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Journal of Development Economics 153 (2021) 102732

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Mass persuasion and the ideological origins of the Chinese

Cultural Revolution☆
Susan Ou a, Heyu Xiong b, *
Chicago, USA
Case Western Reserve University, USA


Keywords: We study the role of media in the transmission of ideology during the Cultural Revolution. We find that counties
State media with a stronger radio signal experienced higher revolutionary intensity as shown by the number of killings. We
Propaganda also find that the effects of radio were concentrated in areas where Mandarin, the language of state-sponsored
Chinese Cultural Revolution
broadcasts, was better understood. This suggests that the extent of state persuasion was constrained by the
Economics of conflict
linguistic heterogeneity of the population. Through investigation of later-in-life outcomes such as participation in
the Communist Party and attitudes on wealth and inequality, we provide evidence of persistence in beliefs among
the group most differentially exposed to media — native Mandarin speakers of an impressionable age at the start
of the Cultural Revolution.

1. Introduction In this paper, we focus on one of the largest and most significant
political campaigns launched by the Chinese Communist Party, the
Autocratic regimes frequently use repression and violence as a means Cultural Revolution, and study the role of mass persuasion in the orga­
to consolidate power and maintain political order. A striking develop­ nization of mass killing. We draw from a recent literature that discusses
ment in the 20th century, however, is the capacity of these states to build how states use communication and media technology to facilitate
civilian support for their actions not through overt coercion, but through civilian involvement during periods of intrastate conflict (Adena et al.,
persuasion. This is particularly evident in the context of Mao-era China, 2015; Voigtländer and Voth, 2014; Yanagizawa-Drott, 2014). Our paper
where the Chinese Communist Party repeatedly orchestrated mass contributes to this literature by examining the effect of media in a new
“revolutionary” campaigns as a method of governance. These campaigns context, where, unlike other settings, the conflict was not ethnic in
include the Land Reform (1947–1950), the Anti-Rightist Movement origin. In doing so, we also shed light on the unique constraints to state
(1957–1959), the Great Leap Forward (1958–1960), and perhaps most persuasion in a linguistically diverse country, as well as the long-run
notably, the Chinese Cultural Revolution (1966–1976). The success of effects of mass persuasion on individuals.
these movements relied, in part, on the mobilization of civilians who The Chinese Cultural Revolution was a large-scale political move­
were otherwise only tangentially connected to the political process. The ment characterized by collective violence and political persecution.
understanding of these events is arguably incomplete without an ac­ Violence against political opponents was state sanctioned, but typically
count of what caused the overwhelming civilian response and carried out by ordinary citizens. Estimates of the number of fatalities
participation. ranges from 250,000 to 1.6 million, while the total number of victims,

We are grateful to Georgy Egorov, Joel Mokyr, Matt Notowidigdo, and Nancy Qian for generous advice and feedback on this work. We also thank Lori Beaman,
Matthias Doepke, Joe Ferrie, Seema Jayachandran, Ruixue Jia, Cynthia Kinnan, Lee Lockwood, Mara Squicciarini, and participants of the Northwestern Applied
Microeconomics Seminar, History Seminar, NBER Conference on the Chinese Economy, and DEVPEC Conference at UC Berkeley for helpful advice and comments.
Heyu Xiong is grateful for financial support from the Balzan Foundation and Northwestern’s Center for Economic History. The authors are grateful to Hiroyuki
Kasahara and Bingjing Li for sharing Communist Party membership data, and to Andrew Walder for sharing Cultural Revolution violence data.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (S. Ou), (H. Xiong).
Received 27 January 2020; Received in revised form 13 July 2021; Accepted 8 August 2021
Available online 13 August 2021
0304-3878/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Ou and H. Xiong Journal of Development Economics 153 (2021) 102732

including those persecuted, ranges from 22 to 30 million (Walder, were concentrated primarily in locations where the local dialect aligned
2014).1 Despite a large literature documenting the consequences of this with the language of radio broadcasts. Specifically, we employ two
traumatic episode on Chinese history and the cohorts which experienced measures of linguistic compatibility: 1) a binary indicator for whether
it, there is little consensus as to what caused ordinary citizens to the local dialect belonged to the Mandarin language family, and 2) a
perpetrate violence. continuous measure of the degree of mutual intelligibility between the
First, we show that state-sponsored media led to more killings during local dialect and Standard Mandarin. Across both of these measures, we
the Cultural Revolution. In the prelude to the Cultural Revolution, the find that the effect of radio is increasing in the Mandarin comprehension
Communist Party developed a sophisticated wired radio infrastructure of the local population. In other words, radio broadcast did induce more
from which politicized media was regularly broadcast. To identify the conflict, but only in areas where Mandarin was relatively well under­
contemporaneous effect of radio broadcast on revolutionary intensity, stood. In Mandarin speaking counties, we find that a standard deviation
we construct a proxy for county-level radio exposure based on the shift in radio signal leads to a 0.022 percentage point change in the
strength of signal from each provincial relay stations to the county population killed compared to non-Mandarin speaking counties. In non-
receiving station. Mandarin counties, the effect size is insignificant and small in magni­
The main empirical challenge to estimating the effect of radio pro­ tude. Thereby, we show that the extent of exposure and success of
paganda is the possibility that the variation in radio signal could reflect indoctrination hinged not only on the broadcast infrastructure but also
unobservable characteristics which may also influence revolutionary on the linguistic compatibility of the listeners.
intensity. To address this, we follow a strategy pioneered by Olken Finally, we investigate the long-term consequences of state propa­
(2009) and used extensively in the media literature (see e.g. Yanagiza­ ganda on individual behavior using retrospective micro-data from the
wa-Drott (2014), Enikolopov et al. (2011), and DellaVigna et al. (2014)). 2010 China Family Panel Studies (CFPS) survey. We build on our pre­
Specifically, we regress outcomes on radio signal, controlling for the vious result relating media exposure to linguistic compatibility and
hypothetical radio signal in the absence of geomorphological obstacles. exploit differences in individuals’ native language as a source of iden­
Doing so allows us to isolate the exogenous variation in radio exposure tifying variation.2 We further utilize variation across birth cohorts
attributable only to topographic features in the line-of-sight along the during the Cultural Revolution as another dimension of exposure.
signal transmission path. Identification comes from the assumption that, We implement a difference-in-differences strategy using these two
conditional on the hypothetical free-space signal, the residual variation sources of variation. We regard Mandarin speakers who lived through
in radio signal is exogenous to other determinants of conflict. While this the Cultural Revolution at an impressionable age, when they were more
assumption is fundamentally un-testable, we assess its plausibility by likely to be persuaded by the political rhetoric, as the treatment group.
examining the relationship of radio signal with observable covariates. We compare the outcomes of this group with that of non-Mandarin
Reassuringly, we show that radio coverage is uncorrelated with an speakers from the same cohort as well as Mandarin speakers from
extensive set of both contemporaneous and historical county charac­ other cohorts. In other words, our empirical specification captures pat­
teristics, including population, ethnolinguistic fragmentation, urbani­ terns unique to Mandarin speakers among the birth cohorts most readily
zation, gender ratio and the distance to provincial capitals. exposed to radio propaganda. The combination of dialect and cohort
One concern is the possibility that local radio development is related variation allows us to flexibly control for time-period and life-cycle ef­
to the penetration of Chinese Communist Party or the extent of their fects as well as unobserved but cohort invariant heterogeneity arising
influence in the region. To address this, in our main specification, we from being a native Mandarin speaker.
control for the county-level Chinese Communist Party membership prior We show that native Mandarin speakers who experienced the Cul­
to the onset of the Cultural Revolution in 1956. This is the most direct tural Revolution during the critical years of adolescence and early
measure of contemporaneous state capacity available, and the robust­ adulthood exhibit behavior and held views consistent with Communist
ness of our results to this control suggests that the effect of radio was ideology later in life. Namely, we find that these individuals were more
unlikely to be confounded by state capacity. likely to join the Communist Party later in life. They were also less
We find that counties with better radio reception experienced a tolerant of inequality and generally held more negative attitudes con­
higher number of fatalities over the course of the Cultural Revolution. A cerning wealth. These results coincide with both the psychological
one standard deviation increase in radio signal corresponds to a 0.014 literature regarding the susceptibility of adolescents to media indoctri­
percentage point change in the population killed. We interpret this as nation and the nature of state propaganda during the Cultural Revolu­
the causal effect of radio broadcast on the extent of conflict. tion. The fact that we find these effects only among Mandarin speakers
Next, having established the effect of radio broadcasts on violence, within the critical age cohort is consistent with our county-level results:
we then demonstrate that the extent of state persuasion was affected by that language was a barrier for the propagation of propaganda. The
the linguistic compatibility of the population. China is a linguistically evidence suggests that media formed a persistent and long-lasting
diverse country, composed of hundreds of mutually unintelligible di­ impression on individuals, which also facilitated the recruitment and
alects united by a common written script. In order to combat localism supply of future party members.
and to facilitate national integration, the Chinese Communist Party This paper relates to several distinct strands of literature. It com­
severely restricted the use of minority dialects over the airwaves in the plements recent work exploring the political effects of media. Della­
years prior to the Cultural Revolution. It was mandated that state news Vigna and Kaplan (2007), Gerber et al. (2009), and Chiang and Knight
and central broadcasts be conducted in the national language: Standard (2011) investigate media influence on voting behavior in developed
Mandarin. We exploit this institutional detail to create a measure of democracies. Enikolopov et al. (2011) and DellaVigna et al. (2014) show
comprehension based on pre-existing heterogeneity in the local pop­ effects of media on voting behavior in transitional democracies, namely
ulation’s ability to understand spoken Mandarin. Russia and Croatia. Adena et al. (2015) attribute the rise of Nazi support
Using an interaction specification, we find that the effects of radio partially to the influence of radio propaganda. Less is known regarding
the impact of media in non-democracies. Notably, Yanagizawa-Drott
(2014) find that radio broadcasts encouraging violence during the
1 Rwandan genocide increased militia violence. Qin et al. (2017) describe
The death toll exceeds some of the modern era’s worst incidents of
politically-induced mortality, such as the Soviet “Great Terror” of 1937–38, the
Rwandan genocide of 1994, and the Indonesian coup and massacres of sus­
pected communists in 1965–66. The death figure also likely understates the true The CFPS asks respondents about the main language they speak at home,
extent of the violence due to the presumably larger number of those who were which we assume is their native language. Even if individuals learned Mandarin
imprisoned or otherwise persecuted. later in life, their spoken language at home would not have likely changed.

