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A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide and

methane, that are generated by our actions.

To go further on the topic:
Exercise 3b) – Answer the questions after each paragraph.

1. How has overtourism affected some countries?

Overtourism has caused damage to cities and sites and created unpleasant experiences
for the locals and other tourists. It has forced some countries to close some destinations
and to introduce rules and fines for careless tourists.

2. What can you do to make a difference to overcrowded places and the people
You can follow the rules by, for example, not walking without a shirt or in swimwear, not
eating in front of historic monuments, not wearing high heels and not jumping into
fountains. You can visit famous destinations at an off-peak time and explore some less
crowded places.

3. How does tourism harm the environment and wildlife?

Tourists leave their carbon footprints everywhere they go; they use too much water,
electricity and energy and also non eco-friendly means of transportation. They pollute
the places they visit. Some tourists hunt or hurt endangered animals and buy souvenirs
and products made from plants and animals.

4. What actions can you take to promote responsible tourism?

You can save water, electricity and energy by turning off the tap and switching off the
lights and air-conditioning. You can take a train or a bus instead of a plane and use local
public transport. You mustn’t hunt or hurt endangered animals. You shouldn’t use plastic
bottles, bags or straws and buy souvenirs and products made from plants and animals.

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