Rapport-Marco-Polo-Hunter-Famille-Biden (1) (1) - Pages-116

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We have no illusions about the challenge of finding federal officials

who are not compromised or distracted. Even U.S. senators who
have, in the past, been committed to holding the Bidens accountable
get distracted1831 with trivial matters at a time when the stakes could
not be higher.1832 The good news is that this Report is a simple
roadmap of steps that any level of law enforcement can take: who to
subpoena, for which time period, and where. As one example:
Hunter’s sinophilic art dealer not only managed to scrape his court
records for “making terrorist threats,”1833 but he also—and more
importantly—has documented connections to Chinese art buyers.
Hunter’s dealer even brags about those connections. Issuing just a
handful of subpoenas could reveal who is purchasing influence over
American policy with Hunter’s “art.” The sobering truth is that the
Biden corruption1834 scheme has—over decades—developed into a
well-choreographed dance.1835 Prosecutors now have no excuse to sit
on their hands; this Report explained the self-dealing tango in detail.


1831 Tim Balk, “Senator Chuck Grassley posts series of curious chirps about dead pigeon,” New York Daily News,
September 2020, archive.ph/RJKbO
1832 “But let’s be honest, if this were any other president’s son, the coverage would have been through the roof. … Media

outlets and investigative reporters should pursue new allegations and leads aggressively, regardless of where that takes
them … And in the unlikely event that (as Schweizer’s reporting would suggest) Joe Biden has been compromised by a
foreign government, the stakes are a lot higher than that.”
See Matt Lewis, “You Might Not Like It, but Hunter Biden’s Shenanigans are Real News,” The Daily Beast, February 2022,
1833 “Berges was charged with assault with a deadly weapon and making ‘terrorist threats’ … He received 36 months

probation [and] served 90 days in jail[.]”

See Catherina Gioino, “Hunter Biden planning art show with dealer ‘who was charged with terrorist threats and has links
to China,’” The U.S. Sun, January 2021, archive.ph/rW02l
1834 “A son of Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden was paid an undisclosed amount of money as a

consultant by MBNA, the largest employer in Delaware, during the years the senator supported legislation that was
promoted by the credit card industry and opposed by consumer groups.”
See “MBNA Paid Biden’s Son as Biden Backed Bill,” CBS News, August 2008, archive.ph/cCOzL
1835 Katie Glueck, “Hunter Biden to Leave Chinese Company Board, Addressing Appearance of a Conflict,” New York

Times, October 2019, archive.ph/veWVT


As stated on our website masthead, the mission of Marco Polo is to expose corruption1836 and
blackmail to drive an American renaissance.1837 Accordingly, the Biden Laptop was ripe for a thorough
exposition. In fact, publishing material from the Biden Laptop lessens1838 any potential blackmailer’s
power, as the threat of disclosure is no longer in their arsenal. Although the laptop1839 contains
compromising material on dozens of figures in Hunter’s life, the DEGENERACY subsection in this
ENDNOTES section includes only those images which feature Hunter or were sent to him, as those
were arguably the only images relevant to U.S. national security (from a potential blackmailer’s
perspective). For all of the alligator tears1840 and faux concerns about the supposed kompromat held
by Vladimir PUTIN over Donald Trump, it is richly ironic that the Bidens’ sexual sins, drug abuse, and
business-related184118421843 crimes1844 (not to mention evidence about Joe’s obvious1845 cognitive
decline) are likely in the hands of every sophisticated1846 foreign intelligence agency on the globe.1847

1836 “New details further link Hunter Biden to China’s payroll,” Fox News - YouTube, November 2021, archive.ph/KJEGw
1837 “In the great journal of things happening under the sun, we, the American People … must live through all time, or die
by suicide. … Let every American, every lover of liberty, every well wisher to his posterity, swear never to violate in the
least particular, the laws of the country; and never to tolerate their violation by others.”
See Abraham Lincoln, “The Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions,” January 1838, archive.ph/gz6N5
1838 “Blackmail Inflation [],” The Stoa - YouTube, May 2020, archive.ph/nBgWV

1839 “The Washington Times acquired a copy of the hard drive from a laptop computer that Hunter Biden left at a repair

shop in Wilmington, Delaware, in April 2019 and never retrieved.”

