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Building confidence in climate

model projections: an analysis
of inferences from fit
Christoph Baumberger,1* Reto Knutti 2
and Gertrude Hirsch Hadorn1

Edited by Eduardo Zorita, Domain Editor, and Mike Hulme, Editor-in-Chief

Climate model projections are used to inform policy decisions and constitute a
major focus of climate research. Confidence in climate projections relies on the
adequacy of climate models for those projections. The question of how to argue
for the adequacy of models for climate projections has not gotten sufficient atten-
tion in the climate modeling community. The most common way to evaluate a cli-
mate model is to assess in a quantitative way degrees of ‘model fit’; that is, how
well model results fit observation-based data (empirical accuracy) and agree with
other models or model versions (robustness). However, such assessments are
largely silent about what those degrees of fit imply for a model’s adequacy for
projecting future climate. We provide a conceptual framework for discussing the
evaluation of the adequacy of models for climate projections. Drawing on litera-
ture from philosophy of science and climate science, we discuss the potential and
limits of inferences from model fit. We suggest that support of a model by back-
ground knowledge is an additional consideration that can be appealed to in argu-
ments for a model’s adequacy for long-term projections, and that this should
explicitly be spelled out. Empirical accuracy, robustness and support by back-
ground knowledge neither individually nor collectively constitute sufficient condi-
tions in a strict sense for a model’s adequacy for long-term projections. However,
they provide reasons that can be strengthened by additional information and thus
contribute to a complex non-deductive argument for the adequacy of a climate
model or a family of models for long-term climate projections. © 2017 The Authors.
WIREs Climate Change published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

How to cite this article:

WIREs Clim Change 2017, 8:e454. doi: 10.1002/wcc.454

INTRODUCTION emissions associated with human activities, and that

these trends will continue in the near future.1 Less
T here is now broad scientific consensus that the
Earth’s climate has changed significantly over the
last century, that much of the observed large-scale
clear is how exactly the climate will change in the
more distant future on the global and on regional
scales if greenhouse gas emissions increase, stabilize
warming can be attributed to greenhouse gas
or decrease in particular ways. Climate predictions
that are conditional on forcing scenarios are called
*Correspondence to:
climate projections. They tell us how one or more cli-
Institute for Environmental Decisions, ETH Zurich, Zurich, mate characteristics would evolve if greenhouse gas
2 concentrations and other external forcings were to
Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETH Zurich,
Zurich, Switzerland follow specified pathways in the future. Projections
Conflict of interest: The authors have declared no conflicts of are currently a major focus of climate research,
interest for this article. which is undertaken (and funded) in part with the
Volume 8, May/June 2017 1 of 20
© 2017 The Authors. WIREs Climate Change published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

aim of providing input to policy decisions for mitiga- climate science struggles.7–9 Or in simple words,
tion and adaptation to anthropogenic climate which things need to be ‘right’ in a model, and how
change. To project climate change, climate scientists ‘right,’ so that we rely on the model to predict a cer-
inevitably have to rely on complex numerical climate tain quantity of interest?
models. But to what extent can we trust model-based In this article, we provide a conceptual frame-
climate projections? work for discussing the evaluation of a model’s ade-
Climate model projections cannot be directly quacy for long-term climate projections. To develop
evaluated. Most of them have forcing scenarios that this framework, we firstly argue that model evalua-
are never realized; and in contrast to weather fore- tion must be specific to the purpose the model is
casts, they are generally too long term to allow intended to serve. We then discuss the potential and
repeated direct testing against observational data. limits of inferences from model fit; that is, from
Climate projections need therefore to be evaluated empirical accuracy and from robustness of model
indirectly by assessing whether the models that gener- results. Moreover, we suggest that support of a
ate them are adequate for this purpose. The question model by background knowledge is an additional
how we can argue for the claim that a model is ade- consideration that we can appeal to in arguments for
quate for making climate projections of the desired a model’s adequacy for climate projections. Empirical
kind has not gotten sufficient attention in the climate accuracy, robustness and support by background
modeling community. knowledge neither individually nor collectively con-
The most common way to evaluate a climate stitute sufficient conditions in a strict logical sense for
model (or at least the one most commonly reported) a model’s adequacy for long-term projections. How-
is to assess in a quantitative way degrees of ‘model ever, they provide reasons that can be strengthened
fit’; that is, how well model results fit observation- by additional information and thus contribute to a
based data and how well they agree with results of non-deductively strong argument for the adequacy of
other models or model versions within model inter- a climate model for long-term climate projections.
comparison projects. However, such assessments of Finally, we summarize the suggested framework (see
the empirical accuracy and robustness of model Box 3 at the end of the article) and discuss how it
results are largely silent about what those instances can be applied to purposes other than long-term pro-
of fit imply for the trustworthiness of model applica- jections and areas outside climate. (Box 1 provides
tions. Less than two of the roughly ninety pages of some terminological clarifications.)
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) chapter on model evaluation of the most
recent report from Working Group I2 deal with the
implications of model fit for climate projections. It is BOX 1
often assumed that the fact that state-of-the-art cli-
mate models reproduce many important features of EVALUATION, VALIDATION,
current and past climate reasonably well warrants CONFIRMATION, VERIFICATION
increased confidence in the model’s suitability for
quantitative projections, particularly at continental We use ‘evaluation’ as an umbrella category for
scales and above; and the robustness of climate all kinds of epistemic assessments of models,
model projections is typically seen to warrant a fur- model parts and model or simulation results.
ther increase in confidence in the projected • The kind of model evaluation we are prima-
outcome.2–4 However, the arguments for these rily interested in is the assessment of whether
assumptions are hardly ever made explicit, and suc- a model (or a family of models) is adequate
for a particular purpose. The purpose we
cessful instances of model fit are often uncritically
focus on are climate projections; model eval-
interpreted as confirming the models as such. But so-
uation is the basis for assessing which degree
called model performance metrics are simply num-
of confidence (or belief ) in these projections
bers that quantify the agreement between model
is warranted.
results and observation-based data, and it is an open • ‘Model validation’ is sometimes used in the
question what they imply for the model’s adequacy way we use ‘model evaluation.’ Winsberg,10
for a purpose.5,6 It seems fair to say that it is the for example, defines model validation as the
transition from statements about quantitative mea- process of determining whether a model is a
sures of model fit (‘model performance metrics’) to good enough representation of its target sys-
hypotheses about a model’s adequacy for projecting tem for the purpose of the model. Whereas
future climate change (‘model quality metrics’) where

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WIREs Climate Change Building confidence in climate model projections

