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Chapitre – F TDs Amplificateurs Micro-ondes

Chapitre – F TDs From (12.1a) and (12.1b) the reflection coefficients at the source and load are

Amplificateurs RF & Micro-ondes

From (12.3a) and (12.3b) the reflection coefficients seen looking at the input and output of
the terminated network are
Sommaire Page

1 Comparison of Power Gain Definitions

Then from (12.8) the power gain is
2 Transistor Stability
3 Conjugately Matched Amplifier Design
4 Amplifier Design for Specified Gain
From (12.12) the available power gain is
5 Low-Noise Amplifier Design
7 Performance and Optimization of a Balanced Amplifier
9 Design of a class-A power amplifier
From (12.13) the transducer power gain is


A silicon bipolar junction transistor has the following scattering parameters at 1.0GHz,
with a 50Ω reference impedance:

The source impedance is ZS = 25 Ω and the load impedance is ZL = 40 Ω.

Compute the power gain, the available power gain, and the transducer power gain.

Ecole Nationale Polytechniques (ENP) M.-A. – Oran M. Abboun Abid ‫ عبون عبيد‬.‫م‬ 1
Chapitre – F TDs Amplificateurs Micro-ondes


The Triquint T1G6000528 GaN HEMT has the following scattering parameters at 1.9GHz
(Z0 = 50 Ω):

Determine the stability of this transistor by using the K − Δ test and the μ-test, and plot
the stability circles on a Smith chart.
From (12.28) and (12.29) we compute K and |Δ| as

Thus we have |Δ| < 1 but not K > 1, so the unconditional stability criteria of (12.28)–
(12.29) are not satisfied, and the device is potentially unstable. The stability of this device
can also be evaluated using the μ-test, for which (12.30) gives μ = 0.678, again
indicating potential instability.
The centers and radii of the stability circles are given by (12.25) and (12.26) :

These data can be used to plot the input and output stability circles, as shown in Figure
12.6. Since |S11| < 1 and |S22| < 1, the central part of the Smith chart represents the stable
operating region for ΓS and ΓL . The unstable regions are shaded.

Ecole Nationale Polytechniques (ENP) M.-A. – Oran M. Abboun Abid ‫ عبون عبيد‬.‫م‬ 2
Chapitre – F TDs Amplificateurs Micro-ondes

EXEMPLE - 12.3 : CONJUGATELY MATCHED AMPLIFIER DESIGN The matching networks can easily be determined using the Smith chart. For the input
matching section, first plot ΓS, as shown in Figure 12.7a. The impedance, ZS, represented
Design an amplifier for maximum gain at 4 GHz using single-stub matching sections. by this reflection coefficient is the impedance seen looking into the matching section
Calculate and plot the input return loss and the gain from 3 to 5 GHz. The transistor is a toward the source impedance, Z0. Thus, the matching section must transform Z0 to the
GaAs MESFET with the following scattering parameters (Z0 = 50Ω) : impedance ZS. There are several ways of doing this, but we will use an open-circuited
shunt stub followed by a length of line. We convert to the normalized admittance ys , and
work backward (toward the load on the Smith chart) to find that a line of length 0.120λ
will bring us to the 1 + jb circle.
Then we see that the required stub admittance is +j3.5, for an open-circuited stub length of
0.206λ. A similar procedure gives a line length of 0.206λ and a stub length of 0.206λ for
the output matching circuit.
Solution The final amplifier circuit is shown in Figure 12.7b. This circuit only shows the RF
components; the amplifier will also require bias circuitry. The return loss and gain were
In practice, scattering parameters are usually provided by the manufacturer over a wide
calculated using a CAD package, interpolating the necessary scattering parameters from
frequency range, and it is prudent to check stability over the entire range.
the data given above.
Here we have limited the data to three frequencies to illustrate the point without undue
computational burden. Using (12.28) and (12.29) to calculate K and Δ from the scattering
parameters at each frequency in the above table gives the following results :

We see that K > 1 and |Δ| < 1 at 4 and 5GHz, so the transistor is unconditionally stable at
these frequencies, but it is only conditionally stable at 3GHz. We can proceed with the
design at 4GHz, but should check stability at 3GHz after we find the matching networks
(which determine ΓS and ΓL ).

The effective gain factors of (12.16) can be calculated as

Then the overall transducer gain is FIGURE 12.7 Circuit design and frequency response for the transistor amplifier of Example 12.3.
(a) Smith chart for the design of the input matching network.

