Digestive System Class Test

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Class test

1) which papillae are absent in Humans?

(a) circumvallates (b) filliform (c) fungiform (d) foliate

2) which is correct about digestion of fat?

(a) Fats is absorbed as glycerol and triglyceride form

(b) Micells are absorbed by blood vessel in intestine

(c) Chylomicrons are absorbed by lymphatic vessel in intestine

(d) Micelles absorbed by lymphatic vessel of intestine

3) lysosome help in

(a) digestion ( b ) excretion (c) circulation (d) Respiration

4) insulin is produced by

(a) alpha cells (b) Beta cells (c) delta cells ( d) Gcell

5) vitamin which is soluble is

(a) Vitamin A (b) vitamin B (c) vitamin K (d) vitamin D

6) Zymogen cells of stomach produce

(a) HCl (b) pepsinogen (c) pepsin (d) Amylase

7) The Hardest tissue in the Body is

(a) Bone (b) nail (c) enamel (d) cartilage

8) vitamin A is synthesis inside the body in

(a) Pancrease (b) spleen (c) kidney (d) liver

9) Number of teeth in each half of lower jaw of Rabbit is

(a) 12 (b) 8 (c) 6 (d) 4

10) which of following organ is vestigial in human body

(a) Nictitating membrane (b) vermiform appendix

(c) wisdom teeth (d)All of above

11) simi digested food entering into the dodenum is called

(a) Chyles (b) bolus (c) chymes (d) bile

12) pencreatic secretion is stimulated by

a) secretin ( b) oxytocin (c) enterokinase (d) succus entericus

13) pancreatic juice contain

(a) Pepsin ,lipase, amylase

(b) Trypsin ,lipase, amylase

(c) Trypsin ,lypase ,maltase

(d) Pepsin ,Trypsin ,steapsin

14) succus entericus is secreted by

(a) Burner gland (b) stomach (c) crypt if liverkunh (d) colon

15) which one is the sensory organ of Rabbits

(a)Statocyst (b) Jacobsons organs (c) osphardium (d) johnstons organs

(16) Insulin and glucagon are

(a) Insulin is protein , glucogon is lipid

(b) Both are lipids

(c) Glucagon is protein ,insulin is lipid

(d) Both are protein

(17) A condition in which blood glucose level exceed its normal value is called

(a) Hypertension (b) Hyperglycin (c) Hyperglycemia (d) Hyperglycosuria

(18) Which of the following is non proteinaceous in nature?

(a) Trypsin (b) pepsin (c) Renin (d) Ribozymes

(19) All enzymes are ingredient of

(a) Vitamin (b) fat (c) protein (d) sugar

(20) Vermiform appendix is part of

(a) Nervous system (b) Digestive system (c) vascular system (d) Reproductive system

(21) Types of dentation in frog is

(a) Heterodont (b) Homodont (c) pleurodont (d) thecodont

(22) The study of Human teeth is

(a) Osteology (b) odontology (c) carcinology (d) concology

(23) HCl is secreted by

(a) Globlet cells (b) peptic cell (c) oxyentic cell (d) Thyroid glands

(24) Alpha and beta cell are found in

(a) Liver (b) pancreas (c) Thymus (d) Zymogen cell

(25) Lack of insulin lead to

(a) Hypertension (b) Hyptention (c) Diabetes (d) Arthritis

(26) Vitamin A help in better function of

(a) Bleeding (b) control of beriberi (c) Eye epithelial cells (d) cure scurvey

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