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2122-A Level Biology Sorted Past Paper Questions Ch.

14 1
A Level Biology Sorted Past Paper Questions (Paper 4)
Chapter 14
9700/42 (February/March) 2017 Q.1

1. a) Fig. 1.1 shows diagrams of nephrons from the kidneys of three different mammals, P, Q
and R. These are all drawn to the same scale.

i) State the relationship between the length of the loop of Henle and the water potential
of the urine of the three mammals.
ii) The nephron of a camel is similar to that of mammal R.

Suggest why it is important that the camel produces urine with a very low water

2122-A Level Biology Sorted Past Paper Questions Ch.14 2

b) The epithelial cells of the proximal convoluted tubule are adapted to carry out selective

Table 1.1 lists three features of epithelial cells of the proximal convoluted tubule.

For each feature, explain how it helps the process of selective reabsorption.

Table 1.1
feature explanation





Mitochondria ____________________________________________________





tight junctions
Between cells ____________________________________________________





[Total : 9]

2122-A Level Biology Sorted Past Paper Questions Ch.14 3

Marking scheme

1. a) i) the longer the loop of Henle the lower the water potential of the urine ;
ii) 1 dry environment / AW ;
2 need to conserve water / AW ;
b) microvilli:
1 large(r) surface area ;
2 for absorption of, Na+
/ glucose / amino acids ;

many mitochondria:
3 provide, energy / ATP ; R produce energy
4 for, Na+ / K+, pumps ;
for active transport of, Na+ / K+ ;

tight junctions between cells:

5 hold adjacent cells together ;
6 fluid cannot pass between cells / substances must pass through cells ;
[Total : 9]

2122-A Level Biology Sorted Past Paper Questions Ch.14 4

9700/42 (May/June) 2016 Q.7

2. a) In mammals, excess amino acids cannot be stored in the body.

Outline the formation of urea from excess amino acids by liver cells.
b) The mammalian kidney is composed of many nephrons.

Describe the process of ultrafiltration in the nephron.

c) Fig. 7.1 is a diagram of a nephron.

Complete Table 7.1 by naming a part of the nephron that corresponds to each of the
Table 7.1
statement part of nephron
Pass through the medulla
Glucose is absorbed into the blood
ADH acts on its walls
Most of the water is reabsorbed into
the blood
[Total : 11]

2122-A Level Biology Sorted Past Paper Questions Ch.14 5

Marking scheme

2. (a) deamination / amine group removed ; A amino / NH2

ammonia / NH3, formed ;
combined with carbon dioxide ;
urea cycle ; A ornithine cycle [max 3]
(b) 1 (diameter of lumen of) afferent arteriole wider than efferent arteriole ;
2 (leads to) high, blood / hydrostatic, pressure ;
3 plasma / fluid, passes through, gaps / fenestrations, between
endothelial cells (of capillaries) ;
4 ref. to basement membrane acts as a, filter / selective barrier ;
5 red cells / large proteins / molecules greater than 68 000(MM), cannot pass through ;
6 podocytes qualified ;
7 (filtrate) passes into (renal) capsule ; [max 4]
(c) (passes through the medulla) collecting duct / loop of Henle ;
(glucose is reabsorbed into the blood) proximal convoluted tubule / PCT ;
(ADH acts on its walls) collecting duct / distal convoluted tubule / DCT ;
(most of the water is reabsorbed into the blood) proximal convoluted tubule / PCT ; [max 4]
[Total: 11]

2122-A Level Biology Sorted Past Paper Questions Ch.14 6

9700/43 (May/June) 2016 Q.7

3. a) An important function of control systems in mammals is homeostasis.

Explain what is meant by the term homeostasis.

b) Insulin plays a part in homeostasis. It affects muscle and liver cells to bring about a decrease
in blood glucose concentration, particularly after a meal.

i) Insulin is composed of two polypeptides which are made in β cells in the pancreas.