Ecole Nationale Polytechniques (ENP) M.-A. – Oran M. Abboun Abid ‫ عبون عبيد‬.‫م‬ 3
Chapitre – F TDs Amplificateurs Micro-ondes


Design an amplifier to have a gain of 11dB at 4.0GHz. Plot constant-gain circles for
GS = 2 and 3dB, and GL = 0 and 1dB. Calculate and plot the input return loss and overall
amplifier gain from 3 to 5GHz. The transistor has the scattering parameters (Z0 = 50Ω) :

Since S12 = 0 and |S11| < 1 and |S22| < 1, the transistor is unilateral and unconditionally
stable at each frequency in the above table. From (12.47) we calculate

the maximum matching section gains as

The gain of the mismatched transistor is

so the maximum unilateral transducer gain is

We therefore have 2.5 dB more available gain than is required by the specifications.
FIGURE 12.7 Continued. (b) RF circuit. (c) Frequency response Next, use (12.48), (12.51), and (12.52) to calculate the following data for the
constant-gain circles:
The results are plotted in Figure 12.7c, and show the expected gain of 16.7dB at 4GHz,
with a very good return loss. The bandwidth where the gain drops by 1dB is about 2.5%.
With regard to the potential instability at 3GHz, we leave it to the reader to show that the
designed matching sections present source and load impedances that lie within the stable
regions of the appropriate stability circles. Note that the matching sections are frequency
dependent, so the impedances and reflection coefficients are different at 3GHz than their The constant-gain circles are shown in Figure 12.8a. We choose GS = 2dB and GL = 1dB,
design values at 4GHz. The fact that CAD simulation did not show any indication of for an overall amplifier gain of 11dB. Then we select ΓS and ΓL along these circles as
instability over the frequency range of 3–5GHz is evidence that the circuit is stable over shown, to minimize the distance from the center of the chart (this places ΓS and ΓL along
this frequency range. the radial lines at 120° and 70°, respectively).
Thus, and , and the matching networks can be designed
using shunt stubs as in Example 12.3.

Ecole Nationale Polytechniques (ENP) M.-A. – Oran M. Abboun Abid ‫ عبون عبيد‬.‫م‬ 4
Chapitre – F TDs Amplificateurs Micro-ondes
The final amplifier circuit is shown in Figure 12.8b. The response was calculated using
CAD software, with interpolation of the given scattering parameter data. The results are
shown in Figure 12.8c, where it is seen the desired gain of 11dB is achieved at 4.0GHz.
The bandwidth over which the gain varies by ±1dB or less is about 25%, which is
considerably better than the bandwidth of the maximum gain design in Example 12.3. The
return loss, however, is not very good, being only about 5dB at the design frequency. This
is due to the deliberate mismatch introduced into the matching sections to achieve the
specified gain. ■

FIGURE 12.8 Continued. (b) RF circuit. (c) Transducer gain and return loss.


A GaAs MESFET is biased for minimum noise figure, with the following scattering
FIGURE 12.8 Circuit design and frequency response for the transistor amplifier of Example 12.4.
(a) Constant-gain circles. parameters and noise parameters at 4 GHz (Z0 = 50Ω) : ,
, , , Fmin = 1.6dB, Γopt =
, and RN = 20Ω. For design purposes, assume the device is unilateral, and calculate the
maximum error in GT resulting from this assumption. Then design an amplifier having a
2.0 dB noise figure with the maximum gain that is compatible with this noise figure.
We first calculate that K = 2.78 and Δ = 0.37, so the device is unconditionally stable even
without the approximation of a unilateral device. Next, compute the unilateral figure of
merit from (12.46):

From (12.45) the ration GT/GTU is bounded as

Ecole Nationale Polytechniques (ENP) M.-A. – Oran M. Abboun Abid ‫ عبون عبيد‬.‫م‬ 5
Chapitre – F TDs Amplificateurs Micro-ondes


