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Herod. i. 136.
Rawlinson’s Herodotus, vol. i, p. 214, n. 10. We omit the
Cf. Herod. ix. 109.
Rawlinson, The Five Great Monarchies (1871), vol. iii, p. 170.
The exception was the case of the Barcæans. Cf. Herod. iv.
The modern Persians, who have exchanged the truth-impelling
creed of Zoroaster for that of Mohammed, seem to have lost
this ancestral virtue. It is noteworthy, however, that the Indian
Parsees, the inheritors and preservers of the faith of ancient
Persia, are noted for their uprightness and veracity.
“They [the Parsees] form one of the most esteemed, wealthy,
and philanthropic communities on the west coast of India,
notably in the city of Bombay.”—Bloomfield, The Religion of
the Veda (1908), p. 15.
“The whole history of the religion of Israel is a history of the
development of the moral consciousness, and consequently of
the deepening and widening of the opposition between that
which ought to be and that which is.”—Edward Caird, The
Evolution of Religion (1894), vol. ii, p. 92.
It may be urged that the moral character given to Yahweh was
the creation of the moral consciousness of his worshipers; but
even so, this conception of deity once formed would inevitably
react upon the moral sense to deepen and purify the feelings
that gave it birth.
Geschichte des Volkes Israel (1889), Bd. i, S. 429.
Budde, Religion of Israel to the Exile (1899), pp. 35 ff.; Toy,
Judaism and Christianity (1891), p. 307; W. Robertson Smith,
The Religion of the Semites (1894), pp. 75 ff.
W. Robertson Smith urges that sacrifice among the Hebrews
had its origin in the sacramental communal idea. According to
this belief the clansmen and their god are of the same stock,
and the bond of kinship is renewed and strengthened through
the human and the divine members of the community
partaking together of the flesh and blood of an animal slain.
Job iii. 19.
Eccl. ix. 5; and so ix. 10: “For there is no work, nor desire, nor
knowledge, nor wisdom in Sheol, whither thou goeth.”
Is. xxxviii. 18.
See below, pp. 165 f.
Cf. Chapter II.
The oldest form of the Decalogue is found in Ex. xxxiv; cf. Ex.
If we compare the morality of this Hebrew Decalogue with that
of the Egyptian Negative Confession, we shall find it to belong
to about the same stage of ethical development.
In the Book of Judges are preserved some traditions which are
illustrative of the moral state of society at this time; for though
all the details of these stories may not be historical, still they
doubtless reflect the general condition of things during this
period. There is a striking similarity between these traditions of
gross and incredible crimes and the traditions of the atrocious
immoralities of the Merovingian Age in European history.
The kingdom of Israel was destroyed by the Assyrian power
722 b.c.; the kingdom of Judah fell before Nebuchadnezzar,
king of Babylon, 586 b.c.
Cf. Kuenen, The Prophets and Prophecy in Israel.
The Prophets and Prophecy in Israel (1877), p. 344.
Cf. 1 Kings xxi—the story of Naboth’s vineyard.
“The life-work of Elijah was a turning-point in the history of the
religion of Israel, similar in its consequences to those which
followed the appearance of Zarathustra in Iran.... It was the
ethical idea of God matured in the soul of the prophet by the
need of his time which broke through with irresistible power to
the demand for a final choice between Jehovah, the holy God,
and the unholy nature gods of the heathen.”—Pfleiderer,
Religions and Historic Faiths (1907), pp. 225 f.
History of the People of Israel (1892), vol. ii, p. 275.
Calamities were at this time befalling Israel. “The national
distress served to awaken Israel’s conscience. The obligation
covenanted at Sinai knocked again at the door of their hearts”
(Budde, Religion of Israel to the Exile (1899), p. 93).
Amos iii. 10.
Ibid. v. 11, 12.
Ibid. viii. 5, 6.
Ibid. v. 21.
Ibid. v. 22.
Ibid. v. 24.
Hosea vi. 6.
To Amos and Hosea, Yahweh is simply the supreme god, the
suzerain of all other gods.
Is. ii. 3, 4; cf. Micah iv. 1–3. See Driver, Introduction to the
Literature of the Old Testament (1897), p. 229, for the opinion
of different commentators on the possible exilic or postexilic
date of these passages.
