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Why is it important to cleanse the chakras?

The chakras are the 7 major energy centres. All the energy, whether positive or negative are absorbed
into the chakras, this is why it is important to cleanse them. After a while, your chakras will not be able to
work to their maximum because they are overloaded with the negative energy that hasnt been released
from the body. This can often result in sickness in the location of the particular chakra that has got too
much negative energy, blocked or be damaged from emotional, mental or physical inteference within the
So how do I cleanse them?
Step 1: Introduction
Find a quiet place to be comfortable in, sit, in whatever position makes you comfortable and begin
to meditate, relaxing your body as you do.
Step 2: Cleansing your Root Chakra
First begin visualising a red light at the base of your spine, this is where the root chakra is located. Slowly
begin to concentrate on this light. Feel the warmth from the light radiating around your chakra and
visualise the globe of red to start pulsing gently.
As you see the globe to start pulsing, visualise the red light begin to expand, grow stronger and brighter.
At this time, if you feel any negativity surrounding this chakra, or perhaps see any darkness around it,
release it, Just let it go. Now with the emptiness left from the darkness, expand that hole with the healthy
glow of the chakras light.
Step 3: Cleansing your Sacral Chakra
Firstly, before you start visualising an orange light, you must first remember that the sacral chakra has
two openings, and is located at the pelvis, so when you visualise the light, remember to see them for
both, the front and rear of your pelvic region.
Repeat what you did with the first chakra, feeling the warmth and the steady brightening of the chakras,
but do not forget to envision two globes of light instead of one. If there is any darkness or negativity that
you may see or sense clouding this chakra, release it.
With the remaining hole, fill it with the orange light of the chakras.
Step 4: Cleansing your Solar Plexus Chakra
Now we move up to the next chakra, the solar plexus. If you arent sure where this is, it is located at the
stomach, just below the diaphragm. Like the sacral this too has two openings, one front, one rear.
Visualise a yellow glow coming from the back and front areas of your solar plexus. Slowly begin to see
the light expand and pulse brighter. Do not forget to feel the warmth around this area, as this is an
indication that your chakra is responding to your cleansing.
Once again, any darkness or negativity that you may see or sense must be released for the chakra to be
cleansed. Do this and fill the remaining hole with the yellow light.
Step 5: Cleansing your Heart Chakra
Like the two before this, this chakra has two openings at the front and rear of the body.
Start by visualising a green glow from your chest, see it grow brighter till it is strong and green in colour.
Feel the warmth radiate in your chest.
Any darkness or negativity must again be released from the chakra, and fill the remaining hole with the
green light. Your chakra is now cleansed.
Step 6: Cleansing your Throat Chakra
This chakra too as two openings. Begin with visualising a blue light,getting steadily brighter as you
concentrate on it. The colour should be a light blue than a deep blue. It is important to get this colour right,
as the third eye colour can be highly similar in many instances.
Now, feel the warmth of the charged chakras in the front and back of your throat.
Following what you have done with the other chakras, you must release any negative energy or darkness
that has surrounded the chakra. Then in the space, expand the blue light to complete the globe.