See Rowan Scarborough, “Joe Biden missed many opportunities to learn about son’s business dealings,” The
Washington Times, January 2021, archive.ph/LDLSw
1840 “It remains to be seen, though, whether the Old Grey Lady and the other legacy outlets will report on the further

scandals the laptop revealed—the ones that reach the president of the United States.”
See Margot Cleveland, “8 Joe Biden Scandals Inside Hunter Biden’s MacBook that Corporate Media Just Admitted is
Legit,” The Federalist, March 2022, archive.ph/iGBXJ
1841 “R. Hunter Biden is the very model of a modern major lobbyist. He has an office near K Street, a blue-ribbon roster of

clients, and his firm, Oldaker Biden & Belair, made $1.76 million in lobbying revenue … As a quasi-government entity,
Amtrak is barred by law from lobbying Congress. ‘But they have an effective advocate in Hunter Biden,’ said David R.
Johnson, assistant director of the National Association of Railroad Passengers, a non-partisan, membership-based
advocacy group that lobbies Congress and the executive branch.”
See Andrew Glass, “A Younger Biden Goes the Extra Miles for Amtrak,” Politico, February 2007, archive.ph/TAnqG
1842 “Tony Bobulinski tells @WeAreSinclair he was questioned by six @FBI agents, with counsel present, for five hours on

October 23, listing him as a ‘material witness’ in an ongoing investigation focused on Hunter Biden and his associates. His
cell phones were examined.”
See “@JamesRosenTV,” Twitter, October 2020, archive.ph/fXB7u
1843 “Rosemont Realty’s investors included Inteco Management AG, a Swiss company owned by Baturina[.]”

See Josh BOSWELL, “[] Hunter Biden’s real estate company received a $40million investment from Russian oligarch
Yelena Baturina, the billionaire widow of corrupt Moscow mayor [],” Daily Mail, October 2022, archive.ph/8OICK
1844 Daniel Funke and Bill McCarthy, “Tony Bobulinski, Hunter Biden and China: a PolitiFact explainer,” Tampa Bay Times,

October 2020, archive.ph/Yjhnk

1845 “Forty-two percent of likely voters said they were confident that Biden is ‘physically and mentally up to the job of being

President of the United States.’”

See Richard Moorhead, “Nearly Half of Americans Strongly Believe Biden is in Cognitive Decline,” The Western Journal,
February 2022, archive.ph/z58Pw
1846 “Maintaining direct relationships with … influential political figures allows the Party-State to infiltrate the target

countries, to gather official and unofficial support there, and to circumvent eventual blockages within the governments[.]”
See Paul CHARON & Jean-Baptiste JEANGÈNE VILMER, “Chinese Influence Operations: A Machiavellian Moment,”
Institute for Strategic Research, October 2021, archive.ph/hh6tt
1847 “Joe Biden is the consummate mid-century, mid-Atlantic politician — the same milieu that produced such elected

felons as Sheldon Silver, Vince Fumo, and Edward DiPrete.”

See Mattathias Schwartz, “Hunter Biden … what’s he’s up to is bad and deserves your attention [],” Business Insider,
October 2021, archive.ph/kUcBX (schwartz79@protonmail.com)



The schematic below is the chain of custody1848 for the Biden Laptop as it pertains to this Report.
Many observers1849 do not realize—or purposely ignore—that Bob Costello is the former deputy chief
of the criminal division at the S.D.N.Y., one of the jurisdictions in which Hunter should be charged.1850
Said differently: not everyone involved in this saga is as ridiculous as GUO dancing on his yacht.

Robert Hunter Biden


FBI, via subpoena, took Made copy

original on 12/09/2019 John Paul Mac Isaac in 09/2019


Gave copy to New

Castle County (DE) Bob Costello/Rudy Giuliani
police on 10/20/2020

Robert “Bob” Joseph Costello

GUO “Miles” DOB: 01/04/1948
archive.ph/h5BVk 06/2021 NY Bar #: 1579036

Marco Polo

1848 “Mac Shop 10 - 14 - Cm,” rptrbnd - SoundCloud, October 2020, archive.ph/8TN5w

1849 “On Dec. 9, 2019, FBI agents from the Wilmington [Resident Agency of the Baltimore] field office served a subpoena
on Mac Isaac for the laptop, the hard drive and all related paperwork. … Neither expert reported finding evidence that
individual emails or other files had been manipulated by hackers[.]”
See Craig Timberg et al., “Here’s how The Post analyzed Hunter Biden’s laptop,” Washington Post, March 2022,
1850 “Robert J. Costello,” Davidoff Hutcher & Citron LLP, archive.ph/q9NeV



1) 12/05/2020

“Hello. My name is John Paul Mac Isaac. I would like to take this opportunity to explain my story and
to disprove any of the rumors1851 and speculations regarding my actions and my character. Where to
begin? … my grandfather, John Alexander Mac Isaac, a Scottish Canadian who, after WWII, flew and
fought for the United States Air Force against the Soviets in the early parts of the Cold War.

In time, my father, Steve Mac Isaac, would follow in my grandfather’s footsteps, graduate from the Air
Force Academy, and become a military pilot. He deployed to Vietnam to fly AC119 gun ships and
continue my family’s fight in the Cold War. That fight would consume over half of his decorated thirty
year career defending freedom for America and its allies.1852

For two generations, the Mac Isaac family has fought during the entirety of the Cold War against
Communism and the Soviets. That’s why it’s completely absurd1853 that anyone would ever consider
me to be a Russian agent or influenced by Russia. I’m proud of my family, I’m proud of my country,
and I’m proud to be an American.