the model results but cannot be explicitly repre-

climate modelers prefer ‘evaluation,’ hydrol- sented, since they either occur on a smaller scale than
ogists often use ‘validation.’11 can be resolved in the model, or are too complex to
• ‘Model confirmation’ is often restricted to be modeled in detail, or are not well-enough under-
the assessment of a model’s empirical accu- stood physically. They are included via a parameteri-
racy and thus to the question of how well a zation that estimates the net effect of such unresolved
model is supported by data (Ref 12, p. 967). processes from large-scale quantities available. For
If confirmation is understood in this narrow example, the cloud cover and its effect on radiation
sense, then one of our key claims is that can be estimated from atmospheric humidity, vertical
model evaluation involves more than model stability, temperature and particles available for con-
confirmation, namely considerations of densation, but without actually simulating how
robustness and of coherence with back- clouds form. The climate model consists of the com-
ground knowledge. puter code or the discretized equations and assump-
• In general philosophy of science, ‘verifica- tions it encodes. A model simulation consists of
tion’ of a hypothesis is the demonstration of running the model within a particular computational
its truth; the opposite is falsification.a In cli- environment and with specific initial and boundary
mate science, modeling communities and the
conditions (Ref 4, p. 152). Initial conditions specify
philosophy of computer simulation, ‘verifica-
the state of the climate system at the beginning of the
tion’ is typically understood as the determi-
simulation. Boundary conditions describe the exter-
nation of whether the output of the
nal forcings and factors that affect the climate system
simulation approximates the true solutions
to the differential equations of the original but are not directly simulated by the model. They are
model.10 While verification in the first sense the drivers of climate change and include, for exam-
is out of reach for climate models and funda- ple, concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmos-
mentally any model that describes an open phere at a given time, the amount of aerosols and the
system,15 verification in the second sense is amount of solar radiation received by the earth.16
not our focus. As any numerical model of a complex system,
Evaluation, validation and confirmation come climate models represent their target in an idealized
in degrees and can be expressed in different way. An idealization is a deliberate simplification of
ways, for example as: something complicated in order to make it more
• Comparative evaluation: an increase in confi- comprehensible and tractable. Two types of idealiza-
dence in a model projection or a model’s tions have received much attention in philosophical
adequacy for such a projection is (not) debates: so-called Aristotelian and Galilean idealiza-
warranted. tions.17,18 Aristotelian idealization amounts to
• Absolute evaluation: the warranted confi- abstracting from all properties that are believed not
dence in a model projection or a model’s to make a difference to the essential character of the
adequacy for such a projection is (not) above system (e.g., describing planets as objects only having
some threshold, or (not) sufficient, for exam- shape and mass). Galilean idealizations involve delib-
ple, for using the projection for a particular erate distortions into models in order to make them
decision. mathematically and computationally tractable
(e.g., describing objects as point masses moving on
frictionless planes).19
ADEQUACY FOR PURPOSE Both types of idealizations are ubiquitous in cli-
mate modeling. They are involved in the construction
The Need for Purpose-specific Evaluation of conceptual models that represent the relevant com-
Climate models are representations of aspects of the ponents of the climate system and their interaction in
climate system. They are based on fundamental phys- a qualitative way, as well as in the quantitative for-
ical laws (e.g., of fluid dynamics and conservation mulation of model equations, their discretization and
laws), which are expressed as mathematical equa- their implementation into a computer. Even complex
tions. Since these equations are analytically intracta- global circulation models (GCMs) that represent a
ble to solve, high performance computers are used to wide range of atmospheric, oceanic, sea ice and land
approximate solutions numerically on a spatial and processes leave out many features of the climate sys-
temporal grid. To do so, the equations must be dis- tem (e.g., biogeochemical, biological or ecological
cretized and turned into a computer code. Some pro- processes) and distort in different ways processes and
cesses (such as cloud formation) are important for aspects represented to make them mathematically

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and computationally tractable. GCMs include simpli- warming of the last fifty years due to human causes?
fying assumptions at the level of basic physical prin- Does climate change affect extreme summer precipi-
ciples, for example, the continuum assumption that is tation over the Alps?25 Whether idealizations are
necessary to apply the most common mathematical adequate depends on the question about the target
equations of fluid dynamics. This assumption ignores system we want to answer. The evaluation of climate
the fact that physical matter is made up of individual models needs thus to be specific to the purposes for
particles that collide with one another, and assumes which they are used because these purposes deter-
that properties such as pressure and temperature vary mine which processes and aspects a model has to rep-
continuously. Most obvious are idealizations at the resent, on what spatial and temporal scale, and how
level of parameterizations that account for the effect accurately.
of processes that are too complex, too small, or not
well-enough understood to be modeled in detail. In
some cases, a theory is available but it would be too How to Conceive of Adequacy for Purpose
computationally expensive to fully incorporate it into The idea to assess a model’s adequacy for a given
the model (e.g., atmospheric radiative transfer); in purpose has been advocated for models in gen-
other cases, no adequate general theory exists and eral.26,27 In connection with climate models, the idea
the parameterizations need to be based on empirical is often mentioned (e.g., Ref 16); it has been
measurements (Ref 4, p. 152). defended by Parker9 and Knutti11 and criticized by
Aristotelian idealizations lead to incomplete Katzav.28 But what does it mean that a model is ade-
representations, Galilean idealizations to models that quate for a purpose?
partly mispresent their target system. Galilean ideali- The purpose of a model is to provide informa-
zation is often seen as merely pragmatic and bound tion about the target system that allows model users
up with the expectation that advances in computa- to formulate hypotheses that satisfactorily answer
tional power, physical understanding and mathemati- their questions about the target system. These
cal techniques should lead to de-idealization and hypotheses are of different types (e.g., projection ver-
more accurate models (Ref 18, p. 261; Ref 20, sus explanation), concern different climate variables
p. 641). There is indeed a tendency to work towards (e.g., temperature versus precipitation) or events
less idealized models by removing simplifying (e.g., storms versus sea-level rise) on different tempo-
assumptions, adding back complexities and replacing ral (short- versus long-term) and spatial scales (global
parameterizations with explicit representations. versus regional), are more or less specific (e.g., trends
However, such efforts come up against their bound- versus absolute numbers) and allow for different
aries since computer resources, physical understand- error margins.
ing and mathematical techniques will always be A particular climate model can be adequate for
limited. Even within these limits, models may get too some purposes, but not for others. For instance, a
expensive to operate, too tedious to maintain and model may adequately predict within a specified
too complicated to handle and to understand. While error margin the GMST increase by 2100 relative to
some idealizations are simply the best science can certain initial conditions under a certain forcing sce-
currently do, others are preferable to more accurate nario, but it may not be adequate for predictions of
representations of their target, for example, because changes in precipitation patterns in the Mediterra-
they enhance our understanding of the target by nean area between 2050 and 2100. There is wide-
highlighting those factors that make a difference to spread consensus that projections are more reliable
the essential character of the system.21–23 for temperature than for precipitation and most other
The aim in climate modeling—as in modeling quantities, for longer time averages, larger spatial
in general—is thus not (and cannot be) to arrive at a averages, low specificity, and, all other things being
complete representation of the climate system that is equal and for absolute changes, for shorter lead-times
correct in all details. The aim is rather to construct (Ref 12, p. 970). The mentioned criteria for specify-
models that represent processes of the climate system ing a purpose are crucial to determine whether a
in ways that make the model adequate for specific model that is adequate for a particular purpose is
purposes.9,11,24 These purposes involve answering a also adequate for another purpose. This will be the
limited range of questions about the target system, case if the purposes are similar in the relevant
for example, under a given forcing scenario, would respects.
Earth’s global mean surface temperature (GMST) in A climate model can be adequate for a range of
2100 be more than 2 C warmer than it was in a pre- purposes, but often different purposes require differ-
industrial state? To what extent is the global ent types of models. A simple energy balance model

