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Argument Type of Fallacy

No. argument
1 P1 We cause vast numbers of animal deaths (both
directly and indirectly).
P2 We destroy habitats. We damage the

P3 We are currently heating up the world’s climate in

a way that is likely to be detrimental to countless
numbers of animals (ourselves included).
P4 And we have the means, nuclear weapons, to
destroy everything at the push of a button. We
came perilously close to pushing that button on
one occasion (the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962)
C Humans are the most destructive creatures on “most”
2 P1 A colossal amount of harm has been caused by
humans .
(P2) Harmful things and people should be boycotted.
C There is a moral reason to boycott the human
3 Measures can be taken to limit the harm humans
(Objection) cause to other animals and the environment by,
say, recycling more and ceasing to kill animals for
food. We should be focusing our efforts on
changing our destructive behaviour rather than
giving up on having children altogether.
4 Given the rather pathetic, late-in-the-day changes
(counterar humans have managed so far it is unlikely that
gument) future generations will do any better. There’s a
good chance they’ll do worse.
We have very limited control over how future
generations will behave.
We should do our best to limit the impact we
have, but
we should also stop creating more humans.
5 P1 Human beings are dangerous things; too
(Objection) dangerous.
(P2) Dangerous things should be prevented.
C by this logic we should not only
stop procreating: we should start killing existing
6 P1 Humans who already exist have moral status;
(counterar they have rights.
gument) P2 To end a human life is (under normal
circumstances) wrong and will violate that
human’s rights.
C We should not kill existing humans.
7 P1 Those who do not, have never, and will never
exist have no moral status.
P2 Failing to start a life does not violate anyone’s
(P3) Things that does not violates anyone’s rights are
morally acceptable.
C Chose not to have children is morally acceptable.
8 P1 We wouldn’t be violating anyone’s rights by
(Objection) committing suicide.
(P2) Things that does not violates anyone’s rights are
morally acceptable.
C We can suicide to decline danger caused by
human beings.
9 P1 There is a limit on the moral demand for altruism.
P2 Suicide to decline the danger caused by human
beings is a kind of self-sacrifice that is beyond any
plausible limit there may be.
C Suicide is not a good way to decline the danger
caused by human beings.
10 P1 It is easy to forego procreation.
C The requirement to cease production of new
humans is not over-demanding.

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