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GB.PantUniversityofAgriculture&Technology Pantnagar -

263145, Uttarakhand, India


PranshulRana (56252)


Dr.Rajiv Suman








We herebydeclare that the project work entitled “Design And Development Of

Solar Powered Portable Electric Mesh To Check The Harmful Insects
During Rainy And Summer Season For Livestock Farmers” submitted to
Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology during the
academic year 2023-2024, is a recordof an original work done by us under the
guidance ofDr. Rajiv Suman,Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial and
Production Engineering.

The detailed study embodied in this project have not been submitted to any other
universityor institute for the award of any degree or diploma.

Name Id.No.

PankajSharma 56250

PranshulRana 56252

KanchanKamboj 56253

ShaillyPandey 56254

DheerajJoshi 56255

ManyaSindwani 56257

We acknowledge the divine blessing that has afforded us the opportunity to

undertake this manuscript. Our heartfelt gratitude is extended to the Almighty for
His guidance. The completion of any project hinges on the cooperation,
coordination, and collective efforts of numerous individuals who contribute their
inspiration and energy. We express profound appreciation to all those directly or
indirectly involved in the fruition of this dissertation.

We are deeply grateful to Dr. Rajiv Suman, our project guide from theDepartment
of Industrial and Production Engineering at the College of Technology, Pantnagar.
His sincere encouragement, inspiring guidance, constructive criticism, and
invaluable suggestions have been instrumental throughout this project.

We express our gratitude and veneration to the esteemed faculty members, Dr.
Ajay (Professor & Head ), Mr. Maneesh Tewari (Assistant Professor), Mr. Y. K.
Singh (Assistant Professor), Dr. Rajiv Suman (Assistant Professor), Mr. Arvind
Patidar (Assistant Professor) , Mr. Devkinandan Sharma (Assistant Professor) ,
Mr. Anand Mandal (Assistant Professor) and Mr. Sandeep Kumar for their
valuable suggestions and encouragement.

We express our sincere thanks to Dr. Alaknanda Ashok, the Dean of the Collegeof
Technology, for her keen interest and provision of necessary facilities.

We cannot overstate our appreciation for our parents, whose blessings and
motivation have been indispensable to this project. Without their support, this
endeavor would not have been possible. We are also thankful to our batchmatesfor
their unwavering motivation and moral support throughout this journey.

Place:Pantnagar PankajSharma (56250)

Dated: June,2024 PranshulRana (56252)
ShaillyPandey (56254)
DheerajJoshi (56255)

This project report entitled “Design And Development Of Solar Powered

Portable Electric Mesh To Check The Harmful Insects During Rainy And
Summer Season For Livestock Farmers” is hereby approved a creditable study
of an engineering subject, as a pre-requisite to degree for which it has been



2.Dr.Ajay(Professor) ……………………….

3.Mr.ManeeshTewari(AssistantProfessor) ..…………………….

4.Mr.Y.K.Singh(Assistant Professor) ...…………………….

5.Dr.ArunKumar Chaudhary(AssistantProfessor) ………………………

6.Mr. ArvindPatidar (AssistantProfessor) ……………….……...

7.Mr. Anand Kumar Mandal(AssistantProfessor) ………………………

8.Mr.DevkinandanSharma(AssistantProfessor) ……….……………...

9.Mr. SandeepKumar (AssistantProfessor) ………………………


This is to certify that the Project entitled “Design And Development Of Solar Powered
Portable Electric Mesh To Check The Harmful Insects During Rainy And Summer
Season For Livestock Farmers” submitted in partial fulfillment of therequirements for
the degreeofBachelor ofTechnologyinIndustrial and Production Engineering, College of
Technology, G. B. Pant Universityof Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar, is a recordof
bonafide research carried out by:-

Name Id. No.

PankajSharma 56250
PranshulRana 56252
KanchanKamboj 56253
ShaillyPandey 56254
DheerajChandraJoshi 56255
ManyaSindhwani 56257

Under my supervision and no part of this project has been submitted for any other degreeor
diploma. The assistance and help received during the course of this investigation have been

Pantnagar Dr.RajivSuman

Date: June,2024 (AssistantProfessor&ProjectGuide)


DECLARATION… ......................................................................................................... 2
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................... 3
APPROVAL..................................................................................................................... 4
CERTIFICATE ................................................................................................................ 5
LISTOF FIGURES ...........................................................................................................8
ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................................... 9
CHAPTER ONE ......................................................................................................... 11-12
1- INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 11
CHAPTRE TWO… .................................................................................................... 14-39
2- LITERATURE REVIEW .............................................................................................. 14
2.1-Insect Fed Animal Product...................................................................................... 14
2.2-Mobile Chicken Coop… ......................................................................................... 17
2.3-Mosquito Repellant Essence ................................................................................... 21
2.4-Mosquito Zapper Machine ...................................................................................... 26
2.5-Organic Poultry Farming ........................................................................................ 31
2.6-Solar Energy ...........................................................................................................35
CHAPTER THREE .................................................................................................. 40-48
3- METHODS AND MATERIALS ................................................................................. 40
3.1-Aluminium Frame .................................................................................................... 40
3.2-Mesh ....................................................................................................................... 40
3.3-Solar Panel .............................................................................................................. 43
3.4-Rubber Paddings...................................................................................................... 45
3.5-Replaceable Tray ..................................................................................................... 46
3.6-Power Requirement ................................................................................................. 47
3.7-Battery Capacity……………………………………………………………………….48
3.8-Mesh Resistance .......................................................................................................48
CHAPTER FOUR… ................................................................................................ 49-51
4- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .................................................................................. 49
4.1-Design of Electric Poultry Coop… .......................................................................... 49
4.2-Design of Mesh Panels ............................................................................................ 50
4.3-Cost Analysis .......................................................................................................... 51
4.3.1-Solar Panels ................................................................................................... 51
CHAPTER FIVE ........................................................................................................... 52
5- CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE SCOPE................................................................... 52
5.1-Conclusions ........................................................................................................... 52
5.2-FutureScope .......................................................................................................... 52

LITERATURE CITED ..............................................................................................54-58


FigureNo. Name PageNo.

