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,'r E)(plo.\n rn_e.,,~n1n_g ,rol.ure-· Q.rcL scope oP 1'110.CYOe~_r)o~ic~ .

--7· Mo_cyo_tG.OOOr,n·~- ~...AL brn n:..1-) ·oLeconori-11~, U:i~ \:; ,s'tucl.i eJ.
, )1o_lJ on Q\,l~().l Leconom82:..._6~- rn0.'fJ~, .bu1Sl1:1~.s.~ , __
c.on-sumers C\rd bebcwe, . Mo.acuornJ~ \
~o.rnine.i. e,e,o_n.o~..:..wJde. pnU)Q(Oer1cL0Uch a._~ 1n£lab'on ,pn'ce,_
1weJ~ ,_ra tt-___:_of_,eco.Jl,Ooo tc 9rowt:¼i _, nci'cio Y1a\ _inco r:oe._, 6- Dr_o.nd _
e,ha.n~_itl-un w-,p_\o~rrie.nt . Mcu:¥C'Le,.co11orn·1~_i.s_o.rui~~.hio.l,ld_ot s tucl~_ ro_r_ u.OJ)O,..tYLi.~~---lh_t._ S eco p_e,_~f.d'.D'.Jq&~O)i~-
- i ~_] mrnws_e, ,_~o_vexn__me.n b; ijin~ncio.Lbodi.e,LarcLr.e..b_mrcb _ _
.•- o.r-o.\,~ z..e- 'C\ ru:;~ t_lo ge,rv-o.\.:.__Do..t.t'o_no.Lhsu.u...and_e,u,no.mi c.
_;.--1- tJe.U belng • U -i::roinL~f~ CC> ~e.Y~ tb.Q, major _furd.arne.nbo. ls
_ ,i of,coJJQm'x:-~eor.i~- cm:Lpolig_el)J1---Tu'-_\$CCf2.eJ oL,ro_e,co_no rnJ c~ q::> ver_ vi u rrivb_w, _&.~ eel:. ma bl:e..r-~-
M_ acroe_cof")Q[h . iu_b_ , cl ~ n_o.rrn . ' ..__1. ·ye,.
. ' c~1_o_r:MCM - ._D_y()C\m.ly_ i l.!.
. __o. _
.s_ys.bern .Q) F f'TJO-.Y~ I bl:ri.t i.s ,rex,£.V J I') ill bri u rn.L n
.swcli u cb~ pYOC.U~~ 6hYo uaru ,:,b l_oo_Q__nW _!.eq,u1J1bY'1u1?J
"' io e.i>to.bli.shecLoJ'ber- o._chan9e..-_1Y) on lnd~clent_ ec.onornic
VCU'_iQ.ble.. ! '-------- - L- ' '.
, .}

De,P,·ne, m::,n~ oric:Lopla.,Y'\ t'(..(Y) _oJ ra,n~. _

7 Mo~ _i ~_ C\_&\ : f ~ of vo.\L(e, ti:at_r::'ocl\Ll:al:-e.ii ~he. ac}ph9e.
o .goccl~ -111 ari u,q_r,c m1.:1 . u~ 'i n.g rnon o. \ lo~ b4J a.x cv--d
.se,\ \u~ be -pc.l8 I~ Ln 6roY1soctich co~~ cornp::,.re.d to
\:)c\y-/;.e.Y bto.d\ rxa · 1he.. Fi rst- 6tJpe.¢
of rro~ was com~il::k.,. ,
lhUY ph~ico.\ _p.r_ope.,rba \:heK'l') cl~irub\t- a.~ o
mediurn _o P eJ(ci,Qh9e,,
The, f:'lr&b and Le.ctdf~ r-oJe,, o~ rnon~- i~_ 6__o --~uneb'on
~. o. _ t'YloCk, o~ u:charxae.- ._t10~ olso i:uncbiorn- ~~- a _
. . , ·s u, l:cuik, ,_uoi 6 _pf~.un6 . The ye, lue .of. <> l~e
- · . .cotnnnd,6_~ o.nol ser__v__Lc.a ___::_c_a.n_be.-_expreoS2.d_Jn rrone!:nt(! _
_be,rf')')s . Mon~.:. . ca.n al&.o_ be, ,u~e.cL o.s clord _o(_
d.&ure,cl ·_po8me.nb~ ., · ,_. _ ._· _ , ·- , · .
I . I ., ,. .
. i
or jrx,o_m_e.,_o..r.:t:L.u:nplo'd~eoh
I • j f I j