Step 7: Cleansing your Third Eye Chakra
The third eye also has two openings. This chakra is associated with a light purple colour and is located
between your eyebrows. Concentrate on that area and feel the warmth of your chakras responding to
Now visualise a light purple globe begin to expand from between your eyebrows at the front and back of
your forehead. See it steadily brighten and pulse with your energy.
If there is any darkness or negativity around the chakra, release it. With the space left, allow the purple
light to fill the chakra and become whole.
Step 8: Cleansing your Crown Chakra
Start by feeling the warmth in and around your head. Unlike most of the others, this chakra only has one
opening. It is associated with the colour of white.
Visualise a globe of pure white and begin to see it glow bright and healthy.
Now once again, if there are any spots of darkness or negativity that surround or cloud this chakra,
release this energy so that the holes can be filled with the white light and the chakra is cleansed.
I have cleansed them, so now what?
Well now you are done, you have cleansed your chakras. It is best to keep this a regular exercise, as it
helps with how much energy and power you can exert.
Chakra Empowerment**
The closer you are to the source of the earth (ie. being outside) the easier it is to empower your chakras.
If you are further away from the source, extra energy is taken from your body for visualisation and the
gathering of energy.
Beginner - Laying Down
Lay down in a comfortable position Start your breathing exercise until it is calm and rhythmic From the top
of your head, go down your body, visualising each chakra and their colours
Crown - White Third Eye - Light Purple Throat - Blue Heart - Green Solar Plexus - Yellow Sacral - Orange
Root - Red
As you do this, see a white beam of light extending from each of the chakras into the earth (7 beams of
light for 7 chakras) Feel the beams radiate with a gentle warmth Starting at your crown, visualise a pulse
of energy going up into your chakra from the earth Do this for each chakra, with each beam of light
energy changing to the colour association**
**From the top of your head;
First Beam = White Second Beam = Light Purple Third Beam = Blue Fourth Beam = Green Fifth Beam =
Yellow Sixth Beam = Orange Seventh Beam = Red
As the light energy reaches the chakra, see the sphere of your chakra grow brighter and expand This is a
constant energy flow from the earth. Once it empowers your crown, move onto the next chakra To end
the meditation, visualise the point where the beams of light extend into the earth, and retract each of the
beams into each of your chakras
Focus & Concentration
Many people have trouble with focus and concentration, this is a technique which can be much like the
void, simple but difficult to master
For this technique we will start out by using a prop...a candle
You can use something that will keep your attention without allowing yourself to waver too much
The reason for the candle is because it is easier to focus as it is continually moving
Find a place where you will not be disturbed and light a candle Sit in a position that you will be
comfortable for a long period of time Relax your breathing, just in and out...slowly but not uncomfortably
Focus on the flame of the candle, just watch it flicker and move, still breathing rhythmically Do not let your
focus waver from the flame, any thoughts that come into your head, just push them out and continue to
focus and concentrate on the flame Continue this for as long as you wish then end the meditation
This will assist in focus and concentration, it may be difficult to begin with, but like all things it takes time,
so do not feel dispondent if you have trouble focussing and concentrating

