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Systems Methodology

Derek K Hitchins
Salisbury, UK

Abstract with the synthesis of “whole open systems”

and with emergence, the latter caused by
The paper presents a “Systems interactions between the parts within a system.
Methodology” for creating optimum system Such methods, although effective, seemed
solutions to complex problems and issues. The alien and arcane to engineers concerned with
Holy Grail of systems engineering, a generic more conventional methods for creating
systems methodology has been the subject of tangible and material end products, based on
the author’s ongoing research for over 20 Cartesian reductionism.
years. The Systems Methodology, its precepts, The need was envisaged for a systems
concepts, ideas, methods and tools are methodology that was accessible to engineers
presented in the paper, alongside a worked along with other disciplines from the applied
example showing the creative design of a and life sciences, so that the whole process,
sophisticated land-based defense capability. from addressing the problem to creating the
N.B. An expanded description of the full optimum solution, could be understood and
systems methodology can be found at pursued with both rigor and expediency. That need is even greater today, as our
and of the worked example at world continues to become more complex - as predicted by the Second Law of Thermo-
The Systems Methodology (SM)
The need for a systems methodology was
perceived in the second half of the 20th What is a systems methodology? Arthur
Century. D. Hall III (Hall, 1989), a founding father of
Systems engineering was seen as a modern systems engineering, put it like this.
powerful method for solving complex “Has mankind evolved to a point that there
problems, particularly in respect of major exists, or that with creative additions and re-
projects in the space program and the defense combinations of modest proportions, there can
program. These early successes were based on be shown to be available, a common systems
systems science and system methods that were methodology, in terms of which we can
themselves relatively new: they had emerged conceive of, plan, design, construct, and use
in response to perceived limitations in the hard systems (procedures, machines, teams of
sciences, notably their inability to explain life, people) of any arbitrary type in the service of
teleology (goal-seeking behavior), and the mankind, and with low rates of failure?”
counter-intuitive behavior of “wholes,” or Hall was convinced that such a generic,
gestalt. problem-solving systems methodology was,
Systems methods concerned themselves indeed, within our grasp.
A methodology, or praxeology, consists of
a process executed by skilled people using Define problem space

methods and supported by tools. A systems

Identify ideal Conceive
methodology, then, is fundamentally a process solution criteria solution options
incorporating system-scientific methods,
supported by system thinking and simulation Tradeoff to find optimum solution
tools, undertaken by people with suitable
Select preferred option
systems and applied science skills.
If we define systems engineering, not Formulate
unreasonably, as follows, then systems strategies and plans to
methodology becomes the “how” of systems implement
engineering: Figure 2. Systems Engineering
Problem-solving Paradigm
“Systems engineering is the art and science of (SEPP)
creating optimal system solutions to complex
issues and problems.” The figure, which is self explanatory,
emphasizes the problem, or issue, domain. It
Problem-solving Paradigms develops the idea of there being some Ideal
World towards which we aspire, and of the
There are several well-known methods for real world; the difference between these two
solving problems. One is the so-called General
Problem-solving Paradigm, (GPSP) – see
Figure 1. Issue

Identify problem
Issue symptoms

Identify problem Group problem symptoms

components into problem themes

Group problem components Model problem themes

(Ideal World)
into problem themes
Models Identify differences between
Model problem themes Real and Ideal World
(Ideal World)
Generate options Generate criteria
to resolve Issue for an ideal solution
Identify differences between
Real and Ideal World
Conceive optimal
Use differences to conceive
change agenda Redo to
Verify unresolved
Redo to problems
problems Synthesize, prove
& deploy preferred
solution option(s)
Figure 1. General Problem-solving solution
Paradigm (GPSP)
Figure 3. Problem-solving Method

constitutes the driving force for change. • The solution is synthesized without
In contrast, the well-known systems Cartesian reduction to avoid the risks
engineering problem-solving paradigm inherent in separate part solutions.
(SEPP), Figure 2, emphasizes the solution • There is a verification mechanism for
domain. ensuring completeness
Joining these two paradigms offers the
basis for providing system solutions to Figure 4 shows how the top level Systems
problems–see Figure 3. The process indicated Methodology, based on the paradigm of
in the figure has some key characteristics: Figure 3, presents as a behavior diagram. The
centre column shows process or function. The
• It addresses all the problem symptoms left hand column shows what is needed by
together, and therefore the whole way of inputs, methods and resources to
problem or issue. To address only part vitalize each function. The right hand column
of the problem is to risk counter- shows the output from each function or
intuitive behavior from the part process.
solutions, which may make matters The various methods are context, scale,
worse. (Forrester, 1975) type and solution independent (Hitchins, 1992,
and Hitchins, 2003), so can
Inputs Function/Process Output be applied universally, as
& & will be illustrated in
following paragraphs.
RSM, Issue 1. Explore Problem Space. N2 Rich Picture Figure 4 is still at high
symptoms,factors Identify remedial solution SID + remedy level, and so does not
Domain knowledge
explain how these methods
Containing System(s)
2. Explore Solution Space
Siblings, Interactions and processes are
TRIAD Building System, implemented; further elab-
Solution Space Threats 3. Focus SoS Purpose oration is needed for that.
Prime Mission Functions
GRM Function, Behavior
Following sections will
4. Develop SoS High CONOPS + Prime
Level CONOPS Mission Functions expand on each step in the
GRM - Form Systems Methodology. To
Dynamic simulation
Limitations/threats 5. Design putative
Functional illustrate in context, the SM
Opportunities Solution System(s)
Phys. Architecture
will be used to find a
creative, innovative solut-
Competitive dynamic 6. Optimize Solution Whole system ion to a particularly
simulation System(s) design(s)
design parameters
complex, but entirely
Cumulative selection
fictitious, problem.
System, subsystem &
infrastructure specifications Issue and Problem Space
Issue symptoms, The Washington Busi-
factors, threats, 7. Create & Prove SoS Solution system
competitive environment ness Herald Times, April
Proof 1st, 2004, carried an article
& indicating that US Defense
has an apparent hole in its
Figure 4. Level 1 Systems Methodology Behavior Diagram.
RSM–Rigorous Soft Method. CONOPS–CONcept of OperationS. GRM– capability. Around the
Generic Reference Model. SoS–Solution System. The tools and methods world exist vast areas of
“bolt together” to form a system scientific process engine. desert, open savannah and

