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You promised me!

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Category: F/F
Fandoms: Wednesday (TV 2022), The Addams Family (Movies - Sonnenfeld)
Relationship: Wednesday Addams/Enid Sinclair
Characters: Wednesday Addams, Enid Sinclair, Fester Addams, Thing (Addams
Family), Morticia Addams, Gomez Addams, Pugsley Addams
Additional Tags: Protective Wednesday Addams, Angry Enid Sinclair, Married Couple,
Wednesday Addams is Soft for Enid Sinclair, Bad Parent Esther Sinclair
(Wednesday), Pet Names, Aged-Up Character(s), Strap-Ons, Lube,
Office Sex, Vaginal Fingering
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2024-05-24 Updated: 2024-06-07 Words: 4,046 Chapters: 3/4
You promised me!
by CrimsonMirrorGlass


“Go ahead, amor de mi vida,” Wednesday practically purred under Enid, “If you can kill me,
then I’m happy to die, knowing that you will be the last sight I ever see in this life.”

Wednesday always honored her promises, but there was one promise she was happy to break,
if it was for Enid.


Disclaimer: Do not own Wednesday on Netflix or the movies or anything Addams family

Potential warnings for violence and graphic murder

Sequel to my other two Wednesday fics.

You promised

Enid moved fast down the halls of Nevermore, her jaw clenched tight. In her right hand, she
gripped the photos taken at the crime scene.

Anger, even rage, sustained her every step as she got closer and closer to her wife’s office.

She perhaps wouldn’t look intimidating to any who didn’t know her, strutting around in a
pink suit, with dyed blue hair, but the staff and students alike, gave her a wide berth.

They all knew what Enid Addams looked like when she was on the warpath.

Enid made her way through the halls as the many young werewolves, vampires, psychics,
sirens, gorgons and others, cleared out of the way.

The twenty-seven-year-old werewolf was well-known for being cheerful, bright, happy and
friendly to all.

But they had seen her tear the throats out of hunters who had attacked the school. They had
seen her attack those that had tried to kill children at the school.

And Enid had killed a Hyde after her very first transformation into a werewolf.

Enid was not afraid of getting her hands bloody.

And everyone knew it.

So, when they saw Enid Addams, beloved teacher and friend, came barreling down the hall,
rage practically wafting off of her body, they knew to stay out of her way, because they knew
that any reassuring words of friendship she could give, could easily be balanced with the
harsh aggression she could dish out against an opponent if she or someone she loved was

Enid stormed right for the door where her wife, Wednesday Addams was, and wasted no time
grabbing the handle and tearing the door open, going inside and slamming the door closed
behind her, facing the woman seated behind her desk, appearing in no way surprised by
Enid’s entrance.

“Wednesday,” Enid growled, fangs beginning to extend out of her mouth.

It was a tone that Enid had never used with her wife before, even in their worst arguments.

Having been together for close to eleven years now and married for five years, of course
they’d had arguments. Not nearly as many as you’d think, given how long they’d been
together and their very different personalities, but they’d had arguments, nonetheless.

But Enid had never growled at Wednesday like this before.

Wednesday nodded, having seemed to expect this and looked up from the papers she’d been
working on, staring at Enid.

“Hello to you too, cara mia,” Wednesday said, getting up from her seat, going around the
desk and stepping closer to her wife, and she narrowed her gaze down at the photos in Enid’s
hand, “I see you found Fester and my handywork.”

Enid stared, rage running through her blood.

Was she surprised that Wednesday hadn’t acted alone? No. Was she surprised at all that
Fester had taken part? No.

But what she was? Was fucking pissed.

Enid threw the photographs down onto the floor for Wednesday to see-as if the dark-haired
woman needed to even see what was in those photos. She had been there. She had outright
caused what had happened in those photos.

Photos taken by the police and medics when finding the bodies.

Photos that Enid shouldn’t have, but she took when the police weren’t looking.

Photos of Esther Sinclair and her sons chopped up into little pieces.

“You promised me!” Enid spat, staring at Wednesday, her eyes beginning to brim with tears.

Wednesday closed her eyes, actually appearing mournful of what she had done, though Enid
knew that if there was any regret her wife felt at all, it certainly wasn’t over the lives she’d

Wednesday opened her eyes as she said quietly, “I’m sorry that this hurts you, my love. I am.
But Esther? Her sons? They did this to themselves. Murray will live, but he will never see
you again, that was the agreement I made with him, that he never came near you again, for
never standing up for you and trying to stop the abuse.”