1 Insectbioconversionoforganicwastetoanimal feed 16

2 Insectfedanimalproteinmarket globalstatistics 17

3 MobileChickencoop 20

4 Declineinannualeggproductionbyvarious species of 25
hen due to mosquitoes

5 Contributionofvariousspeciesofhentoegg 25

6 Partsofmosquitozapper machine 30

7 InternalCircuitofmosquitozappermachine 30

8 Production and per capita availability of egg (All 33


9 Annualgrowthrateofeggproductionsincethe year 34
2016-17 to2022-23

10 Statewiseshareofeggproduction during 2022-23 34

11 Workingofphotovoltaiccell 39

12 Aphotovoltaiccell,moduleandarray 39

13 Layoutofproposed prototype 49

14 Paneldesign for2 walls 50

15 Paneldesign forroof 50

16 Paneldesign forback 50

17 Paneldesign forfront 50

The demand for sustainable and portable energy solutions has surged in recent
years, driven by the need for reliable electricity access in remote and off-grid
areas. In response to this demand, this project report explores the design,
implementation, and evaluation of a solar-powered portable electric coop. This
innovative solution integrates renewable energy technologies with portable
infrastructure to provide electricity for small-scale agricultural operations,
particularly in rural and underserved communities.

The project begins with an overview of the current challenges faced by small-scale
poultry farmers, including limited access to electricity and reliance on traditional,
non-renewable energy sources. These challenges underscore the need for a
sustainable and portable energy solution that can enhance productivity, improve
living conditions, and promote economic empowerment among smallholder

The design phase of the project involves the selection and integration of
appropriate renewable energy technologies, including solar panels, batteries, and
inverters, to create a portable electric coop system. The implementation phase
focuses on field testing and deployment ofthe solar-powered electric coop inreal-
world settings.. The deployment process is iterative, allowing for continuous
improvement basedonuser feedbackandperformance monitoring. Theevaluation
phase assesses the impact and effectiveness of the solar-powered electric coop in
addressing the needs of small-scale poultry farmers. Key performance indicators
include electricity generation, reliability, cost-effectiveness, and user satisfaction.
Data collection methods such as surveys, interviews, and energy monitoring are
utilized to gather quantitative and qualitative insights into the system's
performance and user experience. Preliminary findings indicate that the solar-
powered electric coop has the potential to significantly improve electricity access
and enhance productivity for small-scale poultry farmers. The portability and
scalability of the system make it well-suited for deployment in diverse
geographical contexts, including remote and off-grid areas where traditional
electrification infrastructure is limited or unavailable.
The project report concludes that by harnessing the power of renewable energyand
portable infrastructure, this innovative solution has the potential to transform
small-scale poultry farming and contribute to sustainable development goals


The Indian Poultry Industry stands as one of the most rapidly expanding sectors
within the nation. Originally perceived as a supplementary income source and
provider of nutritious family sustenance, poultry farming has evolved into a
significant commercial enterprise, vital for generating substantial revenue. With a
workforce of 3million individuals, the industry demonstrates a stable output of
poultrymeat andeggs, signalingpromising futureprospects. Thisevolutioncanbe
attributed to several factors, including shifting dietary preferences, escalating
incomes among the Indian middle class, the active involvement of private
enterprises, and a burgeoning demand for Indian poultry products in the global
market. The Indian poultry sector with 7.3% growth in poultry population, has
witnessed one of the fastest annual growth of about 6% in eggs, 10% in meat
production and 8.35% in broiler production over the last decade amongst allanimal
based sectors.

The burgeoning middle class inIndia, accompanied bychanging consumer habits,

has led to an increased demand for protein-rich foods, thereby bolstering the
growth of the poultry industry. Additionally, the active participation of private
entities has injected dynamism into the sector,fostering innovationand efficiency.
Furthermore,the industry'sburgeoningexport market,drivenbyheightenedglobal
demand for Indian poultry products, has provided a lucrative avenue forexpansion.

This rapid expansion has not only contributed to economic growth but has also
incentivized many farmers to transition to poultryfarming as their primary source
of income. Despite these strides, the industry grapples with persistent challenges,
particularly inthe realmofdisease management.Despite advancements in modern
poultry farming techniques, disease outbreaks remain a significant impediment to
the industry's seamless operation. Addressing these challenges effectively is

Poultry Farmingprovides a stable protein supply as well as food and nutritional

securityfor a wide range ofpopulations inruralareas aroundthe world, especially in
developing countries (Vaarst et al., 2015) . It helps to generate employment
opportunities to millions of people across the country, particularly in rural areas.
From farmers and laborers to veterinarians and feed suppliers, the poultry sector
creates a diverse range of jobs, thereby supporting rural livelihoods and
socioeconomic development. It provides livelihoods to millions of people across
the country, with estimates suggesting that it employs over 4 million people
directlyand indirectly. Poultry farming is a crucialcomponent of India's livestock
sector, contributing approximately 33-35% to the total livestock GDP. It
contributes substantially to the national economy through its value chain,including
production, processing, distribution, and retail. It generates revenue, foreign
exchange earnings, and tax revenues, thus contributing to overalleconomic growth
and development. industrial poultry production, predominantly chicken and to a
lesser degree turkey, duck, geese and others, represents the vast majority(up to 98
% for meat and 92 % for eggs) ofthe global poultryproduction (Mottet and
Tempio, 2017). India is currently the world's third-largest producer of poultry meat
and eggs, with an annual production of over 4.78 million tons of chicken and
129.6 billion eggs. The total poultry feed production in the country stands at
27Million MT/year in 2022.

Despite its significance, Poultry farming in India faces a myriad of challenges,

ranging from input costs and market volatilityto disease outbreaks and regulatory
constraints with us particularly focusing on the effects of mosquitoes on the
poultry.The poultry industry faces health challenges due to mosquito-borne
diseases such as malaria, West Nile virus, and various other infections.Mosquitoes
not onlycause discomfort to animals but also affect their productivity and
overallwell-being. Traditional methodsof mosquito control, suchas chemical
repellents insecticides, pose environmental and health risks.

A groundbreaking solution has been devised to tackle the issue at hand: the Solar-
Powered Electric Scented Mosquito Fly Net. This pioneering system merges the
to establish a sustainable and efficient method for controlling mosquito
populations among livestock and dairy animals. Introducing electric netting into
the systemservesto augment mosquito controlmeasures. The netting emitsa mild
electric pulse, acting as a deterrent against mosquitoes and other insects, thus
averting their landing on or proximity to the animals. This humane approach to
insect controlprioritizes the safetyand well-being ofthe animals while effectively
curbing mosquito numbers.Centralto the system's design is the utilization ofsolar
panels to harness renewable energy, rendering it environmentally conscious and
economically viable over the long term. By eliminating the reliance on
conventional power sources, operational costs are reduced, and carbon emissions
are mitigated.The solar panels facilitate the charging ofa batterysystem, ensuring
uninterruptedfunctionality even during periods of diminished sunlight.