tundra where operations with current military was researching into the use of robotic
vehicles were too difficult, and/or where they vehicles to constitute some global defense
would damage sensitive ecologies. capability.
Communications were difficult in such Within the article there were a number of
areas, reliabilities were poor, and land forces symptoms relating to the supposed issue:
were faced with situations more akin to naval
operations at sea. • Perceived US military limitations in
The article observed that DARPA, not open land warfare
noted for its altruism, was currently offering • Implied robot vehicle solution
$1M US for the first robotic crossing of 200 • US political issue with casualties
miles of the Mojave Desert in less than 10 • Uncertainty over desert operations
hours. strategies–positional Vs. maneuver
The (supposed) article observed that the warfare
US public also had a marked aversion to US • Perception that existing weapon
military casualties. systems may be unsuited to desert
Putting the various factors together operations including communications,
suggested to the journalist that US Defense visual sights, radar, etc.

Politics Landry List of Possible Causes

Organization Lack of recent open land warfare experiecne
Economics Current weapon systems lack desert terrain capabilities Perceived US
Technology Poor Intelligence about potential enemy capabilities
Inertia/Inactivity Recognition that nuclear option inappropriate against conventional enemy
Culture Concern over terrorism scares "taking eye off the ball" of conventional warfare
Imbalanced Systems
Strategies for Anti-terrorist
Desert, Tundra Ops. System for… System for…
Desert Op. Advanced
Development Strategies WS Concepts
Advanced Terrorism
Weapon System Advanced Perceived Mil.
Concepts Capability WS Concepts limitations
deployment Defense Perceived Mil. Capability
Perceived spend limitations Deployment
threat Capability Developing
Deployment capabilities
Political Developing Desert Op.
Intelligence capabilities Strategies
threat Ongoing
assessment conventional Perceived Mil.limitations Int.threat Assess.
Nuclear Priorities capability Int.threat Assess. Political concern
Option development
Political concern Defense Spend
Political Development
& social Defense Spend
Perceived desert/
tundra threat Culture Defense Spend Capability Deploy.
Defense Spend Int.threat Assess.
Political concern Pol & Soc culture
Pol & Soc culture Reaction to terror

Figure 5. RSM: Probing the Problem Space. This process is repeated for every symptom. Some
implicit dysfunctional systems emerge from more than one symptom, highlighting them as potentially pivotal. In
the CLM at left, open arrowheads reinforce, support, enable. Solid arrowheads oppose, reduce, negate…

• Perception of
military land US Culture Rct ter ror 1 B 1
situation being P&S Culture 2 1 D 1
Pol Concern 3 1 F 1 1
akin to naval US Politics Int Thrt Ass 4 1 E 1
Perc Mil Lim 5 1 C 1
operations at sea Def Spend 6 1 G 1
• Perceived threat Hum Perf 7 1 A 1
likely to Feasibility Des Op Strat 8 O 1
Area cover 9 1 N 1
overcome Constraints Capab Deploy 10 1 1 M 1
Dev Capab 11 1 H 1 1
financial in- Adv WS Conc 12 1 J 1
hibitions Future Weapon WS perf 13 1 1 L 1
1 I 1
• Political urgency Systems Ch’ics WS reliab
L og Tails
15 1 1 K
to attain new
capability Figure 6. N2 Chart Showing Issue Themes. The N2 tool used to
minimize configuration entropy uses abbreviated names for the dysfunctional
Figure 5 shows the systems. E.g., WS perf = (system for developing) weapon system performance.
first stages in the RSM: See Figure 7 for full titles.
the Rigorous Soft
Methodology. Each symptom is taken in The groupings reveal the Issue Themes;
turn: domain experts propose possible while the detail from the CLMs, including
causes of that symptom, forming the so- linkages, is still preserved within the N2
called Laundry List (LL) (Richmond, 2001) chart, the themes present a higher-level
at top centre. Pejorative terms are employed view–c.f. Figure 3.
intentionally to draw out a richer spectrum The N2 chart is not the clearest
of possible causes. representation of the Problem Space.
A range of typical causal agents is Instead, it is used to create a so-called SID,
shown at top left: the acronym POETIC or Systems Interaction Diagram: see Figure
directs the experts’ examination.
Elements from the LL, being US Culture US Politics

