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100 SEA

D100 Event
1 A renowned sea witch brews a powerful storm in her cauldron, offering it for sale to the highest bidder. The storm can be directed at enemies, used
to protect allies, or even attempt to control the seas.
2 A merman prince, seeking to prove his worth to rule, challenges surface dwellers to a series of trials: a race through treacherous waters, a dive to
retrieve a sacred pearl, and a battle against a sea monster.
3 A deep, rhythmic pulsing emanates from the ocean's depths, felt rather than heard. This heartbeat is said to be the life force of the ocean itself, and
finding its source can grant immense power.
4 A mythical island, home to exotic creatures and plants, reappears after being lost to the mists of time. The isle is said to move of its own accord,
vanishing and reappearing in different locations. Discovering the island offers access to lost knowledge and treasures.
5 The rulers of the undersea kingdoms convene at the Salt Throne, a legendary undersea location known for its sacred magic. Surface dwellers are
rarely invited to witness the conclave, where decisions are made that affect the balance of power in the ocean's depths.
6 An ancient and powerful sea creature, long thought to be a myth, surfaces to sing a serenade that resonates across the ocean. The song has the
power to calm storms, heal the sick, and enchant those who hear it. However, it also awakens other ancient beings from the deep.
7 A sudden and unexplained abundance of fish and sea life swarms the ocean, leading to a temporary but dramatic shift in the marine ecosystem. This
event draws out legendary sea monsters in search of food, creating dangerous waters for sailors.
8 A phantom armada, lost in a legendary storm centuries ago, reappears to reenact their final battle. The ghost ships are solid enough to board, and
adventurers can interact with the spectral crew, who are unaware of their fate.
9 Millions of lantern jellyfish migrate through the open sea, illuminating the waters with their bioluminescent glow. This spectacle attracts various
predators and provides a unique opportunity for alchemists and mages to collect rare ingredients needed for powerful potions and spells.
10 A rare astronomical event where the moon and sun align perfectly, amplifying the ocean's magic. The tides behave erratically, revealing hidden
undersea passages and ancient ruins previously submerged.
11 A water dragon, long asleep in the depths of the ocean, awakens and ascends to the surface, causing whirlpools and tidal waves. The dragon seeks
an ancient artefact lost at sea.
12 A fleet of sunken ships rises from the ocean floor, intact and crewed by the spirits of sailors long passed. For one night, the fleet sails the sea as if it
had never sunk, giving adventurers the chance to board the ships, interact with the spirits, and uncover treasures and secrets from the deep.
13 A dispute among sea creatures is brought before the Coral Court, a tribunal held within a grand coral amphitheatre. Adventurers find themselves
summoned as witnesses. The court's decisions affect not only the marine community but also the balance of the ocean's magic.
14 A renowned bard, capable of controlling the weather with her voice, performs a concerto atop a cliff overlooking the sea. Sailors and adventurers
come from far and wide to witness the performance, which is said to bestow luck and inspiration.
15 A massive, floating island of lush vegetation drifts across the sea, a remnant of a bygone era when magic ruled the earth. The island is home to exotic
plants, animals, and a guardian spirit who tends to the garden.
16 A colossal whale, ancient and wise, surfaces, offering adventurers the chance to explore the library it carries on its back. The library, protected by
magic, contains books and scrolls detailing the ocean's history, including tales of lost civilisations and maps to sunken cities.
17 A ghost ship appears on the horizon, laden with spectral goods and treasures from every corner of the world. It docks at ports only once every
hundred years, trading its wares for stories and songs.
18 Sea sprites gather to celebrate the lunar eclipse, creating a magical spectacle on the water's surface with their dances and spells. Sailors and
adventurers who respectfully join the celebration are granted boons of safe travel, bountiful catches, and protection from storms.
19 On a secluded part of the ocean, a bay glows with bioluminescent algae, attracting rare and mystical marine life for a night of splendour. This natural
phenomenon also reveals the entrance to an underwater grotto, where ancient sea relics are hidden.
20 After a storm, a path of sea glass forms on the water's surface, leading to an island made entirely of sea glass. This island, appearing only for a short
time, holds a library of scrolls detailing lost maritime magic.