Enid had heard this already and she wasn’t surprised and wasn’t angry about that part. She
hadn’t wanted to see him for a long time. Her father hadn’t protected her. She knew that he
had wanted to. But he hadn’t.

But her birth mother and her biological brothers-she had made Wednesday promise that she
and her family wouldn’t hurt any of them.

But now?

“You promised,” Enid repeated, her voice shaking now.

“I did,” Wednesday said, “And normally, I would always honor a promise. But in this case?
I’m sorry, I couldn’t. Esther said things to you that still make you cry every time you think of
them. What I did to her, was a thousand times shorter than the lifetime you’ll spend living
with the things she’s said to you.”
Enid snarled, ramming her whole body into Wednesday, the two of them crashing down onto
the black carpet, Enid on top of Wednesday, straddling her, her claws extended, the claws
inches from Wednesday’s throat.

Even as Enid straddled Wednesday, she knew that Wednesday could have overpowered her
easily. She’d seen Wednesday fight so many times before. Wednesday was letting her wife
gain the upper hand at this very moment.

Wednesday lay there, smirking up at Enid as the werewolf kept her claws ready to pierce her
wife’s pale throat.

She tilted her head back, allowing Enid even more access to her throat as she shifted her body
so that she was pressing her groin up against Enid’s.

How many times had they ended up in a position just like this or similar to this, over the
years, during sex, during sparing, during those times Enid lost control to her instincts and
ended up covering Wednesday’s body with her own, nuzzling into Wednesday and breathing
in her scent, calmed by Wednesday’s presence, as Wednesday soothed the werewolf.

But never before had Enid ever put her claws to Wednesday’s throat.

“Go ahead, amor de mi vida,” Wednesday practically purred under Enid, “If you can kill me,
then I’m happy to die, knowing that you will be the last sight I ever see in this life.”

Enid clenched her fangs, pain in her chest, not caring that Wednesday had just called her
“love of my life.”

Even if the “Addams family curse” wasn’t a thing, and the Addams family wasn’t borderline

Enid knew that she’d never be able to kill Wednesday. Would never be able to slice
Wednesday’s throat open.

Enid felt her claws begin to retract as she shook, tears running down her face.

Wednesday lost her smirk, as she watched Enid freely cry now. “Querida,” she whispered,
reaching up to brush the tears from Enid’s eyes, but Enid turned her face away.

“You promised me,” she hissed.

“I know,” Wednesday said, voice more quiet now.

Enid leaned forward, angry. She couldn’t hurt Wednesday, but she was so angry and she had
to be close to her, as always.

She pressed her forehead against Wednesday’s, anger and pain in her voice as she whispered,
“You promised…….”

Wednesday said nothing, knowing she’d only upset Enid worse if she did right now.
Yes, Wednesday had promised Enid that she wouldn't kill Esther or Esther's sons.

Wednesday almost always honored her promises. But this was a promise that she’d been
more than happy to break, if it was for Enid.

For what felt like an extremely long time, neither woman spoke.

Until Enid slowly moved her body off of Wednesday’s. She didn’t miss the disappointed look
in the other woman’s eye as Enid did so.

Enid would have laughed if she felt any real mirth right now.

Wednesday’s disappointment was not a surprise to her. Wednesday would have completely
allowed Enid to bite her fangs into her lover’s neck out of anger, would have relished Enid
angrily fucking her into the carpet as a form of retaliation.

Not that it would be much of a punishment at all to Wednesday.

No, Wednesday would relish Enid, tearing into her, practically drinking some of her blood,
marring her wife with her fangs, until Wednesday healed up, Enid grinding her thigh
violently between the other woman's legs.

But they couldn’t do anything even remotely like that, until Enid heard Wednesday’s
explanation of what had happened.

Enid moved back, away from Wednesday, still seated on the floor and leaned back against
Wednesday’s desk as the black-haired seer sat up.

“Why?” Enid said, after several seconds, feeling like it was almost an hour that went by, “Just
tell me why, Wednesday.”

Wednesday sighed, leaning back against the desk as well, next to Enid.

She said, “Do you remember the dinner we had with some of the relatives, a month ago?
When Ophelia came to visit us?”

Enid nodded, her eyebrows narrowing.