Is. i. 11–17.
Micah vi. 6–8.
Wellhausen, Prolegomena to the History of Israel (1885), p.
This festival was probably of Babylonian origin. It was
associated with astronomical phenomena—with the seven
planets of ancient astronomy and with the phases of the moon.
The feast of Purim is another transformed festival; “Babylonian
in origin, it was given a Jewish dress and became incorporated
into the system of Jewish observances” (David Philipson, The
Reform Movement in Judaism (1907), p. 3).
Thus the festival of Dionysus, which “in its origin was a mere
burst of primitive animal spirits, is transmuted into a complex
and beautiful work of art” (Dickinson, The Greek View of Life,
p. 14).
Deut. vi. 14.
Montefiori, Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion
(1892), p. 197.
Prolegomena to the History of Israel (1885), p. 402. Renan
speaks of Deuteronomy in the same strain: “This Thora was
the worst enemy of the universal religion which the prophets of
the eighth century had in their dreams” (History of the People
of Israel (1891), vol. iii, p. 175).
Cf. Chapter XVI. The persecutions of the medieval Church
were largely the outcome of this legislation which made the
extermination of God’s enemies, that is, idolators and
misbelievers, a pious duty. “The terrible Directorium
Inquisitorum of Nicholas Eymeric follows Deuteronomy word
for word” (Renan, History of the people of Israel (1891), vol. iii,
p. 179).
Deut. xx. 16.
Ibid. vii. 2.
Jewish Religious Life after the Exile (1898), p. 45. The
teachings of this same intolerant monolatry has, down to the
present day, exerted a retarding influence upon the
development of international morality, especially upon the war
ethics of the Christian nations.
We meet with the same phenomenon in medieval times. The
Christian Church, which was so harsh in its dealings with
misbelievers, was a tender mother toward the poor and the
afflicted of the faith.
The origin of these cities may date from a much earlier time
than the reform under King Josiah. The code may simply
register changes already effected in the customary law. See
Nathaniel Schmidt, The Prophet of Nazareth (1905), p. 61.
Deut. iv. 41, 42; xix. 1–13.
Deut. xv. 7, 8.
Ibid. xxiv. 6.
Ibid. xxiv. 12, 13.
Ibid. xxiv. 17.
Ibid. xxiv. 14, 15.
Ibid. xxiii. 19, 20. Cf. Maspero, The Dawn of Civilization, p.
760. The poor in these early times were, in all the lands
advancing in civilization, literally devoured by the money
Deut. xxiv. 19.
Ruth ii. 4–17.
Deut. v. 14, 15.
Ibid. xv. 12.
Ibid. xv. 13, 14.
All these regulations respecting slaves, however, lack
universalism. It is compassion for the slave not as a man, but
as a Hebrew, that moves the legislator. The laws are in general
for the benefit of Hebrew slaves alone. Gentiles or foreigners
are not included in these humane provisions. See Lev. xxv and
Ex. xxi. 2.
See Is. xl-lxvi.
“Deutero-Isaiah was the first to emphasize and make use of
this plenary and unconditional monotheism.”—Montefiori,
Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion (1892), p. 269.
Is. xliii. 10.
Ibid. xliv. 6.
Ibid. xliv. 24.
Ibid. xlv. 5.
Ibid. xlvi. 9.
There is a repetition of this in the Koran, where the Prophet of
Arabia speaks as one to whom the idea of the unity of deity
had come as a new thought.
W. Robertson Smith, The Religion of the Semites (1894), p.
See above, pp. 18–20.
“I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the
fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation
of them that hate me.”—Deut. v. 9.
Ezek. xviii. 2.
Ibid. xviii. 3.
Ezek. xviii. 20. The entire chapter is devoted to this single
subject. This truer view had dawned upon the compilers of the
Deuteronomic code. Cf. Deut. xxiv. 16 and Jer. xxxi. 29, 30.
See below, p. 364.
See lii. 13-liii. 12.
Cf. Bennett, The Religion of the Post-Exilic Prophets (1907),
pp. 326 ff.
