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COMMITTEE: United Nations Human Rights Council

MAIN SUBMITTER: Russian Federation, People's Republic of China, Federative Republic

of Brazil
CO-SUBMITTERS: Republic of Korea, Federal Republic of Germany, Argentine Republic,
Spain, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan
Reaffirming The UN security council held its first ever meeting to address the population
imbalance and discuss strategies and solutions to control population imbalance, ensuring that
the human rights of all individuals are upheld.

1. Recognising the effectiveness of existing legal frameworks and policies in addressing

population imbalance while simultaneously promoting human rights,

2. Noting further, the potential areas for improvement that benefit all
countries,Education and Awareness: Promote comprehensive sex education and
family planning to ensure individuals are informed about reproductive choices and
methods of contraception.

3. Access to Healthcare: Improve access to healthcare services, including reproductive

health services, maternal care, and family planning resources.

4. Economic Opportunities: Create job opportunities, especially for women, which can
lead to delayed marriage and childbirth, reducing birth rates.

5. . Women's Empowerment: Empower women through education, economic

opportunities, and social equality, as empowered women often choose to have fewer

6. Family Planning Programs: Establish and promote effective family planning

programs that provide access to contraception and encourage smaller family sizes.

7. Incentives: Implement policies that provide incentives for smaller families, such as
tax benefits or access to education.

7.Urban Planning: Develop sustainable urban planning strategies to accommodate population

growth without causing overcrowding and resource depletion.
8. Environmental Protection: Implement measures to protect and preserve natural resources,
reducing the strain on ecosystems caused by overpopulation.

9. Migration Policies: Develop balanced migration policies that consider the impact of
population movement on both source and destination countries.

10. Research and Data: Invest in research and data collection to better understand population
dynamics and trends, enabling informed policy decisions.

11. Social and Cultural Norms: Challenge traditional norms that encourage large families and
promote awareness about the benefits of smaller family sizes.

Combining these strategies can help countries manage population growth and create a more
sustainable future.

Since we have already debated about the issues, the delegate of brazil would like to share
some of the solutions. Brazil has always opted for an urban society, 87% of the brazil has
already been urbanised, we are working on the rest of the 13%.

There were a lot of issues with the working paper

A lot of pointers and solutions could have been added, and some could have been ignored, as
an example amendment 2 should be sticked out as, companies wont be changing how they
work, because they chose their way and they have been successful with it. I think we should
rather control and limit the use of non renewable resources.

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