benjamin

Franklin first used the term "battery" in 1749 when he was doing experiments with

electricity using a set of linked Leyden jar capacitors.

2.1.1 Electrochemical Battery

An Electrochemical cell is a device that is capable of generating electrical energy

from the chemical reaction taking place in it or using the electrical energy supplied to

it to enable a chemical reaction in it. These devices can convert chemical energy to

electrical energy and vice versa and are used to power many electrical devices such as

TV remote controls and watches (Andrew et al., 2018).

2.1.2 Types of Battery

1. Primary Battery

2. Secondary Battery

2.1.3 Primary Cell (dry)

In these cells a chemical action between the electrodes and electrolyte causes a

permanent change, meaning they are not rechargeable. These batteries are single use,

which results in more waste from the use of these batteries since they are disposed of

after a relatively short period of time (Wilkins, 2007).

Secondary Cell (wet)

This type of cell (referred to as wet due to using a liquid electrolyte) generates a

current through a secondary cell in the opposite direction of the first/normal cell. This

causes the chemical action to go in reverse, effectively being restored, meaning that

they are rechargeable (Bellis, 2008). These batteries can be more expensive to

purchase but generate less waste as they can be used several times.

 E.M.F Of Cell

The electromotive force of a cell or EMF of a cell is the maximum potential

difference between two electrodes of a cell. It can also be defined as the net

voltage between the oxidation and reduction half-reactions. The EMF of a cell

is mainly used to determine whether an electrochemical cell is galvanic or not.

 Electrolytes

An electrolyte is a medium containing ions that is electrically conducting

through the movement of those ions, but not conducting electrons (Ender and

Nelson, 1981).This includes most soluble salts, acids, and bases dissolved in a

polar solvent, such as water. Upon dissolving, the substance separates into cat

ions and anions, which disperse uniformly throughout the solvent. Solid-state

electrolytes also exist (Wilkins, 2007) medicine and sometimes in chemistry,

the term electrolyte refers to the substance that is dissolved (Winie, 2020).

 Crops Using In Construction Battery

1. Potato

Potatoes are a mix of starch and salts. Electric current is conducted between

two metals inserted in the potato by forming a salt bridge between them. This

occurs because the salt the potato releases sodium ions, allowing them to

travel through the wire connecting the two metals.

2. Lemon

The citric acid of the lemon reacts with the zinc and loosens electrons. Copper

pulls electrons more strongly than zinc, so loose electrons will move towards

the copper when the electrodes are connected by wires. Moving electrons are

called an electric current, which is what lights up the bulb.

3. Banana

Banana contain phosphoric acid and potassium ion. This acid participates in

chemical reactions that make electrons flow, thus creating electricity.


The researchers developed microbial gel batteries that exploit tomato waste

(stock image) to generate electric current. The microbial electrochemical cells

use bacteria to break down and oxidize organic material in the tomatoes. This

process, triggered by the bacteria interacting with tomato waste, releases



3.1 Research Design
In this project, we are to construct a simple battery using chemicals contents in a

Potato, Lemon, Tomato and Banana, to create simple cell with a zinc electrode, and a

copper electrode.


1. LED Lamp if you can get your hands on the 1.5 V LED lamps that would be best.

But they are rarer. The easiest one to get is from the lighter that you can buy in any

convenience store or from Christmas tree decorative lamps. That one requires 3.5V

but that is still good enough to create our potato, lemon, tomato, banana battery.

2. 3 to 5 Potatoes, lemon, tomato, banana, this can vary and mostly depends on the

Voltage of the lamp you will be using. We used a 3.5V lamp since it is easiest to get.

3. Copper Nails Copper coins can work well here too, but copper nails are more

convenient to work with. We can get them from any hardware store. We will need 6-

12 copper nails for our battery.

4. Zinc Nails (galvanized nails) same as copper nails. We will need 6-12 of them and

we can buy them in any hardware store.

5. Copper Wire we can also get a copper wire in the hardware store and one meter of

it will be more than enough. The thinner wire you can get the better since it will be

easier to wrap it around our electrodes (copper and zinc nails).