In the year 539 b.c. Cyrus, king of Persia, having captured
Babylon, issued a decree giving the Jewish exiles in Babylonia
permission to return to their own land and to rebuild the
Temple destroyed fifty years before by Nebuchadnezzar. A
band returned and set themselves to the task of restoring their
houses and rebuilding the Temple. After many interruptions
and long delay the building was finished and dedicated anew
to the worship of Yahweh (516 b.c.).
“The growth of Judaism and the Judaic veneration for the law,
after Ezra’s reformation, shows some marked resemblances to
the growth in post-Reformation Protestant theology of the legal
conception of salvation, and particularly the tendency to
formalize and almost to deify the literal inspiration and
authority of the Scriptures.”—Newman Smyth, Christian Ethics
(1892), p. 95.
For life under the law consult Schürer, History of the Jewish
People, division ii, vol. ii, pp. 90 ff.
Matt. xxiii. 23.
Ibid. xv. 11, 20. “The identification of morality with ritual in his
[Jesus’] day had confused the issue before human life much as
that issue is now confused by the identification of morality with
opinion” (Hall, History of Ethics within Organized Christianity
(1910), p. 62).
Ps. cxxxvii. 9; see Ps. cix.
On this subject see Toy, Judaism and Christianity (1891), pp.
246 ff.
“The people had learned to draw nigh to God without the aid of
sacrifice.”—W. Robertson Smith, The Religion of the
Semites (1894), p. 215.
Cf. Mark i. 21; vi. 2.
Renan, History of the People of Israel (1895), vol. iv, p. 195.
Consult on this subject Charles, A Critical History of the
Doctrine of a Future Life (1898–1899).
See above, pp. 139 f.
See Cheyne, Jewish Religious Life after the Exile (1898), p.
229; and Toy, Judaism and Christianity (1891), pp. 378, 386.
Ps. xvi. 10, Rev. Ver.

“I know without me God cannot a moment live;

If I to death should go, He, too, would death receive.”
Quoted by Blow, A Study of Dante (1887), p. 102.

Cf. above, p. 44; see also Toy, Judaism and Christianity
(1891), p. 387; Hall, History of Ethics within Organized
Christianity (1910), p. 216.
The Pharisees; cf. Acts xxiii. 6–8.
We see a repetition of all this in what is going on to-day among
the Jews in the great cities of the New World. Liberal Judaism
is largely the outcome of just such influences as brought forth
Christianity out of the narrow ritual Judaism of the Alexandrian
Age. See David Philipson, The Reform Movement in Judaism
(1907), chap. xii.
“Those psalms into which a sense of something like the
brotherhood of nations begins to penetrate are for various
reasons later than 382 b.c.... Not till the coming of the
Macedonian reconciler of East and West could there be a
presentiment of the truth of the divine education, not only of
Israel, but of the human race.”—Cheyne, Jewish Religious Life
after the Exile (1898), pp. 134 f.
To Hillel is credited the maxim, “What thou wouldst not have
another do to thee, do not thou to another.”
The teaching of the Orphic sects that there are two elements,
one good and another bad, in man’s nature, was an esoteric
doctrine which had no influence on the popular mind and
conscience. Cf. G. Lowes Dickinson, The Greek View of Life,
6th ed., pp. 31 f.
There are, it is true, gods of the lower world unfriendly to man,
but there is nothing in the Greek world-view corresponding to
the Egyptian conception of the struggle between the good
Osiris and the wicked Set, or of the Persian idea of the conflict
between the beneficent Ahura Mazda and the evil-working
Ahriman. Nor was there anything in this view like the
Babylonian or Persian notion of malicious spirits.
The Dionysian cult fostered art, but not directly morality. In so
far as the Attic drama was an elevating moral influence, the
cult may be said to have indirectly promoted morals. But the
foreign orgiastic god had to be thoroughly converted before he
could strengthen others.
The pre-Hellenic Oriental cult of Aphrodite had undoubtedly an
unfavorable influence on morality. “Some part of this evil
character [was] transplanted into Greek legend, but very little
into Greek worship.... What we know is that until the declining
period of Greek history the cult of Aphrodite, so far as it
appears in written or monumental record, was as pure and
austere as that of Zeus and Athena” (Farnell, The Cults of the
Greek States (1896), vol. ii, pp. 657, 663).