A pivotal aspect of the system lies in the incorporation of scented mosquito

repellents. These natural repellents, derived from plant extracts or essential oils,
possess the dual attributes of being harmless to both animals and humans while
proficiently deterring mosquitoes. This strategic integration of scented repellents
adds an additional layer of efficacy to the system's mosquito control measures,
thereby enhancing its overall effectiveness. Utilizing insects as a partial
replacement for conventional protein sources in livestock feed, within a circular
economy framework, could mitigate the exploitation of natural resources
associated with livestock farming. However, the ultimate success of this approach
hingesonconsumer acceptance ofnovelinsect-fed (IF) animalproduct.Inessence,
theSolar-PoweredElectricScentedMosquito FlyNet representsagroundbreaking
solution to the prevailing challenge. By leveraging solar energy, electric netting,
andscentedmosquitorepellents,this innovativesystemnot onlyofferssustainable
andefficient mosquitocontrolfor livestockanddairyanimals but alsounderscores a
commitment to environmental stewardship and animal welfare.


The present chapter deals with the review of the research work carried out in
relation to the objectives of the proposed study. Several research papers are
collected from different sources and the information is used in the proposed
study. A briefreview onthetopics related tothe present studyis presented under the
different headings:-
2.2- Mobile Chicken Coops
2.4- Mosquito Zapper Machine
2.5- Organic Poultry Farming
2.6- Solar Energy

2.1- InsectFedAnimalProducts
Jedrejek et al. (2016) discusses the status of animal by-products in the feed
industry within the European Union.In recent years, there has been growing
interest in the utilization of insects as a sustainable source of protein for animal
feed. With concerns over the environmental impact of traditional protein sources
suchassoybeanmealand fishmeal, aswellasthe needto meettherisingdemand for
animal protein in a resource-constrained world, insects offer a promising
solution. Inthis section, we willexplore the concept ofinsect-based animal feed,
its nutritional value, environmental benefits, challenges, and potential
applications in sustainable agriculture.

Insects have long been recognized as a natural and abundant source of protein,
vitamins, minerals, and essential fattyacids. They are highly efficient converters
of organic matter into biomass, requiring minimal resources such as land, water,
and feed to produce high-quality protein. Furthermore, insects can be reared on
various organic substrates, including agricultural by-products, food waste, and
circular economy (van Huis et al., 2013). These inherent qualities make insectsan
attractive and sustainable alternative to conventional protein sources for animal

The nutritional composition of insects varies depending on factors such as

species, life stage, diet, and rearing conditions. In general, insects are rich in
protein, with some species containing comparable or higher protein content than
conventional protein sources such as soybean meal and fishmeal (Makkar et al.,
2014). For example, the black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae have been
found to contain protein levels ranging from 40% to 60% of dry matter, making
them an excellent source of dietary protein for livestock and poultry (Newton et
al., 2015). In addition to protein, insects also provide essential amino acids,
vitamins (e.g., B vitamins), minerals (e.g., iron, calcium), and bioactive
compounds (e.g., antimicrobial peptides), contributing to overall animal health
and performance (van Huis, 2013).

The environmental benefits of insect-based animal feed are manifold and extend
across various dimensions of sustainability. Firstly, insects have a significantly
lower environmental footprint compared to conventional protein sources. They
require less land, water, and feed to produce the same amount of protein,resulting
in lower greenhouse gas emissions, land use, and resource depletion (Oonincx et
al., 2010). Furthermore, insects can be reared on organic waste streams, thereby
reducing the environmental burden associated with waste disposal and
contributing to the circular economy (Diener et al., 2009). Additionally, insects
can be integrated into existing agriculturalsystems, such as aquaculture and
poultry farming, where they can serve as a sustainable protein source while
reducing reliance on finite resources and minimizing environmental degradation
(Barragan-Fonseca et al., 2017).

Despite the numerous environmental and nutritional benefits of insect-based

animal feed, severalchallenges and barriers to adoption remain. Firstly, there are
regulatory constraints and legal barriers related to the use of insects in animal
feed,particularlyinregions whereinsects arenotrecognizedas anapprovedfeed
ingredient (EFSA, 2021). Additionally, there are concerns regarding food safety
and quality, including the presence of contaminants such as heavy metals,
pathogens, and pesticides in insect-based feed products (van Huis, 2020).
Furthermore, there is limited researchand knowledge about the long-termeffects
offeeding insects to livestock and poultry, including potential impacts on animal
health, performance, and product quality (Rumpold & Schlüter, 2013).
Addressing these challenges will require interdisciplinary collaboration between
researchers, policymakers, industry stakeholders, and consumers to develop
evidence-basedregulations, standards, andguidelines forthesafeandsustainable use
of insects in animal feed. However they can be recycled for other purposes,
suchas: animal feed;organic fertilisers and soil improvers;technicalproductsfor
leather; or for the chemical industry .



(2030) 2022-30)
> $870MN >7%

2022-30) (2021)
> $250MN



Mobile chicken coops, known by various names such as chicken tractors or pasture
pens, have witnessed a significant rise in popularity as an alternative housing system
within the poultry industry. In contrast to traditional stationary coops, theseinnovative
structures are purposefully designed to be relocated periodically across pastures or
ranges. This inherent mobilityoffers several advantages, notably granting poultry
access to fresh vegetation for foraging while simultaneously providing protection
from potential threats such as predators and adverse weather conditions. This
flexibility in relocation allows farmers to manage their poultry flocks more
efficiently, optimizing their utilization of pasture resources and minimizing
environmentalimpact.Thedesignconsiderations formobilechickencoopsencompass
essential amenities for the poultry such as nesting boxes and feeders. Additionally,the
materials used in construction must be durable yet lightweight to facilitate
transportation and withstand outdoor conditions. Mobile coops are often equipped
with wheels or skids for ease of movement, and some models may include features
such as adjustable ventilation to ensure optimal comfort for the poultry.
In terms of anticipated benefits, mobile chicken coops offer a holistic approach to
poultry management that aligns with principles of sustainability and animal welfare.
By allowing poultry to graze on diverse pasture vegetation, mobile coops promote
natural behaviors and contribute to the health and well-being of the birds.
Furthermore, the rotational movement of coops across pastures helps prevent
overgrazing and soil erosion while enhancing soil fertility through nutrient cycling
and organic matter decomposition. Overall, mobile chicken coops represent a
promising strategy for integrating poultry production with sustainable agricultural
practices, offering benefits for both farmers and the environment.
Mobile chicken coops exhibit a diverse array of designs tailored to meet the specific
needs and preferences of poultry farmers. While the fundamental structure typically
comprises a lightweight frame, variations in size and configuration abound. These
coops are ingeniously crafted to optimize functionality and mobility, with
considerations for ease of assembly, transportation, and maintenance.