State precisely where in β cells polypeptide molecules are synthesised.

ii) Name the process by which insulin is secreted from  cells.
iii) Describe the effects of insulin on muscle cells.
c) During periods of stress or extreme exercise more glucose needs to be released into the
blood. The hormone adrenaline is released and binds to receptors on the cell surface
membranes of liver cells.

Describe how the effect of adrenaline on liver cells results in an increase in blood glucose
[Total : 11]

2122-A Level Biology Sorted Past Paper Questions Ch.14 7
Marking scheme

3. (a) maintaining a constant internal environment ; AW

R external I body conditions [1]
(b) (i) ribosomes / rough endoplasmic reticulum / RER ; [1]
(ii) exocytosis ; [1]
(iii) causes glucose uptake / increases permeability to glucose ;
adds transport proteins to cell (surface) membrane ; A in sarcolemma
A GLUT(4), proteins / channels / carriers
more glucose respired / increase in respiration rate ;
glucose converted to glycogen / glycogenesis ; [max 3]
(c) accept stimulates / stimulated, for activates / activated throughout
1 (adrenaline) receptor shape change ;
2 G-proteins activated ; A description of G protein releases (α) subunit
3 adenylyl cyclase activated ; A adenyl(ate) cyclase
4 cyclic AMP made ;
5 (cAMP is) second messenger ;
6 activates / phosphorylates, kinase ;
7 ref. to enzyme cascade / cascade of reactions ;
8 glycogenolysis / hydrolysis of glycogen, stimulated / AW ; A break down
9 AVP ; gluconeogenesis / ref. to glucose transport proteins
A description / glucose from, amino acids / lipids
A GLUT(2) channels / carriers [max 5]
[Total: 11]

2122-A Level Biology Sorted Past Paper Questions Ch.14 8

9700/42 (Feb/March) 2016 Q.5

4. a) Fig. 5.1 outlines how two hormones, A and B, are involved in the regulation of blood
glucose concentration.

With reference to Fig. 5.1, name:

i) the control mechanism that regulates blood glucose concentration

ii) hormone A.

2122-A Level Biology Sorted Past Paper Questions Ch.14 9

b) The enzymes glycogen synthetase and glycogen phosphorylase are both involved in the
formation and breakdown of glycogen in the liver.
Fig. 5.2 shows the activity of the two enzymes in the liver after consumption of a glucose

Describe and suggest an explanation for the changes in the activity of the enzymes glycogen
synthetase and glycogen phosphorylase.
[Total : 7]
Marking scheme
4. (a) (i) negative feedback ; [1]
(ii) glucagon ; [1]
(b) 1 (blood) glucose concentration, rises / high ;
2 insulin released ;
3 more glucose enters liver cells ;
4 (leads to) increased activity of glycogen synthetase ;
5 glycogenesis / AW ;
6 decrease in activity of glycogen phosphorylase ;
7 reduced glycogenolysis / AW ;
[max 5]
[Total: 7]

2122-A Level Biology Sorted Past Paper Questions Ch.14 10

9700/42 (Feb / March) 2016 Q.6

5. Paramecium is a ciliated, unicellular protoctist. The cilia are similar in structure to those found in
the trachea of a human. The cilia beat to move Paramecium through the water in which it lives.

Fig. 6.1 shows Paramecium.

a) Paramecium has anterior and posterior ends. Generally the cilia beat so that the organism is
moved forwards. Sometimes reverse movement is needed, for example when the
Paramecium meets an obstacle.
• The direction of beating of the cilia is linked to the difference in concentration of
calcium ions inside and outside the cell.
• There is usually a higher concentration of calcium ions outside than inside the cell.
• When Paramecium touches an object, its cell surface membrane becomes deformed.
• The membrane potential becomes more positive inside the cell.
• The organism moves backwards for a short time.
i) Suggest the sequence of events that occurs to cause the Paramecium to move
backwards when it touches an object.
ii) Suggest how Paramecium ensures that there is usually a higher concentration of
calcium ions in the surrounding water than inside the cell.
b) Paramecium has a contractile vacuole that fills up with water. When it is full, the contractile
vacuole contracts to expel the water. The rate of contraction of the vacuole depends on the
water potential of the surrounding water.