Cf. Schmidt, Die Ethik der alten Griechen (1882), Bd. i, S. 165.
Farnell, The Cults of the Greek States (1896), vol. i, p. 74,
quoting Charondas, the Sicilian legislator.
Farnell, The Cults of the Greek States (1896), vol. iv, pp. 177
Hatch, The Influence of Greek Ideas and Usages upon the
Christian Church, 2d ed., p. 292.
History of Greece (1900), pp. 320 f.
Thucyd. i. 70.
For an illuminating comparison of the Greek virtues of fortitude
and temperance with the corresponding Christian virtues, see
T. H. Green, Prolegomena to Ethics, 5th ed., pp. 304 ff.
Ethics, iii. 10.
“But let [each man] know,” says Plato, “how to choose the
mean and avoid the extremes on either side, as far as in him
lies, not only in this life but in all that which is to come. For this
is the way of happiness” (Republic, tr. Jowett, x. 619).
Socrates, it is true, taught that it is better to suffer wrong than
to do wrong, but he was here far in advance of the common
Greek conscience.
Quoted by Taylor, Ancient Ideals (1896), vol. i, p. 247.
Christian Ethics (1873), vol. i, p. 63.
The Greek View of Life (1909), p. 205.
If we contrast the Greek conception of man’s nature with that
of certain systems of Christian theology, we shall better
understand the ethical value of such ideas and beliefs. On the
occasion of a college commencement one of the speakers, a
stout upholder of the doctrines of the fall of man, original sin,
and the utter depravity of the natural man, roundly denounced
this injunction of Pindar’s. He said to the young people who
had chosen as their class motto, “Be what you are,” that that
was just what they ought not to be. He then went on to show
them that their nature was wholly corrupt, that all their natural
inclinations were toward evil continually, and that if they ever
hoped for salvation they must become what they were not.
“Aristotle may be almost said to have made the difference
between Greek and barbarian the basis of his moral code.”—
Lecky, History of European Morals, 3d ed., vol. i, p. 200.
Politics, i. 7, sec. 5; 8, sec. 12; vii. 14, sec. 21.
For the ethics of Greek slavery consult Schmidt, Die Ethik der
alten Griechen (1882), Bd. ii, S. 203–219.
Thebes, but not from moral scruples seemingly, prohibited
under the penalty of death the destruction of healthy infants.
The reader of Plato will recall how Socrates uses this practice
of the exposition of infants to illustrate his art of bringing to
birth true and false ideas (“lies and shadows”) in the minds of
his pupils, and exposing to die those that are vain shadows.
See his Dialogues, tr. Jowett, vol. iii, pp. 350 f.
The practice of the exposition of female infants in the
Hellenistic Age, when luxury increased and children became a
burden, seems to have been more common than in earlier
Mahaffy, Social Life in Greece (1888), p. 120.
Politics, vi. 4, sec. 12. This contempt for tradesmen and
laborers, generally speaking, continued through all periods of
Greek history. In some states, however, particularly in Athens,
it underwent modification. “The later Athenians began to
consider trade an honorable road to riches, and aristocrats like
Nicias were known as careful trade masters.” In Rhodes, also,
trade became honorable.
Paulsen, System of Ethics, tr. Thilly, p. 62 n.
Laws, tr. Jowett, xi. 919.
They were charged with adulteration of foods, cheating in
measure, etc. Demosthenes declares that a man honest in
commercial transactions was a prodigy. Cf. Mahaffy, Social Life
in Greece (1888), p. 419.
See above, p. 89.
This ethical feeling is to be reckoned with in dealing with
Asiatics—until there is a change in their ideal of manliness.
The overlooking of an injury is apt to be regarded by them as
an indication of weakness and cowardice.
Schmidt, Die Ethik der alten Griechen (1882), Bd. ii, S. 312.
Herod. vi. 24. The Delphian oracle tried to cure this defect in
the national character. See the story of Glaucus, Herod. vi. 86.
Die Ethik der alten Griechen (1882), Bd. ii, S. 413.
Ethics, tr. Welldon, i. 4.