If I could see well, I would have followed in my family’s profession and joined the Air Force. But
instead, I spend my free time going to veterans’ reunions, archiving and preserving true American
heroes and their stories—men who fought in the warmer parts of the Cold War against the very
people I am accused of actually being.

Another term that I have been labeled which, unfortunately, is a death sentence in my industry is
hacker. For the record: I am not nor have I ever been a hacker. Those guys make so much more
money than I do.

I was hired, and never paid, to perform a data transfer from a MacBook Pro to an external hard
drive.1854 The signed paperwork clearly states the process and sets the expectations. There’s no
magic or Hollywood; the process is no different than dragging and dropping from a USB drive. The
only difference is that I had to perform some surgery on the Mac to get it to boot to the point where I
could recover the data. To imply that I am a hacker and that that information was hacked has had an
irreversible impact on my business1855 and my character.”1856

1851 “Mac Isaac claimed that he was emailing someone from the FBI about the laptop. At another point he claimed a
special agent from the Baltimore office had contacted him after he alerted the FBI to the device’s existence. At another
point, he said the FBI reached out to him for ‘help accessing his drive.’”
See Jordan Howell and Erin Banco, “Man Who Reportedly Gave Hunter’s Laptop to Rudy Speaks Out in Bizarre
Interview,” The Daily Beast, October 2020, archive.ph/I4Xbj (erin.banco@thedailybeast.com)
1852 “The Back Story of Hunter’s Computer Being Found,” CD Media, October 2020, archive.ph/KB3lK

1853 “Mac Isaac’s father described how he reached out to two members of Congress after interactions with the FBI, but

congressional staff rebuffed requests to speak with lawyers there.”

See Karl Baker, “Recent Hunter Biden developments raise more questions than answers,” Delaware News Journal, March
2022, archive.ph/cAofl
1854 “The Mac Shop,” archive.ph/3ocho

1855 Brad Callas, “Computer Repairman Who Alerted FBI to Hunter Biden’s Laptop Faces Bankruptcy,” Complex, March

2022, archive.ph/UbrUP
1856 “The Truth,” John Paul Mac Isaac - YouTube, December 2020—January 2021, archive.ph/3ECO3


2) 12/11/2020

“My name is John Paul Mac Isaac and I am legally blind. I’m an ocular albino. My vision is in direct
relationship to my albinism. I have an operational vision of about six to eight feet. I can see good
enough to move around in a couple feet, but after that it’s mostly blurry shapes. Through the use of
visual aids and larger screens, I’ve been professionally repairing Macintosh computers for over a
quarter of a century.

(Female Reporter): I think the issue for us is the longer we don’t understand these key points, the
longer we’re just going to keep showing up here and this is going to continue. And all we want to
know is just the order of things that had happened so that we can get it right. And until then, you’re
going to continue to face these questions...you aren’t going to portray what your true motivations
are…I’m just warning… I understand that’s what your stance is now... you don’t want to give
misinformation… I will try to write this as straight as possible. This happened, this happened, this
(Male Reporter): All of us.
(Female Reporter): All of us, yeah.
(Male Reporter): I appreciate that.

On October 14, 2020, reporters ambushed me in my Wilmington repair shop, demanding that I
confirm that it was really the client that had dropped off the laptop for service. I was concerned that if I
had told them I was 100% sure that the client was who he said he was, that they would ultimately see
my cane or use my visual impairment to discredit me. As it would stand and, ultimately, these same
reporters—without citing my visual impairment—would go on to actually question my ability to identify
the client.

(Male Reporter): Thank you for sharing your medical condition—you not being able to see potentially
whoever walked in here.

The client came into my shop on April 12, 2019. I’d never seen the client before nor had I paid
enough attention to the client to recognize him. But, when checking him in, he provided a first name,
a last name, an email address, and a phone number. The client did seem surprised that I didn’t
recognize him during the check-in process. But I made a further connection when I noticed that one of
the three MacBook Pros had a sticker that represented the client’s deceased brother’s foundation.
But after checking in the machine and performing the data recovery, I am 100% sure that the person
in those videos, photos, and other data that I was hired to recover is the same person that came into
my shop and dropped off that machine. The copy of the driver’s license signature, the other
documents, and bank statement signatures all match the signature on the check-in document.1857
With the realization of who he was and what I had seen on that laptop, concern for my safety grew. I
can’t imagine a family that would be comfortable with that kind of information being in the hands of
someone they didn’t know—especially if that family is running for President of the United States.”

“It is not a forgery.”


See Wayne Barnes, “Report on the Signature of Robert Hunter Biden,” Just the News, July 2021, tinyurl.com/55y23u2f


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