i) Name the process by which water enters Paramecium.

ii) Suggest the relationship between the rate of contraction of the contractile vacuole
and the water potential of the surrounding water.
c) Describe how the DNA of Paramecium differs from that of a prokaryotic cell.
[Total : 8]

2122-A Level Biology Sorted Past Paper Questions Ch.14 11

Marking scheme

5. (a) (i) 1 calcium ion channels open / membrane more permeable to Ca2+ ;
2 calcium ions, diffuse in / move in down a concentration gradient ;
3 cilia beat in opposite direction ;
[max 2]
(ii) 1 active transport / pump ;
2 (Ca2+) against concentration gradient ;
3 using ATP ;
[max 2]
(b) (i) osmosis ; [1]
(ii) the higher the water potential, outside / in the surrounding water, the faster
the rate of contraction / AW ; [1]
(c) 1 linear ;
2 associated with, protein / histones ;
3 contained in nucleus / surrounded by nuclear envelope ;
4 AVP ; e.g. present in mitochondria
[max 2]
[Total: 8]

2122-A Level Biology Sorted Past Paper Questions Ch.14 12

9700/42 (may/June) 2015 Q.10

6. a) Describe how an enzyme can be immobilised in alginate and discuss the advantages of
Using an immobilised enzyme.
b) Explain how a dip stick can be used to measure glucose concentration.
[Total : 15]
Marking scheme
6. (a) description
1 enzyme mixed with sodium alginate (solution) ;
2 placed in syringe ;
3 added drop by drop ;
4 to (solution of) calcium chloride ;
5 beads (with enzyme) formed ;
6 beads separated from calcium chloride ;
7 wash with water ;
8 (enzyme) can be re-used ;
9 product, uncontaminated / enzyme-free ;
10 (so) purification not needed / less downstream processing ;
11 reduces cost ;
12 works at higher temperature / thermostable ;
13 works in changed pH ;
14 reaction, can be fast(er) / have high(er) yield ; [max 9]
(b) 1 glucose oxidase immobilised ;
2 stuck onto, pad / (dip)stick ;
3 dip stick lowered into, body fluid / blood / urine ;
4 oxidises glucose (in body fluid) ;
5 (changes glucose to) gluconic acid ; A gluconolactone
6 hydrogen peroxide produced ;
7 (peroxide) reacts with chromogen (on pad) ;
8 produces, colour / named colour ;
9 darkness of colour / range of colours, is proportional to concentration of glucose ;
10 AVP ; e.g. peroxidases catalyse reaction / ref. to importance of fixed time
to observe colour change [max 6]
[Total: 15]

2122-A Level Biology Sorted Past Paper Questions Ch.14 13

9700/04 (2016) Specimen Paper Q.3

7. a) The human kidneys process 1200 cm3 of blood every minute. This 1200 cm3 of blood
contains 700 cm3 of plasma. As this blood passes through the glomeruli of the kidneys,
125 cm3 of fluid passes into the renal capsules (Bowman’s capsules). This fluid is called the
glomerular filtrate and is produced by a process is called ultrafiltration.

i) Calculate the percentage of plasma that passes into the renal capsules.
Show your working and give your answer to one decimal place.
Answer _______%
ii) Explain how the structure of the glomerular capillaries is adapted for ultrafiltration.
b) Explain why the epithelial cells of the proximal convoluted tubule have many mitochondria
in them.
c) Of the 125 cm3 of glomerular filtrate that enters the renal capsules each minute, only 45 cm 3
reaches the loops of Henle.