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WIREs Climate Change Building confidence in climate model projections

provides a good qualitative understanding of the aspects or properties of the model (Ref 37, p. 797).
greenhouse effect and a reasonable estimate of The relevance of each of these properties for the pur-
GMST trends; simple models are also used to explore pose of the model provides a reasonable criterion for
scenarios and for probabilistic projections;29,30 Earth how to decide on trade-offs.
models of intermediate complexity are often used for In applied contexts, the hypotheses investigated
paleoclimate simulation that extend over thousands serve to inform policy decisions and need thus pro-
of years;31 high resolution GCMs and Earth system vide the information needed by society in order to
models (ESMs) are used to simulate climate change properly inform decision-making. This requires that
over the 20th and 21st century; and regional climate idealizations in model construction account for social
models with an even higher resolution of 10 to aims and values.38 For instance, since considerations
20 km (compared to the typical 100 to 300 km reso- of justice count in decision-making, we need informa-
lution of GCMs and ESMs) are used for climate pro- tion about the spatial and temporal distribution of
jections on a regional or even local scale.25,32,33 effects, rather than about aggregated effects.39 Cri-
Moreover, even for a particular purpose, different teria that guide decisions on idealizations related to
models can be adequate. the various steps in model construction need to be
A model is adequate for a purpose in the rele- made explicit. Otherwise, there is a threat of intran-
vant sense if it conveys information about the target sparent influence of political interests.40 But also
system that allows model users to formulate hypoth- when researchers take their decisions based on cri-
eses that correctly answer their questions about the teria such as how they can handle each of the alter-
target, not by chance or luck, but because the model natives or how familiar they are with each of the
has properties that make it suitable for the purpose options,41 it is necessary to explicitly consider
at issue (Ref 9, p 236, fn. 6). But what are those whether these decisions are appropriate for the pur-
properties? pose in question.
To be adequate for long-term projections, a cli- In the remaining parts, we focus on the episte-
mate model must represent sufficiently well (precise, mic requirement that a model needs to represent the
detailed) all physical, chemical and biological pro- relevant processes sufficiently well rather than on
cesses of the climate system that are relevant for the practical and societal requirements. The next two
evolution of the climate variables of interest at space sections examine how assessments of model fit can
and time scales of interest.b This means that idealiza- be used to evaluate the adequacy of a climate model
tions must be such that they do not substantially for long-term climate projections.
affect the results (relative to a perfect complete
model) for the purpose at issue. We do not require
that the model actually resolves all relevant climate FIT TO DATA: EMPIRICAL ACCURACY
processes, but if it incorporates unresolved processes The most straightforward approach to evaluate mod-
via parameterization, it becomes more questionable els is to assess their empirical accuracy; that is, the
whether the model represents the processes accu- degree to which model results fit to observed or
rately enough beyond the range where data is availa- observation-based data. Simulation results are rou-
ble.11 Whether processes can be explicitly resolved or tinely compared by means of statistical measures
need to be parameterized depends (among other with the current mean state in different variables
things) on the spatial resolution, which needs to be (e.g., the monthly rainfall at each location), the varia-
appropriate for the projection in question. bility in different variables (e.g., the magnitude and
However, a model may represent all climate timescale of the El Niño Southern Oscillation in the
processes underlying the projection of interest fairly tropical Pacific), recent observed trends and patterns
well at an appropriate spatial resolution, but may in many variables (e.g., the decline of Arctic sea ice),
still not be adequate to be used for this projection. the response to specific perturbations (like large vol-
For instance, the model may be too computationally canic eruptions), or with more distant past climate
costly to be run on available computers and does states (e.g., the climate response to solar variations in
thus not allow the model users to formulate hypoth- the Holocene, or the climate of the last ice age, or
eses that answer their question about the target sys- periods even further back).2
tem. Thus, besides properties of models that are
important for epistemic reasons, there are also
properties that meet practical requirements. When Reliability of Data and Fit to Data
constructing a model, we therefore inevitably face Climate scientists extensively deal with the questions
trade-offs in the performance or quality of different of how well climate model results fit to data and how

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reliable observation-based data are. Let us review all, because the quantity was or is too hard or too
some of the associated difficulties. To begin with, the expensive to measure (e.g., the conditions at the
fit of model results to data is far from perfect. Each ground of an ice sheet three kilometers thick), or
of today’s climate models is known to give many because nobody cared about systematically measur-
results that do not come close to matching data ing it at the time (e.g., the properties of seawater in
within observational uncertainty and variability the deep ocean before about 1950).
(i.e., the differences one would expect from random Despite these difficulties, it is safe to say that
unpredictable variations like weather). Moreover, the with each generation, models continue to better rep-
fit is not equally good for all variables and scales. It resent many aspects of the mean climate state and
is, for example, less good for precipitation than for variability that we can observe,54,55 and the amount
temperature, and for regional than for global and quality of data improves as well. But how can
quantities.42–44 assessments of the empirical accuracy of models be
Furthermore, the various ways of obtaining used to argue for their adequacy for a particular
data in the climate sciences raises a host of questions purpose?
about the reliability of the data. Particularly impor-
tant ones concern the theory-ladenness of observa-
tion and data, which comes in different forms (Ref Determining Observational Consequences
45, p. 956). First, since instruments are used to Drawing inferences from empirical accuracy of model
obtain data, the quality of the data depends on the results to the adequacy of a model for a purpose is
reliability of the instruments and the theory behind less straightforward than it first might seem. This is
them. The data can thus only be trusted if the work- so even if for the moment we ignore problems in
ing of the instruments has been independently tested observations. The reason is that a model need not be
and confirmed, which is indeed the case for many rel- empirically accurate in every respect and degree to be
evant observations,46 but is, for example, much adequate for a specific purpose. Instances of fit
harder for satellites that once deployed are inaccessi- (or misfit), for example, do not support
ble. Second, since the unprocessed raw data received (or undermine) a model’s adequacy for projecting the
directly from the measurement instruments often con- value of some variable if they concern a quantity that
tain errors, gaps and are incomplete in many ways, is unrelated to the variable of interest.
models are applied to filter and to correct raw data, The challenge then is to determine which
infer quantities (e.g., temperature and vegetation instances of fit do support and which instances of
cover from irradiance at particular wavelengths) and misfit do undermine an adequacy-for-purpose
extend them to gridded and reanalysis data sets that hypothesis. This involves the challenge of determin-
include values for chosen variables on regular spatial ing what the model is likely to indicate about the
grid and at regular time intervals. That these general observable properties of the target system if the
problems raise complex questions in the climate case model is adequate for the purpose of interest.9 What
is shown, for example, by the controversy about we are looking for, then, are conditional claims of
warming trends in upper troposphere from satellite the following form: If a model is adequate for
and radiosonde measurements47–50 (for an overview purpose P, then it reliably indicates the values of vari-
see Ref 51). Model filtered data52,53 can be trusted to ables V for time T with accuracy α. In order to evalu-
the extent to which the models used to correct and ate the model’s adequacy for P, we need to check
extend the data have been independently tested and how well what is actually observed fits with the
are confirmed. Third, since often no direct measure- observational consequences that are likely to follow
ments, for example of surface temperature in the dis- if the model is adequate for P.
tant past, are available, scientists gather proxy data Determining the observational consequences
of natural (or human) systems that are affected by that are likely to follow if a model is adequate for
temperature, such as ocean sediments, tree rings and projecting the values of some variable X is straight-
ice cores, or tax records from grape harvest. The forward for the quantity of interest for past and pres-
quality of the data depends on the availability of the ent. It is often reasonable to claim that if a model is
proxy and on the reliability of the statistical methods adequate for projecting within a specified error mar-
used to process the raw proxy data and turn it into gin the values of X for some period in the far future
the data one is interested in, for example to turn a (e.g., GMST for each year of the 2050s within 0.3 C
tree ring width or density into a temperature record. under a given forcing scenario), then the model relia-
Finally, for many quantities there are only spatially bly indicates values of X for recent past and present
sparse or short periods of observations, or none at with at least that accuracy. Since climate quantities