In addition to the lightweight frame, mobile chicken coops are often equipped with
practical features aimed at enhancing the welfare and productivity of the poultryflock.
These may include adjustable ventilation systems to regulate temperature and
humidity levels within the coop, ensuring optimal comfort for the birds in varying
weather conditions. Furthermore, some coops may incorporate removable panels or
partitions to facilitate cleaning and sanitation, promoting hygienic conditionsessential
for poultry health.
The choice of materials for constructing mobile coops is another critical aspect that
influences their performance and longevity. Manufacturersoften prioritize durability,
weather resistance, and sustainability when selecting materials such as metal alloys,
high-density plastics, or treated wood. These materials are chosen for their ability to
withstand outdoor exposure and frequent movement, ensuring the structural integrity
of thecoop overtime.In termsofmobility,mobilechicken coops offerflexibilityin
transportation methods to suit the preferences and resources of the farmer. While
some coops are designed to be towed behind a tractor or utility vehicle, others are
manually movable, relying on human or animal power for relocation. This versatility
allows farmers to adapt their management practices according to the scale of their
operation, available equipment, and terrain conditions.
Overall, the design and construction of mobile chicken coops reflect a harmonious
blend of innovation, functionality, and practicality aimed at optimizing poultry
management while promoting sustainability and animal welfare. As advancements in
technology and agricultural practices continue to evolve, mobile coops are poised to
play an increasingly integral role in modern poultry production systems.
The design of mobile chicken coops is influenced by various factors, including the
size of the poultry flock, the available pasture or range area, and the desired level of
mobility and flexibility. Coop size and configuration should accommodate thespecific
needs and behaviors of the poultry species being raised, including space
requirements, roosting preferences, and access to feed and water. Additionally, coop
construction materials should be durable, weather-resistant, and easy to clean and
maintainto ensurethehealthand welfareofthepoultryflock (Sherwood et al.,2019). One
of the primary benefits of mobile chicken coops is their ability to promote sustainable
and regenerative agricultural practices. By allowing poultry to forage on fresh pasture
vegetation, mobile coops help improve soil health, nutrient cycling, and pasture
biodiversity, reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers and herbicides (Kremen &
Miles, 2012). Poultry grazing also helps control weeds, pests, and insect larvae,
contributing to integrated pest management and reducing reliance onchemical
pesticides (Littell et al., 2020). Additionally, mobile coops can be integrated into
rotational grazing systems, where poultry follow ruminant livestock such as cattle or
sheep, further enhancing soil fertility and pasture productivity (Peters et al., 2017).
Mobile chicken coops also offer advantages in terms ofpoultrywelfare and behavior.
By providing access to fresh air, sunlight, and natural forage, mobile coops promote
natural behaviors such as pecking, scratching, and dust bathing, which are essential
for poultryhealthand well-being (O'Dea et al., 2020). Poultryraised in mobile coops
exhibit lower levels of stress and aggression compared to birds confined in
conventional housing systems, leading to improved overall welfare and productivity
flock dynamics, including social interactions and hierarchy formation, which are
important for maintaining behavioral stability and reducing aggression and
cannibalism (Campbell et al., 2016).
Another benefit ofmobilechickencoopsistheir versatilityandadaptabilityto diverse
agricultural systems and environmental conditions. Mobile coops can be used in a
wide range of climates, landscapes, and production systems, from small-scale
backyard operations to large-scale commercial enterprises. They can be easily
customized and modified to meet specific management goals and production
objectives,suchaspasture-basedeggproduction,meat production,orintegratedcrop-
livestock systems (El-Lethey et al., 2003). Additionally, mobile coops can be
integrated into agroforestry systems, where poultry forage under tree canopies,
contributing to shade, shelter, and soil conservation (Herrero et al., 2014).

2.3-MosquitoRepellant Essence

Poultry farming is a cornerstone of global food production, providing a

significant source of protein through the production of eggs and meat. However,
the welfare and productivity of poultry animals, particularly hens, are threatened
by various factors, including the presence of pests such as mosquitoes and flies.
These insects, often dismissed as mere nuisances, have far-reaching effects on
poultry health, welfare, and production. In this essay, we will delve into the
intricate dynamics of how mosquitoes and flies affect poultry animals, drawing
insights from scientific research and peer-reviewed literature. By examining the
physiological, behavioral, and economic implications of pest infestations in
poultry environments, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the
challenges posed by mosquitoes and flies and propose evidence-based strategies
for mitigation.

Mosquitoes and flies are ubiquitous pests found in poultry environments,

attracted by the warmth, moisture, and organic matter present in these settings.
Mosquitoes, belonging to the Culicidae family, are well-known vectors ofvarious
diseases that can affect poultry animals. Avian malaria, caused by Plasmodium
spp., and avian pox, caused by avipoxviruses, are among the diseases transmitted
by mosquitoes, leading to increased morbidityand mortality rates in affected
birds (Allan et al., 2009). Additionally, mosquitoes can transmit viruses such as
West Nile virus, posing zoonotic risks and economic burdens on poultry
producers (Benelli & Beier, 2017).The impact of mosquitoes on poultry health
extends beyond disease transmission to include stress-induced physiological
responses and reduced productivity. Continuous blood loss due to
mosquitofeedingcanleadto anemia,weakness,andimmunosuppressioninhens,
compromisingtheir abilitytoresist infectionsandmaintainoptimalhealth (Coles et
al., 2017). Furthermore, the presence of mosquitoes in poultry environments can
induce stress responses in birds, including increased heart rate, elevated levels of
stress hormones, and altered behavior, ultimately affecting egg production,
hatchability, and growth performance (Dhiman et al., 2019).

calcitrans), are another common pest found in poultry environments, posing
significant challenges to poultry health and welfare (Kaufman et al., 2001).These
flies are attracted to decaying organic matter, manure, and spilled feed, providing
ideal breeding grounds in and around poultry facilities. As they feedon blood and
organic debris, flies can inflict physical harm on hens by causing skin irritation,
lesions, andopenwounds.These injuriesnotonlycompromise the
welfareofpoultrybut also serveasentrypoints for pathogens, increasingtherisk of
secondary infections and disease outbreaks within flocks (Ezenwa et al.,
2020).Furthermore, flies can transfer bacteria, fungi, and parasites from
contaminated areas to egg surfaces, leading to egg-borne diseases and economic
losses for poultryproducers (Machado et al., 2018). The presence of mosquitoes
and flies in poultry environments can profoundly impact egg production and
quality, further exacerbating economic losses and food safety risks. Stress-
induced hormonal changes and disturbances in egg-laying behavior, triggered by
pest infestations, can lead to reduced egg production rates and increased rates of
egg abnormalities, including soft-shelled eggs, misshapen eggs, and double-
yolked eggs (Raghavendra et al., 2019).Addressing the impact of mosquitoesand
flies on poultryhealth and productivityrequires a multifaceted approach that
integrates pest management strategies with sound husbandry practices.
Environmental management, encompassing measures such as removing standing
water, managing manure, and maintaining clean bedding materials, serves as a
cornerstone for controlling mosquito and fly populations in poultry facilities (Li
et al., 2021). Additionally, physical barriers, biological control agents, and
targeted insecticide applications can complement environmental measures,
forming an integrated pest management (IPM) approach tailored to the specific
needs and challenges of poultry operations (Machado et al., 2018).

