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University of Karbala

College of Computer science and information technology

Information Technology Department

Social Networking Site

Subject: Software Engineering


By:Yousef Mohammed
Mohammed Ali Ahmed
Istabraq Qays
Nour Khaled

In our organization, efficient task assignment is essential for project success. As a project

manager, your ability to delegate tasks effectively can significantly impact productivity,

collaboration, and overall project outcomes. In this report, we will explore the process of

assigning tasks to employees and discuss the benefits of using Jira, a powerful project

management tool, in facilitating this process.

Here are the steps in detail:

1. Register the project in Jira:

- First, I opened a new project in Jira.

-I chose an appropriate name for the project and wrote a clear description of it.

-Next, I created the lists and records needed for project management, such as a task
list and project scheduling.

2. Add team members:

- I added team members to my project in Jira, and defined their roles, such as
Developer or Designer.

3. Divide the team and assign tasks:

- After that, I divided the team into different departments according to their
specializations, such as backend, frontend, and design.

- For each department, I created a set of tasks to work on, and assigned them to the
appropriate team members.
4. Track progress and manage tasks:

- Used the project board in Jira to track team progress and task status.

- You update tasks regularly, set priorities and deadlines, and record any comments
or changes.

5. Performing tests and identifying errors:

-Once the tasks were completed, I carried out the necessary testing processes to
ensure the quality of the work.

- I looked for any bugs or issues that arise during the testing process, and recorded
them as “bugs” in Jira.

6. Follow up and fix errors:

- I tracked recorded “bugs” and assigned them to the appropriate team members to
fix them.

- After fixing the bugs, I retested to verify that the solutions were effective and did
not negatively impact any other part of the project.

Using Jira, I successfully organize and track every step in the project management
process efficiently and effectively.

Some pictures during implementation

Timeline page that display track of epics

List page that display all tasks , bugs and stores

My web project
Issues of backend employee

Timeline of frontend employee

Issues of Design employee

Task Assignment Process:

1. Task Identification: Begin by identifying the tasks required to accomplish project

objectives. Break down project deliverables into manageable tasks, considering their

complexity, dependencies, and priority.

2. Task Description: Clearly define each task, including its scope, objectives, and

expected outcomes. Provide sufficient context and instructions to ensure that

employees understand their responsibilities and can execute tasks effectively.

3. Task Assignment: Once tasks are identified and described, assign them to relevant

team members based on their skills, expertise, and availability. Clearly communicate task

assignments, deadlines, and any additional requirements or expectations.

4. Monitoring and Follow-Up: Continuously monitor task progress and provide

necessary support and guidance to employees as they work on their assigned tasks.

Address any challenges or issues promptly to ensure timely resolution and minimize

disruptions to project timelines.

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