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WIREs Climate Change Building confidence in climate model projections

are often interdependent, an accurate simulation of

the values of X will require an appropriate simula- BOX 2
tion of related quantities upon which X depends.
Thus, if a model is adequate for projecting within a DEDUCTIVE VALIDITY AND
specified error margin the values of X (e.g., GMST) NON-DEDUCTIVE STRENGTH
for some period, then the model reliably indicates
An argument is deductively valid if the truth of
values of Y (e.g., GM precipitation) for some period its premises guarantees the truth of its
within a certain error margin. Arguing for such a conclusion.
conditional claim requires a great deal of analysis • Example: If a model is adequate for project-
and physical understanding. In order to determine ing X for the far future, then the model relia-
how accurately the model is likely to indicate the bly indicates X for past and present. Model
values of Y for some period if it is adequate for pro- M does not reliably indicate X for past and
jecting the values of X for some period, we need to present. Hence, M is not adequate for pro-
consider how particular climate processes are repre- jecting X for the far future.
sented in the model and how those representations • Deductive validity is (a) incompatible with
deviate from our background beliefs about how the the conclusion being false while all premises
processes actually work and depend on each other. are true, (b) an all-or-nothing matter, and
In many cases, it may remain unclear what we should (c) monotonic, that is, adding premises never
expect with regard to model performance in simulat- turns a valid into an invalid argument.
ing the values of other variables if the model is ade- An argument is non-deductively (e.g., induc-
quate for the projections of interest (Ref 9, p. 241).c tively) strong if its premises provide a good
Moreover, arguments for such conditionals may face reason for the truth of its conclusion.
a circularity problem. In order to determine the • Example: Model M reliably indicates X and
observational consequences with respect to different climate quantities upon which X depends for
climate quantities that are likely to follow if a model past and present. So probably, M is adequate
is adequate for some projection, we need to rely on for projecting X for the near future.
• Non-deductive (e.g., inductive) strength is
climate models to know how different climate quan-
(a) compatible with the conclusion being
tities and processes depend on each other. In relying
false even if all premises are true, (b) a mat-
on the models, we would be assuming that they are
ter of degree, and (c) non-monotonic, that is,
largely correct and thus adequate for whatever pur- adding premises can yield a stronger or
pose they are intended to serve (Ref 28, p. 232–233). weaker argument.
A deductively valid argument with true prem-
ises is called ‘sound’; a non-deductively strong
From Deductive to Non-Deductive
argument with true premises is usually called
Inferences ‘cogent’.
The conditional claims mentioned in the previous
section roughly say that reliably indicating the values
of some variables for past and present is a necessary
condition for a model to be adequate for projecting climate. Hence, we can use conditionals of the men-
X for the far future. If this necessary condition is not tioned types to construct a deductively sound argu-
fulfilled, it deductively follows that the model is not ment against the hypothesis that a model is adequate
adequate for projecting X (see Box 2); hence, the for the projection at issue, but the suggested argu-
adequacy-for-purpose hypothesis is falsified.56 For ments in support of such a hypothesis are either
example, if we learn that our climate model only deductively invalid or contain a false premise.
rarely indicates GMST of the recent past within Reliably indicating past and present climate
0.3 C of those derived from observation-based data, cannot ensure that a model is adequate for long-term
we can infer that the model is not adequate for pro- projections, but under certain conditions, it warrants
jecting GMST values for the 2050s within 0.3 C. an increased confidence in those projections. Claims
However, if the necessary condition is fulfilled, it about the empirical accuracy of model results should
does not follow that the model is adequate for pro- therefore be understood as premises of a non-
jecting X. For this, the condition would need to be deductive argument for the model’s adequacy for
sufficient. As we will argue below, reliably reprodu- projections of the desired kind. Non-deductive
cing past and present climate is not a sufficient condi- strength is non-monotonic, that is, adding premises
tion for a model to be adequate for projecting future can yield a stronger or weaker argument (see Box 2).

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Hence, the evaluation of such arguments needs to least in some cases, there are different sets of parame-
assess whether all relevant information has been ter values that result in equally good fits with data.63
taken into account and the conditions for increased Different models that agree in their performance as
confidence are met. Whether this is indeed the case, far as the dataset in calibration is concerned can disa-
is often hard to decide. This makes the evaluation of gree with respect to out-of-sample applications and
non-deductive arguments difficult. thus with respect to long-term projections. For exam-
ple, calibrating a model to short GMST trends pro-
vides only weak constraints for projections of future
Non-deductive Inferences from Empirical climate.24,64 Both reasons substantiate the worry that
Accuracy the performance of a model with respect to the future
Non-deductive arguments from fit of model results might not be similar to the performance with respect
with data about past and present climate to a mod- to the data to which the model is tuned. It is thus
el’s adequacy for long-term projections are con- unclear whether model success can be extrapolated
fronted with a number of worries. from past and present to the future. A priori we
Besides issues related to the reliability of data should not expect that it can, yet this is often done
and the fit to data, there is the general problem of implicitly.
induction going back to the philosopher David The familiar strategy to avoid this problem is to
Hume. Hume’s problem was roughly the worry split data and use one part of a dataset to calibrate a
whether nature is uniform and things continue to go model and the other part to test it.3 This has trig-
on in the same ways (Ref 57, 1.3.6). The specific gered a debate about whether data used in calibrat-
worry in connection with arguments for a model’s ing a model can nonetheless also be used in
adequacy for long-term climate projections is evaluating the model; that is, whether double-
whether the model’s success in representing past and counting is legitimate or whether data used for evalu-
present climate provides good reasons to assume that ation should not be used in calibration and need in
it is adequate for projecting future climate. Here are this sense be use-novel (see Ref 65, for an overview).
two instances of this worry. Climate scientists often declare double-counting as
The first concerns calibration or tuning. The illegitimate.d This is an overstatement if it implies
values of the parameters involved in parameteriza- that the accommodation of data through calibration
tions are often poorly constrained by an understand- provides no epistemic support for the model. Success-
ing of the underlying processes and need to be ful calibration can confirm a model at least to some
calibrated against observational data. Model calibra- extent because it is far from trivial that a model can
tion is unavoidable in climate modeling, and rou- be successfully calibrated. The reason is that climate
tinely done, but has so far been rarely discussed and models can be evaluated and calibrated on a large
documented systematically.58,59 Model calibration number of variables and scales, but calibration
consists in choosing a parameter configuration so involves usually only a limited number of parameters
that the model results better fit to data about past (Ref 24, p. 174). Philosophers, on the other hand,
and present climate.60 The worry is that if the fit to have argued that from a Bayesian perspective, there
data is due to calibration, then it does not provide a is no difference between calibrating and confirming
strong reason for the adequacy of the model for and thus no problem with using the same data to cal-
long-term projections.3,4,9,49,61 One reason is that ibrate and confirm a model. For the Bayesian, cali-
parameters are often not tuned to their ‘correct’ bration ‘is simply the common practice of testing
values; calibration allows to compensate for struc- hypotheses against evidence’ (Ref 66, p. 615).
tural errors by introducing compensating biases Frisch24 has shown that this claim does not follow
(e.g., in climate sensitivity and radiative forcing) dur- from Bayesian formalism alone, and that in case of
ing the calibration process.39,62 The calibration of a complex climate models, fit to data not used in cali-
model may thus guarantee success with respect to bration is a superior test of the adequacy of a model
past and present climate irrespective of whether the for long-term projections than fit to data used to cali-
model correctly accounts for those underlying pro- brate the model.e Thus, to assess the strength of a
cesses that are relevant to the long-term evolution of non-deductive argument from model fit to the ade-
the climate system. A second reason why model fit quacy of the model for long-term projections, we
that is due to tuning does not provide a strong reason need information about the extent to which the fit in
for a model’s adequacy for projections is that the question was dependent on tuning and whether
choice of parameters or model structure may be tuned elements on which the fit depends have been
inconclusive given the data used in calibration. At tested out-of-sample (Ref 9, p. 245). The strength of