S. Ou and H. Xiong Journal of Development Economics 153 (2021) 102732

governmental control of media in contemporary China, and Qin et al. standardization of language augments state capacity, broadly
(2018) study whether market competition constrained the extent of conceived.
media bias in the same setting. Finally, our paper adds to the growing empirical literature on the
We contribute to this literature by exploring the effect of propaganda Chinese Cultural Revolution. These studies have typically focused on the
in a novel context — the Cultural Revolution, which is substantially outcomes for areas and the cohorts who experienced it (Bai, 2014; Gong,
distinct from the contexts found in existing studies. Prior papers have Lu and Xie, 2014, 2015; Kinnan et al., 2015; Meng and Gregory, 2007;
shown the capacity of media to exploit pre-existing ethnic cleavages and Zhou, 2013).4 While a large empirical literature has explored the long
instigate violence exclusively along that dimension. Our paper illus­ term implications of Cultural Revolution on the birth cohorts that
trates the ability of the state to carry out mass violence through media experienced it, we use variation in individual propaganda exposure to
that is unrelated to ethnic dispositions. disentangle the effect of propaganda and ideology from the “bundle” of
Our unique institutional setting also allow us to explore heteroge­ living through the Cultural Revolution. There is also relatively little
neity based on the variation in spoken vernacular. We show that lin­ work studying the local determinants of the Cultural Revolution. To our
guistic compatibility was crucial for the success of indoctrination.3 The knowledge, we are the first to provide rigorous empirical evidence on
results suggest that the effectiveness of persuasion can be highly het­ the cause of the violence, as well as the motivating factors compelling
erogeneous and depend crucially on the identity of the audience. This individuals to be voluntarily rusticated. By showing that media in­
paper increases understanding of the characteristics that might make fluences ideology and individual behavior during the Cultural Revolu­
individuals more able to be persuaded and more receptive to media tion, our study also complements two recent studies about the
effects. determinants of ideology (Cantoni et al., 2017) and foreign media up­
In addition to the contemporaneous effects, we explore long-run take (Chen and Yang, 2019) in China today.
consequences of exposure to state-sponsored media. The previous The rest of the paper proceeds as follows: Section 2 provides a brief
literature has found that living through Communist regimes has a lasting history of radio broadcasting in China and the Cultural Revolution,
effect on individual beliefs (Alesina and Fuchs-Schündeln, 2007). Section 3 describes our data, and Section 4 explains the contempora­
Similarly, Voigtländer and Voth (2015) show Nazi indoctrination had neous effects of media on violence during the Cultural Revolution. An
persistent effect on fostering anti-Semitism in Germany. We attempt to analysis of individual level results and the persistence of ideology is
provide one explanation for why this occurs. Empirical evidence on the presented in Section 5. Concluding remarks are offered in Section 6.
persistence of state media is elusive. In general, studies have found that
political communication rarely has long term effects. The effect of po­ 2. Background
litical advertisement in US political campaigns has been found to be
short-lived (Gerber et al., 2011). Because of the political continuity in It is beyond the scope of our paper to provide an extensive back­
the Chinese context, our setting is particularly well suited to answer this ground of the events of the Cultural Revolution. Instead, in this section
question. The political environment is relatively stable over the time we will focus on the particular details that are relevant for our analysis
period we study. China has not experienced a regime change since the of the relationship between radio propaganda and individual behavior.
founding of the People’s Republic of China, and the party responsible for We document that the Communist government undertook a campaign to
the Cultural Revolution-era propaganda remains in control. The mobilize the public into action during this time period. The media, and
post-Mao shift in party policy and leadership did not result in the especially radio, were especially salient ways to communicate with the
outright repudiation of Mao and his policies. With the exception of the masses and facilitate the transmission of state ideology.
prosecution of the Gang of Four, public criticism of Mao-era policies The Cultural Revolution was a large-scale political campaign
were understated. It stands to reason that 1950s propaganda would still launched by Mao Zedong in 1966 with a stated aim of preserving Chi­
be consequential for the current regime. Our results suggest that pro­ nese Communism by “cleansing the class ranks” of capitalist elements
paganda is effective at cultivating a more permanent support of the (Schoenhals and MacFarquhar, 2006; Su, 2011). The violence of the
government. Cultural Revolution was pervasive and widespread, especially during
This paper also contributes to the literature on how linguistic di­ the first two years, from 1966 to 1968. Even though much of the writing
versity shapes economic and political outcomes. Linguistic fractional­ concerning violence during the Cultural Revolution focuses on urban
ization is a barrier to state capacity, hindering the government’s ability violence, work has documented the extent of violence in the rural areas
to implement policy. Outcomes due to this limitation on state capacity (Walder and Su, 2003). Individuals deemed incompatible with the so­
are found to have an unfavorable impact on the country. Numerous cialist system were persecuted, including intellectuals, senior party of­
studies have attributed political instability, poor institutions, and low ficials, rich peasants, teachers and elites. These “class enemies” were
economic growth to ethnolinguistic fragmentation. For instance, East­ subject to public denunciations, forced self criticisms, and beatings if not
erly and Levine (1997) find that GDP growth is inversely related to outright death. The violence and political purges during the Cultural
fractionalization across a large sample of countries. La Porta et al. Revolution were typically perpetrated by ordinary individuals within a
(1999) show fractionalization is important in determining the quality of
government. Alesina and La Ferrara (2000) document that participation
in social activities is lower in more ethnically or racially fragmented 4
Meng and Gregory (2007) find that those whose education was disrupted
localities in the United States. More recently, Michalopoulos (2012) and during this time period faced a decrease in lifetime earnings. Within this
Bazzi et al. (2017) explore the causes and consequences of ethno­ literature, special attention is paid to the impact of the Send Down Movement
linguistic diversity in the setting of developing countries. specifically. Zhou (2013) explores the long term effects of the Send Down
We provide a clear mechanism to the limits of centralization when Movement on individuals, finding that those who were sent down in fact have
there is linguistic fragmentation using intra-country evidence. During better economic outcomes. Gong, Lu and Xie (2015) explores the persistent
the Cultural Revolution in China, linguistic differences precluded the effect of China’s the Send Down Movement on beliefs, finding that those in­
state from carrying out its goals by constraining the audience of state dividuals who were sent down to work in the countryside are less likely to
believe that external circumstances such as luck, control their lives. Gong, Lu
sponsored media, thereby limiting the scope of persuasion. This pro­
and Xie (2014) also find that these sent-down youth are more likely to expe­
vides new evidence that promoting linguistic homogeneity through
rience mental health problems and chronic diseases. Bai (2014) investigates the
economic legacies of violence during the Cultural Revolution, finding that more
revolutionary regions were slower to industrialize and have a lower GDP.
Gupta et al. (2020) makes a similar point regarding language constraints Kinnan, Wang and Wang (2015) finds the effects of lasting inter-province links
limiting access to information in the context of India. created by migration due to the Send Down Movement.

S. Ou and H. Xiong Journal of Development Economics 153 (2021) 102732

radicalized community rather than agents of the central government.