Lactic acid is a naturallyoccurring organic acid produced bythe fermentation of

carbohydrates, commonly found in various foodsand beverages. Inrecent years,
lactic acid has garnered attention for its potential as a mosquito attractant,
particularly inthe context ofmosquito controlprograms. Itsefficacy inattracting
mosquitoes, combined with its availability and relatively low cost, make lactic
and controlstrategies.

Lactic acid is a known attractant for mosquitoes, particularly species belongingto

the Aedes and Culex genera, which are vectors of diseases such as dengue,
Zika,chikungunya,andWest Nilevirus(Loganet al.,2008).Studieshaveshown that
lactic acid can elicit strong attraction responses from mosquitoes, eitheralone or
in combination with other chemical cues such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and
ammonia (Xue et al., 2018). Lactic acid is detected by specialized olfactory
receptors located on the antennae and maxillary palps of mosquitoes, triggering
neuronal responses that guide mosquito behavior towards the source of the
attractant (Leal, 2014).The effectiveness of lactic acid as a mosquito attractant
has been demonstrated in laboratory experiments, field trials, andepidemiological
studies. For example, researchers have conducted olfactometer assays to quantify
the attraction responses of mosquitoes to lactic acid under controlled
laboratoryconditions (Xu et al., 2018). These studies have shown that lactic acid
can significantly increase the attraction rates of mosquitoes, particularly when
combined with other attractants such as CO2 and octenol. Similarly, field trials
conducted in endemic regions have demonstrated the efficacyoflacticacid-
basedtrapsandbaits inreducing mosquito populationsand mitigating the
transmission of mosquito-borne diseases (Mboera et al.,2010).The mechanisms
underlying the attractiveness of lactic acid to mosquitoes are multifaceted and
involve complex interactions between chemical, physiological, and
behavioralfactors. Mosquitoesare highly sensitive to changes in environmental
odors, including the presence of lactic acid emitted by hosts, microbial
communities, and decaying organic matter. Lactic acid serves as a metabolic
byproduct of various biological processes, including anaerobic respiration in
bacteria and fungi, fermentation in plants and fruits, and lactate metabolism in
animals and humans (DeGennaro, 2020). The abundance of lactic acid in
naturalenvironments makes it an attractive target for mosquitoes seeking sources
of blood meals and oviposition sites.

Inadditionto itsroleasa mosquito attractant,lacticacid haspracticaladvantages for

use in mosquito control programs. Lactic acid is readily available,
an attractive alternative to synthetic chemical attractants. Unlike CO2, which
requires specialized equipment for production and delivery, lactic acid can be
easily obtained from commercial sources or produced through fermentation
processes using inexpensive substrates such as carbohydrates (Bansal et al.,
2014). Furthermore, lactic acid is biodegradable and environmentally friendly,
minimizing the ecological impact of mosquito control activities.Several
commercial products containing lactic acid as the active ingredient are available
on the market for mosquito surveillance and control. These products include
attractant lures, mosquito traps, and bait stations designed to capture and kill
adult mosquitoes or disrupt their reproductive cycle. For example, BG Sentinel
traps, developed by Biogents AG, utilize a combination of lactic acid, ammonia,
and other attractants to lure mosquitoes into a capture chamber where they are
subsequently killed or collected for surveillance purposes (Achee et. al., 2019).
Similarly, lactic acid-based attractants are incorporated into mosquito baits and
oviposition traps, where they serve as cues for blood feeding and egg-laying
behaviors.Despite the promise of lactic acid as a mosquito attractant, challenges
remain in optimizing its efficacy, stability, and scalability for large-scale
mosquito control programs. The concentration and formulation of lactic acid-
based attractants must be carefully calibrated to maximize attraction while
minimizing costs and environmental impacts. Furthermore, the variability in
mosquito species and populations, as well as environmental factors such as
temperature, humidity, and wind speed, can influence the effectiveness of lactic
acid-based attractants in different settings (Chen et al., 2020). Therefore,
continued research and development are essential to refine lactic acid-based
attractants and integrate them into integrated mosquito control strategies.

19.8% 5%

% 13.5%



Mosquito zapper machines, also known as electronic insect killers or bugzappers,

have become an essential tool in combating the nuisance and health threatsposed
bymosquitoesand other flying insects.The historyofthese devices is intertwined
with the increasing awareness of mosquito-borne diseases and the necessity for
effective pest control methods. The concept of using electricity to combat insects
emerged in the early 20th century, coinciding with significant advancements in
electrical engineering. The first known patent for an electric insect killer was
filed by Harrison L. Chapin and William F. Folmer in 1934. Their invention,
known as the "Insect Electrocutor," utilized ultraviolet (UV) light to attract
insects and an electrified grid to kill them. This innovation leveraged the natural
phototactic behavior of insects, particularly nocturnal species like mosquitoes,
which are attracted to light sources (Chapin & Folmer, 1934).The invention of
the mosquito zapper was driven by a critical need to controlmosquito populations
and mitigate the healthrisks theypose. Mosquitoes are notorious vectors of
numerous diseases, including malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever, and more
recently, the Zika virus. These diseases have plagued humanity for centuries,
causing significant morbidity and mortality. Traditional methods of mosquito
control, such as chemical insecticides and repellents, presented several
challenges. They required repeated applications, could have
harmfulenvironmentalimpacts, and often led to the development ofresistance in
mosquito populations.