In dB, this is Use the amplifier of Example 12.4 in a balanced configuration operating from 3 to 5GHz.
where GT and GTU are now in dB. Thus, we should expect less than about ±0.5dB error in Use quadrature hybrids, and plot the gain and return loss over this frequency range. Using
gain. microwave CAD software, optimize the amplifier matching networks to give 10dB gain
Now use (12.58) and (12.60) to compute the center and radius of the 2dB Noise Figure over this band.
The amplifier of Example 12.4 was designed for a gain of 11dB at 4GHz. As seen from
Figure 12.8c, the gain varies by a few dB from 3 to 5GHz, and the return loss is no better
than 5dB. We can design a quadrature hybrid, according to the discussion in Chapter 7, to
have a center frequency of 4GHz. Then the balanced amplifier configuration of Figure
12.11 can be modeled using a microwave CAD package, with the results shown in Figure
This noise figure circle is plotted in Figure 12.9a. Minimum noise figure (Fmin = 1.6dB) 12.12. Note the dramatic improvement in return loss over the band as compared with the
occurs for ΓS = Γopt = . result for the original amplifier in Figure 12.8c. The input matching is best at 4GHz since
this was the design frequency of the coupler; a coupler with better bandwidth will give
Next we calculate data for several input section constant-gain circles. From (12.51), we
improved results at the band edges. Also observe that the gain at 4GHz is still 11dB, and
have the following results:
that it drops by a few dB at the band edges.
Most modern microwave CAD software packages have an optimization feature with
which a small set of design variables can be adjusted to optimize a particular performance
variable. In the present example, we will reduce the gain specification to 10dB, and allow
the CAD software to adjust the four transmission line stub and line lengths in the amplifier
circuit of Figure 12.8b to give the best
These circles are plotted in Figure 12.9a.We see that the GS = 1.7dB gain circle just
intersects the F = 2 dB noise figure circle, and that any higher gain will result in a worse
noise figure. From the Smith chart the optimum solution is ΓS = , yielding
GS = 1.7dB and F = 2.0dB.
For the output section we choose for a maximum GL of

A complete AC circuit for the amplifier, using open-circuited shunt stubs in the matching
sections, is shown in Figure 12.9b. A computer analysis of the circuit gives a gain of
8.36dB. ■
FIGURE 12.12 Gain and return loss, before and after optimization, for the balanced amplifier of
Example 12.7.

Ecole Nationale Polytechniques (ENP) M.-A. – Oran M. Abboun Abid ‫ عبون عبيد‬.‫م‬ 6
Chapitre – F TDs Amplificateurs Micro-ondes

fit to this gain over the frequency range 3–5GHz. Both amplifiers in the balanced circuit
remain identical, so we should still see the improved input matching.
The results of this optimization are shown in Figure 12.12, where it can be seen that the
gain response is much flatter over the operating band. The input match is still very good in
the vicinity of the center frequency, with a slightly worse result at the low-frequency end.
The optimized stub and line lengths for the amplifier matching networks are listed below:
Fig.-12.23: RF circuit for the amplifier of Example 12.9.
For comparison, using the small-signal scattering parameters in (12.40) to find the source
and load reflection coefficients for conjugate matching gives

Note that these values are approximately equal to the large-signal values ΓSP and ΓLP, but
These represent fairly small deviations from the lengths in the original matching networks.
not exactly, due to the fact that the scattering parameters used to calculate ΓS and ΓL do not
apply for large power levels. We should use the large signal reflection coefficients to
design the input and output matching networks.
EXEMPLE - 12.9 : Design of a class-A power amplifier
The AC amplifier circuit is shown in Fig.-12.23.
Design a power amplifier at 2.3GHz using a Nitronex NPT25100 GaN HEMT transistor, For an output power of 10 W, the required input drive power is
with an output power of 10W. The scattering parameters of the transistor for VDS = 28 V Pin = Pout(dBmW) − G(dB) = 10.Log(10,000) − 16.4 = 23.6 dBmW = 229 mW.
and ID = 600 mA are as follows: S11 = 0.593 ∠ 178°, S12 = 0.009 ∠ −127°,
The DC input power can be found from the drain efficiency as PDC = Pout/η = 38.5 W, so
S21 = 1.77 ∠ −106°, and S22 = 0.958 ∠ 175°, and the optimum large signal source and load
the DC drain current is ID = PDC/VDS = 1.37 A. The power added efficiency of the
impedances are ZSP = 10 – j.3 Ω and ZLP = 2.5 −j2.3 Ω. For an output power of 10 W, the
amplifier can be found from (12.89) to be
power gain is 16.4 dB and the drain efficiency is 26%. Design input and output impedance
matching sections for the transistor, and find the required input power, the required DC
drain current, and the power added efficiency.
First establish the stability of the device. Using the small-signal scattering parameters in
(12.28) and (12.29) gives

showing that the device is unconditionally stable.

Converting the large-signal source and load impedances to reflection coefficients gives

Ecole Nationale Polytechniques (ENP) M.-A. – Oran M. Abboun Abid ‫ عبون عبيد‬.‫م‬ 7

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