Oftentimes, the perpetrators and victims knew each other.
Red Guards, a revolutionary youth organization composed of ordi­
nary civilians, became the paramilitary force of the movement. In the
initial phase of the Cultural Revolution, traditional state apparatuses
such as the police were instructed not to intervene in Red Guard activ­
ities and individuals who attempted to do so would risk being labeled
counterrevolutionaries (Schoenhals and MacFarquhar, 2006). Red
Guards often engaged in power seizures. According to varying sources,
between 1.1 and 1.6 million were killed during the Cultural Revolution,
and many more were victims of persecution (Walder, 2014).
The nature of the violence during this time period was primitive.
Instead of guns and armed weaponry, victims were often beaten to death
with blunt objects, or forced to jump off cliffs. The perpetrators of
violence were not deemed as criminals, but rather, were accepted as
someone who was acting on behalf of the community. These commu­
nities were “willing” agents of the central government (Su, 2011). Fig. 1. Radio Diffusion Exchange. Note: This is a reproduction of a figure in Liu
The Cultural Revolution required mass involvement and compliance (1964). It shows the overall structure of the radio diffusion exchanges. The
at many levels of the public. Because the movement was initiated by dotted lines represent signals sent over the airwaves and solid lines represent
Mao partly to re-assert control over the party, it did not have consensus wired connections.
support within the government itself, particularly provincially. To
implement the movement, Mao bypassed traditional party structures
and appealed directly to the masses (Fukuyama, 2014). Radio became
the means through which the overwhelming popular response was broadcasting system, but a system of point-to-point radio communica­
realized. tion, with dissemination of selected programming at points of reception
Throughout the Cultural Revolution, radio allowed for the direct through means of wired loudspeakers. This system and its predecessors
communication between the central committee and the local commu­ were known as “radio diffusion exchanges” (Houn, 1957).
nities. Radio broadcasts served the dual purpose of communicating The construction of these exchanges circumvented the lack of ordi­
Mao’s directions and goals as well as inciting the masses to action and to nary radio equipment. By 1956, there were reportedly 1,500,000 radio
carry out these goals. State rhetoric heightened the revolutionary fervor receiver sets capable of receiving programs from medium wave stations
among ordinary civilians who were otherwise tangentially connected to nationally, including those that were controlled and operated by the
the political process. In the next few sections, we provide an overview of government (Jan, 1967). Because personal receiver sets were costly to
the buildup of radio infrastructure in the years leading up to the Cultural manufacture and private ownership was scarce, collective listening via
Revolution, the content of the broadcasts, and constraints on its public loudspeakers constituted the bulk of radio reception through the
effectiveness. 1950s and 1960s. Wired loudspeakers were more economical to build en
masse, and also allowed the Communist government to completely
2.1. Broadcasting infrastructure in communist China regulate listening habits. Per governmental figures, the total cost for
building a new radio diffusion exchange, together with 150 wired
The official use of radio by the Communist Party of China (CPC) dates speakers, was about 7000 yuan and monthly expenses for operating such
from September 1945, when it established a radio station within the CPC exchanges did not exceed 90 yuan. In comparison, the cost of 150 regular
controlled territory in Ya’an. Following political consolidation in 1949, radios was more than 20,000 yuan and their monthly maintenance was
the regime nationalized existing private stations and developed an estimated at 1500 to 2000 yuan (Jan, 1967).
extensive network of mass communication that was centrally operated. In the decade immediately prior to the Cultural Revolution, there
Detailed instructions regarding its administration and establishment was an extensive buildup in the stock of this broadcasting infrastructure.
were given in April 1950, when “Decisions Regarding the Establishment In December 1955, the Third National Radio Broadcasting Conference
of Radio-Receiving Networks” was announced (Pye, 2015). announced a schedule to build more than 900 wired radio broadcasting
Similar to the organization of the broadcasting network in the Soviet stations in 1956 with 45,000 to 50,000 loudspeakers attached, 80 % of
Union at the time, the Chinese government organized its broadcasting which would be installed in villages. This conference projected that by
network at three distinct operational levels: central, regional, and local, the end of 1957 there would be more than 1,800 wired radio broad­
each of which corresponded to their respective geographic units and casting stations with more than 1,360,000 loudspeakers in villages. The
political authority. The central tier referred to the Central People’s collectivization campaigns and introduction of communes during the
Broadcasting Station, or Radio Beijing. It created programming, in Great Leap Forward facilitated the extension of broadcasting into rural
particular national and international news, and dictated policy. Radio areas. This initiative had dramatic local consequences. Loudspeakers
transmission from the central station was relayed wirelessly, first to were installed in peasants’ homes and commune offices. According to
municipal or provincial radio stations, before being wirelessly re- government sources at the time, by 1963, 95 % of all counties had access
directed to radio receiving stations located at each county seat (Liu, to loudspeaker facilities, although this number may have been inflated
1964). The local radio stations broadcasted content created by the (Jan, 1967).
Central People’s Broadcasting Station, and could only add local news Sustained radio operation required a consistent source of electrical
content (Liu, 1971). power. The expansion in equipment was accompanied by an increase in
From the county radio station, wires that carry the broadcasts were the electrical power dedicated to broadcasting. The combined strength
extended to the rural villages in its jurisdiction and connected to of the stations in 1952 rose to 475.2 kW; in 1954 the figure was more
strategically-situated loudspeakers. Typical locations included floors of than nine times that of 1952. In 1957, total kilowatts had increased by
manufacturing plants, poles in market places, roofs of government 460 % from 1954 (Houn, 1957) . However, by the mid 1960s, wide­
buildings, communes, and dormitories. These public places were chosen spread electrification still eluded significant portions of China. Large
for their visibility to facilitate collective listening. The overall engi­ power plants were concentrated in coastal locations and regions of
neering schematic is illustrated in Fig. 1. Strictly speaking, this was not a Manchuria which were formerly occupied by the Japanese. This was

S. Ou and H. Xiong Journal of Development Economics 153 (2021) 102732

despite the call for the installation of large hydro and thermal plants in Entertainment included revolutionary songs and dances, aimed at
Beijing’s first Five Year Plan, initiated in 1956. The actuality of the political agitation. All traditional or foreign cultural influences,
electrification campaign consisted of crude generating plants of every including music and opera, were purged, leaving only party propaganda.
conceivable method: small hydro motors, hand generators, gas motors, The media propagandized the “literature of workers and peasants” over
wind motors, etc. (Liu, 1964). high culture. The Communist Party demanded programs be “national­
Consequently, radio development was confined to areas where the istic and populistic” not “intellectual and foreign” (Liu, 1971).
power supply was relatively sufficient. This pattern of provincial and Agricultural programming consisted of half technical advice and half
municipal radio stations is supported in the data, as radio station pres­ propaganda, which included speeches from model farmers. In total,
ence is most prevalent along the main railroad routes at the timeas well propaganda and indoctrination constituted 85 % of broadcast time (Jan,
as near tributaries of major waterways. In some parts of the country, 1967). These radio broadcasts encouraged listeners to participate in the
radio infrastructure was bootstrapped from older telephone lines. revolutionary cause to build a greater China together.
Nevertheless, by the eve of the Cultural Revolution in 1964, there To enforce compulsory listening, a system of collective listening was
was a robust system of radio communication in China, consisting of 141 adopted in villages and communes. This was implemented in two ways:
provincial and municipal stations (including the central station in Bei­ broadcasting assemblies and institutional listening. In the former, het­
jing), more than 5,400 wired radio broadcasting stations, and approxi­ erogeneous audiences of peasants were gathered together in audito­
mately 6 million loudspeakers across the country, amounting to 1 riums and listened to designated programs in groups, commonly
loudspeaker per every 160 persons (Jan, 1967; Liu, 1964). Radio was an monitored by party cadres (Li, 2020). In the latter, loudspeakers
invaluable tool for state transmissions and projected national authority broadcast for a set number of hours each day in public places such as
directly to its intended recipients. governmental offices, factories, and schools, where employees, workers,
and students were captive audience members. In the lead up to the
Cultural Revolution, the practices of institutional listening became
2.2. Radio content and propaganda greatly promoted. A report from Shanghai dated August 9th, 1966, the
day after Radio Beijing had broadcast the Central Committee’s decision
From the outset, broadcasting infrastructure in China was designed on the Cultural Revolution, stated:
expressly for the purpose of mass persuasion. The political leaders were
keenly aware of mass media as an instrument for state indoctrination The broad revolutionary people enthusiastically listened to the
and for the transmission of ideology. Virtually all senior members of the broadcast of the Central Committee’s decision last night. Early this
party were actively involved in media and propaganda activities at some morning, parade columns appeared in major streets of Shanghai …
point in their careers (Volland, 2003). The alacrity with which Chinese The commune members in the suburbs, who were busy in reaping
government developed its network of state sponsored media following and planting, listened to the broadcast and were greatly excited (Liu,
its establishment in 1949 was proclaimed by contemporary Western 1971).
sources as the “most extensive propaganda effort” in history (Dittmer,
Throughout the Cultural Revolution, radio would remain the direct
1998). Both scholars writing in the midst of the Cultural Revolution and
communication link between the central government and the people,
researchers writing retrospectively have noted the pervasiveness of
bypassing the interference of local political power and bureaucrats.
politicized rhetoric and have contemplated its role in facilitating the
Local stations broadcasted programs from the Central People’s Broad­
events (Howse, 1960; Jan, 1967; Markham and Liu, 1969).
casting Station, and only had power to create local news content. In fact,
Initially, radio broadcasting was used in adjunct to the press. Due to
whenever a purge within a given regional party occurred, the radio
persistent illiteracy, the growth in the number and circulation of
stations in that region stopped broadcasting regional content entirely
newspapers from 1952 to 1959 was modest. Despite a sustained plan to
and only broadcast news from Radio Beijing (Liu, 1971).
eradicate illiteracy, the literacy rate remained at only around 30 %
The radical politicization of media content in this time period
among those in the age group of 14–40, and substantially lower for older
created a favorable climate of opinion for the Cultural Revolution: it
cohorts. Peasants who had become literate often lapsed back into illit­
heightened the morale of Mao’s followers and identified the ideological
eracy after the conclusion of compulsory education. Additionally, due to
enemies, whether perceived or real. Exposure to radio increased the
the varied and oftentimes physically inaccessible terrain, the medium of
impression of universality of the political struggle, induced otherwise
radio proved a particularly effective channel of persuasion and state
apathetic peasants to become state agents, and emboldened them to act.
communication (Liu, 1971).
The content of radio programming was highly integrated to national
policy and focused public attention to immediate goals of the state.
2.3. Language standardization and policy
During the Cultural Revolution, political propaganda actively promoted
revolutionary fervor and ideology. The dominant style of broadcasting
Despite the pervasive infrastructure of the radio network across
focused on mass agitation and the coverage of mass campaigns with the
China, the comprehension of the messages was constrained. The uni­
goal of arousing support and increasing mobilization. This was espe­
formity of content in the broadcasts were also reflected in the uniformity
cially pronounced from the onset of the Cultural Revolution.
of the broadcast language.
Propaganda constituted a significant portion of the content over the
In an attempt to combat localism, it was mandated that all official
airwaves. On average, radio broadcasts in 1964 would last 435 min per
news broadcasts through the wired rural broadcast network be con­
day, consisting of program announcements (5 %), educational programs
ducted in Standard Mandarin. As a result, in some counties where the
(16 %), newscasts (29 %), weather (2 %), agricultural programs (7 %),
native dialect was not Mandarin, it was estimated that only five percent
and entertainment (41 %) (Jan, 1967).
of audience members could actually comprehend the centrally-relayed
Newscasts consisted of broadcasts from the Central People’s Broad­
broadcasts from Beijing (Liu, 1971). Zhou Enlai remarked in 1958:
casting Station, the official party station, and included programs such as
“Quotations from Chairman Mao,” and leaders’ speeches (Xu, 2014). Radio and the cinema are powerful publicity instruments. But as our
One function of the news was to discredit Mao’s enemies and it featured common speech has not yet been made universal, their effectiveness
sensational exposes of those who were purged (Markham and Liu, in the districts where only local dialects are spoken is inevitably
1969). limited (Liu, 1971).

