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SESSION 2024-25
1. BIOLOGY Biology
(i) Write the experiments inschool practical record as
instructed by Subject teacher.
(ii) Prepare a investigatory project on any one of the topic
given in the list provided by the subject teacher.(check the
list given below table)
(iii). Complete practical work with well labelled diagram
2 CHEMISTRY 1. Complete your practical file (Only written work not reading
of experiment)
2. Complete your Chemistry note book
3. Complete written work of your investigatory project.
4. Solve worksheet 1 and attach it in your classwork
5. Do text book reading of chapter1 (solutions) and chapter 3
(Chemical Kinetics ), Coordination Compounds
6. In-text exercises (solved and unsolved questions) and back
exercise questions.
Note:(list of the project topics of investigatory is given below)
3 PHYSICS 1. Derive an expression for the electric field intensity due to uniformly
charged infinite
Non- conducting plane sheet and draw graph between electric field
intensity and charge density.
2. (i)Use Gauss’s law to obtain an expression for the electric field
intensity due to infinitely uniformly linear charge with uniform linear
charge density λ.
(ii)An infinitely long positively charged straight wire has a linear charge
density λ. An electron is revolving in a circle with a constant speed v such
that the wire passes through the centre and is perpendicular to the plane,
of the circle. Find the kinetic energy of the electron in terms of
magnitudes of its charge and linear charge density λ on the wire.
3. Deduce coulomb’s law from gauss’s theorem.
4. How will you prove gauss’s theorem for spherically symmetric surface.
5 - A thin straight infinitely long conducting wire having charge density λ
is enclosed by a cylindrical surface of radius r and length l, its axis
coinciding with the length of the wire find out total electric flux passing
through the surface of the cylinder. Ans ø = λ l /€0
6.A long charged cylinder of linear charged density λ is surrounded by a
hollow co-axial conducting cylinder. What is the electric field in the space
between the two cylinders ?
7.(i) Using guass’s theorem, show mathematically that for any point
outside the shell, the field due to a uniformly charged thin spherical shell
is the same as if the entire charge of the shell is concentrated at the
(ii)Why do you expect the electric field inside the shell to be zero
according to this theorem. the figure there are three infinite long thin sheets having surface
2σ -2σ σ charge density +2σ, -2σ and +σ respectively. Give the magnitude
and direction of the electric field at a point to the left of sheet of
charge density +2σ and to the right of sheet of charge density +σ.
Ans. EA = σ/ 2ε0, . ED = σ/ 2ε0
9. (a) using guass’s law, prove that the electric field at a point due to a
uniformly charged infinite Plane sheet is independent of the distance
from it.
(b) How is the field directed if (i) the sheet is positively charged, (ii)
negatively charged ?
10.- Derive an expression for the electric field intensity at any point on
equatorial line due to electric dipole.
11.An electric dipole is held in a uniform electric field. (i) using suitable
diagram, show that it does not undergo any translator motion, and
(ii) derive an expression for the torque acting on it and specify its
(iii) in a particular situation, it has its dipole moment aligned with the
electric field. Is the equilibrium stable or unstable?
12.(i) State Coulomb’s law in electrostatics and write iy in vector form, for
two charges.
(ii) Gauss’s law is based on the inverse-square dependence on distance
contained in the Coulomb’s law. explain.
(iii)Two charges A (charge q) and B ( charge 2q ) are located at point
(0,0) and (a,a) respectively.
Let i ̂ and j ̂ be the unit vectors along x-axis anf y-axis respectively.
Find the force exerted by A and B , in terms of i ̂ and j ̂.
Ans. (iii) F = k q2 (î + ĵ )/ √2 a2
13. (i) Define electric flux and write its unit. 2
(ii) Using gauss’s law obtain the expression for the electric field due to
uniformly charged infinite plane sheet.
(iii) A cube of side L is kept in space, . an electric field E = ( Ax + B )î N/C
exists in the region. Find the net charge enclosed by the cube.
14.A charge is distributed uniformly over a ring of radius a. obtain an
expression for the electric intensity E at a point on the axis of the ring.
Hence show that for points at large distances from the ring, it behaves like
a point charge.
15.A particle of mass m and charge (-q) enters the region between the
two charged plates initially moving along X –axis with speed vx as shown
in fig. the length of plate is L and an uniform electric field E is maintained
between the plates. Show that the vertical deflection of the particle at the
far edge of the plate is q E L2/ 2m vx2.
a distance of 1.5cm in a uniform electric field of magnitude 2 ×104N/C
the direction of the field is reversed keeping its magnitude nchanged
and a proton falls through the same distance. Compute the time of fall in
each case. Contrast the situation with that of free fall under gravity.
16.A conducting slab of thickness t is introduced without touching
between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor, separated by a distance d
( d > t ) . derive an expression for the capacitance of the capacitor.
17. Derive an expression for energy stored in a charged capacitor. Show
that this energy can be expressed in term of electric field as €0 E2Ad/2
where A is area of each plate and d is separation between the plates.
How will the energy stored in a fully charged capacitor change when the
separation between the plates is doubled and a dielectric material of
dielectric constant 4 is introduced between the plates ?
18.Deduce an expression for the electric potential due to an electric
dipole at any point on it axis. Mention one contrasting feature of electric
potential of a dipole at a point as compared to that due to a single charge.
19.Derive an expression for the potential energy of an electric dipole of
dipole moment p in an electric field E.
20. Show that the electric field at the surface of a charged conductor is
given by E = (σ/€0) n̂, where σ is the surface charge density and n̂ is a unit
vector normal to the surface in the outward direction.
4 MATHS (Complete R.D Sharma Exercise in Home work Copy)
Chapter -3 Matrix
Chapter- 4 Determinants