7. Multimeter with one black wire probe and one red wire probe.

8. 5 Dual alligator clip connectors (10 actual clips total) – you can find these at most

hardware or electronic stores.

9. US Pennies (or copper wire with exposed copper end) – Pennies newer than 1982

are thinly copper-plated, while older ones have more copper. The pennies will be used

as your copper electrodes.

10. Galvanized nails (or screws) – they have a zinc coating and will be used as your

zinc electrodes.

3.3 Method for Potato

1. With the close supervision of an adult, insert one nail about 1 inch into the potato

end. Make sure not to poke all the way thru the potato. Use a pen to write a minus

sign “-” next to the nail.

2. Push one penny into the opposite end of the potato. Make sure most of the penny is

still sticking out. Use a pen to write a plus sign “+” next to the penny.

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 with the other two potatoes.

4. Number your potatoes 1, 2 and 3 and connect the potatoes in series:

 Connect the potatoes so that the penny on potato 1 is attached to the nail in

potato 2.

 Connect the penny from potato 2 with the nail from potato 3

 Connect the nail from potato 1 to the penny from potato 3.

5. You can connect your 3, 6, 9 potatoes in series to measure the voltage.

6. Connect your potatoes with multimeter to measure the voltage

7. Connect the nail from potato 1 to the negative terminal of LED leg potato three into

the positive terminal LED leg.

Figure 3.1 Potatoes connected in parallel

Figure 3.2 Potatoes connected in series

3.4 Method For Tomato

1. Set your multimeter to measure voltage in the 20 V range (the dial setting labeled

"200n" ).

2. Plug the multimeter's black probe into the port labeled COM.

3. Plug the multimeter's red probe into the port labeled VQmV.

4. Use a red alligator clip lead to connect the multimeter's red probe to the positive (+)

terminal of the 9 V battery.

5. Use a green alligator clip lead to connect the multimeter's black probe to one of the

resistor's leads.

6. Use another green alligator clip lead to connect the resistor's other lead to the 9 V

battery's negative (-) terminal.

7. Your multimeter should read about 20v (maybe slightly less if you are not using a

fresh battery).

6. Test if the tomato battery can power the LED

a. Disconnect the alligator clips from multimeter

b. Connect the red alligator clip to the LED positve (red) wire.

c. Connect the black alligator clip to the LED negative (black) wire.

d. LED it has positive and negative pins, and it will not work at all if it is connected


e. Record in your lab notebook whether or not.

3.3 Tomatoes connected in series

Figure 3.4 Tomato connected in parallel

3.5 Method For Banana

1. You can connect your 3, 6, 9 Banana in series to measure the voltage.

2. Connect your banana with multimeter to measure the voltage

3. Connect the nail from banana 1 to the negative terminal of LED leg banana three

into the positive terminal LED leg.

4. Set your multimeter to measure voltage in the 20 V range (the dial setting labeled

"200n" ).

5. Plug the multimeter's black probe into the port labeled COM.

6. Plug the multimeter's red probe into the port labeled VQmV.

7. Use a red alligator clip lead to connect the multimeter's red probe to the positive (+)

terminal of the 2 V battery.

8. Use a green alligator clip lead to connect the multimeter's black probe to one of the

resistor's leads.

Figure 3.5 Banana connected in series

Figure 3.6 Banana connected in parallel

3.6 Method For Lemon

1. Set your multimeter dial to measure in the 20 V range.

2. Plug the red multimeter probe into the port labeled VQmV.

3. Plug the black multimeter probe into the port labeled COM.

4. Use a green alligator clip to connect the black probe to the zinc electrode.

5. Use a red alligator clip to connect the red probe to the copper electrode.

6. Record the voltage in the first row of your data table.

8. Test if the Lemon battery can power the LED

a. Disconnect the alligator clips from multimeter

b. Connect the red alligator clip to the LED positive (red) wire.

c. Connect the black alligator clip to the LED negative (black) wire

9. Connect the nail from lemon 1 to the negative terminal of LED leg Lemon three

into the positive terminal LED leg.