S. Ou and H. Xiong Journal of Development Economics 153 (2021) 102732

China is a linguistically diverse nation, within which the predomi­ that shows the extent of Mandarin intelligibility locally. The rest of this
nant language is Chinese, or Hanyu. Chinese itself refers to a collection of section describes each of these in detail.
related but often mutually-unintelligible dialects. The varieties of Chi­
nese resemble distinct spoken languages united by a single written script 3.1. Cultural revolution intensity
and shared cognates.5 The varieties of Chinese differ mainly in their
phonology and to a lesser degree, syntax and vocabulary. Linguists have The main outcome of interest is the intensity of the Cultural Revo­
categorized the varieties in several different ways, but most agree that lution. On the county level, this is proxied by the number of killings due
there are between seven and ten groups, only one of which is the to revolutionary violence. Our analysis uses a county-level dataset on
Mandarin family.6 There is a general consensus of a North and South revolution-related fatalities and victims, digitized from regional gazet­
division with more pronounced variation in the rugged South. teers (Walder, 2010–2013). To the best of our knowledge, this is the
The choice of a Mandarin-language broadcast in counties where it most comprehensive dataset of casualties available.
was not understood should not be considered an oblivious oversight by a Although much research concerning the Cultural Revolution has
non-optimizing bureaucrat. Rather, it was a calculated decision focused on the extent of violence in urban areas, recent research has
reflecting the careful tradeoff between the static efficiency of persuasion found that the violence in rural areas was also extensive. The violence in
and the dynamic efficiency of linguistic standardization. A unified lan­ rural areas were not simply spillovers from urban regions; instead, po­
guage was thought to be instrumental in unified policy for a unified litical activity extended far into the countryside. Walder (2014) de­
country. Before the ascendance of the Communist Party in 1949, there scribes how he documented the extent of this violence, using
was no national standard language.7 In the incipient years of Communist county-level gazetteers. This was part of a two-decade long process to
rule, the regime was quite tolerant of minority dialects as the Commu­ gather data from gazetteers from every county. A near-complete
nist revolution had drawn its support from the largely dialect-speaking collection of information from 2,213 cities and counties was gathered
rural peasant population.8 However, by 1955, the government had (Walder, 2010–2013).
become highly cognizant of linguistic barriers to national construction. Gazetteers are book-length encyclopedias detailing local histories,
In a little publicized Conference on Standardization of Chinese Language demographics, and economics. Gazetteers covering the Cultural Revo­
in 1956, a simplified version of Standard Mandarin was devised and lution were published in the late-1980s as a consequence of a central
promoted as the common tongue (Liu, 1971; Ramsey, 1987).9 policy directive issued in 1978. Each county was instructed to conduct
This language policy was implemented through a variety of mecha­ official investigations into the period in order to rehabilitate “wrongful”
nisms including laws, regulations, education, exams, and restriction of victims and compensate remaining family members (Su, 2011). National
minority language use in public spaces (Barnes, 1982). In 1956, primary standards were established with much room for interpretation. Some of
school teachers were trained in the standard language and the use of the annals were very lengthy and detailed, including details on the
minority dialects in schools or over the airwaves was rebuked (Liu, method of killing, while others were brief and conservative. Although
1971). Even the primacy of propaganda was subordinate to the directory the resulting annals contained varying degrees of details, they all
of language standardization. included specifics on the number of abnormal deaths attributable to the
3. Data For instance, these deaths include suicides of individuals under
persecution, deaths in clashes with military or factions, deaths in
Our aggregate analysis makes use of a number of datasets, including: struggle sessions or as a result of imprisonment, and executions during
(i) revolutionary intensity at the county level, proxied by number of political campaigns. Walder collected this information along with the
deaths, from Walder (2010–2013), (ii) the predicted strength of radio number of victims in each county, more loosely defined. Walder and Su
signal received at each county seat, and (iii) information on county (2003) discuss the issue of data quality extensively. They state that it is
characteristics. In our heterogeneity analysis, we also make use of data reasonable to assume that the degree of under-reporting in the data
should not be correlated with the severity of the Cultural Revolution
To fix ideas, a helpful analogy can be drawn to variations within the Walder and Su (2003) find that “no matter how remote from urban
Western Romance languages. But unlike the Romance languages, the differ­ centres, rural counties experienced many of the same political events
ences in Chinese dialects reflect only the spoken form. There is only one written that we long assumed were common primarily in cities.” They also find
form of Chinese, which would be used for anyone writing or reading Chinese. that out of the 1530 counties for which there was information as of the
Henceforth we will refer to the varieties of Chinese as dialects for simplicity. publication of the article (out of a total of 1936 counties as of 1988),
The common agreed upon groups include: Mandarin, Hakka, Cantonese, almost 87 % experienced a power seizure by a mass organization, and
Wu, Gan, Min, and Hui. This level of categorization subsumes a great deal of 73 % experienced an armed battle between mass factions.
underlying differences as there is local variation even within these broad
Fig. 2 illustrates the spatial variation in revolutionary intensity for
7 the entire sample.
A common governmental language existed in the form of Guanhua during
the dynastic periods but it was used only by the upper echelons of bureaucrats The average percent killed in a county is 0.048 percent, with a
and magistrates (Ramsey, 1987). standard deviation of 0.164. As noted in previous work, considerable
It is important to note that differences in spoken Chinese dialects had very variation in revolutionary intensity exists (Su, 2011; Walder and Su,
little to do with literacy. Prior to the 20th century, the written language Chinese 2003).
was based on classical Chinese used in ancient times and not vernacular Chi­
nese. It was perfectly feasible for an individual to be fully literate yet speak a 3.2. Radio data
non-Mandarin dialect. In this period, there was no sense in which native
Mandarin speakers were more educated (although this may be the case today, We construct a measure of radio reception using information on the
as Mandarin is the official language taught in schools). Since language stan­
location of provincial and municipal radio stations. This data is obtained
dardization was still beginning to take effect at the start of the Cultural Revo­
from Liu (1971), who identified the location of 141 known provincial
lution, Mandarin comprehension was a matter of location, not of education.
The National Language Unification Commission established the Beijing di­ and municipal stations in 1964, just prior to the Cultural Revolution.
alect of Mandarin as the standard language of the country in 1932. For expe­ The radio stations are located in 114 unique cities. Fig. 3a shows the
diency, the People’s Republic retained this standard when they took power in geographic distribution of these radio stations across China. As should
1949. However, active enforcement and promotion only began from 1956 on­ be expected, the spatial variation radio station was not random or uni­
ward (Ramsey,1987). form. While the Communist government pursued an ambitious plan to

S. Ou and H. Xiong Journal of Development Economics 153 (2021) 102732

significant portions of China. Large power plants were concentrated only

in coastal locations and former Japanese occupied regions of Manchuria.
This was despite the call for installation of large hydro and thermal
plants in Beijing’s first Five Year Plan, initiated in 1956. The actuality
electrification campaign consisted of crude generating plants of every
conceivable method; for example, small hydro motors, hand generators,
gas motors, and wind motors (Liu, 1964).
Fig. 3b shows suggestive evidence that as a result of the uneven
development of electrification, radio development was confined to areas
where the power supply was relatively sufficient. Radio station presence
is most prevalent along the main railroad routes at the time as well as
near tributaries of major waterways.
Based on the cross sectional data on radio station locations, we apply
the Irregular Terrain Model (Hufford, 2002) to calculate the predicted
radio signal strength in all localities.10 To implement the ITM algorithm,
we utilize information on radio station locations along with a high res­
olution geo-topographical map of China. For each county, we predict the
Fig. 2. Spatial Variation in Violence during the Cultural Revolution. Note: In
radio signal strength at the county seat, where historically the county
this figure, more darkly-shaded regions correspond to areas with a higher
number of fatalities directly attributed to the Cultural Revolution. receiving stations would have been located.11 Ultimately, we compute
our explanatory variable, Signalc, by dividing the de-meaned signal in­
tensity by its standard deviation.
To account for potential endogeneity in the location of radio stations,
we follow Olken (2009) and simulate the hypothetical signal quality in
free-space (i.e., assuming that the terrain is flat and absent of any
geomorphological obstacles). Fig. 4 displays the geographic variation in
actual and hypothetical signal strength. Conditional on the “free-space”
signal, which captures the variation in signal strength driven by prox­
imity to transmitters, the coefficient on Signalc is identified only by the
residual variation in propagation patterns caused by idiosyncratic
topography features, which is plausibly exogenous.