5 HISTORY Prepare Project of given topic:

1. Group Discussion and debate condition of women
during Mahabharata age.
2. Discuss how traveller’s account can be used as source
of social history..
3. Find some details about contribution less mass appeal
for nationalism.
4. Revise all chapters.
6 POLITICAL Class Xll Humanities
SCIENCE Subject Political Science
A . Project Work: 20 Marks

Group I : Environment : Crisis and solutions
Group II : Security : Burning global need and role of
Group III : Foreign Policy : Need and importance
Group IV : Niti Aayog : Thinking tank of government
Group V : Coalition government : A boon or a bane
Group VI : EU : Changing phases
Group VII : SAARC : India and its position and role
Group VIII : BRICS : Conflicts and solutions
* The project is to be done on inter-leaf sheets. (Size A-3)
* The total length of the project will be 20-25 pages.
* Students have to preserve the initial drafts of the project as
well as any research papers that they
may have used.
* Students have to be prepared to give a presentation of the
project in the class.
* A summary / synopsis (one page) of the project has to be
prepared covering:
The objective statement Their observations and findings The
learning outcomes
* Any other learning from this exercise such as skills of team
work, problem solving, time
management, information collection, processing, analysing
and synthesizing relevant information to
derive meaningful conclusions;
* The projects must be neat and well-presented and must be
completely hand-written.
* No whiteners to be used or written matter to be crossed
out. In case of any mistakes, redo the
* Do not number sheets or write dates unless so instructed. ·
* Colour illustrations, maps, charts may be hand drawn or
printed (if it is relevant for any aspect of
your project) are welcome to make them look attractive.
1 . In the form of art form like cartoons, caricatures, prints or sheets
2. Spontaneous speeches can also be a part of presentation.
Panel discussion by students can
also be presented. Role play ,songs, enactment, PPT,
Details of Project Work
1. The project should be individual. The Project can be made
on the topics given in the syllabus of a particular class.
2. The suggestive list of activities for project work is as
follows: - Role Play, Skit, Presentation, Model,
Field Survey, Mock Drills/Mock Event Mine craft etc.
Steps involved in the conduct of the project: Students may
work upon the following lines as a
suggested flow chart:
* Choose a Title/Topic Need of the Study,
* Objective of the Study
* Hypothesis Content -Timeline, Maps, Mind maps, Pictures,
cartoons etc.
* (Organization of Material/Data Present Material/Data)
* Analysing the Material/Data for Conclusion
* Draw the Relevant Conclusion
* Bibliography
Expected Checklist for the Project Work:
* Introduction of topic/title
* Identifying the causes, events, consequences and/or
* Various stakeholders and effect on each of them
* Advantages and disadvantages of situations or issues
* Short-term and long-term implications of strategies
suggested during research
* Validity, reliability, appropriateness, and relevance of data
used for research work and for presentation
in the project file
* Presentation and writing that is succinct and coherent in
project file
* Citation of the materials referred to, in the file in footnotes,
resources section, bibliography etc.
Assessment of Project Work:
* Project Work has broadly the following phases: Synopsis/
Initiation, Data Collection, Data Analysis
and Interpretation through activities,quiz, survey,interviews
and Conclusion.
* Viva
B. Make a PPT , Case Study & a 2 page Newsletter on any
one topic
C. Inculcate the habit of reading the newspaper.