10. Set your multimeter to measure voltage in the 20 V range (the dial setting labeled


Figure 3.7
connected in

Figure 3.8 Lemon

connected in series


4.1 Result Of Potatoes

Table 4.1 Contains results for potatoes connected in series

 I connect the anode electrode (Zn) of one voltaic cell to the cathode electrode

(Cu) of another voltaic cell.

 I connect the anode electrode (Zn) from one voltaic cell to the meter, and the

cathode electrode (Cu) from the other voltaic cell to the meter.

 Many voltages in the circuit, so voltage increases.

S/N Number of Potato Voltage (mV)

1 1 0.975

2 2 1.965

3 3 2.62

4 4 3.14

In series connection voltage increase. The total voltage in a series circuit is equal to

the sum of all the individual voltage drops in the circuit. As current passes through

each resistor in a series circuit, it establishes a difference in potential across each

individual resistance.

Table 4.2 Contains results of potatoes connected in parallel

 I connect anode electrode (Zn) to anode electrode (Zn).

 I connect cathode electrode (Cu) to cathode electrode (Cu).

 I connect anode electrode (Zn) to meter.

 I connect cathode electrode (Cu) from the same voltaic cell to meter.

There is only one voltage in the circuit, so voltage is about the same as

S/N Number of Potato Voltage (mV)

1 3 1.85

2 4 2.62

3 6 3.65

4 9 4.72

In parallel connection voltage is the same. because the total voltage in a series circuit

is equal to the sum of all the individual voltage drops in the circuit. As current passes

through each resistor in a series circuit, it establishes a difference in potential across

each individual resistance.

4.2 Results for Tomatoes

Table 4.3 Contains results of tomato connected in series

 I connect the anode electrode (Zn) of one voltaic cell to the cathode electrode

(Cu) of another voltaic cell.

 I connect the anode electrode (Zn) from one voltaic cell to the meter, and the

cathode electrode (Cu) from the other voltaic cell to the meter.

 Many voltages in the circuit, so voltage increases.

S/N Number of Tomato Voltage (volts)

1 1 0.965

2 2 1.90

3 3 3.42

4 4 5.65

5 6 7.02

In series connection voltage increase. The total voltage in a series circuit is equal to

the sum of all the individual voltage drops in the circuit. As current passes through

each resistor in a series circuit, it establishes a difference in potential across each

individual resistance.

Table 4.4 Contains results of Tomatoes connected in parallel

 I connect anode electrode (Zn) to anode electrode (Zn).

 I connect cathode electrode (Cu) to cathode electrode (Cu).

 I connect anode electrode (Zn) to meter.

 I connect cathode electrode (Cu) from the same voltaic cell to meter.

 There is only one voltage in the circuit, so voltage is about the same as the

separate tomato batteries.

S/N Number of Tomato Voltage ( mV)

1 1 0.965

2 2 1.84

3 3 3.80

4 4 1.01

5 6 2.43

In parallel connection voltage is the same. because the total voltage in a series circuit

is equal to the sum of all the individual voltage drops in the circuit. As current passes

through each resistor in a series circuit, it establishes a difference in potential across

each individual resistance.

4.3 Results for Banana

Table 4.5 Contains results of Banana connected in series

 I connect the anode electrode (Zn) of one voltaic cell to the cathode electrode

(Cu) of another voltaic cell.

 I connect the anode electrode (Zn) from one voltaic cell to the meter, and the

cathode electrode (Cu) from the other voltaic cell to the meter.

 Many voltages in the circuit, so voltage increases.

S/N Number of Banana Voltage (mV)

1 1 0.984

2 2 1.87

3 3 2.73

4 4 3.50

5 6 6.93

In series connection voltage increase. The total voltage in a series circuit is equal to

the sum of all the individual voltage drops in the circuit. As current passes through

each resistor in a series circuit, it establishes a difference in potential across each

individual resistance.

Table 4.6 Contains results of Banana connected in parallel

 I connect anode electrode (Zn) to anode electrode (Zn).

 I connect cathode electrode (Cu) to cathode electrode (Cu).

 I connect anode electrode (Zn) to meter.

