14 Mark Question Exam Practice Booklet

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Year 10 Sociology

Exam Practice- 12, 10 & 14 Mark Questions

Guide to answering this question.

• Levelled response questions are the part of the final exams that many students find
the most challenging.
• The mark you achieve is based on the quality of your response to the question and
for specific points.
• The following guide will help you to express your knowledge and understanding in
ways which will enable you to achieve the highest marks.
• The 14-mark questions are in paper 1 and paper 2 at the end of each section.
• You are required to complete two 14-mark questions in each paper.
• The 10 mark question is part of paper 1 question 1, you are required to complete 1
10- mark question.
• There are 4 levels which can be awarded in a levelled response question. These are
outlined below:

There are 3 levels which can be awarded in a levelled response 10 mark question. These
are outlined below:

Answering the 10 and 14 Mark Questions

• Regardless of the topic, the type of question that you will need to answer will be
broadly the same. You will be asked to Explain/Evaluate

Step 1

• Read the question carefully and underline the command word. Are you being asked
to identify, describe, explain, or evaluate?

Step 2

• Underline the key words.

Eg. Evaluate the view that objectivity is essential in sociological research.

• In this example it is important that you focus on objectivity in sociological research.

Step 3 (10 mark Question)

• Plan the information you are going to include. This can be a short list of bullet points.
• Brief definition of the key term.
• At least two arguments for and two arguments against the approach.
• A conclusion

Step 3 (12 mark Question)

• Plan the information you are going to include. This can be a short list of bullet points.
• Brief definition of the key term.
• Follow the PEAEL framework: the point of view, explanation, application,
evaluation, and links.
• A Conclusion

Practice question 1
Evaluate the view that ethical issues influence the way sociological research
is carried out.
• At least two arguments for and two arguments against the approach.
• A conclusion


.................................................................................................................... [10]
Practice question 2

You are about to conduct research on the amount of support that parents give
to their children’s education. Explain what hypothesis you might wish to test,
how you might obtain your sampling frame, and the sampling method you
would choose to select your sample. Give reasons for your choices.
• Formulate hypothesis
• Two sampling frames and methods used for sampling with reasons


.................................................................................................................... [12]

Practice question 3
Evaluate the view that families are still patriarchal in the modern industrial
society. Your answer should include:
• At least three arguments for and three arguments against the view
• Conclusion

........................................................................................................... [14]

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