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such an argument depends also on how independent introduces large uncertainties, and those types of
the data used to calibrate the model are from the data also get increasingly used in the model develop-
data used to test it, and on the extent to which data ment and evaluation process, which weakens the
not used in explicit calibration guided model con- argument of an independent test.
struction in some other way, for example, by influen-
cing choices in the model structure and design.
The second worry is a more fundamental one. FIT TO RESULTS OF OTHER MODELS:
Even if climate model results fit to data that were not
used in calibration, this may not provide strong rea-
sons for a model’s adequacy for long-term projec- Climate model projections are too long term to allow
tions. Long-term projections for high-forcing repeated direct comparison with data, but they can
scenarios lie outside the scope of boundary condi- be compared with projections of other models or
tions previously observed in the instrumental record. model versions. This is what climate modelers exten-
At least prima facie, there is no reason to assume that sively do in ensemble studies because of uncertainties
successful performance under current boundary con- in how to represent the climate system such that
ditions is a good guide to successful performance models lead to accurate projections of future climate.
under future boundary conditions that describe high- In an ensemble study, each of several climate
forcing scenarios. We are confident that the physical models or model versions is run with the same or simi-
principles on which climate models are based can be lar initial and boundary conditions. There are two
extrapolated beyond the range where they are evalu- main types of such studies (Ref 67, p. 582). Perturbed
ated. However, this is less clear for parameterizations physics (or parameter) ensemble studies employ differ-
that are empirically derived from observations mostly ent versions of the same model that differ in the values
covering the narrow climate regime of the past cen- of their uncertain parameters, that is, are effectively
tury, and for the interaction between parameteriza- parameter sensitivity tests. In this way, the ensemble
tions and physical principles. For long-term explores how climate projections are impacted by the
projections, additional processes and feedbacks uncertainty about the values that should be assigned to
(e.g., methane emissions from thawing permafrost) model parameters. Multimodel ensemble studies
may become relevant and take the system out-of- employ several models that differ in a number of ways,
sample with respect to existing observations. If a for example, in number and complexity of processes
model does not account for these processes and feed- included, parameterizations, spatiotemporal resolu-
backs, it could fit almost perfectly even to data about tion, numerical methods and computing platforms. In
past and present climate not used for calibration but this way, the ensemble explores how climate projec-
still be biased for projections. Success with respect to tions are impacted by structural and parametric uncer-
past and present climate alone is thus no assurance tainty; that is, uncertainty about the form that
that the model will also be successful in projecting modeling equations should take and how they should
future climate (Ref 2, p. 828).7,12,24,67 Some climate be solved computationally. The most ambitious multi-
scientists conclude from this that it is hard to tell model ensemble study to date is Coupled Model Inter-
how relevant past data are or that they are not rele- comparison Project 5 (CMIP 5) which has collected
vant at all for evaluating a model’s adequacy for cli- results from about 60 models from nearly thirty model-
mate projections (Ref 68, p. 2146). This conclusion ing centres around the world.73 Both types of ensemble
may be too hasty, but the considerations behind it studies often include a limited investigation of the
show that to further strengthen an argument from impacts of initial condition uncertainty as well by run-
model fit to the adequacy of the model for long-term ning multiple cases for the same experiments with dif-
projections, we need independent reason to assume ferent initial conditions.
that the model captures the relevant climate processes Ensembles help to deal with uncertainties either
and feedbacks.f by producing robust projections or by providing esti-
Worries related to calibration and missing feed- mates of uncertainty about future climate change. A
backs can also be mitigated by testing model results model projection is robust if all or most models in
against data about paleoclimate epochs.69–72 Paleo- the ensemble agree regarding the projection. If all
climate states provide partly independent information models in an ensemble show more than a 4 C
not used in model development, and they were driven increase in GMST by 2100 when run under a certain
by forcings quite different from those of modern cli- forcing scenario, this projection is robust. In what
mate. However, the boundary conditions and the follows, we focus on multimodel ensemble studies
data are limited and derived from proxy data, which but similar arguments can be made for perturbed

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physics ensembles. We discuss three inferences from Inference to the Warranted Confidence
the robustness of projections: to their likely truth, to in a Projection
the warranted confidence in the projections, and to Similar difficulties beset sampling-based arguments
the correctness of the underlying causal assumptions. from the robustness of model projections to the war-
ranted confidence (or degree of belief ) in these pro-
jections. Such arguments combine robustness
Inference to the Likely Truth of a Projection considerations with additional criteria of adequacy.
An inference from robustness of projections to their Suppose that S is the set of all theoretically possible
likely truth is legitimate if we have reasons to assume models that meet sufficiently well basic criteria such
that it is likely that at least one model in the multi- that each model in S has a significant chance of being
model ensemble correctly projects the quantity of adequate for projection P within some specified mar-
interest within the specified error margin. gin of error. For example, they simulate relevant
A premise to this effect could be justified in two aspects of past and present climate sufficiently well,
different ways (Ref 67, p. 584–589). One is to cite include particular physical assumptions and have an
the success of the models in simulating past and pres- appropriate spatiotemporal resolution. The models in
ent climate to support the claim that it is likely that S are currently considered the best theoretically possi-
at least one simulation in the ensemble correctly pro- ble models for P. In the absence of overriding evi-
jects the quantity of interest within the specified error dence, the warranted confidence in P can then be
margin. Considerations in the last section pointed identified with the fraction f of models in S whose
out the limits of such an argument. A second way to simulations agree with respect to P within the speci-
justify the required premise refers to the construction fied error margin. Now, if the models in an ensemble
of the models rather than to their performance. It constitute a random sample from S, then the fraction
argues that the multimodel ensemble samples enough of models in the ensemble whose simulations agree
of the current uncertainty about how to represent the with respect to P within the specified error margin
climate system for the projection at issue that it is provides a good estimator of f and thus of the war-
likely that at least one simulation correctly projects ranted degree of confidence in P (cf. Ref 67,
the quantity of interest within the specified error p. 593–595).
margin. The problem with this line of argument is The problem with an argument along this line
that today’s multimodel ensembles group together is that today’s multimodel ensembles are not random
existing models and are thus ‘ensembles of samples from the set of all theoretically possible
opportunity,’ ‘not designed to span an uncertainty models that meet basic criteria of adequacy. It is
range’ (Ref 62, p. 2653). One of the main sources of unclear what the space of possible models that meet
uncertainty are parameterizations of subgrid- the required criteria actually is, and climate scientists
processes such as cloud formation. Each state-of-the- do not select today’s models from this space by ran-
art climate model includes some representation of domized procedures. As ensembles of opportunity,
clouds, but ensemble studies do not attempt to ensure today’s ensembles are not the kind of sample from
that the ensemble as a whole adequately samples which statisticians would usefully estimate uncer-
(or spans) current uncertainty about how clouds tainty since their ‘sampling is neither systematic nor
should be represented; the same holds for other random’ (Ref 75, p. 2068). Currently available multi-
subgrid-processes (Ref 67, p. 585). Moreover, it is model ensembles such as CMIP5 are not designed to
unclear how such a sampling could be achieved. In systematically explore the space of models that meet
case of parameter uncertainty, the space of possibili- the required criteria, and the statistical interpretation
ties in which plausible alternatives are to be identified of the ensemble is unclear.76 All we have is a very
is clear since it is the space of numerical values limited space of practically possible models, and this
(although it is computationally intractable due to its space involves near duplicates since models are used
dimensionality), but in the case of structural uncer- several times with minor modifications only. Even if
tainty as it is addressed in multimodel ensemble stud- these duplications were eliminated and the remaining
ies, the space of possibilities is indeterminate since it model space randomly sampled, there would still be
ranges over model structures (Ref 74, p. 216). One structural dependencies between the models.54,77–79
may argue that in the presence of limited understand- The models are of course based on the same physical
ing and potential unknown unknowns it is funda- understanding and use the same basic equations, but
mentally impossible to sample the uncertainty in how they also partly use the same parameterizations,
to build and calibrate a model since we do not really make similar simplifications, and use the same com-
know what the uncertainty is. putational methods; in many cases, they even share