presumed related, are formed into one Emotive

Public Concern
or more causal loop models (CLMs – • Over-reaction
to terrorism? • Questionable international
Roberts, 1983) as shown bottom left, • Political and social threat assessment
culture • Perceptions of military
adding any factors necessary to – insular limitations
complete the loop logic. Dropping the – self-perception as • Heavy defense spending
global super power
pejorative terms results in an Ideal Knee-jerk
political reactions
World representation–c.f. Figure 3. Uncertain Highly doubtful
Finally, a table is drawn up, • Uncertainties
ability to
operate without
bottom right, showing a locus of – feasibility

implicit dysfunctional systems within –deployment

• Advanced Weapon
the problem space. System concepts • Human performancein extremes?
The process is repeated for each • High performance • Uncertain desertoperational strategies
• High reliability • Vast areas to be covered
symptom, and the implicit • Low-to-zero logistic • Problems of deploying such a capability
support needs • …and of developing the technology
dysfunctional systems, and their
• challenging requirements
linkages, are aggregated in an N2 Desert System • development concerns
• performance concerns Feasibility Constraints
chart, where configuration entropy is Characteristics

minimized to reveal higher-level

Figure 7. Systems Interaction Diagram
dysfunctional systems. See Figure 6.

For instance, if a reliable
1/1 robotic land force could be
Explore problem Identify the
symptoms causing
conceived, designed and fielded
space / issue
concern quickly, it would resolve the
1/4 issues displayed in the SID. The
Group suspect Find suspect
solution system is, as it were, an
implicit systems implicit inverse projection from the SID.
into sets systems (There are other possible
resolutions, including revised
1/5 1/6
threat assessment, and changing
Highlight set
political stances… we shall
Conceive optional Identify criteria
system solutions
deficiencies compared for a good overlook these for the sake of
with Ideal World solution example.)
Figure 8 shows a process
model for the activities just
Derive remedial presented. At this point, Step 1
system concept
of the Systems Methodology has
investigated the Problem Space
Check "remedy" and shown the nature of a
resolves all conceptual remedy. This is well
short of a full systems solution,
but it provides a start - often the
most difficult step to take.
Figure 8. Systems Methodology Level 2 Step 1 The second step looks
forward towards the solution
7. space: see Figure 9. Activity 2/1
The SID has had pejorative terms re- names the solution system (SoS). Other
inserted. In the process, it becomes almost activities look at the environment, within
like an intaglio, throwing into sharp relief which the SoS will be operating, the
the characteristics of some conceptual interactions in which it will have a part, and
solution system, or systems. the objectives of its Containing System (a
UN Global Peacekeeping System?). The
2/1 3/1 3/3
Nominate Establish Prime Semantically
Solution Directive (PD) for Identify Implicit
analyse (SA)
System (SoS) SoS Objectives from SA
2/2 2/4 the PD
Explore Identify &
Boundaries & 2/3 Explore
Finite States Identify SoS Environment 3/5
Systems Conceive Identify threats to Conceive strategies
2/5 2/6
strategies to achieving to achieve
Identify SoS Identify and
neutralize threats objectives objectives
Containing Explore
System(s) & 2/7 Influences on
Objectives Identify / SoS
Prescribe 3/7
Interactions & Generate SoS prime
Resources mission functions to
implement strategies

Figure 9. SM Step 2. Solution Space Figure 10. SM Step 3. Focus SoS Purpose

value of the SoS will lie in the degree to
which it contributes to its Containing 4/1
Systems’ objectives–along with its siblings. Measures of
Step 3, Figure 10, involves the use of the Effectiveness
TRIAD Building System. In contrast to the
4/2 4/3 4/4
RSM, which is a “soft” methodology for Develop top Dynamically Choose / refine
“messy” problems, the TRIAD Building level CONOPS simulate CONOPS
options CONOPS -identify implicit
System focuses on singular purpose. -whole SoS options mission functions
Table 1 shows a typical Prime Directive
in the first column and the word–by–word
semantic analysis in the second column. Figure 11. SM Step 4. Develop SoS High Level
The simple ruse of identifying threats to
achieving objectives, and then mounting
strategies to neutralize those threats, turns the SoS designed to achieve that purpose.
out to be powerful. Solution system domain See Figure 11.
knowledge and expertise are needed to There are many ways in which a
identify a full range of realistic threats. CONOPS might be represented; in the
The fourth step is the development of the example of Figure 12 below, a causal loop
SoS CONOPS, or concept of operations; this model (CLM) format has been chosen,
continues with the theme of establishing although the subject matter is perhaps more
purpose, and along with it, functions within procedural than causal.
Table 1. Operational Objectives, Strategies and Functions
Prime Semantic Implicit Strategies to Strategies (3/6) to Functions to
Directive Analysis Objectives achieve Objectives overcome threats (3/5) support strategies
3/1 3/2 3/3 3/4 to achieving objectives 3/7
To To render To deploy Air transportable Pre-deployed cadre forces in Cadre forces
neutralize ineffective… swiftly Air deliverable area maintenance,
High powered, high Some weapons/vehicles communications and
those identified by To move rapidly speed, all terrain specialized for hot, wet, cold, intelligence.
enemies UN directive to scenes of vehicles. ice, etc. conditions
in… ABC as illegally incursion/ Special vehicle
entering, activity UMAs for remote Use of non-lethal force to support
invading, existing To engage and identification and neutralize
and/or operating deter, or engagement where Lethal weapons
in… overcome appropriate Use of UMAs to accelerate training/practice
ahead of ground force
open desert open, desolate, To identify Vehicles to operate Non-lethal weapons
and… largely legitimate and fight on the move Equipped: psy-ops, training and practice
uninhabited enemies as an integrated unit, loudspeakers, leaflets, stun
tracts… specifically for speed, area weapons, non-lethal anti-riot Fuel-air and thermo-
coverage, avoidance weapons baric weapons
and Arctic plains To operate over of detection training/practice
tundra with permanently wide areas, Equipped: fuel-air and thermo-
regions… frozen subsoil, radically Fleet formation baric weapons (to warn as well Human target
lichens, mosses, different management to as neutralize) + short-range identification
and dwarfed environments, reduce enemy threat - electromagnetic pulse (SREMP)
vegetation… temperatures, open and tight, etc. as non-lethal anti-technology Sniper location
going, etc. Some vehicles to be weapon
wherever self-steering, but Real-time control of
…around sanctioned by the To operate under control of Equipped: canon, anti-tank Rules of Engagement
the world UN within a UN personnel in nearby missile, etc., anti-sniper lasers,
mandate at all vehicles /command enhanced remote ethnic/
times posts nationality laser identification