3.3. Linguistic data

To explore the effects of differences in ability to comprehend radio

broadcasts on violence, we gather data on regional vernacular dialects
and heterogeneity in their compatibility with Standard Mandarin. We
assemble this data in two steps. First, we identify the spatial variation in
dialects across China from The Language Atlas of China. The Language
Atlas is a compilation of local linguistic studies documenting Chinese
dialects and their genealogical relationships. The digitized data is
organized at the county level. It records the primary dialect spoken in
each county, other minor dialects if present, and the dialect families they
belong to.12
Second, to measure each dialect’s linguistic distance to Mandarin, we
appeal to experimental data collected by linguists in the field. Tang and
Van Heuven (2009) study the strength of pairwise mutual intelligibility
between Chinese dialects. They relate functional intelligibility between
dialects to proximity in lexical structural and phonological regularity.
The authors conducted an extensive set of experiments in order to
find the mutual intelligibility between pairs of Chinese dialects. In

The Irregular Terrain Model (ITM) was originally developed by the US
government for frequency planning purposes and allows one to accurately
Fig. 3. Spatial Distribution of Radio Stations. Note: This map shows the loca­
predict signal strength across narrow geographical cells (Phillips et al., 2011).
tion of radio stations. In the bottom map, the radio stations are overlaid with
The model computes the signal loss between transmitting and receiving loca­
the maps of railroad and major waterways. The railroad are shown in dark red
tions, accounting for the physical distance and topography that lies in between.
and the rivers are shown in teal. (For interpretation of the references to colour
It has also been employed by Olken (2009), Enikolopov et al. (2011), and
in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
DellaVigna et al. (2014).
Due to data limitations in our radio data, the values of broadcast frequency,
expand radio infrastructure nationwide, the reality of development was transmission power, and height of towers are imputed.
uneven. This is in part due to the fact that one of the factors that 12
Although the majority of the languages are spoken by those of Han
contributed to the growth of broadcasting power was electricity and the ethnicity, in our robustness section we restrict our attention to linguistic di­
growth of technology (Liu, 1964). versity within the ethnically Han population and exclude observations, pri­
Sustained radio operation required a consistent source of electrical marily in autonomous regions, where non Chinese languages, such as Turkic,
power. By the mid 1960s, widespread electrification still eluded Altaic, or Mongolian languages are observed. This mitigates the possible con­
founding bias of ethnicity.

S. Ou and H. Xiong Journal of Development Economics 153 (2021) 102732

these dialects as the representative of the family of dialects that they

originate from. We standardize these comprehension measures by sub­
tracting the percent understood of one’s native dialect. Fig. 5 maps the
geographical variation of the underlying data.

3.4. Control data

We complement the above dependent and explanatory variables

with additional sources of control data, which we briefly outline here.
The socio-economic and demographics information come from the 1964
Census, which was the last census enumeration prior to the Cultural
Revolution. This data is obtained from the University of Michigan’s
China Data Center. We also use the China Historical GIS (CHGIS) digital
map collection of Harvard University. Using the maps, we compute the
proximity to nearest navigable river and distance to the coast from the
centroid of each county as well as the number of historical Buddhist
temples contained in each county. Data on county-level railroad access
as of 1961 is created from rail network files provided by Baum-Snow
et al. (2017). Ruggedness and terrain feature data are constructed as per
instructions from Nunn and Puga (2012). Finally, data on Communist
Party membership in 1956 comes from Kasahara and Li (2020). Table 1
shows the summary statistics of select explanatory and dependent

4. Empirical strategy & results

In this section, we examine whether radio propaganda affected the

contemporaneous intensity of the Chinese Cultural Revolution. The
outcome we study is the number of killings directly attributable to the
Cultural Revolution. The main empirical challenge in our setting is
separating the causal effect of the radio signal from other potential
confounders that are correlated with signal and also affect violence. For
instance, one could be concerned that if radio receiving stations were
strategically placed in areas where individuals were expected to be more
receptive to the radio messages and more prone to violence.
In order to address this concern, we follow papers such as Yanagi­
zawa-Drott (2014), Olken (2009), and Enikolopov et al. (2011), and
construct a measure of the free-space signal, which is the radio signal in
Fig. 4. Predicted Radio Signal. Note: The maps represent the geographic dis­
the absence of geomorphological obstacles. By controlling for the
tribution of the simulated intensity of radio signal in 1964, under real condi­
tions (top) and in the absence of geomorphological obstacles (bottom). The
free-space signal, we are able to isolate the component of radio signal
geographic boundaries of the map of China are dictated by the availability of that is due to topographical features, and plausibly exogenous. In
violence data from Fig. 2. addition to controlling for the free-space signal, we also control for other
factors that are potentially correlated with violence, including popula­
particular, 150 native speakers of each of the 15 different Chinese di­ tion measures, linguistic fragmentation, railroad access, distance to
alects were subjected to a listening exam where they were asked to Beijing and provincial capitals, and Communist Party membership.
identify words and sentences read by speakers of another dialect, Identification relies on the exogeneity of Signalc, conditional on ob­
including their own. The listening exam was administered via a servables. As a test for exogeneity, we regress other determinants of
recording of 288 standard Chinese core words read by a native speaker violence on Signalc and the free-space signal, to assess whether radio
of each dialect. The participants resided in rural areas and were around signal is correlated with other determinants of violence. The regression
the age of 50 in 2009, and thus, were youths at the time of the Cultural specification for the test for exogeneity is as follows:
Revolution. Therefore, their intelligibility scores would closely reflect zc = φ Signalc + δFree Signalc + γXc + λp + ∈c
intelligibility of youths during the time period we are interested in.
These participants were also selected because they had never traveled The left-hand side variable, zc, represents our other county-level
outside of their home province. From this experiment a measure of control variables. If Signalc is exogenous, we should expect ϕ to be
bilateral intelligibility between dialects was compiled. From the tables zero. Table 2 shows the results, and we see that ϕ is insignificant in all of
in their paper, we compile the ability of listeners of each dialect to these regressions, with the sole exception of the log distance to pro­
correctly identify words from the Beijing Mandarin dialect, which vincial capital, which is significant at the 5 % level. In addition to the
closely resembles Standard Mandarin. chance of finding a significant result among multiple regressions, it is
We construct our analytical dataset by combining the spatial data on also unlikely that distance to provincial capital would explain the
the dialects spoken by county and the proximity of each of these dialects baseline results. Nevertheless, we still control for the distance to pro­
to the Mandarin family and Standard Mandarin. Since only 15 dialects vincial capitals throughout our analyses. Since radio signal is not
were studied instead of the entirety of Chinese dialects, we use each of correlated with nearly all observed determinants of violence, this lends
credibility to our identification strategy.

S. Ou and H. Xiong Journal of Development Economics 153 (2021) 102732

Fig. 5. Linguistic Distance to Mandarin. Note: The maps present the geographic distribution of linguistic distance to Mandarin as it is operationalized in the paper.
The geographic boundaries of the map of China are dictated by the availability of violence data from Fig. 2. On the left, the red region indicates areas whose main
dialect belongs to the Mandarin family while the white region indicates areas whose main dialect does not belong to the Mandarin family. On the right, redder shades
represent a higher fraction of Beijing Mandarin words identified by speakers (of the dialect of vernacular Chinese) in that region, while greener shades represent a
smaller fraction identified. The gray regions indicate missing data from the linguistic study, Tang and Van Heuven (2009). We note that there is variation in
comprehension of Beijing Mandarin even within the Mandarin family of dialects. . (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the Web version of this article.)

Party membership in 1956).13 Importantly, to account for unobservable

Table 1
characteristics that could vary systematically with proximity to radio
Summary statistics.
stations, we include the free-space signal strength Free Signalc.
Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev.

Percent Killed per County 1985 .048 .164 4.1. Baseline results
Signal 1985 0 1
Mandarin 1985 .666 .472
We present our results in Table 3 and display the effect of signal
Distance from Beijing 1985 1201.898 649.694
Altitude 1985 .345 .428 strength on conflict across several different specifications. To start, in
Area 1985 3566.197 8725.911 column (1), the baseline controls are hypothetical radio signal in the
Population 1985 310695.8 287279.8 absence of geomorphological obstacles, ruggedness, log 1964 popula­
River dummy 1985 .455 .498 tion, elevation, county area, administrative status, distance to provincial
Coast dummy 1985 .12 .326
Ruggedness 1985 11.398 1.292
capitals, latitude and longitude. We successively add more controls in
Distance to closest provincial capital 1985 120.973 100.877 the subsequent columns. In column (2), we add province fixed effects. In
Railroad access 1985 .325 .469 column (3), we add controls for Communist Party Membership and
Non agricultural population 1985 .133 .248 distance to Beijing, which are intended to proxy for state capacity. In
Male female ratio 1985 1.071 .116
column (4), we include the controls for transport infrastructure: railroad
Households 1985 70587.17 64245.61
Township dummy 1985 .101 .301 access and waterway access.
Linguistic fractionalization 1985 .038 .139 Finally, in column (5), we add pre-existing socioeconomic condi­
Buddhist temples 1985 1.045 2.361 tions, population and demographics. This includes: 1964 county gender
CCP membership 1985 3707.15 3463.99 ratio, 1964 fraction of non-agricultural population, the number of
Note: All distance measurements are in kilometers (km). Area is in square km. households in 1964, the number of historical Buddhist temples and the
Mandarin is an indicator for if the main dialect of a particular county belongs to degree of ethnolinguistic fragmentation. We also include an indicator for
the Mandarin family of dialects. whether the main local dialect in a county belongs to the Mandarin
language group. The number of Buddhist temples is a proxy for historical
Eq. (1) describes the main specification: socio-economic status while ethnolignusitic fragmentation has been
show to affect intensity of conflict in other settings. This is our preferred
yc = β Signalc + δ Free Signalc + γXc + λp + ∈c , (1)
specification. Across all specifications, we cluster at the level of the
Signalc is the predicted signal strength in county c, Xc is a vector of nearest radio station.
county characteristics and λp is a province fixed effect. The outcome, yc, The estimated effect of radio reception is statistically significant and
is the casualty rate directly attributed to the events of the Cultural quantitatively important. A one standard deviation increase in signal
Revolution in county c. The coefficient of interest is β, which measures strength is associated with a 0.014 percentage point increase in the
the effect of radio signal. percent of population killed. The effect is meaningful as the average
The vector, Xc, is a set of county-level characteristics. This includes percent killed per county is 0.048 percent.
controls for preexisting demographic conditions (log population in Interestingly, we also detect a positive and significant coefficient on
1964, the share of non-agricultural population, gender ratio, number of the standardized CCP membership variable, indicating that counties
households, administrative status); controls for transportation infra­ with greater share of population belonging to the CCP experienced
structure and geography (the ruggedness of the terrain, county area, higher fatalities during the Cultural Revolution. Comparing the
elevation, river access, railroad access, latitude and longitude); controls
for pre-existing socioeconomic conditions (the number of Buddhist
temples within the county, an index of ethnolinguistic fractionalization, Previous work has shown that state capacity can facilitate the mobilization
whether the county is Mandarin speaking); and finally controls for state of civilians into violence. See Bonnier et al. (2020). Communist Party mem­
capacity (distance to Beijing, distance to provincial capitals, Communist bership data comes from Kasahara and Li (2020) and are normalized with
respect to the mean and standard deviation.

