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Linux Question Bank

Set A
1. (a) Describe in detail about the structure of LINUX. 5M
(b)What are the features of Linux operating system 5M
2. What information is presented when the following commands are entered?
(a) date (b) who (c) passwd (d) bc (e) script
3. (a) Define vi Editor and explain its modes. 5M
(b) Brief about the commands used in the vi Editor. 5M
4. What are the file types available in Linux? Discuss file operators with suitable examples. 10M
5. (a) Explain the security levels provided in Linux environment. How to change permissions of a
(b) Brief umask command. 4M
6. What is user and group in Linux? Explain the related commands for changing ownership and
group. 10M
7. Write about the operations unique to directories alone. 10M
8. Write about the operations that can be performed on both directories and file. 10M
9. What is meant by path and pathname in Linux? Explain them in detail. 10M
10. a) Distinguish between time – sharing and client/server environment. 2M
b) Name the two categories of regular files. Does Linux recognize the difference between these
two categories? Explain your answer. 2M
c) Write syntax for changing ownership and group name on a given file/s 2M
d) Discuss about various modes of vi editor. 2M
e) Write the command for the following 2M
To display time in format hour:minute:second

Set B

1. a)In how many ways a command can be executed? 6M

b)write a shell script to count number of lines present in a text file 4M
2. What is redirection? Explain it in detail. 10M
3. (a) How quotes are used in Linux, explain with example. 5M
(b) Brief about command line editing. 5M
4. Explain in detail foreground and background jobs. Give example. 10M
5. (a) Explain concatenate command with its options. 5M
(b) Explain sort command with its options. 5M
6. What command is used for translating characters? Also explain its options with examples. 10M
7.What is a filter?Illustrate all filters with appropriate examples 10M
8. What information is presented when the following commands are entered? 5*2=10M
(a) cmp (b) diff (c) comm (d) cut (e) paste
9. Write a shell program for counting characters, words and line? 10M
10. Explain (a) Aliases (b) Linux session 5+5=10M
10. a) Define pipes. 2M
b) Explain tee command. 2M
c) Compare and contrast the cmp command with the comm Command 2M
d) If your login shell is korn shell, can you create another korn shell as
the child shell? What file descriptor designates the standard input stream,
standard output stream and the standard error stream? 2M
e)What does “tail” command do. 2M
Set C

1.Differentiate atoms and operators in detail 12M

2.a)What is grep ?How it is useful ? 2M
b)Illustrate grep command functionality with following options
(-c,-i,-n,-s,-v,-x,-f) 10M
3.Describe “Dot,class,anchor,back reference and single character” atoms 10M
4.Differentiate among grep,egrep and fgrep 12M
5. a)How does an “eval” command works 4M
b)Define Environmental variable?Explain about Environmental variables used
in korn shell 8M
6. How do you use a variable in korn shell?Describe different types of variables
used in korn shell 10M
7.a)How do you check exit status of a command 2M
b)Illustrate decision making statements used in korn shell 10M
8.What is an expression?Describe about different expression forms used in korn shell 10M
9.a)How do for-in and until loops work in korn shell? 4M
b)What are the special parameters and variables used in kornshell 8M
10. What would be the effect of the following commands:
(a) grep“^[A - Z]” file1 (b) egrep “LINUX|Linux|linux” file1 (c) grep “Linux$” file1 (d) grep
“^Linux$” file1
(e) grep ^…$ file1

Set D

1.Narrate how variable evaluation and substitution is done in korn shell with
examples 12M
2.a)What is here document operator?write a shell script using it 6M
b)Define function.Describe How do you use functions in korn shell 6M
3. Narrate all built-in commands in korn shell With the help of shell prompt 12M
4.Write a shell script which simulate calculator 12M
5.a)What are the system variables used by “awk” 6M
b)Describe 3 data processing concepts used in “awk” 6M
6.a)Illustrate “awk” process flow 5M
b)calculate student average using “awk” script 7M
7.Define Associative array?Explain it with example “awk” scripts. 12M
8.Write about following string handling functions
Length,index,substring,split,substitution,match and toupper,tolower 8M
9.Write an awk script to merge contents in two files. 4M
10. Narrate all “awk” statements in detail With example scripts . 12M

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