This high-level, over-arching CONOPS first part concerns itself with the design of
identifies the main operational concepts; it SoS “internal” function and behavior
will serve to correlate the separate and discrete management. Use is made in Step 5 of the
CONOPS that will later be developed for each Generic Reference Model (GRM - Hitchins,
separate “unit” within the force, or defense 2003), a model representing the internal
capability. The sum of the discrete, unit features of any system. It has three
CONOPS must, working together, synthesize fundamental aspects: being, doing and
the overarching CONOPS for the whole SoS. thinking.
The CONOPS brings together the All systems have being, but need not have
strategies identified in the previous step. Note purpose, nor be sentient; the Solar System
the UN roles of intelligence, alert and would be an immediate example. ‘Being’ is
command; these presume that the US-led represented by the GRM (Form) Model, which
force will operate under the aegis of the UN. is comprised of Structure, Influence and
On alert, aircraft are loaded and launched, and Potential.
the force is inserted into area; it joins up with Some systems also have, or appear to
a resident cadre force, and together they have, purpose and can do things; their “doing
engage the incursors/insurgents. Recon- aspects” are represented by the GRM
naissance employs satellite imagery and (Function) Model, which comprises Mission,
unmanned aircraft (UMAs) deployed by the Resource and Viability Management parts.
force as it moves. The force continues to Yet other systems think, in addition to
engage the incursors while being resourced existing and doing… Thinking aspects are
and repaired as needed. Finally, the main force represented by the GRM (Behavior) Model,
is extracted, leaving the cadre in area. which is comprised of Cognition, Selection,
Step 5, Design, presents in two parts. The Excitation and Belief System aspects.

Intelligence • UAVs
• satellite
Locate Identify
incursors incursors
• psy-ops
Command Formate • non-lethal
with Neutralize • anti-armour
Cadre Engage • lethal
Load Insert
Aircraft Force
Cadre Repair,
defends replenish
Arrive • cadre remains
in Area
Base Reserves
Base collect returns

Figure 12. SoS High-Level CONOPS. Note; open-headed arrows support and reinforce, while solid
arrowheads oppose, reduce. Also note the loop structures, devoid of disconnected inputs or outputs.

functions of the SoS are
5/2 5/1
Instantiate Internal instantiated. This is most
Rationalize prime
Assemble SoS Behaviour:
mission functions
easily accomplished in
Internal • Cognition • Selection
functions • Stimulation • Belief System from 3/6 and 4/4 tabular form, below.
Minimize Figure 14 shows the
SoS instantiation of
Partition into SoS
Instantiate Internal Functions Function Management. It
– Mission Management presents in three columns:
–Resources Management
–Viability Management
one each for Mission
5/7 Management, Viability
Develop SoS Formulate SoS Management and Re-
internal Overview,
functional in context from
source Management.
architecture Step 2 Under Mission Man-
agement there are two
further columns. The left-
Figure 13. Level 2 Step 5a. Design Putative Solutions System:
hand column identifies the
Internal Function and Behavior Management
GRM element, while the
right-hand of the two
The GRM as a whole can be used to columns represents the instantiation of the
represent any system: the manner of doing this generic function in the SoS. So the
will become apparent in the example. Figure ‘Management of…information’ is achieved
13 shows the process. Using the CONOPS and using a ‘communications center and an
the prime mission functions identified in steps imaging center.’
3/6 and 4/4 as triggers, the internal mission Similarly, the ‘Management of…
management functions and behavioral objectives’ is provided by ‘CPRM’ – Contin-

Internal Architecture Generation Table

Mission Management Viability Management Resource Management
Management of… Management of… Management of…
–information Com. centre –synergy Formation …acquisition CPRM
management Base Resupply
Image Centre
C2 Training