21 A group of sirens challenges sailors to a trial of wit and will, offering safe passage and a treasure from the depths for those who succeed. The trial
involves solving riddles, resisting enchantments, and making sacrifices. Failure leaves sailors entranced, forever to serve the sirens.
22 A ghostly tide rolls in, carrying with it objects from different times and places. These objects can provide invaluable insights into future events, but
tampering with them risks altering the course of history or bringing the wrath of time guardians.
23 A rare natural phenomenon occurs when a gust of wind sweeps across the ocean, lifting water into the air and forming a temporary, walkable path
of mist. This path leads to an aerial island only accessible during this event, where they find a temple dedicated to the air and sea gods.
24 A massive kraken, previously thought to be a myth, surfaces, opening its maw to reveal an entrance to a submerged cavern system filled with ancient
treasures and artefacts. The kraken offers a challenge: navigate the caverns and claim a treasure, but those who fail become part of its collection.
25 A legendary fleet known as the Golden Armada, lost for centuries, resurfaces due to a mysterious magical upheaval. The ships are intact and laden
with gold, but they are guarded by the enchanted armaments and spectral crew.
26 On the night of the summer solstice, spirits made of seafoam and mist rise from the waves, performing an ethereal dance that can be seen from ships
and the shore. Watching the dance is said to bring good luck and calm seas for the coming year.
27 The coral reefs begin to emit a haunting melody that resonates across the ocean, a sign that they are in distress. Divers and adventurers are drawn to
the source of the melody, discovering that the reefs are being threatened by a dark, polluting force.
28 A celestial event begins where shooting stars fall directly into the ocean, marking paths to ancient, submerged ruins now accessible due to shifting
tides. These ruins hold artefacts of navigational importance, offering insights into celestial navigation techniques lost to time.
29 The wreckage of an expedition ship is found adrift at sea, its crew missing without a trace. As the party investigates, they uncover evidence of a
forbidden ritual gone awry, awakening ancient sea monsters that now stalk the depths in search of prey.
30 Once every fifty years, the ocean currents converge in a pattern that creates a natural whirlpool, leading to a hidden underwater valley. Here, merfolk
and other sea creatures host a grand festival, inviting surface dwellers who show respect for the ocean.
31 An ancient artefact lost in the depths begins to affect the waters above, causing the sea to project holographic-like images of historical events that
occurred in its waters.
32 A giant leviathan, rarely seen by human eyes, leaves a trail of glowing plankton in its wake, creating a temporary, luminescent path across the ocean.
The path is striking to see for many and is known by sailors to heard a good year of catching fish ahead.
33 A ghostly ship, crafted by a legendary shipwright, appears to sailors lost at sea, offering them safe passage home. The phantom vessel is said to be a
masterpiece, incorporating magic and craftsmanship.
34 For a brief period, the sea becomes still and reflective, turning into a mirror that displays celestial events and constellations with unparalleled clarity.
This natural mirror reveals the location of a celestial-aligned treasure or a portal to another plane.
35 A phenomenon takes place where the waves carry voices and messages from distant lands and times, allowing sailors to hear whispers of ancient
secrets, warnings, and prophecies.
36 Large, flat stones glide across the ocean's surface, following unknown paths. Tracking these stones leads to discovering underwater ley lines and
magical currents that can speed up sea travel or reveal hidden magical hotspots.
37 A collection of ancient, waterlogged tomes bound by magic floats to the surface, revealing the location of a sunken library. This library, once part of
a now-submerged civilisation, contains lost knowledge and spells.
38 A once-in-a-decade spectacle where a family of sea serpents, long thought to be solitary creatures, gather and perform a majestic dance across the
ocean surface.
39 In the deepest parts of the ocean, a rare event occurs where luminescent algae bloom in such abundance that they light up the sea surface at night,
creating a pathway to a hidden underwater realm.

40 A region of the sea notorious for its lack of wind and deadly calm becomes a puzzle for sailors who find themselves trapped. The area is revealed to
be protected by an ancient sea spirit demanding a tribute or a test of intelligence to grant passage.
41 Once every few years, a section of the ocean floor becomes alive with musical sounds produced by a unique formation of coral. This natural concert
attracts sea creatures and enchants all who hear it, granting moments of profound peace and inspiration.
42 A cursed ship sails the ocean, unable to make port or be approached. It is said that the ship carries a treasure cursed with solitude, and breaking the
curse requires solving the riddle of the ship's doomed voyage.