S. Ou and H. Xiong Journal of Development Economics 153 (2021) 102732

Table 2
Exogeneity test.
Log Log # Buddhist Gender Linguistic Non-Ag. Railroad Log Dist. Log Dist. CCP
population households temples ratio fragmentation population access Beijing Prov. Capital membership

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

Signal − 0.001 0.005 − 0.039 0.007 − 0.063 − 0.003 0.024 − 0.003 − 0.112** − 75.631
strength (0.009) (0.009) (0.040) (0.007) (0.054) (0.008) (0.024) (0.011) (0.046) (128.449)
Observations 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985
R2 0.989 0.990 0.242 0.329 0.792 0.200 0.271 0.935 0.472 0.463
Mean of dep. 12.305 10.819 0.473 1.071 9.716 0.038 0.325 13.805 5.116 3707.154

Note: Each column is a separate regression showing the coefficient on signal strength in the regression of corresponding correlate (column header) on the signal
strength under real conditions, the radio signal under hypothetical terrain, and the full set of controls excluding the dependent variable. * p < .10, ** p < .05, *** p <

coefficient for radio signal to that of state personnel (which are both approaches to statistical inference. In column (1) we use Conley stan­
standardized), we find the effect of radio signal to be notably larger. dard errors with a 100 km cutoff for spatial autocorrelation. In column
(2) we use a 150 km cutoff, and in column (3) we use a 200 km cutoff. In
4.2. Robustness columns (4) and (5), we cluster at the province and dialect level,
respectively. The results remain robust throughout.
To assess the robustness of the results, we conduct the following
checks: using Conley standard errors; clustering by province and dialect 4.2.2. Weighted regression
group; weighting by population; using different subsamples (omitting To show results that are representative for the average person rather
areas with a high percentage of ethnic minorities and excluding counties than the average county, we weight the regression by county population.
containing radio stations); and analyzing the effects at the intensive The results are shown in Table 5, column (1), and are very similar to the
margin. The results are displayed in Tables 4 and 5. results using the main specification.

4.2.1. Clustering 4.2.3. Restricted sample

In our main specification, we show our results clustered at the One potential concern is that our estimates are driven by targeted
nearest radio station level. In Table 4, we show results using alternative violence towards ethnic minorities in peripheral or autonomous prov­
inces. This would mean that our results could be confounded by the
effect of ethnic-based conflict. To address this, we restrict our attention
Table 3
to what is traditionally referred to as China “proper” and areas that are
Effect of radio broadcasts on cultural revolution intensity.
uniformly ethnically Chinese.
Dep. Var Percent of population killed Contemporary China consists of 23 provinces and 5 autonomous
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) regions. By restricting samples to only the territories within the Great
Signal strength 0.021* 0.013* 0.014** 0.013* 0.014** Wall, or China “proper,” we demonstrate that our results are stable
(0.012) (0.007) (0.007) (0.007) (0.007) across sub-populations (see Table 5, column (2)). We exclude the border
CCP membership – – 0.007* 0.007* 0.007* provinces: the Northwestern provinces (Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia,
(0.004) (0.004) (0.004)
Xizang (Tibet), and Xinjiang), the Southwestern provinces (Hainan,
Control variables
Baseline X X X X X Sichuan, and Yunnan), and the Northeastern provinces (Inner Mongolia,
Province F.E. – X X X X Heilongjiang, and Jilin). This implies that the effect of radio broadcasts
Distance to – – X X X on violence is not explained by a story of the core versus periphery parts
Beijing of China, or by the ethnic-based violence that may have occurred during
Transportation X X
the Cultural Revolution.
– – –
Demographics – – – – X
Buddhist temples – – – – X 4.2.4. Intensive margin
Linguistic – – – – X Another concern may be with regard to data quality. For instance,
counties that report zero killings may in fact be under-reporting due to
Observations 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985
# of Clusters 114 114 114 114 114
poor historical records. Therefore, there is a concern that we could be
R2 0.096 0.215 0.217 0.218 0.222
Mean of dep. var. 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048

Note: This table shows the effect of radio exposure on violence. A unit of Table 4
observation is a county in the 1964 census. The dependent variable in each Effect of radio broadcasts on cultural revolution intensity: Alternative inference.
column is the percent of the population killed in each county during the Cultural Conley Conley Conley Cluster by Cluster by
Revolution. The explanatory variable of interest is the radio signal strength. The 100 km 150 km 200 km province dialect
baseline controls are hypothetical radio signal in the absence of geomorpho­
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
logical obstacles, ruggedness, log county population in 1964, county adminis­
trative status, elevation, county area, distance to provincial capital, latitude and Signal 0.014** 0.014** 0.014*** 0.014* 0.014**
longitude. Transportation infrastructure includes railroad and canal access. Strength (0.006) (0.006) (0.005) (0.007) (0.007)
Observations 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985
Demographics refer to the 1964 county gender ratio, 1964 fraction of non-
R2 0.222 0.222 0.222 0.222 0.222
agricultural population and the 1964 log number of households. Linguistic
fragmentation includes the number of dialects in the county and an indicator for Note: This table explores the robustness of the main findings from Table 3 to
whether the main language spoken in a county belongs to the Mandarin lan­ alternative clustering and statistical inference. Conley standard errors with 100
guage group. The Signal Strength and CCP Membership variables are both km, 150 km, and 200 km cutoffs are presented in columns (1)–(3). In columns
standardized. Standard errors are clustered at the level of the nearest radio (4) and (5), standard errors are clustered at the level of the province and the
station.* p < .10, ** p < .05, *** p < .01. local dialect group, respectively. * p < .10, ** p < .05, *** p < .01.

S. Ou and H. Xiong Journal of Development Economics 153 (2021) 102732

Table 5 Table 6
Effect of radio broadcasts on cultural revolution intensity: Robustness. Effect of radio broadcasts by local Mandarin comprehension.
Weighted Restricted Intensive Excl. Control Dep. Var: Percent of population killed
by pop. sample margin radio for
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
counties diffusion
Signal strength 0.014** 0.002 − 0.398 0.015** − 0.871
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
(0.007) (0.007) (0.872) (0.006) (0.926)
Signal 0.014** 0.027** 0.016* 0.012* 0.014* Signal strength × – 0.018* 0.022** – –
strength (0.006) (0.013) (0.009) (0.006) (0.008) Mandarin (0.010) (0.010)
Observations 1985 1330 1415 1889 1689 Signal strength × – – – 0.058* 0.080**
R2 0.226 0.250 0.254 0.225 0.233 Mandarin (0.035) (0.032)
Note: This table explores the robustness of the main findings from Table 3. Full controls X X X X X
Column (1) uses population-weighted least squares. Column (2) excludes border, Full controls × – – X – X
autonomous, and minority provinces — restricting the analysis to what is Signal strength
considered China “proper”. In column (3), we restrict the sample to counties Mandarin – – X – X
with non-zero values of killings. Column (4) excludes the counties containing (Intelligibility)
radio stations. In column (5), we exclude the counties containing radio stations × Free space
and control for the percent of population killed in counties containing radio sign
Observations 1985 1985 1985 1969 1969
stations. 2
R 0.222 0.224 0.232 0.224 0.231
*p < .10, ** p < .05, *** p < .01.
Note: This table illustrates how the effect of radio exposure varies with Mandarin
comprehension. A unit of observation is a county in the 1964 census. The
conflating missing data with zero casualty rates. To address this possi­
dependent variable in each column is the percent of the population killed in each
bility, we omit counties with no reported deaths. In Table 5, column (3),
county due to the Cultural Revolution. The Signal Strength variable is stan­
we show results on the intensive margin only (restricting to only
dardized. Mandarin is an indicator variable taking a value of one if the primary
counties with positive killings). The results are qualitatively similar, and dialect spoken in a county belongs to the Mandarin family. Mandarin Intelligi­
show a stronger effect, compared to the main result. bility is the percentage of Mandarin words correctly identified by a respondents
from each dialect group from the listening experiment conducted by Tang and
4.2.5. Excluding counties with radio station Van Heuven (2009). Full controls correspond to the full set of controls from
To rule out the concern that the main results may be driven by the column (5) of Table 3, including CCP Membership. * p < .10, ** p < .05, *** p <
counties with a radio station, we exclude counties having a radio station .01.
in Table 5, column (4). Again, the results are qualitatively similar to the
main result. to the Mandarin language group, and zero otherwise. To construct the
indicator variable, we use data from the Language Atlas of China, which
4.2.6. Controlling for diffusion we describe in more depth in the Data Section. The Language Atlas was
Finally, to rule out the concern that the main result may be driven by published in 1987; however, the spatial distribution of languages has
diffusion of conflicts, we repeat the previous exercise as in column (4), remained very similar over time. A linguistic map from 1943 shows that
but also control for the percent of population killed in cities with radio the language patterns are largely the same as the ones from the Lan­
stations. We show our result in column (5) and find a qualitatively guage Atlas (Chao, 1943).
similar result to the main result. Second, we use a continuous measure of linguistic distance, Man­
darin Intelligibilityc. This is the percentage of the 288 core Mandarin
words correctly identified in a listening exam, by a sample of 150
4.3. Heterogeneity speakers of the dialect in county c.14 The continuous intelligibility
measure, which utilizes more variation than a binary Mandarin indica­
In this section, we explore how the effect of radio signal on violence tor, addresses concerns that our results are driven by fundamental dif­
can vary with differences in comprehension of Mandarin. As discussed in ferences between Mandarin and non-Mandarin counties.
the background section, radio broadcasts were conducted primarily in We show the results in Table 6. In column (1), we show the main
Standard Mandarin, as opposed to the local dialect. This created a lan­ result from the uninteracted specification (see also column (5) of
guage barrier in the exposure to media that is unique to our setting. Table 3). In column (2), we show results using Mandarinc as a measure of
In China, differences in spoken dialects are stark and the degree of linguistic distance. The controls are the same as in column (1). In column
mutual intelligibility between them vary significantly. However, rela­ (3), we add a set of controls, interacting our controls with signal strength
tive to other modern nation states with the same level of linguistic di­ as well as Mandarinc with the free space signal. We add these controls to
versity, dialect variation in China stems less from ethnic differences. address concerns that Mandarin could be endogenous, or that the radio
Rather, these linguistic differences reflect historical migration patterns signal could be endogenous. We find a significant and positive coeffi­
and diffusion of groups that are often no longer salient in modern times. cient of 0.022 on the interaction term, meaning that a one standard
In fact, much of this meaningful dialect variation occurs in what is deviation shift in radio signal causes a 0.022 percentage point increase
considered China “proper” within a population of people that are in percent killed in a Mandarin-speaking county compared to a non-
broadly classified as Han Chinese, allowing us to explore linguistic Mandarin speaking county. This is qualitatively similar, and higher in
heterogeneity in a setting of relative ethnic homogeneity. magnitude, compared to our baseline result. We also find that the co­
To understand the effect of linguistic barriers on the effect of radio, efficient on Signalc is insignificant, showing that the combination of
the following specification is estimated: intelligibility and radio signal are necessary for radio broadcasts to
yc = β Linguistic Distc ⋅Signalc + α Signalc + σ Linguistic Distc
In columns (4) and (5), we show the analogous results to column (2)
+ δ Free Signalc + γXc + λp + ∈c , (2) and (3), but using Mandarin Intelligibilityc, a continuous measure of
The parameter of interest is β, which shows how the effect of Signalc
can vary with comprehension of Mandarin. We construct the Linguistic
Distc variable in two different ways. First, we define an indicator vari­ 14
The Mandarin Intelligibility measure is created from data collected in Tang
able, Mandarinc, equal to one if the main local dialect in county c belongs and Van Heuven (2009), discussed in detail in Section 3.3.