. dyJ I ,J~w ; - ··_ _

. ...Th.e.-~ lb.1 e-\ o-t:JFOenb JQ.:. c\ke.c.1\ !1-.,.reloled,_~o__1m
--'-----'___:___' &~ prod.ucl:io,o ~cu~\::.,.~ .--
_ __c_,"'-.:l.--,..L-f
. ___ a...-.0'.JQ.~~nom...~:P•-P\cm ne,c.\ spe.od l-1E____:_o_$
- - ~ . . . . . : .-.!.o_
u..\:,p__Yh_wiLLcle..l::.umin_e,~h.b e.._, le.!/_eL o__L p n ,. Bl..C>in.e J.S~ ~J>~O-LP r__oduc\:; io__n_lQ_aCCorn.01a.le.-_cle.rn Q nd
- - - ' '=~~ f -~e.A.Y LL.. • ·_ p .Y...ou.L-LL,<,;
. -1 · ~L-~ '' _ _ _ . - - · ~-- - --l-
_ _ ___r::'.......j__..,S.Jntg_,:.....txap.lo'drnehL d~cl..~- ~--~- P_reo\_u__c.1i.otLanc\ pradudLOti
_ _ _.:___j_..~•~-d_s:_ba_ &perdln_g~.J;he,_J_ey_e,Lo_Lero pbHromb~ ,..,,___- --J.-
_ _ _____.__.J~ · ik~.. .:d. .e.p_en~.3__an_~-J~e,L0L ple!;!_nnv:L.s pend ,og__Lv,_l e,

_ _ ..:........L~.LL!.-'"-'--'-!..A,,,.. :. .cle1-ex.mir:·c,J,10n_tJ'.l~,- - -......

_ _ _---J-s<'.LI<4'U-.ltecLtn-1936_ b_y- J__t'.1___~ntl . I Q bh e.-_hhg, OY-!:j__be.-~ --
--1--'~ =br~_...s.e&~~_F hA.e.n..e&,_ of_to_bo..\ d ivnarid i n_u.pb3ni'.n.<;j
~_b~s.b_or-t3 V'.:..1'!)_6.e.h:i.~lo\...{r O~ i1X'J.t10 fla.1 1__Y'CC)l'Y1_e,, .___•_ _,__.- --

' ' ' .

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Dale: _ _ __

fu v ~ n~cp,- C10 _6&R,!0 3 6.S2_

+ E)( pl~ i..Yi_Q~g r-e_go.\.:ce ckmo..tJQI and_°tl'3

- -

"'099-k_ .s_c..!lpp_l8
'7 A'2)er~h, J .::._ t\-)e, G\M:>l.lnLoL 'to'to.1 .spendit:g
on do rnah_c-3ood~_ ar::d_o e.tvj e,e.! __l ru 1ci __econon-:i.~ _1