…objectives CPRM …survival Formation …storage Logistic support

management vehicles
Self Defense Ready use stores

…strategy & Command & …evolution Performance …distribution Mobile

Control (C2) Recording Systems Distribution Fleet

…execution C2 …homeostasis Climate control …conversion

…cooperation C2 …maintenance Mobile …disposal CPRM

maintenance teams

Figure 14. GRM(Function) Instantiation

Internal Architecture Generation Table
Cognition Management Selection Management Stimulation Management
Management of… Management of… Management of…
…tacit Desert & tundra –nature Psychological …motivation Command and
combat experts monitoring Control
OJT … counselling
…world Maps, satellite …experience “Simulate …activation Command and
imagery, before activate” Control
cultural practice
…constraint Rules of

Figure 15. GRM (Behavior) Instantiation

gency Planning and Resource Management: (a their mutual interactions, the configuration
typical function found in command and entropy of the set is minimized (by clustering)
control centers.) and the result drawn out as a functional
Figure 15 repeats the GRM instantiation architecture. See Figure 16. (Clustering, and
process for SoS behavior, omitting Belief hence minimizing configuration entropy, may
Systems. be achieved either by eye or, as in this
All of the functions so far generated are instance, using an automated N2 tool.)
assembled in an N2 chart that also represents

Wpns Man 1 S 1

In t/Recce 2 R 1
Combat UMA Man 3 1 1 Q 1
Self Def 4 1 P 1
Formate Man 5 1 O 1
Clim Contr 6 J 1
Engage Sim 7 M 1 1
C and C 8 1 1 N 1 1
C3I Image Centre
10 1
1 1
ROE Man 11 1 A 1
Mobile Sup 12 1 H 1
Comm Centre 13 1 1 K 1 1 1
Log Supp 14 1 1 G 1
Logistics & Pe rf Rec 15 1 1 C 1 1
Transport Air Transp 16 1 F 1
Base Resup 17 1 1 E 1
Training 18 1 1 D
Human Resources Psych Mon 19 1 B

Figure 16. Functional Architecture N2 Chart. C3I is command, control, communications and intelligence
–a military executive management and control socio-technical system. ROE is rules of Engagement. UMA is
unmanned aircraft, equivalent to RPV, or remotely piloted vehicle, in this context.

Figure 17 (Step
Base 5/6) shows the SoS
Air Resupply
Training functional architect-
ure. Many of the
Logistics Communications strategies and prime
Support Centre Psychological
mission functions are
implicit in the figure.
For instance, For-
Performance mation Management
Mobile Recording
implies a set of
Simulation vehicles on the move,
Rules of Engagement
changing formation to
Command Management accommodate terrain
Climate & or counteract threats.
control CPRM
Control Command &
Control will concern
Formation Weapons itself with strategy
Management Management
and tactics. Weapons
Management will be
Logistics Management concerned with all
& Transport
kinds of lethal, area,
Human Resources Defence Reconnaissance non-lethal and soft-
kill weapons: and so
Figure 17. Internal Functional Management Architecture on. The internal
architecture concerns
itself with all the
features needed within the SoS to pursue
Advanced Land Force
and execute the mission, while at the
Technology Capabilities
Manufacturing same time remaining viable and
Air Force Recruiting & effective.
Facilities Training
Figure 18 (Step 5/7) shows the
various functions of Figure 17
synthesized into functional systems and
Logistics UN Human interconnected with associated facilities,
& Transport Control Resources as identified in Step 2.
Every function, process and activity
indicated and implied in these two
C3I figures is traceable back to the Prime
Directive for the SoS, and thence to the
original symptoms of the problem.
Combat So, although the process is highly
Satellite Real-time creative, that which has been potentially
Imagery created is nonetheless logically
traceable; there is nothing that cannot be
Figure 18. High-Level Functional Architecture justified. There are however, options that
could have been considered. The use of

move. Other fighting
5/8 5/9 vehicles/aircraft would be needed
Allocate prime
Instantiate internal mission functions to defend this single carrier.
form: • Structure from 5/1 across Or, it could comprise several
• Influence physical partitions
• Potential vehicles, some able to launch,
5/10 others able to retrieve, with yet
Map functional others able to control, suggesting
architecture from 5/6
on to physical a functional split. Other fighting
subsystem-sets vehicles would defend the UMA
5/11 core force.
Generate solution
concept options–
Or, LF2010 could comprise a
Redo Steps 2 - 5/7 for
physical interacting each interacting number of identical, semi-
subsystem-sets subsystem within autonomous vehicles, each able
optional SoS to move, fight, launch, control
(Containing Systems)
5/13 and retrieve UMAs.
Compare and contrast 5/14 Once design moves from the
partition options — Select and justify
CONOPS = Σi CONOPS* preferred option(s)
functional to the physical, there
non-linear dynamic are, potentially, so many options
simulation that there is a need for a way to
Figure 19. Level 2 Step 5b – Design Putative SoS: generate the various optional
Physical Design. The process boxes with multiple copies arrangements, select the
indicate the creation of options, which have to be explored and optimum, and demonstrate why it
rationalized. is the best solution.
One effective way to do this
employs full simulation models,
thermobaric and fuel-air weapons, for
based on the GRM (see Figure 24 below),
instance, might be thought of as somewhat
with genetic methods and cumulative
unreasonable, even barbaric, particularly
selection to generate random configurations
where there is concern for the preservation
and test them under simulated operational
of fragile ecologies in desert and tundra.
conditions. In this way, a solution landscape
However, there is a wide range of weapons
containing hundreds of thousands of
available and, as we shall see, there are steps
configurations can be explored, and the best
yet to be taken to minimize environmental
solution system(s) evaluated and selected.
The process generates the ideal functional/
Figure 19 shows the Step 5b, the second
physical architecture and optimally maps
part of SoS design. Only the GRM
prime mission functions on to physical
(Function) and the GRM (Behavior) have
been used so far. The GRM (Form)
We do not have the luxury of space to
identifies, inter alia, power and structure,
describe these processes. To demonstrate the
and will accommodate all the physical
systems methodology at work, we will
subsystems: weapon systems, vehicle
pursue only one of the many choices: a high
systems, UMAs, etc.
technology, high maneuverability, bespoke
We are now able to posit optional
(physical) solution concepts. Land Force
The limiting form factor in our chosen
2010 (it has a name from Activity 2/1) could
option is the capacity of the transport
be formed around a land “carrier” able to
aircraft. We will assume a bespoke, V/STOL
launch and retrieve UMAs while on the