7 ECONOMICS 1. Prepare A4 Project File and Give :

(HUMANITIES) a. History of RBI
b. Explain all quantitative and qualitative
instruments of money supply.
c. Prepare a Data sheet in A4 size sheet and give
Historical Repo Rates and CRR for Previous 3
years, Use month End Rates.
d. Calculate Average Repo Rate, Reverse Repo Rate
and CRR of Previous 3 years and give
2. Numerical of govt Budget.
3. Case Studies of banking and aggregate of National
8 ENGLISH General Guidelines
1.XII class have to prepare their portfolio which is having 20
Marks .
In a proper format it should be prepared
Note :
Your likes & dislikes
Ur favourite teacher
Conclusion, Bibliography
2. Write a paragraph in about 1000 words (either in Hindi or
English) / painting/poem on A-3 size sheet on any one of the
following topics.
1. Culture as the unifying force for the modern world.
2. Holistic education for me means....

9 IP Holiday Home work (Prepare a Practical File for the

Following Programming Questions. Printed file with front
page, and proper index.)
Python Pandas
1. Create a pandas's series from a dictionary of values and
2. Create a DataFrame for examination result and display
row labels, column labels data type of each column and the
3. importing and exporting of data between pandas and csv.
4. Create a series of 10 students name and display the top 5
elements and bottom 5 elements.5. WAPP to join to different
6. WAPP to perform all the arithmetic operations on any 2
7. Create a DataFrame of a Company ABC and add columns
EMId, Em_name, Em_age, Em_salary, En_DOJ (date of
joining), Em_Contact .
8. WAPP to add new column Em_Add to the above dataframe
and add values to it.
9. WAPP to perform concatenation on 2 DataFrames.
10. WAPP to make use of loc and iloc method in series and
DATA Visualization
1. Create a CSV file for student data where Column are
Name, Subject, UT-1 , UT-2, and UT-3 marks are present.
Make a line chart for the above csv file.
2. Create a bar chart for Subject /UT-1 and Subject /UT-2
and Subject /UT- 3.
3. Create a data set of 30 students marks and plot the
histogram for it with proper labels and title.
4. WAPP to plot line chart , bar chart and histogram for the
same data sets.(x and y).
1. Create a student table with the student id, name, and
marks as attributes where the student id is the primary key
2. Insert the details of a new student in the above table
3. Delete the details of a student in the above table
4. Use the select command to get the details of the students
with marks more than 80
5. Find the min, max, sum, and average of the marks in a
student marks table
6. Find the total number of customers from each country in
the table (customer ID, customer Name, country) using group
7. Write a SQL query to order the (student ID, marks) table in
descending order of the marks
8. Write a SQL query to display the marks without decimal
places, display the reminder after diving marks by 3 and
display the square of marks
9. Write a SQL query to display names into capital letters,
small letters, display first 3 letters of name, display last 3
letters of name, display the position the letter A in name
10. Remove extra spaces from left, right and both sides from
the text - " Informatics Practices Class XII "
11. Display today's date in "Date/Month/Year" format
12. Display day name, month name, day, day name, day of
month, day of year for today's date
10 PE Complete your PE lab manual.
Practical 1:
Any one game of your choice given in the syllabus