The introduction of the mosquito zapper offered a chemical-free alternative that

wasnotonlyeffective but also easyto useand maintain. Byattracting and killing
mosquitoesandotherflying insectswithouttheneedforharmfulchemicals,these
devices provided a safer solution for both humans and the environment.
Moreover, the mosquito zapper's continuous operation meant it could provide
round-the-clock protection, which was particularly beneficial in regions
withhighmosquito activity. The need for mosquito
zappershasonlygrownwithtime. Urbanization, climate change, and increased
globaltravel have contributedto the spreadandproliferationofmosquito-
zappers have become an essential tool in public health strategies, particularly in
tropical and subtropical regions where these diseases are most prevalent. Theyare
used in residential settings, outdoor recreationalareas, agricultural fields, and
even in public healthcampaigns aimed at reducing thetransmissionof mosquito-
borne illnesses. Over the decades, the design and functionality of mosquito
zappers have evolved significantly. Early models were relatively simple, with
basic UV light bulbs and straightforward electrified grids. However,
technological advancements have led to more sophisticated designs. Modern
mosquito zappers feature energy-efficient UV LEDs, solar power options, and
improved grid designs that are more effective and safer for use around children
and pets. Modern mosquito zappers often incorporate additional attractants such
ascarbondioxide(CO2)andoctenol, whichmimichumanbreathandsweat. This
makes the devices more effective across a broader range of mosquito species,
including those less responsive to UV light alone (Burkett-Cadena et al., 2008).
Some advanced models feature sensors that detect mosquito presence andactivate
the zapper only when necessary. This smart technologycan also include remote
controls and scheduling via smartphone apps, providing users withgreater control
and convenience. Additionally Improved safety features, such as
protectivescreensandautomaticshut-offmechanisms, prevent accidentalcontact
with the electrified grid, making these devices safer for use around children and
pets. Nowadays eco-friendly designs include solar-powered mosquito zappers
harness solar energy during the day and use it to operate at night. These models
are not only cost-effective but also reduce the environmental impact by utilizing
renewable energy sources.

Now talking about the effect of incorporation ofmosquito zapper machines in

poultry farming has proven to be beneficial in maintaining a healthier
environment for the birds. Mosquitoes are not just a nuisance; they arevectorsfor
diseases such as avian malaria and avian pox, which can severely impact poultry
health and productivity (Frick and Tallamy, 1996).It helps in disease prevention
as poultry farmers can significantly reduce the mosquito population within and
around poultry houses, thereby minimizing the risk of disease
Traditionally, chemical insecticides have been used to control mosquito
populations in poultry farms.However, these chemicals can have adverse effects
on the birds and the environment. Mosquito zappers provide a chemical-free
alternative, reducing the reliance on pesticides. The use of mosquito zappers fits
well within Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies, which emphasize
sustainable and environmentally friendly pest control methods. By combining
mosquito zappers with other IPM practices, such as habitat management and
biological control, farmers can achieve more effective and sustainable pest
management. Moore et al. (2001) reviewed the effects of mosquito and fly
controlonpoultryproduction, suggestingthat while mosquito zapperscanreduce
nuisance mosquitoes, there is limited evidence directly linking their use to a
reduction in the incidence of mosquito-borne diseases in poultry farms.
Nonetheless, the reduction in mosquito populations contributes to a healthier
environment for the birds. Healthier birds mean better growth rates and higher
egg production. Byprotecting poultryfrommosquito-bornediseases, farmerscan
ensure betteroverallhealth fortheir flocks, leading to economic benefits through
increased productivity and reduced veterinary costs. The adoption of mosquito
zappers inpoultryfarming can lead to significant cost savings. These devices are
relatively low-maintenance and, when powered by solar energy, incur minimal
operational costs. This economic sustainability makes them an attractive option
for poultry farmers looking to manage pests efficiently without incurring high

Central to the mosquito zapper’s functionality is the light source, which

isusuallyanultraviolet (UV) light bulb. UV light is highlyattractive to mosquitoes
and many other flying insects, which are drawn to the light, mistaking it for a
natural source such as the moon or the sun reflecting off water. This attraction is
based on the phototactic response of insects, causing them to move towards the
light. Some advanced mosquito zappers enhance their attractiveness by
incorporating additional attractants such as octenol or carbon dioxide. Octenol is
a chemical compound found in human breath and sweat, which increases the
device's efficacy by mimicking human presence. Similarly, carbon dioxide,
anothercomponentofhumanbreath,canbeusedtoluremosquitoes fromgreater
distances.Once the insects are drawntowardsthe light source, theyencounter the
electrical grid, which is situated just beyond the light. The electrical grid is a
series of wires or metal grids charged with high voltage, typically between 2,000
to 4,000 volts. This grid is powered by an internal transformer that converts the
lower voltage fromthe power sourceto the higher voltage necessary for the grid.
When a mosquito or other insect makes contact with the grid, it completes the
electricalcircuit, causing a sudden and lethaldischarge ofelectricitythat zapsthe
insect. The high voltage is sufficient to kill insects on contact, ensuring they do
not escape once they are lured into the device.The power source of a mosquito
zapper can vary, with many models designed to be plugged into standard
electrical outlets. However, there are also battery-operated and solar-powered
versions available, providing flexibility for use in different environments,
including outdoor settings where access to electricity may be limited. Battery-
operated models are typically rechargeable, and solar-powered units ofteninclude
a small solar panel that collects and stores energy during the day for use at
night.Additionally, some mosquito zappers are equipped with collection trays or
netsto catch the remains ofthe zapped insects. These trays are usually located at
the bottom of the device and can be easily removed for cleaning and disposalof
dead insects. This feature helps in maintaining hygiene and prevents the
accumulation of debris that could potentially interfere with the zapper’s
operation. Furthermore, certain advanced mosquito zappers include sensors and
timers to optimize their operation. For example, light sensors can automatically
turnthe device on at dusk and offat dawn, aligning the zapper’s activitywith the
peak periods of mosquito activity. Timers can be programmed to operate the
zapper for specific intervals, conserving energy and prolonging the life of the

2.5-OrganicPoultry Farming

Poultry farming has undergone a significant transformation over the years, with
organic poultry farming emerging as a sustainable alternative to conventional
methods .Organic poultry farming prioritizes the welfare of birds,environmental
sustainability, and human health by eliminating the use of synthetic chemicals
and antibiotics. It utilizes natural methods of pest control, such as predator
introduction and habitat manipulation, reducing reliance on chemical pesticides
(Alabi et al., 2018). Additionally it incorporates nutrient cycling and soil-building
practices, such as cover cropping and compost application, promoting soil health
and fertility (Mäder et al., 2002). It prohibits the routine use of antibiotics,
contributing to the mitigation of antimicrobial resistance and promoting healthier
farming practices (Seufert et al., 2012).The roots of organic poultry farming can
be traced back to the early 20th century when concerns about the adverse effects
of industrialized agriculture began to surface. The organic farming movement
gained momentum in response to the harmful impacts ofchemical inputs on soil
health, biodiversity, and human well- being. Pioneers such as Sir Albert Howard
and J.I. Rodale advocated for natural farming methods that eschewed synthetic
inputs in favor of organic practices.Organic poultry farming emerged as a subset
of the broader organic agriculture movement, reflecting a growing consumer
demand for ethically produced food. The organic poultry farming ethos
emphasizes access to outdoor space, natural feed, and humane treatment of birds,
aligning with principles of animal welfare and environmental stewardship.