Chakra Awakening
With these meditations they must be done everyday for one week. They can all be done each day, or you
can do each chakra weekly.
"You are not meant to do the Root Chakra first, this is because the body is like the construction of the
world. The deeper you go, the stronger the power. The more powerful, the more dangerous. Your body is
not used to it and is not ready for such power to be unleashed until you are skilled at awakening the other
6 chakras."

What you should sense when awakening chakras

Tingling Pulsing of your body in the area of the chakra you are working on Heat Pressure on the area of
your body that the chakra is located Visualisation/Seeing the chakra itself
You may not have all these experiences when you do the awakening, but you should experience one of
these or something similar. These are the typical responses your body makes to your chakras being
Awakening One - Crown Chakra
Lay straight or sit up straight, whichever you feel is more comfortable Begin by relaxing your breathing
and enter a void state of mind When you feel ready, begin the exercise Start by focussing on the crown
chakra, visualise a ball of glowing white light becoming brighter (you may be able to feel or sense it
happening) Make the light expand and grow stronger Draw the light into your body through the crown
chakra. At this point you can try focussing the energy out through the open chakra (this is optional as it
may be hard to do) If any of the above feelings or sensations occur, then you have successfully opened
the chakra
Awakening Two - Third Eye Chakra
Lay straight or sit up straight, whichever you feel is more comfortable Begin by relaxing your breathing
and enter a void state of mind When you feel ready, begin the exercise Start by focussing on the third eye
chakra, visualise a ball of glowing violet/purple light becoming brighter (you may be able to feel or sense it
happening) Make the light expand and grow stronger Draw the light into your body through the third eye
chakra. At this point you can try focussing the energy out through the open chakra (this is optional as it
may be hard to do) If any of the above feelings or sensations occur, then you have successfully opened
the chakra
Awakening Three - Throat Chakra
Lay straight or sit up straight, whichever you feel is more comfortable Begin by relaxing your breathing
and enter a void state of mind When you feel ready, begin the exercise Start by focussing on the throat
chakra, visualise a ball of glowing blue light becoming brighter (you may be able to feel or sense it
happening) Make the light expand and grow stronger Draw the light into your body through the throat
chakra. At this point you can try focussing the energy out through the open chakra (this is optional as it
may be hard to do) If any of the above feelings or sensations occur, then you have successfully opened
the chakra
Awakening Four - Heart Chakra
Lay straight or sit up straight, whichever you feel is more comfortable Begin by relaxing your breathing
and enter a void state of mind When you feel ready, begin the exercise Start by focussing on the heart
chakra, visualise a ball of glowing green light becoming brighter (you may be able to feel or sense it
happening) Make the light expand and grow stronger Draw the light into your body through the heart
chakra. At this point you can try focussing the energy out through the open chakra (this is optional as it
may be hard to do) If any of the above feelings or sensations occur, then you have successfully opened
the chakra
Awakening Five - Solar Plexus Chakra
Lay straight or sit up straight, whichever you feel is more comfortable Begin by relaxing your breathing
and enter a void state of mind When you feel ready, begin the exercise Start by focussing on the solar
plexus chakra, visualise a ball of glowing yellow light becoming brighter (you may be able to feel or sense
it happening) Make the light expand and grow stronger Draw the light into your body through the solar
plexus chakra. At this point you can try focussing the energy out through the open chakra (this is optional
as it may be hard to do) If any of the above feelings or sensations occur, then you have successfully
opened the chakra
Awakening Six - Sacral Chakra
Lay straight or sit up straight, whichever you feel is more comfortable Begin by relaxing your breathing
and enter a void state of mind When you feel ready, begin the exercise Start by focussing on the sacral
chakra, visualise a ball of glowing orange light becoming brighter (you may be able to feel or sense it
happening) Make the light expand and grow stronger Draw the light into your body through the sacral
chakra. At this point you can try focussing the energy out through the open chakra (this is optional as it
may be hard to do) If any of the above feelings or sensations occur, then you have successfully opened
the chakra
Awakening Seven - Root Chakra
Lay straight or sit up straight, whichever you feel is more comfortable Begin by relaxing your breathing
and enter a void state of mind When you feel ready, begin the exercise Start by focussing on the root
chakra, visualise a ball of glowing red light becoming brighter (you may be able to feel or sense it
happening) Make the light expand and grow stronger Draw the light into your body through the red
chakra. At this point you can try focussing the energy out through the open chakra (this is optional as it
may be hard to do) If any of the above feelings or sensations occur, then you have successfully opened
the chakra