 I connect cathode electrode (Cu) from the same voltaic cell to meter.

 There is only one voltage in the circuit, so voltage is about the same as the

separate banana batteries.

S/N Number of Banana Voltage (volts)

1 1 0.981

2 2 0.94

3 3 2.07

4 4 1.14

5 6 3.09

In parallel connection voltage is the same. Because the total voltage in a series circuit

is equal to the sum of all the individual voltage drops in the circuit. As current passes

through each resistor in a series circuit, it establishes a difference in potential across

each individual resistance.

4.4 Results for Lemon

Table 4.7 Contains results of Lemon connected in series

 I connect the anode electrode (Zn) of one voltaic cell to the cathode electrode

(Cu) of another voltaic cell.

 I connect the anode electrode (Zn) from one voltaic cell to the meter, and the

cathode electrode (Cu) from the other voltaic cell to the meter.

 Many voltages in the circuit, so voltage increases.

S/N Number of Lemon Voltage (mV)

1 1 0.996

2 2 1.90

3 3 2.81

4 4 4.41

5 6 7.31

In series connection voltage increase. The total voltage in a series circuit is equal to

the sum of all the individual voltage drops in the circuit. As current passes through

each resistor in a series circuit, it establishes a difference in potential across each

individual resistance.

Table 4.8 Contains results of Lemons connected in parallel

 I connect anode electrode (Zn) to anode electrode (Zn).

 I connect cathode electrode (Cu) to cathode electrode (Cu).

 I connect anode electrode (Zn) to meter.

 I connect cathode electrode (Cu) from the same voltaic cell to meter.

 There is only one voltage in the circuit, so voltage is about the same as the

separate lemon batteries.

S/N Number of Lemon Voltage (mV)

1 1 0.989

2 2 0.95

3 3 2.09

4 4 1.99

5 6 3.10

In parallel connection voltage is the same. because the total voltage in a series circuit

is equal to the sum of all the individual voltage drops in the circuit. As current passes

through each resistor in a series circuit, it establishes a difference in potential across

each individual resistance.