Name two substances that are reabsorbed into the blood from the proximal convoluted
tubule, apart from water.
[Total : 8]
Marking scheme
7. (a) (i) 17.9 ;

accept or 17.8 for one mark [2]

(ii) fluid can pass through glomerular capillaries because
fenestrations in capillary endothelium ; A hole / pores / gaps
basement membrane acts as a filter ;
no substances > 68 000 MM can get through ;
no cells can get through ; [max 2]
(b) produce ATP / provide energy ;
for active transport of Na+ ;
out (of cell) ; [max 2]
(c) mark first two answers
any named ion / mineral ions ;
vitamins ;
amino acids ;
glucose ;
some urea ; [max 2]
[Total: 8]

2122-A Level Biology Sorted Past Paper Questions Ch.14 14

9700/04 (may/June) 2016 Specimen Paper Q.9

8. a) Describe the action of glucagon on liver cells in the regulation of blood glucose
b) Outline how a dip stick can measure the concentration of glucose and suggest advantages of
using an electronic biosensor instead of a dip stick.
[Total : 15]
Marking scheme

8. a) 1. glucagon binds to receptors in cell surface membrane (of liver cell) ;

2. receptor changes conformation ;
3. G-protein activated ;
4. adenylate cyclase activated ;
5. ATP converted to cyclic AMP / cyclic AMP made ;
6. (cyclic AMP is) second messenger ;
7. (cyclic AMP) activates kinase protein ;
8. ref. enzyme cascade ;
9. ref. phosphorylase enzyme(s) / glycogen phosphorylase ;
10. glycogen broken to glucose ;
11. glucose, diffuses / passes out, of (liver) cell (into the blood) ;
12. through GLUT2 transporter proteins ;
13. AVP ; e.g. ref. to stimulating gluconeogenesis [max 9]
(b) method
1. stick dipped into urine ;
2. glucose oxidase (on stick) reacts with glucose (in urine) ;
3. forms gluconolactone ;
4. and hydrogen peroxide ;
5. (hydrogen peroxide) reacts with chromogen (on stick) ;
6. catalysed by peroxidase enzyme ;
7. colour produced matched against chart ; (max 4)
8. electronic biosensor does not involve colour matching ; ora
A ref to subjectivity of results from dip sticks
9. gives a specifi c reading, not a range of values (if not an exact match to a colour) ;
10. biosensor gives a digital reading so no need to interpret a colour chart ;
11. biosensor can be re-used again ; ora (max 3)
[max 6]

2122-A Level Biology Sorted Past Paper Questions Ch.14 15

9700/42 (February/March) 2018 Q.5b, c

9. a) During contraction, muscles use up ATP very quickly. For a short period of time, ATP can
be resynthesised using creatine phosphate, as shown in Fig. 5.1.

The creatine formed as a result of the resynthesis of ATP is converted to creatinine.

Creatinine production in the body stays fairly constant. Creatinine becomes part of the
glomerular filtrate during ultrafiltration in the kidney nephrons.
i) Ultrafiltration requires a high blood pressure in the glomerulus.
Explain how this high blood pressure is achieved. [1]
ii) Name the main filtration barrier in the nephron that allows creatinine to pass into the
renal capsule but stops red blood cells from passing through. [1]
b) The concentration of creatinine in the blood largely depends on the glomerular filtration rate
(GFR). By measuring the concentration of creatinine in the blood, the GFR can therefore be
estimated. The value of the GFR can be used to assess the efficiency of the kidneys.
In humans, a normal value of the GFR is 100 cm3 min–1.
Fig. 5.2 shows the relationship between the GFR and the concentration of creatinine in the

2122-A Level Biology Sorted Past Paper Questions Ch.14 16


i) Describe the relationship shown in Fig. 5.2. [2]

ii) Use Fig. 5.2 to estimate the concentration of creatinine in the blood that indicates a
normal GFR. [2]
iii) Suggest two reasons why the GFR could decrease. [2]
[Total: 8]

2122-A Level Biology Sorted Past Paper Questions Ch.14 17

Marking scheme
9. a) i) afferent arteriole is wider than efferent arteriole ; [1]
ii) basement membrane ; [1]
b) i) any two from:
1 the higher the creatinine concentration the lower the GFR ; ora
A inversely proportional
2 exponential curve / non-linear ;
A description of non-linear
3 data quote for two points including units ; [2]
ii) 0.013 ;
g dm–3 ; [2]
iii) any two from:
1 kidney, disease / damage ;
2 cancer ;
3 dehydration ;
4 low blood pressure ; A loss of blood [2]
[Total: 8]

2122-A Level Biology Sorted Past Paper Questions Ch.14 18
9700/42 (February/March) 2019 Q.2
10. a) The hormone glucagon is an example of a cell signalling molecule. Table 2.1 lists the main
events that occur when the blood glucose concentration decreases below the set point.
The events are not listed in the correct order.