resulting force will be called a
In this option, each of the
TLEs is externally identical; each
has a skirt which can be used to
hover, to get out of bogs, ponds,
quicksand, cross water, ice, etc;
under the skirt are retractable
drive wheels/half-tracks for
normal road/off road use; there
are no windows, doors, or visible
apertures; the sides are covered
with a material that can be
induced to reflect like a mirror;
the top displays a live
“photocopy” of the road being
Figure 20. Chameleon Camouflage. At left, the simulated passed over–see Figure 20
TLE is not camouflaged. The center, the TLE is mirrored, showing In this option, UMAs are
reflected blue sky on top. At right, the upper TLE surface shows a designed to appear as indigenous
“photocopy” of the ground under the TLE, and so becomes invisible birds and insects, both for
from above. camouflage and to minimize
intrusion into sensitive ecologies.
transport, 2,500nm hop range when fully The principal UMA is a
loaded, carrying capacity at maximum range Raptor. It is automatically launched from,
of 35 tons. and recovered to, a TLE. The Raptor also
We will posit a 10-ton vehicle–much carries one or more semi-autonomous
lighter than a tank–so that we may load three “Dragonflies,” which can get close to any
vehicles, or Transportable Land Elements action. Dragonflies are shorter range, can
(TLEs), in tandem per aircraft. hover, transmit video and audio, deliver
The remaining 5-tons in the V/STOL are some weapons and can operate as
command and control plus CPRM; remote Kamikazes to minimize collateral damage.
vehicle control stations; intelligence suite; Without going into any more detail, we
communications, including satellite have effectively reached the first level of
communications; logistic supplies; and SoS Design, although it requires backing up
repair bays. with drawings, simulations and perhaps
In this option, TLEs are not intended to prototyping.
fight. Instead, they carry a wide range of One major item remains: the network of
UMA/RPVs that can deliver weapons. So, communications necessary to enable the
operators are not intended to come into various elements to operate as one–so-called
contact with incursors, to minimize network-enable capability (NEC). This will
casualties. be provided, in this option, by a DTDMA
A full force might comprise 20+ such (distributed time division multiple access)
aircraft, with 60+ TLEs deployed at once, system providing Communications, relative
each with multiple UMA/RPVs active Navigation and Identification in the one CNI
simultaneously, all on the go, in changing system. It will operate in an atmospheric
formation, adapting in real time. The absorption band to prevent detection,

iveness, cost-
Allocate effectiveness, cost-
Examine Decide action
targets exchange ratio,
Raptors casualty exchange
deploy ratio, return on
Identify Deploy armed Dragonflies
Dragonflies Form capital employed
RASP (ROCE), or any
Locate observe, report combination accord-
Gather ing to system,
Intel Engage
Detect situation and need.
Optimization of
Neutralize a complex SoS
Deploy design requires that
raptors it be observed and
Rejoin Refuel measured in operat-
ion. Measures such
Rearm as performance and
Figure 21. Design Option CONOPS. RASP is Recognized Air and Surface effectiveness are
Picture, a 3-D electronic map representation of the situation. Network centric operations emergent: they
include automated interactive intelligence, target identification, target allocation, UMA emerge from the
deployment and recovery, and engagement. interactions of all
the many parts
exploitation and compromise, and has within the SoS. Altering any one part also
sufficient capacity for video, audio, vehicle alters its interactions with the others, so the
control, status, and all other network traffic. outcome of even minor changes is not
The CONOPS for this particular option simple to predict. By successively altering
is shown in Figure 21. In any
viable option, the CONOPS for 6/2 6/1
the partitioned SoS would Duplicate as Red Instantiate as single,
non-linear dynamic organismic Blue SoS
achieve the CONOPS for the interactive reference dynamic model
whole SoS, Figure 11. In
particular, the act of partitioning 6/3
the SoS would not be allowed to Create/simulate 6/4
operational Set Red and Blue in
degrade the prime mission competition/combat
functions and behaviors of the
SoS. 6/5
Figure 22 shows the process Identify key
for Step 6 of the SM – parameters
Optimizing the Design.
Optimization is an essential step 6/6 6/7
Cumulatively select Use optimal SoS
if the SoS is to be acceptable. A simulation as a testbed
optimal key
design may be optimized in parameters and MOEs to develop strategies
respect of many different, or and tactics
combined criteria. For instance,
it may be optimized for: Figure 22. Systems Methodology Level 2 Step 6. Design
performance, efficiency, effect- Optimization