In India, organic poultry farming is still in its nascent stage compared to other
countries. However, there has been a growing interest in organic farmingmethods
in recent years, driven by concerns over food safety and environmental
sustainability. Many small-scale farmers across the country are adopting organic
practices, including in poultry production. The global organic poultry farming
market has witnessed steady growth in recent years, fueled by increasing
consumer awareness about the health and environmental benefits of organic
poultry market is projected to reach USD 11.2 billion by2025, with a compound
annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.7% from 2020 to 2025. Organic certification
provides a premium market niche for poultry farmers, offering opportunities for
higher prices and improved market access (Hamm et al., 2015).Several factors
contribute to the rising demand for organic poultry products worldwide.Concerns
about food safety, animal welfare, and environmental sustainability drive
consumers to seek out organic alternatives to conventionally produced poultry.
Additionally, stringent regulations governing the use of antibiotics and pesticides
in organic farming appeal to health-conscious consumers seeking chemical-free
food options. Organic poultry products are often perceived to be more nutritious,
withstudies suggesting higher levels of beneficialnutrients such as omega-3 fatty
acids and antioxidants compared to conventionally produced counterparts
(Chinivasagam et al., 2019).Europe and North America are leading regions in the
organic poultry farming market, with countries like Germany, France, the United
States, and Canada driving significant growth. However, emerging economies in
Asia-Pacific and Latin America are also witnessing a surge in organic poultry
production as consumer preferences shift towards organic and free-range

In India, organic poultry farming is gaining traction as farmers and consumers

alike recognize the benefits of sustainable agriculture and how itpromotes
biodiversity, soil health, and water conservation through practices such as
rotational grazing, composting, and reduced chemical inputs (Tuomisto et al.,
2012).The organic poultry market in India is still in its nascent stage but shows
immense potential for growth. According to the Agriculturaland Processed Food
ProductsExport Development Authority(APEDA), India'sorganicpoultrysector is
projected to grow at a CAGR of 12% from2020 to 2025, driven by increasing
consumer awareness and government support fororganic farming initiatives.One
of the key challenges facing organic poultry farming in India is the lack of
awareness and infrastructure. Many farmers are unaware of organic farming
methods or lack access to training and resources. Additionally, there is a limited
market for organic poultry products, which makes it difficult for farmers tojustify
the transition to organic production.
Current Scenario of Organic Poultry Farming: The current scenario of organic
poultry farming varies across regions, influenced by factors such as consumer
demand, regulatory frameworks, and agricultural practices. In developed
countries, organic poultry farming is well-established, with certified organic
productswidelyavailable insupermarkets, specialtystores, andfarmers'markets.
Developing countries face unique challenges in scaling up organic poultry
productiondueto limited resources, infrastructureconstraints, and market access
issues. However, grassroots initiatives and community-led projects are drivingthe
adoption of organic farming practices, empowering smallholder farmers to
transition towards sustainable agriculture. Growing consumer awareness about
food quality, safety, and environmental impact has led to increasing demand for
organic poultry products (Hughner et al., 2007).








2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23

2017 TO 2022-23



5.34 4.52
2.312.011.62 1.61


Extensive utilization of fossil fuels across diverse human activities has precipitated
unprecedented environmental challenges, notably atmospheric and environmental
pollution. This phenomenon, unparalleled in known human history, has led to the
emergence of terms such as global warming, greenhouse effect, climate change,ozone
layer depletion, and acid rain within scientific literature. Since the 1970s, extensive
scientific experimentation and research have elucidated the close relationship
betweenthesephenomena and fossil fuelusage. Emissionsofgreenhouse gases such as
carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) from fossil fuel combustion impede the
escape of long-wave terrestrial radiation into space, consequentlyresulting in a
warming of the Earth's troposphere.In order to mitigate the adverse impacts of these
phenomena, two primary courses of action have been identified. Firstly, there is a
concerted effort to enhance the quality of fossil fuels, thereby reducing their harmful
emissions into the atmosphere. However, the more significant endeavor entails the
gradual replacement of fossil fuel usage with environmentally friendly, clean, and
renewable energy sources. Solar energy emerges as a paramount candidate in this
transition due to its abundance and evenly distributed nature in comparison to other
renewable energy sources such as wind, geothermal, hydro,wave, and tidal energies.
The preservation of the environment for the betterment of future generations through
sustainable energy development must be the central and shared objective of humanity.

The recognized limitations of fossil fuels compel societies worldwide to collaborate

on their gradual replacement with renewable energy alternatives, rather than solely
focusing on improving the quality of fossil sources. Solar radiation serves as an
integral component of various renewable energy resources, constituting the primary
and continuous input variable derived from the practically inexhaustible sun. Solar
energy is poised to play a profoundly significant role in the future, particularly in
developing countries, while also holding potential prospects for developed nations.
Freshwater and energy represent the two fundamental commodities that underpin the
foundations of every human activity, fostering reasonable and high-quality standards
of life. These two resources are intricately interrelated, with water power historically
employed as a major energy source during early civilizations. Solar energy, the most
ancient source, serves as the root material for almost all fossil and renewable energy
types. Specialized devices for harnessing solar energy have been utilized since
antiquity, with applications dating back to before the Christian era.Energy serves as a
continuousdriving force for socialand technologicaladvancements, constituting vital
and essential ingredients for all human transactions. Human activities of all kinds
hinge upon access to energy sources, without which progress would be severely
hindered. However, the finite nature of energy sources, coupled with a population
growth rate averaging 2%, imposes additional pressure on energy demands.The sun,
an abundant and perennial source of energy, delivers an estimated 173,000 terawatts
ofsolar radiation to Earth continuously (NREL, 2021). This colossal influx ofenergy
surpasses current global energy demands manifold, underscoring the vast untapped
potential of solar power (IRENA, 2020). Furthermore, solar photovoltaic (PV)
technology has witnessed remarkable cost reductions in recent years, with averagePV
module prices plummeting byover 80% between 2010 and 2020 (IRENA, 2021). This
precipitous decline in costs has fueled exponential growth in solar installations,
propelling global PV capacity to over 770 gigawatts (GW) by the end of 2020
(IRENA, 2021). Indeed, 2020 marked a watershed year for solar deployment, with
over 127 GW of capacity installed worldwide (IRENA, 2021).The plummeting costs
of solar energy have catapulted it to the forefront of the energy transition, making it
one of the most cost-competitive sources of electricity generation in many regions.
Utility-scale solar PV projects have achieved levelized costs of electricity(LCOE) as
low as $0.015-0.025 per kilowatt-hour, rivaling traditional fossil fuel-based sources
(IRENA, 2021). This newfound cost competitiveness underscores the transformative
potential of solar energy in driving sustainable economic growth.