S. Ou and H. Xiong Journal of Development Economics 153 (2021) 102732

intelligibility, as a measure of linguistic distance, instead of Mandarinc. • “How much do you agree with the following statement? Wealth
One might think that Mandarin speakers are somehow systematically reflect an individual’s achievement?” We refer to this as attitude to­
different and have different unobservables from non-Mandarin speakers. wards wealth.17
This analysis mitigates those concerns by allowing us to utilize linguistic
variation within the Mandarin and non-Mandarin groups. We find a A key feature of our data which allows us to determine the effect of
positive and statistically significant coefficient on the interaction term, media on individuals is that we are able to observe the language re­
and a statistically insignificant coefficient on the signal strength itself. spondents spoke at home. Having highlighted the heterogeneity with
Altogether, our results suggest that the effectiveness of broadcasts respect to linguistic compatibility in the previous section, we use indi­
was constrained by local linguistic compatibility. vidual comprehension of Mandarin during the Cultural Revolution as a
proxy for media exposure.
5. Individual-level long-term outcomes Our identification strategy involves a difference-in-differences
framework in which the two sources of variation are: 1) living
Thus far, we have provided evidence that the violence of the Cultural through the Cultural Revolution during one’s youth (the ages during
Revolution was higher in areas with stronger radio signal, and particu­ which one is most susceptible to propaganda), and 2) the comprehen­
larly in those areas that were also Mandarin-speaking. In this section, we sion of Mandarin during one’s youth. In this framework, differences
examine the long-term effect of state propaganda at the individual level. between the Mandarin and non-Mandarin speakers for that cohort in
Living in a Communist regime has been found to have a persistent effect excess of the differences from other cohorts could be interpreted as the
on preferences and attitudes (Alesina and Fuchs-Schündeln, 2007). Our effect of radio propaganda.18
paper provides context for this persistence by studying the effect of To measure Mandarin comprehension, we use a dummy variable
media exposure at a critical age juncture. Using micro-data from the indicating whether the primary language used in daily communication
retrospective China Family Panel Studies (CFPS) survey, we augment with the respondent’s family is Mandarin Chinese, as opposed to a
the cross sectional analysis of the previous section by introducing cross Chinese local dialect or minority ethnic dialect. This variable is referred
birth-cohort variation in exposure and within county variation in spoken to as Mandarin. We argue that this variable is not a choice variable. The
dialect. This builds on our previous result, relating media exposure to language spoken at home depends on one’s parents’ native language as
linguistic compatibility. well as the location of upbringing. While individuals may have been
We explore later-in-life outcomes, both in terms of behavior and incentivized to learn Mandarin later in life, that second language
beliefs, which are suggestive of ideological indoctrination. Specifically, acquisition would unlikely have affected the dialect spoken at
we consider joining the Communist Party, tolerance of economic home.19Hence, this measure of language spoken at home is plausibly
inequality, and attitude towards wealth as measures of ideological ac­ exogenous to the political environment, and reflects individuals’ ability
tions and beliefs. to understand Mandarin during their youth.
To account for time-invariant differences between Mandarin
5.1. Empirical strategy and results speakers and non-Mandarin speakers, we introduce a second source of
variation: exposure and susceptibility to propaganda across age cohorts.
Individual-level micro-data comes from the China Family Panel To identify the ages when individuals are most susceptible to propa­
Studies (CFPS), a cross-sectional and retrospective survey conducted in ganda, we use evidence from the psychology literature, which suggests
2010 by the Institute of Social Science Survey of Peking University in that adolescents and youths are be more susceptible to media than those
China. It collected data relating to respondents’ educational outcomes, of other age groups. The impressionable years hypothesis states that the
family dynamics, migration and health. Demographic information historical environment to which one is exposed to during the transition
include date of birth, province of birth, province of residence at various between adolescence and adulthood has a profound impact on one’s
points throughout one’s childhood, gender, ethnicity, parents’ occupa­ attitudes and world views. After this time of plasticity, beliefs become
tion, hukou status, and language spoken at home. The CFPS dataset set and permanent. Young adults are especially vulnerable to shifts in
consists of 33,000 individual observations from selected counties across attitudes in political beliefs (Alwin and Krosnick, 1991; Flanagan and
China. After dropping observations with relevant missing data, we are Sherrod, 1998). There is no consensus for which ages exactly constitute
left with 23,930 observations. the impressionable ages. Some see the age of 18 as the end point, but
We measure Communist Party membership through the following others see the process of socialization lasting until the age of 25.
questions in the CFPS questionnaire: The history of the Cultural Revolution itself also suggests that ado­
lescents might be the most influenced by propaganda during this time
• “Are you a member of the Communist Party of China?” We refer to period. The Communist Party specifically targeted youth to join the
joining the Communist Party within 45 years of birth as Communist.15 revolutionary cause, and most Red Guards were between 14 and 23
years old (Jing, 1991). The Cultural Revolution was not the first instance
To measure long-term effects on ideological beliefs, we examine the in history during which youth were the targets of propaganda. During
responses to the following questions: the Nazi regime in Germany, youth were similarly targeted due to their
naivete (Hoffmann, 1996). Giuliano and Spilimbergo (2014) examines
• “How much do you agree with the following statement? The income outcomes on beliefs among those who lived through recessions during
gap has to increase for economic prosperity?” This is referred to as their impressionable years. Medical literature has also found strong as­
tolerance of inequality..16 sociations between adolescents and risky behavior (Escobar-Chaves and

This is measured on a 5-point scale, which we convert to a binary variable
We exclude joining the Communist Party after this age because we focus on equal to 1 if an individual agrees with this statement.
ideological motivation from one’s youth. The motivations to join in older age is We are unable to perform the same specification in the previous section,
less plausibly a result of this. Only 5 % of individuals join after 45. which uses signal strength as an additional source of variation, because the
This is measured on a 5-point scale, which we convert to a binary variable nature of the data is coded. We cannot observe the actual identities of the
equal to 1 if an individual agrees with this statement. counties.
Even if individuals did choose to learn Mandarin, and choose to then speak
Mandarin at home, our results would be attenuated.

S. Ou and H. Xiong Journal of Development Economics 153 (2021) 102732

Table 7
Summary statistics: Individual-level long-term outcomes.
Non-Mandarin Mandarin All

Mean Std. Dev. Mean Std. Dev. Mean Std. Dev.