“I remember,” she said, then recalling what had happened at the very end of that night. “It’s
about what you saw that night, isn’t it?” She asked cautiously.

Wednesday nodded. “Yes,” she answered.

Enid had known for years and years that Wednesday had visions. And while Wednesday was
relieved that she had never had a vision of Enid before, as all of her visions tended much
more towards the harsher and more vicious outcomes of life, she had a vision of Enid that
night after dinner, when Ophelia and some other family members had visited.

“What…………what did you see?” Enid asked, her voice almost breaking, a shiver running
down her spine. She knew how Wednesday’s visions worked. Wednesday saw only bad
Wednesday was silent and Enid knew that her wife didn’t want to tell her, obviously knowing
that since the vision regarded Enid, it would most likely upset the blonde, to hear what
Wednesday had seen.

But at last, Wednesday answered.

(One month ago)

Dinner was as miserable as could be expected and the family couldn’t be happier for it.

Thing was tapping out a message to Gomez, while Pubert and Pugsley were having a
swordfight over the last of their grandmother’s cooked, moving tentacles, as all the other
tentacles had been eaten, Wednesday and Enid sat next to each other, Wednesday scoffing at
Morticia and Ophelia’s talking, as much of what they were saying were sentimental drivel.

Cousin Itt, his wife, Margaret and their son, Cousin What, were giving input, Cousin Itt
teasing Wednesday for her glowering at Morticia and Ophelia, which in turn, caused
Wednesday to grumble that she was going to turn her older cousin into a fur rug one day,
earning a giggle from her wife.

Wednesday gave a at one time rare smile at her wife’s giggle, an expression that was less rare
every day she was married to Enid, and gently placed her right hand over Enid’s left, when a
jolt ran through her, and a detailed, graphic vision filled her mind.

A scream. A woman’s scream. Followed by the screams of many young men.

The sound of torn flesh and the sight of spattering of dark blood.

Esther Sinclair and her sons lay in bloody heaps on the ground, their stomachs and chests
torn open, some of their limbs torn off.

Their faces clearly were halfway transformed into that of a wolf’s, but they’d been killed
before they could fully turn.

Standing over the corpses, was a hulking werewolf, blood covering its face and claws, and a
mass of dyed blue fur was top the werewolf’s head.

The werewolf began to change back, fur receding and claws and pointed ears and fangs

The naked, pale form of Enid, sat there on her knees on the ground, before the dead bodies of
her biological relatives, staring at the corpses and she shook, burying her face in her
bloodstained hands as she sobbed.

Wednesday broke out of her vision, gasping, staring up, as she saw Enid carefully cradling
her, and Morticia, Ophelia and the rest of her family looking down at her with concern.

“Wednesday?” Morticia asked softly, “What did you see?”

Wednesday’s eyes jumped to Enid, not thinking better of it, and she sat herself up in her seat,
shaking her head. “It’s fine,” she said, and she didn’t doubt for a second that no one in the
room believed her. “It’s……….don’t worry about it.”

She could feel the eyes of her wife and everyone else on her.

But she didn’t let them bring it up for the rest of the night.

Enid predictably tried to get her to talk about it, worried about her wife-reasonably so.

But Wednesday found ways around talking about it.

She saw what her goal was. She had to prevent Enid from suffering the fate of killing her
entire biological family.

She would do it herself, to protect Enid.

Better it be by her hand, than by Enid’s.

(Present day)

Enid stared at Wednesday, understandably paling and not seeming to be able to comprehend
what she’d just heard.

“I…………you saw me…………?” Enid asked, she took a breath and tried to think about the
implications of what Wednesday had just told her.

Wednesday wasn’t lying to her. Of that, she was sure.

Wednesday was capable of manipulation and lying, sure. But about something like this?
Wednesday wouldn’t make up some elaborate lie like that.

“You were protecting me.” Enid said, and it wasn’t a question.

“I was,” Wednesday said, nodding.

Enid gave another weak breath. Wednesday had killed her biological mother and brothers,
because Enid was going to do it anyway, and Wednesday had wanted to protect Enid from
having to live with that.

“Why-why would I do something like kill all of them for no reason?” Enid ask, unable to
help but jump to the worst conclusion.

Because she couldn’t imagine any time when she would tear someone apart, even if it was
someone as awful as her birth mother or her biological brothers, for no reason.