4.5 Time Measuring For Storing Charge

Table 4.9 Contain Time measuring for potato in series

I connected my potato series from 3.14 V with red LED 1.5 V

Time (hrs) Voltage (mV) Loss of voltage

1 hours 2.93 0.21

3 hours 2.51 0.63

6 hours 1.88 1.26

9 hours 1.41 1.25

Table 4.10 Contain Time measuring for potato in parallel

I connected my potato from 2.62 V with red LED 1.5 V

Time (hrs) Voltage (mV) Loss of voltage

1 hours 2.45 0.17

3 hours 2.11 0.51

6 hours 1.66 1.02

9 hours 1.09 1.09

Figure 4.1 Time and voltage Vairation for potatos in series and parallel

Table 4.11 Contain Time measuring for tomato in series

I connected my tomato series from 7.02 V with red LED 1.5 V

Time (hrs) Voltage (mV) Loss of voltage

1 hours 6.70 0.35

3 hours 5.97 1.05

6 hours 4.92 2.10

12 hours 2.82 4.10

17 hours 1.58 5.44

Table 4.12 Contain Time measuring for tomato in parallel

I connected my tomato series from 2.43 V with red LED 1.5 V

Time (hrs) Voltage (mV) Loss of voltage

1 hours 2.23 0.20

3 hours 1.83 0.6

6 hours 1.23 0.8

12 hours 0.03 2.4

17 hours -0.97 3.40

Figure 4.2: Time and voltage Vairation for tomato in series and parallel

Table 4.13 Contain Time measuring for banana in series

I connected my banana from 6.93 V with red LED 1.5 V

Time (hrs) Voltage (mV) Loss of voltage

1 hours 6.64 0.29

6 hours 5.19 1.74

12 hours 3.45 3.48

18 hours 1.71 5.22

Table 4.14 Contain Time measuring for banana in parallel

I connected my banana from 3.09 V with red LED 1.5 V

Time (hrs) Voltage (mV) Loss of voltage

1 hours 2.89 0.11

6 hours 2.34 0.66

12 hours 1.77 1.23

18 hours 1.11 1.89

Figure 4.3 Time and voltage Vairation for banana in series and parallel

Table 4.15 Contain Time measuring for lemon in series

I connected my lemon from 7.31 V with red LED 1.5 V

Time (hrs) Voltage (mV) Loss of voltage

1 hours 7.14 0.17

6 hours 6.29 1.20

12 hours 5.72 2.40

18 hours 4.52 3.60

24 hours 3.32 4.80

34 hours 1.35 5.87

Table 4.16 Contain Time measuring for Lemon in parallel

I connected my banana from 3.10 V with red LED 1.5 V

Time (hrs) Voltage (mV) Loss of voltage

1 3.30 0.07

6 2.86 0.24

12 2.62 0.48

18 1.48 1.62

24 1.24 1.86

Figure 4.4 Time and voltage Vairation for lemon in series and parallel

After conclusion on of my experiment my result and data show that lemon battery

better than others fruit and vegetables in terms of voltage and storing charge. After

connected in series and parallel similarly, because lemon contains more citric acid and

potassium ions than others fruit and vegetables. A lemon battery connected in series

can lights small red LED which is 1.5 Volt at least 34 hours before voltage below to

1.5 Volt, while in parallel it can last at least 24 hours. Followed by banana it can light

LED at least 18 hours connected in series, while in parallel it last at least 14 hours.

Followed by tomato, tomato battery can light LED at least 17 hours connected in

series, while in parallel can last at least 5 hours. Followed by potato it can light small

LED with 1.5 Volt at least 8 hours, while in parallel it can last at least 7 hours before

the voltage below to 1.5 Volt.


Fruit batteries work by creating an acidic reaction. The acidic reaction causes atoms

to move from one metal to the other metal. As the atoms move, they lose their

electrons, causing an electric flow. Eventually, the movement of atoms ceases. The

anode of the fruit battery is the zinc and the cathode is the copper. The acid in a fruit

act as the electrolytes. When the two metal strips are inserted into a fruit, they create a

chemical reaction, making the atoms rearrange themselves.


In conclusion, my science experiment shows that a lemon conducts the most

electricity when compared to other fruit and vegetables. This is because of their

higher potassium content. After conducting my experiments, the results showed that

the lemon generated the most electricity than others fruits and vegetables. When a

fruit or vegetable is connected with electricity in a circuit the fruit and electricity or

vegetable serve as the battery to complete the circuit. Fruit/vegetable Voltage

conducted. Lemons 0.99 Volt, Potatoes 0.98 Volt, Banana 0.75 Volt, Tomato 0.87

Volt. Data/ Results After conducting my experiments, the results showed that the

lemon generated the most electricity than others fruits and vegetables.

A fruit battery works because some fruits contain citric acid. This acid participates in

chemical reactions that make electrons flow, thus creating electricity. However, these

fruit batteries have very little voltage, probably less than one volt. Most fruits have

very little electrical current (amperage).

Other metals can be used, but both must be of different types. In home experiments,

the most common materials are nails and pennies. Nails are typically galvanized, or

covered in zinc, to keep them from rusting, and pennies are an easy source of copper.

So you can stick a nail and a penny in a potato or lemon and get a tiny amount of

voltage. Eventually, the battery dies because either the zinc is depleted or the

electrolyte issued up.

The potato lemon tomato banana doesn’t actually provide any electricity itself, it

merely serves as the conductive medium. The metals very slowly dissolve in the

conductive medium, giving off free electrons that seek a more attractive, stable home.

In the typical experiments, its zinc dissolves and its electrons flowing to the copper.

Voltaic batteries of all shapes and sizes are devices that convert chemical energy into

electrical energy. You probably use batteries to power your cell phone, iPod, or any

number of other gadgets. But, you can actually use chemical energy stored in a lemon

and two metals to make a current and light up a small LED. It’s true and well shows

you exactly how it's done. Care should be taken cutting holes in the fruit and cutting

metal foils may result in very sharp edges. Do not eat the fruit after the experiment –

Some of the toxic metals may have dissolved into the fruit


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