Ethics: the Facts of the Moral Life (1908), p. 95.
Od. xix. 396–398.
Thucyd. i. 5.
Il. xxii. 485–499.
See Xen. Mem. ii. 1, 21, for the parable, by the Sophist
Prodicus, of the choice of Heracles at the parting of the ways.
The Republic, iii. 386–392.
See above, p. 35.
“The blessed islands of the West were indeed even then [in the
Homeric Age] a home for the dead, but they had not yet been
opened to moral worth, as in the days of Pindar.”—Mahaffy,
Social Life in Greece (1888), p. 26.
See Zeller, History of Philosophy (1881), vol. i, p. 125, and
Schmidt, Die Ethik der alten Griechen (1882), Bd. i, S. 99.
“Strictly speaking,” says Professor Seymour, “Homer knows of
no instance of rewards, and of only one case of punishment
after death” (Life in the Homeric Age (1908), p. 469).
For the Greek view of the underworld, and the incoming of the
idea of rewards and punishments in the after life, see Schmidt,
Die Ethik der alten Griechen (1882), Bd. i, S. 97 ff., and
Rhode, Psyche: Seelencult und Unsterblichkeits Glaube der
Griechen, 4te Auflage, Bd. i, S. 301–319.
This moralization of Hades is carried still further by Vergil. It is
instructive to compare his vision of Hades with Homer’s.
Republic, x. 614–616; see also Gorgias, 523–527.
Herod. i. 30–32. But Nemesis appears later in the story, and
Crœsus is represented as being punished for the crime of an
Ibid. vii. 10. The views which the historian here attributes to the
Persian Artabanus were of course a reflection of Greek belief.
For further instances in Greek literature of the conception of
the envy of the gods, consult Schmidt, Die Ethik der alten
Griechen (1882), Bd. i, S. 78–84.
Thucyd. vii. 77.
Pericles (1890), p. 312.
“The very event [the Persian war] which determined the
sudden splendor of the drama gave a sublime and terrific
sanction to the already existing morality.”—Symonds, Studies
of the Greek Poets (1880), vol. ii, p. 17.
Farnell, The Cults of the Greek States (1896), vol. i, p. 129.
After the tale had been moralized by Æschylus, Phidias carved
the story on the great Zeus throne at Olympia, using it to give
emphasis to the conception of the god as the guardian of the
moral order of the world.
Thucyd. v. 84–116.
The attitude of the later philosophers toward the notion that the
gods are envious is fairly represented by Plato’s protest: “He
[the Creator] is good, and no goodness can have any jealousy
of anything” (Timæus, tr. Jowett, 29).
“The dispensation which takes the aspect of divine envy to
mortals might, it seems, from a higher point of view, be
discerned as the very opposite; human vicissitude is the result
of a divine love anxious to share the true blessedness which
comes in the form of sorrow.”—Wedgwood, The Moral Ideal,
3d ed., p. 112.
Taylor, Ancient Ideals (1896), vol. i, p. 227.
Farnell, The Cults of the Greek States (1891), vol. i, p. 129.
Republic, tr. Jowett, x. 613.
See James Adam, The Vitality of Platonism (1911), chap. v,
“Ancient Greek Views of Suffering and Evil.”
When we contrast with this Sophocles’ treatment of the same
theme in Antigone we realize how great an advance during the
interval the Greeks had made in humanitarian feeling.
See Thucyd. iii. 53–59.
The Spartan admiral Callicratides (the successor of Lysander,
406 b.c.) refused to sell his Greek prisoners of war as slaves,
but he stood almost or quite alone in this. See Xen. Hellen. i. 6,
Mahaffy, Social Life in Greece (1888), p. 235.
The war brought into fearful exaggeration the salient weakness
of Greek morality. The most reprehensible moral faults of the
Greeks were the outgrowth of political factions and cabals, of
party jealousies and rivalries in the close quarters of city walls.
These faults were lifted into the most savage passions by the
war. Thucydides in a memorable passage (iii. 82) draws a
striking picture of the disastrous moral effects of the prolonged
See above, p. 180.
Republic, v. 469–471.