Practical 2:
2 yoga asanas of each lifestyle diseases given in the yoga
Practical 3:
SAI khelo India fitness test according to age group
5-8 years activities
9-18 years activities given in chapter 6 test and
These 3 practical’s should be done in lab manual of physical
11 ACCOUNTANCY Do the revision of all the covered topics.
12 BST 1. All MCQs of Chapter 1 to 4
2. All Case Studies of Chapter 1 to 4
3. Project work on Principles of Management The students
are required to visit any one of the following:
1. A departmental store.
2. An Industrial unit.
3. A fast food outlet.
4. Any other organisation approved by the teacher.
They are required to observe the application of the general
Principles of management advocated by Fayol. Fayol’s
1. Division of work. 2. Unity of command. 3. Unity of
direction. 4. Scalar chain 5. Espirit de corps 6. Fair
remuneration to all. 7. Order. 8. Equity. 9. Discipline 10.
Subordination of individual interest to general interest. 11.
Initiative. 12. Centralisation and decentralisation. 13.
Stability of tenure. 14. Authority and Responsibility
13 APPLIED Complete the text book exercises in notebook
MATHS 1. Derivation
2. Integration
3. Diff. equations
14 GEOGRAPHY Summer holiday homework (Geography)
Do chapter 1 Data it's source and compilation in geography
practical file.
Topics for Biology investigatory project
1. Pollination adaptations
2. Seed dispersal mechanisms and significance of dispersal
3. Outbreeding devices in flowering plants and its significance
4. Polysystic ovarian syndrome
5. Reproductive health/ Sexually Transmitted Diseases
6. Deviations from Mendelian Genetics
7. Genetic DisordersFollowing is the list of genetic disorders which can be taken as
subtopics, this will diversify the topic and give rise to many topics
8. Mendelian disorders
9. Chromosomal disorders
10. Cystic fibrosis
11. Colourblindness
12. Haemophilia
13. Sickle cell anaemia
14. Thalassemia
15. Congenital defects- causes and possible remedies
16. Operon concept
17. Human Genome Project
18. DNA Fingerprinting and its applications
19. Evolution
20. Malaria: Treatment and prevention
21. Cancer (can take specific Cancer)
22. AIDS
23. COVID 19
24. Immunity
25. Allergies
26. Auto- immune diseases (Rheumatoid Arthritis)
27. Drugs and their significance
28. Drugs and their abuse
29. Alcohol abuse
30. Microbes in human welfare
31. Tools of biotechnology
32. Antibiotic resistance
33. Global warming: How is it related to the outburst of new viral infections such as SARS,
MERS, Ebola etc
34. Applications of biotechnology
35. Gene editing and its applications
36. CRISPR Cas 9
37. RNA interference
38. Gene therapy
39. Transgenic animals
40. Medicinal drugs that are banned across the world
41. Ethical issues in DNA fingerprinting and biotechnology
42. Responses of living organisms to abiotic factors in environment.
43. Adaptations in living organisms
44. Population interactions
45. Ecological successions- their significance in evolution
46. Ecosystem services: How much do we care?
47. Biodiversity and conservation practices in Indian culture
48. Habitat destruction and biodiversity loss
49. Biodiversity and in situ and ex situ conservation
50. Pollution control: How it happened during CoVid 19?
51. Biomagnifications
52. Bioinformatics
53. RNA interference: How is it useful in developing vaccines?
54. Medicinal plants in our surroundings
55. Soil less culture techniques and their applications

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