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WIREs Climate Change Building confidence in climate model projections

large fractions of code. As a result, the models inevi- differ thus in relevant ways, for example, regarding
tably share common errors (e.g., in the simulation of equations, parameterizations, parameter values, reso-
the Inter-tropical Convergence Zone ITCZ80). More- lution, boundaries, and numerical coding.85
over, some climate processes that will significantly
influence future climate change are not represented in
any of today’s models; some of these processes are Inference to the Correctness
recognized (e.g., the effect of methane hydrates), and of Causal Assumptions
perhaps some not. Both raises the worry that simula- Even if a sampling-based argument from robustness
tions from today’s climate models might not so infre- were sound, it would not prove that the models gen-
quently agree with respect to a projection, even erate the robust projections because the models cap-
though it is false (or biased),6 because most models ture the relevant climate processes sufficiently well
share similar deficiencies. Furthermore, the interde- for this purpose. However, robustness of model
pendency of models within today’s small ensemble results (combined with their empirical accuracy) is
studies makes it likely that the models do not differ often seen as making it likely, or at least increasing
enough to provide a representative sample of the set our confidence, that the processes that determine
of all theoretically possible models that meet the these results are encapsulated sufficiently well in the
basic criteria of adequacy (whatever they exactly models (Ref 3, p. 979–980; Ref 4, p. 160).
are). Given current uncertainty about how to repre- A framework for arguments to this effect is
sent the climate system adequately, the set of possible provided by Weisberg’s (Ref 86; Ref 35, p. 156–70)
models that meet the basic criteria of adequacy is conception of robustness analysis, which involves
likely to include models that differ significantly from three steps. First, a set of models is examined in order
today’s models. If today’s models differ from one to determine whether they all lead to the same result,
another much less than random samples from S the robust property. Second, the models are analyzed
would, they are biased estimators of the fraction of for a common structure that generates the robust
models in S whose simulations agree with respect to property, and the two are linked together into a
P within some error margin, and thus of the war- robust theorem: Ceteris paribus, if [common causal
ranted degree of confidence in the projection at issue structure] obtains, then [robust property] will obtain.
(Ref 67, p. 594). The IPCC (Ref 1, ch. 12) acknowl- For climate models that approximately agree in their
edges this and downgrades the probabilities based on GMST outcomes, we roughly get: Ceteris paribus, if
the frequency of ensemble results.g [greenhouse gases are causally related to the energy
The robustness of model projections cannot be budget of the Earth] obtains, then [for increasing
directly translated into probabilities without making greenhouse gases, increasing GMST] will obtain (Ref
strong assumptions about the ensemble, about 3, p. 980). In the third step, stability analysis of the
dependence and criteria for adequate models.84 But robust theorem is conducted in order to determine
to the extent that the models of an ensemble are inde- the limits of robustness and spell out the ceteris pari-
pendent and differ thus in ways that are relevant for bus clause. It needs to be determined how frequently
the projections at issue, the robustness warrants an the common structure shows up within ‘a sufficiently
increased confidence in the projections and can thus heterogeneous set of models’ (Ref 86, p. 739). And it
figure as an additional premise in a non-deductive needs to be investigated what defeats the core struc-
argument for a model’s adequacy for those projec- ture giving rise to the robust property, which is done
tions. Such an argument combines premises about by varying the values for parameters or by adding or
the robustness of model results with premises about removing mechanistic features from the model in
their empirical accuracy; that is, premises about the multimodel ensemble studies. According to this pro-
model’s success in reproducing (use-novel) data of posal, we can establish a robust theorem by running
past and present climate with premises about the simulations of a target system using models that dif-
agreement of the projections with projections of fer systematically, but share common causal assump-
other models of an ensemble that are equally success- tions. If the property shows up in most of the
ful in reproducing (use-novel) data of past and pres- simulations, then the robust theorem is established.
ent climate. The strength of such a non-deductive One can then confirm the common causal assump-
argument depends on whether all relevant informa- tions of the models by observing the relevant prop-
tion has been taken into account. To assess the erty (Ref 86, p. 739). Thus, if the climate models
strength of the argument, we need therefore more within a multimodel ensemble are sufficiently hetero-
information about the extent to which the models in geneous and differ systematically, but share common
the ensemble are independent from each other and causal assumptions about the climate system (e.g., a

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common causal structure of greenhouse gas causa- Background knowledge can be used to decide which
tion), lead to the same robust property (e.g., GMST processes a model needs to represent, and coherence
model outcomes for past and present approximately with background theories and assumptions that
agree) and the robust property obtains in the target embody a theoretical understanding of the processes
system (GMST has approximately increased as at issue provides reasons that are independent from
described by the models), then we can conclude that model fit. Claims about how well a climate model is
it is very likely that the common causal assumptions supported by independently confirmed background
of the models are approximately true theories and assumptions can thus figure as further
(i.e., greenhouse gas emissions are the relevant cause premises in a non-deductive argument for the model’s
of global warming). adequacy for the purpose of projecting future cli-
As already seen, the assumption that the models mate. But the supporting role of background knowl-
are sufficiently heterogeneous and differ systemati- edge is limited by the need of empirical
cally does not seem to be true for today’s multimodel parameterizations and the epistemic opacityi of com-
ensembles. More importantly, even if we can argue plex models.
along the suggested line for the attribution of global
warming up to now, we cannot argue in this way for
the claim that the models of an ensemble represent Problem of Empirical Parameterization
sufficiently well the climate processes that are rele- It greatly contributes to our confidence in model pro-
vant for long-term climate projections. The reason is jections that climate models are based on fundamen-
that confirming the common causal assumptions of tal physical principles (e.g., conservation of mass and
models requires observation-based data for the energy) and that many of their equations are derived
robust property, but we only have such data for from well-confirmed physical theories (e.g., fluid
robust results about past and present climate.h dynamics). However, the extent to which theory can
Whether a model captures sufficiently well the cli- guide climate model evaluation (and construction) is
mate processes that are relevant for the projections limited. Besides well-accepted physical principles and
of interest needs rather to be shown with reference to approximations to well-understood physics (in cases
background knowledge. where a physical theory is available but it would be
computationally too costly to fully incorporate it into
the model), climate models contain also empirical
BEYOND FIT: BACKGROUND parameterizations of unresolved processes for which
no general theory exists. Parameterization is even
essentially involved in representations of processes
Climate scientists often stress that our confidence in for which we possess basic equations, since the dis-
climate model projections does not only come from cretization of the equations requires grid-scale
the empirical accuracy and robustness of simulation dependent parameterization of unresolved subgrid
results, but also from the foundation of the underly- processes (e.g., a parameterization of atmospheric
ing models in accepted theoretical principles and the convection). While physical principles can certainly
physical, chemical or biological understanding of the be extrapolated beyond the range where the model is
processes behind the results (Ref 2, p. 745).7,11,16,68 tested, this is less clear for parameterizations and
Process understanding or, more generally, their interactions with physical principles.7
coherence with background knowledge is indeed a However, parameterizations like those for
key consideration in determining the adequacy of a atmospheric convection can be independently tested
climate model for specific long-term projections. by comparing them with specifically targeted
Implications of model fit for long-term projections observation-based data covering different regions
are limited, but if we can argue independently from and times (e.g., from aircraft campaigns and ground
model fit that the relevant climate processes for a data measuring interesting weather situations), con-
particular purpose are well observed and likely to be ducting experiments, varying parameter values,
understood beyond the range observed, or even incorporating the parameterizations into other types
based on fundamental principles like conservation of models (e.g., weather models which have daily ver-
laws, and further that the model represents those ification) to test them in a different context and on a
processes sufficiently well, then a model’s success in different time scale, and by basing them or evaluating
representing aspects of past and present climate pro- them on high resolution models that explicitly resolve
vides good reasons to assume that it is adequate for the involved processes (see Ref 88, for an overview).
projecting the quantity of interest in a future climate. Some of these strategies raise questions similar to