43 A stunning display of auroras lights up the night sky over the ocean, a phenomenon not normally seen in these latitudes. This aurora has magical
properties, enhancing spellcasting abilities and guiding sailors to safe harbours or revealing hidden paths to ancient, submerged temples.
44 Magical tides sweep across part of the ocean, healing injuries, lifting curses, and rejuvenating weary travellers. These tides are believed to be the work
of a benevolent sea deity and occur but once a generation.
45 The ghost of a legendary whaling ship appears, pursuing a spectral leviathan across the sea. This haunting spectacle recurs under the full moon,
drawing both the curious and the brave.
46 A ship stumbles upon a vast graveyard of sunken vessels, ripe with treasures lost to the depths. But as they dive deeper, they awaken the dormant
kraken guarding its hoard.
47 Spirits of the sea celebrate their annual festival, visible only to those on the water. The spirits perform a dance across the waves, creating magical
phenomena such as water spouts and bioluminescent trails.
48 Stones floating just beneath the water's surface begin to move in patterns, creating a navigational hazard but also pointing the way to a hidden
underwater grotto. This grotto is said to be the resting place of a powerful sea mage.
49 A mystical compass leads sailors astray, guiding them towards unseen dangers lurking beneath the waves. As the crew struggles to break free from
the compass's influence, they must confront the malevolent force behind its cursed guidance.
50 Amidst a raging storm, a legendary sea serpent known as the Leviathan stirs from its slumber, its breath unleashing devastating winds and crashing
waves upon unsuspecting ships.
51 A warparty of sahuagin emerges from the depths, launching relentless attacks on passing ships and coastal settlements. As the seafolk's aggression
escalates, sailors must band together to defend against the aquatic invaders or risk being overrun by the merciless onslaught.
52 A drifting fog bank envelops ships, concealing lurking monsters and lost souls trapped within its murky depths. As whispers of the damned echo
through the mist, sailors must navigate cautiously to avoid falling prey to the horrors that lie in wait.
53 Once a century, the coral reefs gather in a conclave, a phenomenon where the coral collectively blooms in a dazzling display of colours and emits a
powerful magical aura. This event attracts scholars and mages interested in the arcane properties of the coral.
54 During a lunar eclipse, a legendary sea dragon emerges from the depths, its scales reflecting the eclipse's eerie light. The dragon's appearance is said
to herald significant change. Brave adventurers can attempt to communicate with the dragon, seeking its ancient wisdom.
55 A rare phenomenon where the sea momentarily recedes, revealing the entrance to a breath-taking underwater cavern system. Inside, adventurers
can find air pockets filled with exotic flora and fauna, as well as ancient ruins.
56 Deep beneath the waves, a bell from a sunken cathedral begins to toll, its sound carrying through the water and calling forth spectral sailors and sea
creatures. The tolling marks the opening of a portal to the drowned cathedral's treasure vault.
57 A supernatural storm brews on the horizon, not of clouds and rain, but of swirling spirits and lost souls. This tempest is drawn to areas of high magical
energy and can engulf ships.
58 Deep in the ocean, an underwater aurora lights up the abyss, revealing the path to a hidden undersea city. The city, built by an ancient, lost civilisation,
contains technological marvels and magical artefacts.
59 A marid, powerful genie of the sea, offers sailors a tempting bargain in exchange for their souls. As the allure of the genie's promises draws them
closer, the true cost of the bargain becomes clear, leaving them trapped in a web of deceit and betrayal.
60 A convergence of sea creatures gathers to perform a harmonious chorus that resonates across the ocean. This event is said to heal the waters, calm
storms, and bring peace to the sea's inhabitants. Adventurers drawn to the chorus might find themselves on a quest to protect the gathering from
those who wish to disrupt the harmony.
61 A rare celestial event causes mermaids to shed tears that turn into pearls of great value and magical power. These pearls wash ashore or can be traded
with the mermaids themselves, but they also attract dangerous creatures from the deep, drawn to the pearls' magic.
62 A swirling maelstrom emerges in the open sea, devouring ships and dragging them into its chaotic depths. As the vortex grows stronger, all hope
seems lost for those caught in its grasp, leaving sailors to face the terrifying prospect of an endless descent into oblivion.