, Nas~eisa-~_, 9upp\:1__ -1.s-1h~ tol:ct \ q,uonb ;~ L6ubru t

FI r 11'.Js__J,LL\_\~ p.r.o_d uce,,_accL&et l-=_i'..o_o \;het. _1, ..lOxdt.l >± he.,
yw.\ Gi,D_P._/\:,-<c)'ve-ga.h, demW"CLi~ a.__rnciroeo_o.hcmlc,s.,_\:er:Y'fl
_ a.r:cL CJ.b_be~ ll'lp::, , w1lli_ 6h e.. ·'3Y"Oii.~ don---e..2) tic., proch,1_ck .
C:cDP- re.preomb l:;he, rotaLo.rnounb of _goo~ ru:d_<'>
pro_duCRd-11-:1 -an..:_e.c,0._no_m:i_wY1iJe,'-~ ye,~k_,e, cle.nunct i~ !:J-ie,
cle.m.__om_cLor deb lre_ fur_l;.bose., good.s , A99re,8 at_e-_ d.anq_rrl
a nd__j;{_D_f_co_ro_a-pt:1~_Jnu_eru_ei_ m :__de.a._e,~e., eq,,ebh<2.r . 1-n
bht- .sl---ovb run> o._99.,-eg::i..h.,_supj2l~ ni~porxhJ::o 'rl\gbzy_ct~rd
b~-' n C..Ye,asl tbe, w.e- o ~_____c:_ut-x en.Lfr:ipu._l: ~--1.n bbe-._
,, produc1ion proc~~-•-In Jhe, .s~rl r un ,_the, Jw~ _o__P
cq p'1b.i~_ls_t1xe.d_and~ coropCU:1tj Cctnnol ex:eci__gJ:::iew
R:,.d:C>r!:j DI'" l nl:Ycoluce,_cx ne.w b:,_cbn o.loe8- !:c i Y) e,
prod l--lchi on eJ'Fiden (tj-.,_I.nsb0ool J:;he, com ~n8__ J::()I!}p.Lup
s.uppl_:,_b~:HJU:1ine_mcn,_0_u\:,__o_P_ 1~b ---elll..is6in9--fa.tloY~ of
,0 produchi en_, suc..h_o..s ~\an i n3_fo.)_o.i,Js.__Q.,t_s __m:,rn_bcuY OY

in_CKOOo\ n.9 thQ, u.M __ oL u.i~bb.9 6e.chnolo.9t{-~ - _

6) tx plc,,,i..Q___ F",L tel,.__cv,i~ti the.,Q Y\j_o_E_ mot)~ .-

Fi<3'n~ 1~ _
qµC!nbi4, 6-he.oY8- ~ -~phm~_t,11\;,h /;he,, he)p_o+ the..
,, ~\:;1011~- JYlV..-:: PT_ox f)_::__MV/T _ _ _
_IJ( .Sv\ppltJ or~ M>he!:_j: T6e,__ s_ upplt:j_ oL m::,n~ cons1!.6 of the..
qvo.nti~ or- rrDJ1<--tJ_ln ex1~knc~(M) multipli-ecl bu, l'\LAl'l"lber
0 E \;,i mu thi~ mon~ _cbo.o_.9e.o ho.11.d 7." Ve,\ccl I:.~ ar t>i.Onqj
lv) . Thu.,) MV yefe..v.'.) 1,c_bkie., voll,\Yne.. oP moYI~ )n an:.ulo.bictJ
duYi'lg a ~1od of b'rrie.- .
D a le : _ __

_ _D-e.o:iab:c L t o Y ~ ~ ~i_:_Li1_ ciw:io r-ic.led ~ Y · own

· · ' l.G!_k,e- _hub ·Cot .·bro.nsavhi6ti_j2.l.!vp:l~e4 - l ~ ~a rd_
Fo~ o tt~• i.s ~'-'Lbo_:_~ ·l::o6Ln::ia.t:J~~u,e,_o_'Lal\
.. ...! , t · ~L-'-1 -rL · bl - • . Jib-Y
-c---'-~ "-t'lALl~....1-o r:u._ s_UY..LCf.b_ i:; a . ~.;....1~_..a _c;u..\ne-a-
_ ___._f"!JU\ tf pl.fd109i_bta-l amounb~_of._bh i t:19~1Lhy_0, vu::oee,____
---'----1-Ud_e0_ Lw.t.1_(£)_,.!_f uu.~~~\;,~an_a.~eic.b~-~ ~
v w6~_ eq,uali18~-e,en_lhe.,,-.s.uppl.~-Qr· rrio.~Qt..___
~ - --L!
-~--'--~eo~~tt:.;t e . ~-~ ru:Jn...a \I 6r01'.)~a~~
- - -~ · I.ILUJ...!1,b.m.e,_ &n:i_~_o_r_tb_ tLJ::oba \ va l1.. 1e1 0 r etl.L_
------1-~ ~ c h d- ' . . .
- p~,.__0.£..m::n_~.. . . ,._--'___lli~~--1_, _ _ _ __

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