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Questionnaire for prisoners and their families

Respected Sir / Madam,

I would like to thank you for participating in my research project titled “SOCIO-ECONOMIC
IMPLICATION OF FAMILY, CONNECTION TO PRISONERS: A case study of district kech”. This project
is a part of my LLB degree at the University of Turbat. I would be grateful if you could spare your
valuable time to fill up the questionnaire, I assure you that the data collected through this
questionnaire shall be kept confidential and will be used for academic purposes only.

Name: _________________

No. allotted to the prisoner: ________

Detail address: _________________

I. Demographic details of prisoner

Please tick mark one of the suitable options that best reflect your view for the following questions.

1. Gender: (Male) (Female)

2. Age (years): (21–30), (31–40), (41–50),

3. Marital status:(single), (Married), (Divorced), (Widowed), (Separated)

4. Education: (Illiterate), (primary), (middle), (high school), (graduation)

5. Occupation: (jobless), (private job), (labor)

6. Religion: (Muslim), (non-Muslim)

7. Monthly Income of the Family (in Rupees): (Rs. 7000- 15000), (Rs. 15001- 23000), (Rs. 23001-

8. Number of Family Member: (03-06), (07-10), (11-15)

9. Number of children to the prisoner: (0-3), (4-6), (7-10)

10. Type of Family: (joint), (single)

11. Residence: (rural), (urban)

12. Nature of Crime: (murder), (kidnapping), (Attempt to Murder), (theft), (drug trafficking).

13. Period of the sentence (years): (3), (7), (14), (Life sentence)

14. how many times do your family visit in a month? (1–2 times), (3–4 times), (5–6 times), (more
than 6 times)

15. consent is given to visit the prisoner’s family: (yes), (no)

Sign by prisoner______________________
Relation with Prisoner______________

II. Socio-economic impacts of incarceration

S.NO Statement Strongly Agree Neutral Dis- Strongly
Agree Agree disagree
1 Children’s schooling got affected
by the relative’s imprisonment
2 Children were called names in
school (e.g., prisoner’s relative,
Shopkeepers viewed family
3 members as criminals and did not
serve properly.
4 Family members faced job loss
5 Female relatives feel unprotected
when going out alone
6 Female members faced sexual
harassment from employers and
7 The family faced the threat of
eviction from home and/or
8 Friends did not continue to be in
9 Family’s economic conditions
have deteriorated after the
relative’s incarceration
10 Family members (outside the
immediate circle, e.g., aunts,
uncles, etc.) did not provide
11 Neighbours are no longer cordial
and helpful.
12 The family’s loan amount has
increased after the relative’s
13 The family’s repayment ability of
loans has decreased after the
relative’s incarceration.
14 Government and Non-
governmental organizations did
not provide other assistance (e.g.,
housing, schooling, etc.)
15 the convict was the sole
breadwinner of the family.
III. Overall impacts on children
S.NO Statement Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
children are showing changes in
1 their behaviour.

Communication between family

2 members has become difficult,
e.g., the number of arguments
has increased
Children refused to go to school
3 as they are called “Prisoner’s
4 Children feel Increase in social
stigma of being “Prisoner’s
relative” or “Prisoner’s family”
5 Children’s well-being has been
negatively impacted – including
illness or change in drug and/or
alcohol use
Daughter or other family
4 member’s marriage prospects got
5 The daughter or other family
member’s marriage broke up
because of the relative’s
6 Son / other relative has joined a
street gang
7 Children/other relatives have
become more violent
8 Children / other relatives have
gotten into bad company
9 Children’s performance in school
deteriorated (e.g., got lower
marks, got into more fights)
10 children complain about the
social contempt he/she faces
from society.

Sign by family member: __________________________

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