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WIREs Climate Change Building confidence in climate model projections

those already discussed, but the hope is that sub- some understanding of the underlying climate pro-
models of individual processes are easier to evaluate cesses, it is often impossible to fully understand the
because these processes only work on certain scales, details of how model behavior emerges from the
are linked to a relatively small number of physical, interaction of different model components (Ref 24,
chemical or biological processes, can more directly p. 178). This lack of analytic understanding of mod-
be constrained by observations and allow for experi- els (and in fact the target system as well) makes it dif-
mental testing under controlled conditions.11 None- ficult to assess whether a models’ success in
theless, if parameterizations are empirically derived representing certain aspects of past and present cli-
from data covering the last century, this independent mate is a good reason to assume that the model is
support does not ensure that the parameterizations also adequate for projecting certain aspects of future
are inductively stable and can be extrapolated climate. As a consequence, there is often no consen-
beyond the range of where they were evaluated. For sus of which instances of fit with observation-based
this, they need be based on (or at least loosely data provide support for a projection.
inspired by) physical, chemical or biological princi- There are strategies to deal with this problem.
ples, which requires better observations and an The first assumes that the analytic opacity of climate
improved understanding of the (mostly subgrid scale) models does not preclude evaluating representations
processes in question (e.g., for cloud formation about of individual processes in the context of the full
how aerosols affect clouds and about the physics sur- model as well as in isolation (Ref 2, p. 754). At least
rounding precipitation and clouds). Improving this in certain cases, it seems possible, by comparing indi-
understanding is particularly important but also diffi- vidual and combined runs, to achieve an understand-
cult for processes that in the current climate state and ing of the effect of components or sub-models within
within the limited time we have observed it, may be the model and to attribute success or failure to cer-
barely detectable (e.g., rapid calving of a large ice tain components or sub-models (Ref 12, p. 967).
sheet, or the collapse of a marine ecosystem). In other Unfortunately, a parameterization that performs bet-
words, parameterizing the unknown is both a dan- ter when tested individually does not necessarily
gerous and hopeless exercise, yet leaving it out will improve the performance of the model as a whole. If
result in all models being robustly wrong. a model is biased with respect to aerosol concentra-
tion or humidity, then an improved parameterization
of cloud formation may lead to a poorer perfor-
Problem of Epistemic Opacity mance of the model as a whole. This raises the ques-
Support of a model by background knowledge in tion whether model construction should give priority
general is also limited because in case of complex cli- to the optimization of model fit of the whole model,
mate models, the understanding of how model com- or strive for a more faithful representation of climate
ponents (physical principles, parameterizations, processes even though this might in the near term
initial and boundary conditions) contribute to the lead to a deterioration in model performance.
various metrics of performance of the model is lim- The second strategy is to pursue an ensemble
ited. As a result, it is difficult or even impossible to approach and experiment on models and explore
say where the successes and failures of climate mod- model hierarchies in order to advance the under-
els to reproduce data come from, and what they standing of the behavior of the model and its target
imply for a particular projection. Lenhard and Wins- system. Experimenting with models means investigat-
berg91 argue that two features of complex climate ing the contribution of different processes and para-
models exacerbate or prevent such an analytic under- meters in producing the (simulated) phenomena of
standing of the models. First, the models are holistic interest by eliminating or adding particular processes
in the sense that the effect of components and sub- and varying the values of parameters and comparing
models can often not be tested in isolation because the simulations produced with and without these
they are highly interactive and the complexity of their interventions. For example, one could include a real-
interaction makes it often impossible to independ- istic topography in a climate model in order to learn
ently assess the merits or shortcomings of each com- whether this makes much difference to the projection
ponent, sub-model, process or parameterization. one is interested in.92 Held22 suggests that climate
Second, the models contain ‘kludges’; that is, unprin- scientists should more extensively explore hierarchies
cipled and complex pieces of programming that of models that range from simplified models that rep-
appear to work but are ill understood. Thus, even resent some key causal factors in highly idealized
though climate models are based on well-established ways to more and more complex models which
physical principles and theories that allow at least include representations of additional causal factors

Volume 8, May/June 2017 © 2017 The Authors. WIREs Climate Change published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 13 of 20

and/or more realistic representations of previously background knowledge remains important to avoid the
included factors. Studying such hierarchies and trac- interpretation of spurious relationships.93 It also is criti-
ing certain behaviors across different types of models cal for the use-novel data, since performance with
might provide a better understanding of the interac- respect to any amount of data from the past and present
tion of different model components and sub-models. alone cannot, as discussed, show that the model cap-
The third strategy is to evaluate climate model tures all relevant processes and feedbacks that will sig-
results against use-novel data that have not been used in nificantly influence future climate change.
calibrating the model, in the cases where such data exist
at all. As Frisch24 argues, in case of complex climate
models that allow only a limited analytic understanding,
fit with use-novel data provides stronger reasons of a From our argumentation, a conceptual framework
model’s adequacy for projecting future climate than fit for discussing the adequacy of a model or family of
with data used in calibration. If a model is epistemically models for long-term climate projections emerges
opaque and we do not know in detail how the more (see Box 3). The evaluation of models needs to be
principled components of the model interact with para- specific to the purpose they are intended to serve.
meterizations to result in the model’s output, then suc- Models are idealized representations and it depends
cessful simulation of use-novel data can be an indicator on the purpose whether idealizations are adequate.
that the model adequately represents the relevant cli- To be adequate for long-term projections, a climate
mate processes and does not posit spurious relations model needs to represent sufficiently well those pro-
among data introduced through tuning. cesses that significantly shape the long-term evolution
A fourth and related strategy is to exploit an of the climate characteristics of interest. An argument
ensemble of models to find strong relationships between for the hypothesis that a model or family of models
well observed quantities and the projection of interest, is adequate for a long-term climate projection can
so-called emergent constraints, that help identify which draw on the assessment of models or their results
instances of fit matter (Ref 2, p. 826; Ref 11). However, with respect to three dimensions: the empirical accu-
for the emergent constraints the coherence with racy of model results (i.e., their fit to data), the




Premises of a non-deductive argument for a model’s

adequacy for projections Strength of the resulting argument
Dimensions of evaluation Direct objects of evaluation Limiting factors Ways to increase strength
Empirical accuracy Model results Model calibration Data splitting

Additional feedbacks that Background knowledge about

shape future climate relevant feedbacks to pick
relevant metrics
Robustness Model results Lack of model independency Increasing model independency
and diversity and diversity
Coherence with background Model structure and
knowledge model components
— Basic theories — Model equations Non-theory based Basing parameterizations on
parameterizations models that explicitly resolve
the involved processes
— Phenomenological — Parameterizations, Epistemic opacity of model Improving model transparency
theories, empirical initial + boundary conditions by exploring model hierarchies

