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Exhausted but triumphant, Elyndra collapsed to her knees.

The forest around her

began to heal, the twisted trees straightening, and the air growing lighter. The
spirits murmured their gratitude, and the living creatures of the forest emerged
from their hiding places, their eyes filled with awe and respect for the elven
necromancer who had saved them.

In the days that followed, Elyndra was hailed as a hero. The elves, once wary of
her necromantic powers, now saw her as a guardian of the forest, a protector of the
balance between life and death. Her grove became a place of pilgrimage, where elves
and other beings came to seek her wisdom and guidance.

Elyndra continued to live in her enchanted grove, always vigilant, always ready to
defend the delicate balance she had sworn to protect. She knew that her path was
not an easy one, but it was her destiny. And as long as she drew breath, she would
ensure that the boundary between life and death remained sacred and that the
spirits of the forest would always have a guardian to watch over them.

And so, Elyndra, the elven necromancer, lived on as a beacon of hope and a symbol
of the harmonious coexistence of light and shadow, life and death.

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