“Who said there was no reason?” Wednesday asked, her voice possessing that blunt edge that
Enid knew so well and loved so much.

Enid’s eyes widened.

She wasn’t entirely sure she was surprised by this. While she knew that Wednesday was of
the mind that anyone was capable of cold blooded and calculated murder, if in the right
circumstance, she knew that Enid flat out committing cold blooded murder, was drastically
out of character.

So, Enid couldn’t say that she was in any way surprised by Wednesday’s certainty that Enid
was given a good reason to do what Wednesday claimed that she’d seen Enid do in that
vision. But Wednesday said those words with such concrete assurance, that Enid wondered if
Wednesday just knew.

Wednesday read Enid’s curiosity well enough, and Wednesday gave a sad smile as she
explained what led to her realizing why Enid would have killed her birth mother and
biological brothers.

What she and Fester had learned when they had started shadowing Esther Sinclair and her
sons, trying to figure out what it was that the Sinclairs had done to get such a violent reaction
from Enid.

“I promise you, cara mia,” Wednesday said, “You had every reason in the world to decimate
Esther and her sons as you did in my vision. And I had every reason to wish to execute them
for you, when Fester and I heard what they were discussing.”
Make up or it

Awaiting Wednesday’s explanation for a series of murders, was far from the weirdest thing
that Enid had done in this office.

It was a good thing that all the students at Nevermore knew that she and Wednesday were
married and that Wednesday tended to keep the door locked and the blinds shut to her office,
whenever Enid came into the office.

Though, Enid doubted that there weren’t a few students that hadn’t heard the sounds that
emanated from the closed door of this room, whenever Enid would visit her wife’s office, or
the sounds that came from the closed door to Enid’s office, whenever Wednesday would visit
Enid’s office.

Still, she appreciated that she and Wednesday both always kept their doors locked, as soon as
their respective other came in.

The last time she’d been in this office, only a few days ago, Wednesday had kept the door
locked, the blinds down and Enid had ridden her wife’s strap, a strap that Wednesday had
brought to the school, kept concealed under her pants, and after Enid’s class was over, Enid
dismissing the students, Wednesday had waltzed right in, while Enid was getting all her
things together to leave the room. Enid had seen Wednesday, smiling and embraced her wife
instantly, and as soon as she had, she had felt the length that Wednesday kept under her pants,
causing the blonde to gasp.

Enid had gotten the idea, blushing and following her smirking lover to Wednesday’s office.
As soon as the door was closed and locked and the blinds shut, Enid had hungrily kissed
Wednesday, allowing the other woman to lead them both to Wednesday’s office chair,
Wednesday sitting down and pulling her pants down, getting a container of lube from her
desk and lubricating the strap.

It hadn’t taken long for Enid unbutton her shirt completely and pull off her bra, and to unzip
her pants, shimmy them down and straddle Wednesday, allowing her wife to enter her with
the strap.

Enid had slid down and allowed the strap to slide in to the hilt, a moan letting out from her
throat as she closed her eyes and Wednesday leaned in and hugged her close, nuzzling her
face between Enid’s breasts as she began to thrust up into the blonde.

And that was one of the less NC-17 things that Enid and Wednesday had done in their offices

So, Enid was positive that all the students knew to steer clear of Wednesday’s office, as soon
as they saw Enid going through the office door just a few minutes ago.

Whatever happened now? Information about Esther and her sons given or anything else,
would not be interrupted.
Enid stared at Wednesday as she said, “Just tell me what you heard.”

Wednesday leaned back against the desk from where she sat, nodding as she began, “After
the vision I had of you? I tracked down Esther and her sons. I needed to know what they had
planned. I know they planned something. Because you wouldn’t attack anyone without good
reason for it.”

And Wednesday knew for certain that that was true.

When Enid was overtaken by her instincts, when she was completely a wolf, just pure
instinct, she still acted more like a huge puppy, than anything else.

Especially when she was around Wednesday. Wednesday’s scent and presence seemed to
soothe Enid.

It was somewhat ridiculous, but Enid, a huge, hulking werewolf that had torn apart a creature
as dangerous as a Hyde, more or less became a happy and docile puppy when Wednesday
was around.

The only times when Enid had become actually violent, was when people she loved were put
in danger.

This was why Wednesday knew that whatever had caused Enid to tear Esther and her sons to
pieces? It was for a good reason.

This was why she had followed Esther and her sons.