Hobhouse, Morals in Evolution (1906), vol. i, p. 267; see also
A. Ræder, L’Arbitrage international chez les Hellenes (1912).
Études sur l’histoire de humanité (1880), t. ii, p. 105. Because
of its long exemption from the ravages of war, Elis was more
populous and wealthy than any other district of the
Peloponnesus (Polyb. iv. 73, 74). The contrast presented by
Greece in general constituted an impressive commentary on
the fatal consequences for Greek civilization of the war
system. Speaking of the depopulation which incessant wars
had caused over almost all the world he knew, Plutarch says of
Greece, a land once “strong in cities,” that the whole country
could raise barely three thousand men, the same number that
the single city of Megara sent to Platæa at the time of the
Persian war (Philosophical Essays, “On the Cessation of
Oracles,” sec. viii).
See above, p. 18.
“Really to see the good and to know it as such, yet not to love
and pursue it, is impossible; the vision carries with it its own
persuasion and authority.”—Martineau, Types of Ethical
Theory, 3d ed., vol. i, p. 74. “Mere school and word knowledge,
of course, is powerless, but real knowledge, knowledge that
represents real personal conviction, cannot fail to influence
life.”—Paulsen, System of Ethics, tr. Thilly (1906), p. 62.
“There are few men whose minds are not more or less in that
state of sham knowledge against which Socrates made war;
there is no man whose notions have not been first got together
by spontaneous, unexamined, unconscious, uncertified
association—resting upon forgotten particulars, blending
together disparities or inconsistencies, and leaving in his mind
old and familiar phrases and oracular propositions, of which he
has never rendered to himself account; there is no man, who, if
he be destined for vigorous and profitable scientific effort, has
not found it a necessary branch of self-education to break up,
disentangle, analyse, and reconstruct this ancient mental
compound, and who has not been driven to it by his own lame
and solitary efforts, since the giant of the colloquial Elenchus
no longer stands in the market place to lend him help and
stimulus.”—Grote, History of Greece (1888), vol. vii, pp. 168
Quoted by Schmidt, Die Ethik der alten Griechen (1882), Bd. ii,
S. 396.
“His [Socrates’] significancy for moral philosophy lies in his
calling attention to rational knowledge as the source of the
moral.”—Wuttke, Christian Ethics (1873), vol. i, p. 69.
Histoire des théories et des idées morales dans l’antiquité
(1879), t. i, pp. 125 f.
Cf. Gorgias, 478, 479.
Laws, tr. Jowett, xi. 913. Plato saw what the socialist-
philosopher Lloyd saw when he wrote, “More searching ... than
the Golden Rule is that which commands us to inquire if what
we desire for ourselves and others is a right desire” (Man the
Social Creator (1906), p. 147).
In the Republic Plato reaches the conception of a Greek
brotherhood, but beyond this he never advanced.
Xen. Mem. ii. 6, 35.
Politics, i. 7, sec. 5; 8, sec. 12; vii. 2, sec. 15; 14, sec. 21.
Histoire des théories et des idées morales dans l’antiquité
(1879), t. i, p. 228.
“A moral ideal which was not coextensive with the whole
spiritual nature of man was taken by the schoolmen from the
Aristotelian ethics, and then the so-called religious virtues were
more or less cumbrously and precariously built upon it.
Supernaturalism in morals was added to the classic naturalism
as a divine appendix to ethics.”—Newman Smyth, Christian
Ethics (1892), p. 133.
The downfall of the institutions of the free city state was to
Greek morality what the downfall of the papal Church would
have been to the morality of the medieval ages.
Philopœman and Aratus.
This ascetic tendency in Stoicism is doubtless to be attributed
to the influence of the Orient upon Greek life and thought.
Consistently so, since only through self-control and the
avoidance of all excesses of passion, appetite, and desires
can one maintain that tranquillity of mind which is the condition
precedent of happiness.
Lecky, History of European Morals, 3d ed., vol. i, p. 228.
Mahaffy, Social Life in Greece, p. 264. The author contrasts
this humaneness of the laws of the Athenian democracy four
centuries before Christ with the atrocious cruelty of the criminal
laws of Christian Europe down almost to the nineteenth
Social Life in Greece (1888), p. 269.
Ibid. p. 554.