Combat results in a
Suppliers Procurement standoff, with both
Maintenance forces balanced. Each
Logistics will inflict similar
damage on the other,
suffer similar losses,
Mission Resource
Management Management and so on.
Red is then held
Viability Viability constant as a dynamic,
Management Form Behavior interactive reference.
Resource Form Individual parameters
Management Mission in Blue are changed.
Resulting changes in
Maintenance Environment
Blue and Red
Logistics performance, effective-
System ness, etc., are observed,
Suppliers System due to their mutual
interaction. In this
Figure 23. Interacting Generic Reference Models. Two GRMs, way, the often-complex
one Blue, one Red, interact in an operational environment, supported by behavior of the
external procurement, logistics, and maintenance and supply systems. interacting systems can
be observed, sensitive
various parts and observing the emergent parameters identified, and counter-intuitive
behavior of the whole, it is possible to behavior observed: Steps 6/4 and 6/5.
progressively optimize measures. It is possible to build the simulations
However, The SoS as a whole also using “genes” to “code” for different
interacts with other systems and its features. So, in our example, there might be
environment. For instance, its outflows a gene coding for radar transmitter power,
affect other systems, and other systems another for the number of Raptors carried on
affect its inflows. So, optimum performance, a TLE, another for the range of a Dragonfly,
for instance, can be identified only when the another for DTDMA network performance,
SoS is operating and interacting with other and so on. In each case, it would be difficult,
systems. or impossible, to predict the effect of
One way to get around this dilemma is to changing the parameter on conflict outcome.
represent the SoS in dynamic simulation, Random configurations of Blue System,
interacting with another system. The second Step 6/1, can then be simulated and
system could be in competition, or in compared automatically, and cumulative
combat. If that other system is a replica of selection methods can be employed to
the SoS, then the impacts of both inflow and progressively enhance Blue’s capability in
outflows can be recognized and respect of Red; see Step 6/6.
accommodated at the same time – see Figure This process optimizes the whole system
23 and Figure 24. (In our example, a Blue while in operation, rather than trying to
and a Red Land Force 2010 would engage in optimize the parts (V/STOL, TLE, Raptor,
simulated combat on a variety of simulated Dragonfly, etc.) individually. In
tundra and desert terrains, 6/3). consequence, it is significantly more power-
Initially all features and parameters of ful.
Blue, 6/1 and Red, 6/2, are identical.

Decision making
Mission N
Management Generate options Simulate
in sequence mentally
Identify Recognition-primed decisions
Resource Assess threats and Decision Initiate Monitor
Resource situation mode action
management opportunities
Naive decisions
Acquire Select management
Generate Review all
all options constraints
option Survival

Cognition selection Stimulation Homeostasis
Behavior Nature
Resource Distribute archetypes
Motivation Synergy
World Tacit
Convert models Ethics and Belief
knowledge Training Constraint
morals system Maintenance

Discard Evolution
excess/ Battle Formation
waste damage displays

Form R.A.S.P.
Sensor Communication Weapon Resources
systems systems systems displays
Formation Transport POL, weapon,
control systems spares reserves Acquire

Figure 24. The GRM, in layered form, Instantiated as Land Force 2010. The diagram shows one
half of pair of interacting Land Forces in combat. The bottom layer is the GRM (Form), which contains the
technology, the physical subsystems, etc. The middle layer, GRM (Behavior), represents the people and their response
to stimulus. The top layer and the left and right columns represent the GRM (Function): Mission, Resource, and
Viability Management. Two such models, mutually interacting, offer basis for dynamic design optimization.

If, in additions to genes for functions and solutions in relatively short order. However,
behavior, genes are included for the process is conceptually similar to the
partitioning, then this process will also SEPP of Figure 2, i.e., generating optional
subsume SM Step 5b, since configuration solutions and selecting that which best meets
options will include partition/form options the criteria for a good solution.
as well as function and behavior. The process model for the final SM Step
(SoS system design may be evolved 7 is shown in Figure 25 below. It is largely
further by testing it against a variety of self-explanatory, especially when it is
(simulated) opposition in a variety of realized that some of the parts/subsystems of
environments and situations.) the SoS may be teams of people who require
The genetic/cumulative selection proc- training, some parts may be available in the
esses are powerful: they can sift through an market, and some may need specific
n-dimensional landscape containing research, development and manufacture.
thousands, if not millions, of optional SM Step 7 is not unique: there are other