63 A shrouded island emerges from the mist, rumoured to be a gateway to the underworld itself. As whispers of lost souls and vengeful spirits fill the
air, adventurers must confront their darkest fears to uncover the island's true purpose and escape its cursed embrace.
64 A sudden, supernatural wind sweeps across the sea, capable of propelling ships at incredible speeds or throwing them off course. Legends tell of an
ancient artefact lost at sea that controls the gale, and many adventurers set sail to harness its power.
65 Following a rare alignment of the planets, the sea begins to froth and churn, creating vast stretches of luminous seafoam that drifts towards the
shore. This seafoam is imbued with magical properties, and collecting it can yield ingredients for powerful potions or enchantments.
66 A hidden island, guarded by predatory griffons, holds valuable resources coveted by sailors and adventurers alike. Those who dare to approach
must navigate the skies and outwit the ferocious guardians to claim their prize.
67 A mysterious whirlpool appears without warning, not pulling objects in, but emitting haunting sounds from the depths. Sailors who navigate the
whirlpool's perimeter report experiencing visions of ancient events.
68 A phenomenon occurs where the sun dips to the horizon but never sets, bathing the sea in a perpetual twilight for several days. During this time, a
festival takes place on ships and coastal villages alike.
69 A once-in-a-lifetime migration of sea serpents passes through the waters, a majestic procession that stretches for miles. These serpents are normally
solitary and elusive, making this event a rare opportunity for study.

70 An ancient coral statue awakens from its slumber, either protecting passing ships from danger or posing a threat to unsuspecting vessels. As the
colossal creature stirs, sailors must decide whether to seek its aid or evade its wrath.
71 During a solar eclipse, sirens gather to sing an ancient hymn that has the power to calm storms, heal the wounded, and purify tainted waters. Ships
lucky enough to be nearby are drawn towards the performance, offering a moment of magical healing but risking the sirens' enchantment.
72 A fearsome pirate armada, hunting for plunder, sails the open seas. As ships clash and cannons roar, sailors must choose whether to join the fray or
flee from the pirates' wrath.
73 An abandoned ship, fully intact and draped in hundreds of glowing lanterns, drifts through the sea. Legend says it's a memorial for lost sailors, and
finding the ship is considered an omen.
74 A mysterious floating market appears at dawn, accessible only to those who know its secret location. This market, run by sea witches and mariners
from across the realms, offers rare goods, magical items, and forbidden knowledge.
75 A kraken, normally a terror of the deep, surfaces in a peaceful display, seeking a mate with elaborate and magical displays that can be seen for
miles. This event causes unusual magical disturbances in the area, affecting navigation instruments and spellcasting.
76 Once a year, coastal communities celebrate the Sea's Embrace Festival, where the sea magically calms and bioluminescent creatures come close to
the shore, lighting up the water.
77 A rare event where a flock of giant albatrosses, spanning miles, flies directly overhead, casting a vast shadow over the sea. Sailors believe seeing the
Albatross Eclipse brings good luck, but the event also attracts airborne predators.
78 Amidst a raging tempest, a figure known as the Stormwright boards vessels to test the crew's seamanship and bravery. Failure results in the tempest's
intensification, testing the crew's ability to survive and navigate under extreme conditions.
79 A unique pattern of whalesong resonates across the ocean, leading to a gathering of marine creatures around an ancient, submerged monolith. The
monolith, when activated by the correct pattern of song, reveals secrets of the deep.
80 The most feared pirate captains gather on a secluded island for a summit to discuss the division of territories and spoils. This tense gathering is ripe
with intrigue, betrayal, and the potential for combat.
81 Giant, intelligent sharks stalk the party's ship with sinister intent, their razor-sharp teeth gleaming beneath the waves. As the predators close in, sailors
must fend off the relentless hunters or face a watery grave.
82 A convergence of water elementals from various planes creates a massive, swirling vortex at sea. This event causes unusual weather patterns and
opens temporary gateways to elemental planes. Ships entering the conflux might find themselves dealing with elemental beings, navigating through
storms of unnatural ferocity, or even accidentally travelling to other planes.
83 On the anniversary of a historic naval battle, spectral ships and their ghostly crews materialise to reenact their last fight.