The Apostle Paul at Athens, seeking common ground with his
hearers for the doctrine he preached that God hath made of
one blood all nations of men, finds it in the familiar line of the
Stoic Cleanthes—“We are the offspring of God.”
Plutarch died about 40 a.d.
“From contact with the Greeks, therefore, Christianity obtained
this support, that an ideal long known to the Western world, the
Stoic ideal, was found to correspond with it, so that the
preaching of the Apostles was in this respect not out of
harmony with the wants and aspirations of the higher and
better minds of the age.”—Mahaffy, Progress of Hellenism in
Alexander’s Empire (1905), p. 146.
“The essential oneness of human moral experience has shown
itself in the ethical results achieved by these various
peoples.”—Toy, Judaism and Christianity (1891), p. 337.
Coulanges, The Ancient City, ii, 9.
The authority of the father over each and every member of the
family was legally absolute, extending to life and death. Not
until late in the Empire did the law forbid fathers to kill their
grown-up children or to sell them as slaves. Cf. McKenzie,
Studies in Roman Law, 6th ed., p. 141; and Sohm, Institutes
(1901), p. 53.
Inge, Society in Rome under the Cæsars (1888), p. 8.
This Roman virtue of obedience to the state has been just
such an enduring force in the moral life of the Christian world
as has the Jewish virtue of obedience to a revealed law (see
Chapter IX). Historically regarded, the Protestant Church,
which makes obedience to a written revealed law a necessary
virtue, is the inheritor of the ethical feeling and conviction of
ancient Israel; while the Roman Catholic Church, which makes
submission to ecclesiastical authority an indispensable virtue,
is the inheritor of the ethical tradition and spirit of ancient
Rome. See H. M. Gwatkin (co-author), Early Ideals of
Righteousness (1910), pp. 71 ff.
Tacitus, Annals, iii. 16, 17.
This legal subjection of the son to the father, while it developed
and strengthened the virtue of obedience, seemed to deaden
filial affection. “Of all the forms of virtue,” says Lecky, “filial
affection is perhaps that which appears most rarely in Roman
history” (History of European Morals, 3d ed., vol. i, p. 299).
De Off. i. 17.
History of European Morals, 3d ed., vol. i, pp. 177 f.
See p. 245, on the ethics of persecution.
The Moral Ideal, 3d ed., p. 148.
Cf. Chapter XVIII.
The citizen army, which had been the seed plot of those heroic
virtues that cast such a halo around the earlier history of
Rome, had been replaced by a mercenary force in which only
the coarser military virtues could find sphere for exercise.
“The unchecked power of the master ... produced those cold
hearts which gloated over the agony of gallant men in the
arena.”—Dill, Roman Society from Nero to Marcus Aurelius
(1904), p. 12.
Friedlander, Darstellungen aus der Sittengeschichte Roms
(1888), Bd. i, S. 479–481; English ed., Roman Life and
Manners under the Early Empire, vol. i, pp. 243 f.
“The senator was forbidden down to the last age of the empire,
both by law and sentiment, to increase his fortune by
commerce.”—Dill, Roman Society from Nero to Marcus
Aurelius, p. 102.
De Off. i. 42.
Lecky, History of European Morals, 3d ed., vol. i, p. 271.
Friedlander, Darstellungen aus der Sittengeschichte Roms
(1889), Bd. ii, S. 414; English ed., Roman Life and Manners
under the Early Empire, vol. ii, p. 77.
“The unusual enthusiasm for the shows is expressed in many
a rude sketch which has been traced by boyish hands upon
the walls.”—Dill, Roman Society from Nero to Marcus
Aurelius, p. 238.
In an eloquent passage Lecky thus sums up the demoralizing
effects of the spectacles: “Those hateful games, which made
the spectacle of human suffering and death the delight of all
classes, had spread their brutalising influence wherever the
Roman name was known, had rendered millions absolutely
indifferent to the sight of human suffering, had produced in
many, in the very centre of an advanced civilization, a relish
and a passion for torture, a rapture and an exultation in
watching the spasms of extreme agony, such as an African or
an American savage alone can equal”. (History of European
Morals, 3d ed., vol. i, p. 467).

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