Dependent variables
Communist Party 0.0642 0.245 0.0857 0.280 0.0684 0.252
Tolerance of inequality 0.518 0.500 0.466 0.499 0.508 0.500
Attitude toward wealth 0.698 0.459 0.673 0.469 0.693 0.461
Independent variables
Urban (Hukou status) 0.418 0.493 0.607 0.489 0.455 0.498
Education (years) 6.658 4.845 8.200 4.698 6.956 4.855
Age 46.50 15.34 47.24 15.07 46.64 15.29
Income (RMB) 9738.2 19582.3 11649.7 24853.9 10107.5 20718.7
# of Siblings 2.734 1.894 2.578 2.068 2.703 1.930
Gender 0.498 0.500 0.478 0.500 0.494 0.500
Father’s level of education 1.929 1.091 2.224 1.219 1.986 1.123
Mother’s level of education 1.488 0.850 1.823 1.090 1.553 0.911
N 19,307 4623 23,930

Note: This table provides descriptive statistics for independent and dependent variables for all respondents in the analytic sample, as well as for Mandarin and non-
Mandarin speakers separately. Communist Party, Tolerance of inequality, and Attitude toward wealth are binary variables. Communist Party equals 1 if an individual attains
Communist Party membership. Tolerance of inequality equals 1 if an individual believes that the income gap has to increase for economic prosperity. Attitude toward
wealth equals 1 if an individual agrees that wealth reflects an individual’s achievement.

Anderson, 2008; Klein et al., 1993). with language use at home.

For these reasons, we consider individuals aged 11 to 20 at the start For instance, we control for parental demographics and character­
of the Cultural Revolution, born between 1945 and 1957, as the cohorts istics because parental background may directly affect ideological
differentially exposed to the Cultural Revolution rhetoric. We refer to behavior through the intergenerational transmission of beliefs. Addi­
this cohort as the Cultural Revolution Cohort. This definition incorporates tional controls include interactions between birth cohort indicators and
both the historical details as well as evidence from psychology literature education, gender, urban dummy, birth province, and ethnicity. This
outlining the most impressionable years. allows the control variables to affect the outcome differently for the
Thus, we explore the effects of understanding Mandarin among the Cultural Revolution cohort. While radio signal does not explicitly appear
cohorts for whom propaganda was the most salient. Although we do not in the estimation equations, by utilizing within county variation, we
measure radio directly as an explanatory variable, we believe that media control for differences in radio signal across counties.
exposure is the most likely explanation for the measured effect. We The estimates of Eq. (3) are show in Table 8. In the first set of col­
control for signal strength flexibly with a set of county fixed effects. umns for each outcome, we control for baseline individual-level controls
The difference-in-differences non-parametric event study model we as described above. In the second set of columns for each outcome, we
estimate is as follows: interact each of these controls with birth cohorts, which is our preferred
∑ ∑ specification. Several consistent patterns emerge. We find that in­
yijc = αMandarini + γj cohortj + δj cohortj ⋅Mandarini + ωc + Xi β + ∈i dividuals who are native Mandarin speakers and belong to the Cultural
j j
Revolution Cohort are 4.5 percentage points more likely to have joined
the Communist Party, compared to non-Mandarin speakers in other
In the equation above, yijc denotes the outcome measure of individual birth cohorts. The change in likelihood of joining the Communist Party
i of cohort j residing in county c prior to the Cultural Revolution. These for native Mandarin speakers is also only statistically significant for the
outcomes are: participation in the Communist Party, tolerance of Cultural Revolution Cohort.
inequality, and attitudes on wealth. The independent variables, cohortj, This finding is significant given that joining the Communist Party is a
are a set of dummies for the birth cohorts that individuals belonged to. rigorous process which involves a lengthy application process and
The cohort categories are defined by the age at the start of the Cultural scrutiny. Membership to the Communist Party is exclusive, consisting of
Revolution in 1966: 30 and older, 21 to 30, 11 to 20, 0 to 10, and born 5 % of the population.20. The results here contributes to a strand of
after the Cultural Revolution. The individual controls are interacted literature that tries to understand the determinants of Communist Party
with cohortj to allow them to vary flexibly by birth cohorts. Mandarini is a membership.21
dummy for speaking Mandarin at home. ωc is a county fixed effect which Additionally, individuals exposed to state media were more con­
partials out the difference in outcome arising from radio infrastructure cerned about economic inequality and had less adherence to wealth. In
or local political conditions. The estimated vectors δj, the set of co­ particular, those who belong to the Cultural Revolution Cohort, who are
efficients on the interaction term between cohortj and Mandarini, reveal native Mandarin speakers are 6.2 percentage points less likely to be
the effect of speaking Mandarin at home on the outcome for individuals tolerant of inequality, and 5.0 percentage points less likely to have a
belonging to each birth cohort. If, for example, the Cultural Revolution positive attitude toward wealth. In both of these specifications, the ef­
propaganda increased participation for the Cultural Revolution Cohort, fects on native Mandarin speakers in other non-Cultural Revolution
then we would expect δj to be positive and significant only for the birth Cohorts are small and not statistically significant. This precludes
cohorts 11 to 20. competing explanations on the basis of persistent differences between
Xi is a vector of individual level controls, which include gender, Mandarin and non-Mandarin speakers as driving these effects.
education, age, ethnicity, occupation, county of residence at age 12, Overall, we find that native Mandarin speakers who lived through
urban residence, number of siblings, income, and hukou status. Impor­ the Communist regime during their impressionable years exhibit
tantly, we also control for a robust set of parental characteristics that
may affect the intergenerational transmission of political status. This
includes father’s birth year, mother’s birth year, mother’s education, 20
Individuals must submit multiple applications and endure several rounds of
and father’s education. Summary statistics are shown in Table 7. These
evaluations. See
factors may jointly determine the outcome variable, and be correlated 21
See Appleton et al. (2009) for a comprehensive literature review.

S. Ou and H. Xiong Journal of Development Economics 153 (2021) 102732

Table 8
Long-term individual-level outcomes.
Communist party member Tolerance of inequality Importance of wealth

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Age 31+ × Mandarin − 0.069 (0.048) − 0.074 (0.048) 0.013 (0.079) − 0.018 (0.077) − 0.027 (0.064) − 0.055 (0.067)
Age 21-30 × Mandarin 0.013 (0.029) 0.016 (0.028) − 0.075* (0.045) − 0.056 (0.043) − 0.037 (0.043) − 0.020 (0.044)
Age 11-20 × Mandarin 0.043*** (0.016) 0.045*** (0.016) − 0.062** (0.026) − 0.062** (0.026) − 0.051* (0.028) − 0.050* (0.027)
Age 0-10 × Mandarin 0.009 (0.014) 0.011 (0.014) − 0.019 (0.024) − 0.016 (0.025) − 0.005 (0.024) − 0.007 (0.025)
Born After CR × Mandarin − 0.003 (0.010) − 0.001 (0.010) 0.027 (0.023) 0.022 (0.022) 0.018 (0.019) 0.014 (0.019)
Baseline controls: X X X X X X
× Birth Cohorts: – X – X – X
Observations 23930 23930 23930 23930 23930 23930
R2 0.190 0.202 0.193 0.196 0.132 0.134

Note: This table shows the effect of speaking Mandarin on individual outcomes by birth cohorts. The outcomes we consider are: joining the Communist Party, tolerance
of economic inequality, and attitude towards wealth. Communist Party, Tolerance of inequality, and Attitude toward wealth are binary variables. Communist Party equals 1
if an individual attains Communist Party membership. Tolerance of inequality equals 1 if an individual believes that the income gap has to increase for economic
prosperity. Attitude toward wealth equals 1 if an individual agrees that wealth reflects an individual’s achievement. Mandarin is an indicator for speaking Mandarin at
home. Birth cohorts are defined based on age at the start of the Cultural Revolution, in 1966. Baseline controls include gender, education, age, ethnicity, county of
residence at age 12, urban residence, number of siblings, hukou status, income, occupation, father’s education, mother’s education, father’s birth year, mother’s birth
year, and province fixed effects. Birth cohort dummies and an indicator for whether the primary language used in daily communication with the respondent’s family is
Mandarin Chinese are also included. Standard errors are clustered on the county of residence before the Cultural Revolution, and county of birth if born after the
Cultural Revolution. * p < .10, ** p < .05, *** p < .01.

behavior and form long-term ideological beliefs which are aligned with more exposed to the radio messages were significantly more likely to
Communist Party ideology. Our results show that the differential out­ join the Communist Party later in life and hold beliefs consistent with
comes of Mandarin speakers were unique to those belonging to the party ideology. This suggest that exposure to propaganda at critical
Cultural Revolution cohort. This is consistent with the notion that in­ junctures in life has long-lasting implications for life-trajectories and
dividuals of this particular cohort were exposed to Mandarin-language choices.
propaganda at a critical age juncture. This is also consistent with our Our paper sheds light on the role of propaganda in building state
contemporaneous findings: that exposure to propaganda during the capacity in both the short and long-run. In the short-term, authoritarian
Cultural Revolution affected individual behavior and beliefs, and that regimes utilize media for the successful implementation of mass cam­
linguistic compatibility affected exposure to propaganda. paigns that would be otherwise difficult to coordinate. In the long-run,
media cultivates permanent support for the regime through the supply
6. Conclusion and recruitment of future party members. The ability of propaganda to
influence individual behavior contemporaneously as well as through
The difficulty associated with projecting state influence across space time is central to the administrative capacity of authoritarian
is a recurring theme in the setting of developing nations. To this end, governments.
mass communication technologies are frequently invoked as in­
struments which potentially augment state capacity. In this paper, we Author statement
study how mass media enabled civilian participation and compliance in
the context of political campaigns directed by the Communist Party in Susan Ou and Heyu Xiong: Conceptualization, Methodology, Soft­
China. ware Data curation, Writing – original draft preparation Visualization,
We utilize a previously unexplored institutional detail of a widely Investigation Supervision Software, Validation Writing- Reviewing and
studied historical movement, the Chinese Cultural Revolution, to study Editing.
the causal impact of state-sponsored propaganda on individual and
collective behavior during and after the time period. Our identification Data availability
is based on the interaction of the geographic variation in radio reception
and variation arising from the degree of intelligibility between the local The authors do not have permission to share data.
dialects and the language used in broadcasts.
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