ways in which the SoS
may be synthesized. 7/1 7/3 7/2
However, treating each Select: • preferred SE Represent
Identify SE Process
process • creation plan creation
of the parts/ subsystems Options:
• Business / PM plans environment
• waterfall • concurrent
separately has the • spiral • bespoke
potential to create the 7/2
7/4 Represent
solution system in the Specify SoS and
contained subsystems
shortest sensible time. It threats
also separates the risks, 7/5
Establish 1/2
so that any one of the subsystems as
6/8 Future
parallel projects that independent, 7/6 systems
parallel projects
proves troublesome may Simulate dynamic
test environment Future
be subject to additional environment
support, without any Acquire / create 7/8 Step 2
other of the parallel / train / organize
projects being affected. subsystems Test and
On the other hand, it 7/9 subsystems
would be essential to
Prove full
ensure that the Solution 7/10
developing part/sub- System
• Field
systems did not “wander” • Deploy
from their specification • Manufacture
• Commission
during development such Support through
that their dynamic mission/life
emergent properties, Continually upgrade
capabilities and behav- DEPCABs: dynamic to anticipate
emergent properties, environmental change
iors (DEPCABs) and capabilities and behaviors
interactive characteristics
change materially. Figure 25. Create and Prove the SoS.
Each of the
subsystems specified at 7/4 will itself be a technology; instead it might comprise teams
system. The SM processes, Steps 2-7 may of people, procedures, processes,
be repeated, therefore, for each subsystem. organization, etc.
Step 2 will, of course, be relatively However, our example does present
straightforward: the containing system will technological issues. SM practitioners would
be the SoS, and the siblings will be the other need to be technologically aware, so that
subsystems forming the SoS. they did not conceive and specify
This process of repeating Steps 2-7 subsystems or parts that were infeasible.
shows that the SM may be used recursively, The dynamic test environment, 7/6,
designing systems, subsystems, sub- which includes the original problem
subsystems, etc., until sufficient detail is symptoms, is a means of ensuring that the
generated to permit, e.g., specification, and created SoS, comprising the various
the choice of appropriate technology. subsystems brought together, tested and
There has been no mention of integrated, will resolve the original
technology until this point. In the general symptoms. The overall SM is therefore self-
case, the SoS need not employ any correcting: not only should it find a solution
where one exists, but also it should not offer

Probe problem space using issue symptoms

Formulate solution system (SoS) concept to neutralize issue symptoms

Establish SoS operating environment,

containing system(s) & objectives, siblings, etc

Develop SoS goal and CONOPS

Generate prime mission functions to achieve goal and CONOPS

Develop internal functional architecture: link to sibling systems

Propose physical partitioning options

Map functional architecture and CONOPS on to options

Select preferred physical/functional architecture option

Adjust key parameters to optimize SoS performance, behaviour, effectiveness

Specify optmized SoS, contained subsystems and interactions

Acquire/create/train/organize subsystems

Integrate, prove subsystems and SoS

Manufacture/field/deploy/commission SoS

Maintain, support, enhance SoS in operation

Figure 26. Process View of the Systems Methodology.

SoS is solution system. CONOPS is Concept of Operations

a solution that is invalid or incomplete. process engenders synthesis, holism and the
Figure 26 shows a process view of the organismic analogy; the Systems
Systems Methodology, formed by logically Methodology is, itself, an open interactive
interconnecting the various strategies and system, and its processes can, and should, be
techniques that are embedded in the systems subjected to test as both systems scientific
methodologies, methods and tools. The and mathematically provable.

Conclusions o optimal solution driven
o purpose leads function
A systems methodology (SM) can be o behavior moderates function
formulated that does, indeed, provide a route o function leads form
from complex problem to optimum system
solution – as Arthur D. Hall and others Reference
believed it would in the 1980s. The SM:
Forrester, J. W., World Dynamics,
• is context, system-type, system-scale Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1973
and solution independent Hall, A.D. III, Metasystems Methodology,
• is science-based and mathematically Pergamon Press, Oxford, England, 1989
provable Hitchins, D.K., Putting Systems to Work,
• may, therefore, be used to tackle a Wiley, Chichester, England, 1992
wide range of problems and produce Hitchins, D. K., Advanced Systems Thinking,
an even wider range of solution Engineering and Management, Artech
systems House, Norwood MA, 2003
• addresses the whole problem, i.e., is Popper, K., Conjectures and Refutations: the
holistic Growth of Scientific Knowledge,
• synthesizes whole solution systems London, England, Routledge and Kegan
without Cartesian reduction Paul, 1972
• creates organismic solution systems Richmond, B., An Introduction to Systems
o non-linear multipart systems Thinking, High Performance Systems
that act as a unified whole Inc., Hanover NH, 2001
• optimizes solution system designs Roberts, N., et al, Computer Simulation,
• employs system methodologies Addison –Wesley, Reading MA, 1983
o methods are both provable
(Hitchins, 2003) and Biography
falsifiable (Popper, 1972).
o could be improved upon for Derek Hitchins spent
ease of use, tool support, etc. some 22 years in the
• requires inputs from, and activities to Royal Air Force, 12 years
be undertaken by, domain, in the defense industry,
operational and other experts. 10 years as an academic,
• exploits simulation, and genetic and 10 years as a
methods, consultant–all in systems
o trained and experienced engineering of one kind
practitioners should execute or another.
such activities with integrity He held chairs in engineering
• is system-theoretic, traceable and management, command & control and
logical, yet can be highly creative systems science. He was the inaugural
and innovative president of the UK Chapter of INCOSE,
• “conducts the creative process,” and is an INCOSE Pioneer.
o that which flows from He is now semi-retired but continues
problem to solution is the with his research, writes books and lectures
organized product of rational occasionally, particularly on his abiding
human intellect. passion for the original systems engineering
o problem inspired in ancient Egypt.


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