She had instructed Fester to come with her.

The two of them had trailed after Esther. And she had heard what that terrible woman had
said to her sons.

She told Enid exactly what she had heard Esther say.

That Esther had felt snubbed by Enid marrying into the Addams family. That the Addams
family had snubbed her by cutting her out of any alliances in the future.

So, she had decided it was time for some revenge. She ordered her sons to find and kill
Wednesday right in front of Enid.

Wednesday as Enid’s eyes widened in comprehension, then watched as the werewolf’s teeth
clenched and her blue eyes turned into glacial pieces of ice in her anger.

Wednesday said, “So, Fester and I ended the threat before you could suffer the results of that
woman’s plans. I doubt she would have succeeded and I wasn’t afraid of her or her sons. But
I had to kill her and them, before she could hurt you in any way.”

Enid leaned back against the desk, shuddering.

Even after all this time, her birth mother still hadn’t been able to stand that Enid hadn’t been
what Esther wanted and never would be.

And Esther threatened Wednesday?

Enid’s jaw clenched. She knew Wednesday wasn’t lying.

Even after all these years? Esther still thought she had a say in Enid’s life.

And she actually would have murdered Wednesday? The woman that Enid loved? Her birth
mother really was so cruel and unfeeling that she'd murder the woman that Enid loved with
all her heart and soul?

A thought that Enid wish wasn’t present, entered her mind, (You’re happy she’s dead.)

Enid winced. But it was the truth. She was happy that Esther was gone. Relieved more than
anything else.

“I’m sorry if this hurts you in any way, Enid,” Wednesday said, “But I don’t regret killing
her. Or her sons. She was a blight on your life. You always will be better off without her.”

Enid wished she could argue with Wednesday, if only because the crime scene that Enid had
seen after the police and the photographers had shown up, was such a horror to witness, but
she wasn’t sure she actually could argue with her wife on that.

“You won’t have to be concerned about the authorities,” Wednesday informed her, “They will
assume that it was a rival pack, due to the damage done to the bodies. We will not be
implicated in any manner.”

Enid chuckled. That actually was the least of her worries, but okay.

“Are you still angry?” Wednesday asked carefully.

Enid knew that if she said “yes,” which she wasn’t, but if she said she was, Wednesday
wouldn’t pursue this subject or touch Enid……she would respect Enid if she needed any

But the truth? Enid hadn’t come here crying because she had mourned for her birth mother or
for her biological brothers. Know. Some really screwed up part of her? Had wished them
dead a long time ago.

She had come here crying, because she’d known, she had just known that Wednesday had
done this for her.

And some part of her reveled in knowing that.

She had felt ashamed. Disgusted with herself.

Because how could she be happy for something like this to have happened?
Enid turned her head more to look at Wednesday. She said quietly, her voice calm but tepid,
“I love you. But I wish you had just told me what was going on. Withholding information
from me like that? Wednesday, you know that’s really not okay.”

Wednesday breathed out slowly. “I know,” she said, “And I love you. I thought protecting
you from this would be the for the best.”

Enid nodded. She supposed Wednesday would assume that. “But you know that I would have
heard about what happened to Esther and the boys, one day, even if it was several weeks from
now. You know I would have heard about it.”

“Yes,” Wednesday grimaced, “I do. But I am sorry that I hurt you.”

Enid chuckled again, as she scooted closer to Wednesday, “You didn’t.”

Wednesday smirked, then, seeing Enid edging closer, “Still, I thought I might make it up to
you, my love. Make up for it.”

She added, "Unless we want to traumatize several students, I think I should lock the door
before we continue. Not that I'm opposed to traumatizing anyone."

Enid snorted, smirking now. "Lock the door," she grumbled.

Wednesday got up and went to the door, locking it fast. The blinds were already down. When
she went back to where Enid was seated, Enid didn't move from her spot and Wednesday got
the hint, lowering herself back down to the floor next to her wife.

Enid smiled this time as she moved closer. She again straddled Wednesday’s legs, feeling
Wednesday wrap her arms around her. Enid cupped Wednesday’s face in her hands and
kissed the twin braided woman, pressing her forehead to Wednesday's.

Enid smiled into the kiss when she felt Wednesday raise her right leg up, thigh rubbing
between Enid’s legs.

Enid groaned as she bit Wednesday’s lower lip hard, bringing a growl from her wife.
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