Complete Table 2.2 to show the correct order in which these events occur.
Three of the events have already been placed in their correct order.

2122-A Level Biology Sorted Past Paper Questions Ch.14 19


b) An investigation was carried out to measure the rate at which glucose is provided for
respiration from three different sources of glucose:
• a meal
• glycogenolysis – the breakdown of glycogen
• gluconeogenesis – production of glucose from non-carbohydrate molecules.
After a person ate a meal, the rates at which glucose was provided for respiration from the
three different sources were measured at regular intervals over a 24-hour period. During this
period, no food was eaten.
Fig. 2.1 shows the results of this investigation.

2122-A Level Biology Sorted Past Paper Questions Ch.14 20

i) State the time after the meal when the rate at which glucose was provided from the
meal for respiration was the same as the rate at which glucose was provided from
glycogenolysis for respiration. [1]
ii) State the first time after the meal when all of the glucose for respiration was
provided by gluconeogenesis. [1]
iii) Name the homeostatic mechanism by which blood glucose concentration is
maintained at a set point. [1]
iv) In humans, carbohydrates such as glucose are not the only respiratory substrates.
Name two non-carbohydrate respiratory substrates in humans. [2]
[Total: 9]

2122-A Level Biology Sorted Past Paper Questions Ch.14 21

Marking scheme
10. a)

J and F in correct position ;

A and G in correct position ;
B and H in correct position ;
C and I in correct position ; [4]
b) i) 5 hours ; [1]
ii) 20 hours ; [1]
iii) negative feedback ; [1]
iv) lipids / fatty acids ; ignore fats
amino acids / protein ; [2]
[Total: 9]

2122-A Level Biology Sorted Past Paper Questions Ch.14 22
9700/41 (October/November) 2019 Q.10
11. a) Describe how the structure of the nephron and its associated blood vessels are adapted to
the process of ultrafiltration. [8]
b) Describe the effects of insulin on its main target tissues and explain how this leads to
changes in blood glucose concentration. [7]
[Total: 15]
Marking scheme
11. a) any eight from
1 capillary / glomerulus, endothelium ;
2 has, many / large, gaps / pores / holes / fenestrations ;
3 afferent arteriole wider than efferent arteriole ;
4 high, blood / hydrostatic, pressure in glomerulus ;
5 fluid forced, out of glomerulus / into Bowman’s capsule ;
6 podocytes ;
7 have interdigitating, processes / extensions ;
8 that form, filtration slits / slit pores ;
9 basement membrane ;
10 (mesh of) collagen / glycoprotein (fibres) ;
11 acts as (main), selective barrier / filter ;
12 large / RMM > 68 000, proteins / molecules, do not pass through ;
13 (red / white blood) cells, do not pass through ;
14 water / solutes / ions, pass through ; [8]
b) any seven from
1 two examples from: liver / muscle / adipose ;
2 increases glucose uptake ;
3 increases permeability of cells to glucose ;
4 more, transport / GLUT (4), proteins (added to membrane) ;
5 by vesicles fusing with cell surface membrane ;
6 stimulates, glycogen synthesis / glycogenesis ;
7 glucokinase / hexokinase / glycogen synthase ;
8 lipid / triglyceride / fatty acid, synthesis stimulated ;
9 increase in respiration ;
10 (so) more (facilitated) diffusion of glucose into (liver) cells ;
11 decreases, glycogenolysis / lipolysis / gluconeogenesis ;
12 decreases blood glucose concentration ; [7]
[Total: 15]


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