84 Adventurers find a navigable path through the dense seaweed of the Sargasso Sea, leading to a hidden area thriving with life. This secret haven is
protected by sentient seaweed guardians who challenge intruders to prove their respect for nature.
85 During a calm evening at sea, the adventurers spot a cluster of glowing orbs floating on the water's surface. Upon investigation, they discover that
these orbs are actually the eyes of a massive sea creature lurking just beneath the waves.
86 Massive scales shed by a sea serpent hold powerful magic, attracting hunters eager to claim the creature's lost treasure. As sailors search for the
serpent's molt, they must contend with rival factions and the serpent's wrathful return.
87 A mysterious whirlpool is discovered that seems to defy the laws of nature. As they navigate the treacherous waters, the party are pulled into the
vortex and transported to a realm beyond the mortal plane.
88 While exploring a remote island chain, a tribe of amphibious humanoids known as the Selu'kai are encountered, who possess the ability to manipulate
water and control the tides.
89 A crashed beholder vessel spills strange treasures and deadly rays onto the ocean floor, attracting both adventurers seeking fortune and creatures
drawn to the beholder's sinister magic.
90 While sailing through uncharted waters, a colossal whirlwind that stretches from the sea to the sky, swirling with elemental energy is discovered. The
whirlwind is not a natural phenomenon, but rather the manifestation of an ancient air elemental imprisoned within a magical storm cage.
91 While sailing, the party spots a message in a bottle bobbing in the water. Retrieving it, they find a distress call from a stranded sailor, prompting them
to launch a rescue mission.
92 Legendary warriors from across the seas gather on an island to test the party's mettle in epic battles for honour and glory, with each victory bringing
them closer to uncovering the island's hidden secrets for this legendary tournament.
93 A towering waterspout forms in the distance, swirling with incredible force, creating a natural spectacle that the party must steer clear of to avoid
being sucked into its vortex.
94 A lone islander in a small boat approaches the party's ship, offering trade goods from their remote island home in exchange for supplies or news
from the mainland.
95 The party spots a trail of flotsam and debris floating on the water, indicating the recent passage of a ship or sea creature, prompting them to
investigate further for potential salvage or danger.
96 A massive migration of aggressive marlin fills the waters, hindering the party's ship as they attempt to navigate through the thrashing masses,
dodging sharp fins and powerful thrusts.
97 The party encounters a ship crewed entirely by singing ghosts, their haunting melodies echoing across the waves. As the spectral sailors pass by,
they leave behind a sense of melancholy that lingers in the air.
98 An enormous mollusk mourns the loss of its prized pearl, offering a substantial reward to adventurers who can retrieve it from the depths where it
was lost amidst the wreckage of a sunken ship.
99 A dense thicket of seaweed drifts across the ocean's surface, resembling a floating forest. Within its tangled branches lurk strange creatures and
hidden dangers, challenging the party to navigate through the aquatic labyrinth.
100 A lighthouse that once guided ships to safety now lures them astray with its cursed beacon, leading them towards treacherous shoals and hidden
reefs where their vessels meet a watery demise.
I would like to send a special thanks to all the following for your additional support in bringing this list to life:

Magnus Pryer, Madcap Magician, samelsaid, Michele, John Fighterman, Danny Mendoza, Derek, Sophie Freestone, Philipp, Duncan Gibson, Rhel
ná, DecVandé, Bspear, Cindy Retzer, Anonymous, Christopher Woodham, DerGrueneTee, Ione Hunter, Katharine Pyke, Justin Andrews, Michael,
Andrew Highton, Adrien COMBET, Bram Staats, Zach Armstrong, Ashley Hukill, Nathan Angus, chris.realgames, Tim Barone, TheSnakeyGamer,
Brian Lucier, Payton, Robert Kranson, jakuehner, Michael Richardson, Jozath, RHR, Joelle, David Bowie, Alexis Lenington, Devon K., Jonathan
Gerolami, Ryan wellman, Dai, Siarha, Isabell von Essen, Lexi G, James Fetzner, Dean Charette, John Weaver, Nessie Mediva, Garry Prose, Holly,
Chris zarnosky, Laura, Rachel Blackthorne, Nathaniel Rayner, Ellen Friend, Cody Greenhalgh, Tacie Himelrightgilou.y, Max Blaschke, DB, Joshua
Evans, Keegan Riley, Arthur Wholly, Michael Walsh, crguardian, Sam Armitage, M4leph1st0, Maxine Luckett, Nathan Strauss, Björn, Rose, Dark
Lord Potato, Steven Sobotta, Alex MacCumber, Luc Rowe, Dana Novak, Craig Oliver, Zach Seigel, John Yorston, i0m, Robin, Kevin Livingston, Nick
Lung, HeavensRevenge, Joseph Lucas, Sielle, Jason C Taylor, Calvin, Koi-Ko, Isaac Sandaljian, Terry Huddy, Delaney, Trey Bridenbaker, Ian porter,
John Hein, 大ㄐㄐ, Doodles, Lara Harker, Sean D. Evans, Kevin Großjohann, Kayla, Venras, xaosbob, sh0ut, Derek Locke, Willian Nunes, DAnG
Panda, Billy, Gary Richardson, David Redner, RadianceGuardians890, Dyster, Stacy Hams, Xander Roper, Arknsanktuary, Lukas Polansky,
lunarised, Justin Offermann, Indiana Florent-Saill, Luca Turina, Dustin Kurtz, William Young, Zara, Angel Mandugaro, Travis Levi Tosta, Sean,
Frederik Nicolaj Hansen, Garrett Chapin, Joseph MacAndrews, Sybil Collas, Olivia Binding, Jared Strickland, Victor Haerinck Jr, Ólafur Óskar
Egilsson, Richard Anderson, TT McGee, Anthony Juan, Raziel042, Sean Cotter, Soul Sword, Daniel Bobst, Jake, Hahro, Tinsley Hyde, Dorsey
Larsen, Frazier, Brandon Gibson, Piotr Kulągowski, Hondo82, Wade Gerald Sullivan, Walter Sherman, Brian Coker, M. Otter, Colin Houser, Gareth
Hogan, Eli Nyght, Andrew McDonald, Skymarks, Xan Perez, Jamahl, Russelldus, Evelyn Ring, Joaquín García González, Dom mcc, Anthony
Martinez, Cameron Veitch, Lynn Gerena, Andreas Rocha, Captain, Derek Griffis, Dean Hickey, Valkea, Patrick Clark, Rob Brooks, Heidi Ruby Miller,
Fred Stranahan, cgasink, Michael B, Michael Paulick, Sam Davis, Michael T. Moon, Sam Taylor, Christina B, T Cox, Dr. Mary C Crowell, Harvey
Moreno, James McGinnis, Catherine Krueger, Tyler Malo, john west, Sean, Azteca-Sol, MoronBro, Adam Little, triplzero, John Griffis, Greywolfe,
Mowse Brews, Maxim, Julie Knight, Andrew B. Carper, Andy Nero Mclellan, Michael Schwab, Niclas Bay, Dakota Neilsen, Kevin Pagliarini, Kostadis
Roussos, Spyridon Panagiotopoulos, Jason Quistorff, Daniel Lowe, Baraqijal, Himalaya, Henrik Lindblom, Lukas Dominic Moser, Sem Kuijer,
anthony goldsworthy, Denise Atwood, Hunter Lindsey, TheTrueMaverick, Dean Johnson, Jason V, Jacob Colebank, Matthew J. Hunter, Andreas
Ettengruber, Brad Fox, Arcapone, Jacob Luedeman, ARC88, Robert Häuber, Kazemizuho backing Party Panda Pirates, Alexandr, Danny Awalt Jr.,
Susannah Kervin, Nooka Sharps, William Pike, Brian Jordan-Dean, Chichy, Kelly Budd, Bosca Davide, Paul Fiedler, clearshot01, Daniel Kunishige,
Rachel, Steven Larson, Mark, Wumby Flappy, Nick McCabe, Theresa Bailey, E.T., Joe, Sky Lozano, Connor Neidig, Brent Sullivan, John Rogers,
Brandon Keim, Amanda Santana, Doron, Kendra Hosseini, Ian Johnstone, Matthew McCan, Aaron hamilton, Gattling Gun Grizzly, Dale Davis,
Logan, Ayu, Vanessa, Kurt Piersol, Jon Fakballs, Kenny Furchner, Parker H, Sabina Walter, Mert, Aubrey Smith, Nicolas Fischer, Jand2562, David
Hudak, AllickJ

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