14 of 20 © 2017 The Authors. WIREs Climate Change published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Volume 8, May/June 2017
WIREs Climate Change Building confidence in climate model projections

robustness of model results (i.e., their fit to results of each other and differ thus in relevant ways, and about
other models or model versions), and the coherence the extent to which parameterizations are based on
of model components with background knowledge models that explicitly resolve the involved processes.
(i.e., the support of model equations by basic theories The suggested framework provides not only a
and of parameterizations and initial and boundary basis to assess evaluation arguments, but indicates
conditions by phenomenological theories and empiri- also how such arguments can be strengthened by
cal assumptions). future research. First, one can work towards a better
A certain degree of empirical accuracy, robust- performance of models with respect to each of the
ness and coherence with background knowledge is three dimensions; that is, better fit of model results to
necessary for a model’s adequacy for long-term pro- data and to results of other models, and better coher-
jections, but they neither individually nor collectively ence of model components with further developed
provide sufficient conditions for the adequacy of a background knowledge. Since resources are limited
model for such projections in a strict logical sense. and improved model components do not necessarily
The empirical accuracy of model results may to some lead to better model fit, this may require deciding
degree be due to tuning rather than to the model’s whether priority should be given to the optimization
representation of the processes that shape past and of model fit or to a more faithful representation of cli-
present climate (although climate scientists would mate processes. Second, one can try to increase the
deny that the degree of tuning questions our confi- significance that the performance with respect to each
dence in model projections, and that models are dimension has for a model’s adequacy for long-term
tuned to simulate a specific future projection). Even if projections. The significance of empirical accuracy
the model represents these processes well enough, it can be increased by splitting data and testing the
may lack representations of feedbacks that will sig- model against data that have not been used to develop
nificantly influence future climate change at space and calibrate the model, and by arguing independ-
and time scales of interest. Robustness considerations ently that the model captures well enough the relevant
do not solve this second difficulty and mitigate the climate processes. Only then does success of a model
first only to the extent to which the models in ques- with respect to past and present provide reasons to
tion are sufficiently heterogeneous. Background assume that the model will also be successful with
knowledge that supports model components provides respect to future climate. The significance of robust-
independent reasons to assume that the model repre- ness can be enhanced by increasing model independ-
sents sufficiently well the processes relevant for the ency and diversity. The significance of coherence of
long-term climate projection at issue. But the role of model components with background knowledge can
background theories is limited because of empirical be enhanced by improving model transparency
parameterizations, and support of model components (i.e., the understanding of how model components
by background knowledge more generally faces the contribute to model fit) through the exploration of
problem of the epistemic opacity of complex models. model ensembles and model hierarchies.
While such background knowledge is implicitly consid- The suggested framework can be applied to
ered when interpreting results and assessing confidence, other purposes than long-term projection (e.g., short-
and provides often a strong argument for model term prediction, detection, or attribution) and in areas
results,11 its contribution is hard to express in numbers outside climate. We hypothesize that the three dimen-
and not as easily conveyed as ‘beauty-contest like’ sions with respect to which the adequacy of models
instances of fit. As a consequence, unfortunately, back- can be evaluated are the same for different purposes
ground knowledge is rarely explicitly discussed in scien- and different complex empirical areas in which pre-
tific publications, and instances of model fit are often dictions cannot directly be evaluated, but the weight
shown without arguing how they support a conclusion. given to the different dimensions varies for different
Under certain conditions, empirical accuracy, purposes. For example, whereas climate models are
robustness and coherence with background knowl- based on well-confirmed physical theories, there are
edge enhance our confidence in model projections and no generally accepted basic theories in the social
provide thus premises for a non-deductive argument sciences. Even if this is harmless for short-term predic-
for the claim that a model is adequate for those pro- tions, it hampers long-term predictions. Model fit
jections. In order to assess the strength of such an may be decisive for short-term predictions that can
argument, more information is needed, for example, repeatedly be tested against data, but support by
about the extent to which the fit to data was depend- background theories that embody an understanding
ent on tuning, about the extent to which the models of the underlying processes is important for long-term
that agree in their projections are independent from predictions since we have reason to assume that

Volume 8, May/June 2017 © 2017 The Authors. WIREs Climate Change published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 15 of 20

extrapolation of trends is not reliable and calibrated See section ‘Beyond Fit’ below. On a charitable reading,
parameterizations may no longer be valid on larger this may also be what climate scientists who argue against
timescales. The challenge for scientists is on the one double-counting (cf. previous endnote) want to claim.
hand to borrow strengths from the three dimensions This is one reason why the slogan that a climate model
in a way that is optimal for their case, in order to must ‘get the right effect for the right reasons’ is potentially
maximize the confidence in projections made. On the misleading. If ‘getting the right effect’ means reproducing
other hand, it is to explicitly spell out how the funda- past and present climate sufficiently well, then the require-
ment is too weak. A model can reproduce past and present
mental theories, the assumptions, the empirical accu-
climate for the right reason but still miss processes and
racy, the degree of robustness and the elements of
feedbacks that are relevant for long-term projections. A
background knowledge complement each other, in second reason is that if ‘for the right reason’ implies that
order to transparently document the line of argument the model resolves all relevant processes (rather than incor-
supporting the projections, and to convince those porating them via parameterization), then the requirement
who rely and make decisions based on them. is too demanding.
An alternative approach regards spread of ensemble
results as guide to possibility rather than probability.81
NOTES Betz82,83 and Katzav28 have argued that a focus on proba-
These notions of verification and falsification play a key bilistic projection is misguided and that models ought to be
role in the philosophy of logical empiricism13 and its criti- used to show that certain scenarios are real possibilities.
cism by critical rationalists,14 but they are also used in the h
The same problem besets other argument forms, for
literature on model evaluation (see e.g., Ref 15, p. 641; Ref example, inference to the best explanation. Here we con-
16, p. 577). clude that the causal assumptions shared by the models of
In philosophy of science, this requirement is often an ensemble are approximately true because this is the best
expressed in terms of relevant similarities between the explanation for the fact that the results of the models agree
model system that the model equations describe and the and fit reasonable well with observational data if the
target system. It then requires that the model system be, for amount of data is much larger than the degree of freedom
the purpose of interest, in relevant respects and to a suffi- in the model. Such an argument faces the additional prob-
cient degree similar to the target system26,27,34,35 (for a crit- lem that there may be other equally good explanations of
ical voice see Ref 36). model fit, for example, the fit with data may be due to tun-
Katzav even argues that the difficulties are in typical cases ing and the fit with result of other models may reflect a
unsurmountable (Ref 28, p. 232). Gleckler et al. (Ref 42, social convergence process among institutions building
p. 17) share this worry: ‘it remains largely unknown what models.52 For a different line of criticism, see Ref 87.
aspects of observed climate must be correctly simulated in The term ‘epistemic opacity’ is due to Humphreys.89,90
order to make reliable predictions of climate change’. While Humphreys focusses on limits in our understanding
Here are two characteristic quotes: ‘Model tuning directly of the details of the computational process leading from the
influences the evaluation of climate models, as the quantities abstract model underlying a simulation to the output, we
that are tuned cannot be used in model evaluation.’ (Ref 2, are primarily concerned with limits in our understanding of
Box 9.1) ‘Though perhaps an obvious point, characteristics how the components of the underlying model interact and
(or metrics) that are used to explicitly tune a model or its how the model relates to the target. This is also how other
input should not also be used to evaluate the model – this authors writing about climate modelling use the term (see
would be a form of “double-counting”.’ (Ref 4, p. 157) Ref 24, p. 177; Ref 91, p. 258).

We thank Claus Beisbart and two anonymous reviewers of this journal for helpful comments on an earlier ver-
sion of the article.

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