Chakra Balancing
Balancing the Chakras
Science and technology have made great strides. However, there has been one very negative unforeseen
side effect of this great progress ? people have either forgotten their spiritual needs or have
relegated them to the background.
Hindu thinking has kept this important idea alive and well; that of maintaining spiritual health and
awareness even in this technologically advanced age in which we live.
Our bodies are made up of seven primary Chakras and literally thousands of secondary ones.
Chakra is a word which comes to us from the Sanskrit language and roughly translates to "wheel of light".
Chakra is used to describe those energy centers in the human body which are, at least in a healthy
person in a constant state of rotation.
An imbalance of any of the Chakras can create a host of problems for your physical, mental and
spiritual health. This is because a Chakra imbalance is indicative of an entire system which is out of
Chakras are the points at which energy flows in and out of the body. These points can be thought of
as the nerve centers of our life force. The seven primary Chakras run along the spine from the base to the
top of the head ? the central dividing line of our bodies. These Chakras are responsible for transmitting
and receiving energy.
Distortion in Chakras
There can be a blockage in one or more of the Chakras causing energy to flow improperly resulting in
an imbalance ultimately causing problems that manifest in the physical world.
Chakra distortion can be due to a variety of factors, including physical illness, a bad diet, stress and
environmental toxins. A lack of physical activity can also cause this distortion, leading to blockage.
The Key to Health and Happiness Is Truly Found in Chakra Balancing
While the ideal is for all Chakras to function completely and stay in balance with each other, this is
not always the way things pan out in reality. People have always put effort into correcting distortion and
placing their Chakras into a harmonious balance. Self-healing is in fact based, at least in part on Chakra
Our glandular processes, thoughts, physical ailments, body shape, and behavior can be controlled by
the chakras very easily. By balancing the chakras, we ensure that these limitations work to give us
healthy minds, souls and bodies.
The known good effects of Chakra Balancing include:
* An overall sense of happiness and inner peace
* Good physical and mental health
* Coming into balance with the inner and out world
* Being sexually content without being lustful
* A better connection to and understanding of your emotional states
* Enhanced ability to both attract love and to express love
* Spiritual growth and a greater level of maturity
* Spiritual healing through higher patterns of consciousness, awareness, and acceptance
* Having an affectionate and kind heart
* Having wonderful confidence without being overconfident
* Realization of the True Self
What do you need to be successful with a chakra balance?
Chakra balance sets in motion many new ways of thinking and perceiving the world around you.
Attaining this balance in the Chakras can happen in many ways including:
* Medicinal therapy including Reiki
* Practicing yoga (along with breathing exercises) and meditation
* Increased physical exercise
* Light and color therapy
* Use of crystals and gems
*Utilization of hands and pendulums in balance
* Aromatherapy
*Utilizing touch therapy
* Maintaining an optimistic outlook
* Using sound frequencies that are binaural
* Practicing or using hypnosis and doing affirmations
Our body is a natural reservoir of universal energy, with "used" energy being cleared out of the
body by our internal organs and replenished by fresh energy entering through our Chakras.
The idea of Chakra balancing is to ensure that our bodies store and use this energy the most
efficient way, with every part of our bodies receiving as much of this energy as they need.
When you're optimized in this way, you have health, happiness and inner peace naturally. In
balancing your chakras, you simply bring them back to their natural state of frequency and vibration.


Before God created all things on earth, He prepared the four vital elements needed on earth.
Soon afterwards, appeared the burst of fire and the blowing wind.
God said: “CREAVIT SECTIBUS CAELUM ET TERRAM,” meaning I will now begin to make the
MEUS.” Afterwards, the earth, water, fire and wind grouped together. God again said, “MALQUE
ATIM MIRBEATIM MACMITIM,” and soon the water divided into two and of different tastes.
According to the Holy Bible, in the Book of Psalms 90:2, it is stated, “BEFORE YOU CREATED
This clearly means that God is everlasting....It has no beginning and no ending. This is the basis
why people in the particular religious GROUPS as CULTISTS call Him INFINITO DEUS (INFINITE
GOD). In this regard, a question arose: Before the earth’s existence, where did the Lord God live
and what was His living condition? If the Holy Bible is to answer these questions, there is no clear
answer or explanation, as it is not stated in any part of it.
However, in the Esoteric Knowledge, in the Book of Nature, this is what is written: Before the
earth’s existence, God already existed, and He lived in His Kingdom which is also His power, and
this is known as“CIELO DE CHRISTILLENO” or “Heaven of Heavens”.

Even if everything were not yet in-being except the one God and only God, the Heaven of Heavens
is likened to space that nobody knows its beginning and its determined end.

KEY: The A thru Z is the alpha and the omega....which combines the Father and the
essence.On this, the Book of Nature has this:
comprehension or perception even by the mind.

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