Moreover, solar energy has emerged as a formidable engine of job creation and
economic development. The global solar industry employed over 3.8 million peoplein
2019, spanning various sectors such as manufacturing, installation, maintenance, and
research and development (IRENA, 2020). This surge in employmentunderscores the
socio-economic benefits of transitioning to solar energy, catalyzing inclusive and
equitable growth.Beyond its economic prowess, solar energy offers
PV systems produce minimal greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, and water
consumption during operation, mitigating climate change and improving air quality
(NREL, 2021). Moreover, solar energy deployment fosters resilience to climate
impacts, enhancing energy security and reducing reliance on volatile fossil fuel
markets (IRENA, 2021).Solar energy's versatility and scalability render it a
compelling solution for diverse energy needs. Solar PV systems can be deployed
rapidlyand at various scales, ranging fromutility-scale power plants to decentralized
rooftopinstallations(IRENA, 2021). Thisadaptabilityenables solar energyto caterto a
wide range of applications, including off-grid and remote communities lacking access
to traditional electricity infrastructure.Furthermore, advancements in solar technology
have bolstered the efficiency and reliability of solar PV systems. Themost efficient
commercially available modules boast conversion efficiencies exceeding 23%,
reflecting significant progress in solar celldesign and manufacturing (NREL, 2021).
Additionally, solar energy systems boast long lifespans, typically exceeding 25 years,
with minimal maintenance requirements and no fuel costs, ensuring long-term energy
security and cost savings (IRENA, 2021).The integration of solar energy into existing
electricity grids presents both challenges and opportunities for enhancing grid
flexibility and resilience. While intermittency poses challenges to grid stability,
innovative solutions such as energystorage, demand-side management, and grid
modernization can mitigate these challenges and unlock thefull potential of solar
energy (IRENA, 2021).

Photovoltaic (PV) cells transform sunlight into direct current (DC) electricity. A
chargecontroller regulatesthepower generatedbythesolar panelto prevent potential
damage to the panel. The battery system serves as a storage unit for electric power,
ensuring availability during periods when sunlight is not accessible, such as at night.
This system is connected to an inverter, which converts the direct current (DC)
produced by the PV cells into alternating current (AC).Let’slook into the modeling
ofaPVpanel.The solar cell, also knownasaphotovoltaiccell, directlyconvertssolar
radiation into electricity. It is composed of different semiconductor materials and
typically exhibits two types: positive and negative charges.This technology is
employedto developsolarcellsthat offerbothcost-effectiveness andhighconversion
dislodged from silicon atoms and directed away by a grid of metal conductors,
generating a flow ofdirect electric current. Solar cellPV comprises a combination of
various chemicals.

A photovoltaic (PV) module comprises solar cell circuits encased within a protective
laminate, serving as the foundational components of a PV system. Typically ranging
in size from 60W to 170W, these modules are commonly arranged in series and
parallel configurations to fulfill energy needs.

A photovoltaic panel comprises one or more PV modules assembled into a

prefabricated, field-installable unit with series-connected PV cells. Solar panels
consist of interconnected individual PV cells.

A photovoltaic array comprises multiple PV cells arranged in series and parallel

connections. Series connections boost the module's voltage, while parallelconnections
augment the current in the array. The array can generate a maximum of 180W in full
sunlight. Greater total surface area of the array yields higher solar electricity output.



An aluminum frame is an excellent choice for supporting a solar-powered electric

mosquito mesh system due to its numerous advantageous properties. Aluminum is
lightweight yet robust, making it easy to handle and install without compromising
structural integrity. Its natural resistance to corrosion ensures longevity, even in harsh
outdoor environments, reducing the need for frequent maintenance. The frame typically
comprises vertical posts and horizontal crossbars made from aluminum, which are
connected using stainless steel or UV-resistant plastic fasteners. These elements are
designed to hold the mesh secure, providing a stable barrier against mosquitoes.
Additionally, aluminum frames can be easily adjusted or repositioned, making them ideal
for facilities that may require flexibility in their mosquito control setup. Aluminum
requires less maintenance compared to woodor other materials prone to rot, rust, or insect
damage. This can save time and costs in the long run. Aluminum is fully recyclable,
making it an environmentally friendly option compared to some other materials.
Furthermore,the frame can support solar panels mountedon adjustable brackets, allowing
optimal angling for maximum sunlight exposure. This ensures that the solar-powered
system remains efficient and reliable, contributing to effective mosquito control and
enhancing the well-being of livestock. Overall, an aluminum frame offers a durable, low-
maintenance, and efficient solution for solar-powered electric mosquito mesh systems.


A systematic process was used to design and construct an electric mesh for a solar-
powered portable electric chicken coop with the goal of protecting poultry from
mosquitoes and flies. The project started with a thorough requirements studyto determine
the level of protection required against insect threats and the power needs for the electric
sturdy, weather-resistant, and capable of repelling small insects while remaining safe for
chickens. The voltage specification for the mesh was discovered to be between 2,000 and
5,000 volts, which is sufficient to repel insects while not injuring birds. Integration with
solar power was a vital issue, necessitating the selection of suitable components such as
solar panels, a deep-cycle battery (12V, 100Ah), an MPPT charge controller, and a solar-
compatible fence energizer.We have a 3 layer meshsystemout ofwhichthe outer 2layers are
insulated while the middle layer is electrified and acts like a mosquito zapping mesh.
Typically, the mesh size ranges from1 to 1.5 millimeters to prevent mosquito entrywhile
allowing airflow.


Perimeter= 2*(length+ breadth)
Perimeter =[2*{2*( 3+1.5)}]+[2*{4*1.5}] Perimeter = 18 +
12 = 30 ft = 9.114 m

Theenergyconsumptionoftheelectric meshisdeterminedbythepowerratingandduty cycle. The
energizer operates at 12 volts and consumes 0.5 watts per metre.
TotalPower=PerimeterxPowerConsumptionperMetre. Total
Power = 9.114 x 0.5
TotalPower =4.557W

To calculateenergyconsumptionperday,
Energyconsumptionper day= Totalpower *Number ofhoursper day Energy
consumption per day = 4.557 * 24

Determinethesolar panelcapacityrequiredtoprovidesufficient energy. Assume5 hoursof effective
sunlight every day.
RequiredSolarPanelPower =EnergyConsumptionPerDay/SunlightHoursPerDay
RequiredSolarPanelPower= 109.368/5 Required
Solar Panel Power = 21.87 W

Toaccountfor inefficiencies, itisprudenttoprovidea safetymarginofapproximately25%. Adjusted

Solar Panel Power = 21.87 W x 1.25 = 27.342 W.
Asaresult, a30Wattsolar panelwouldbeadequate.

Thebattery must beabletostoreenough energytopower the mesh intheabsence of sunlight.
Assuminga two-dayautonomoustime(dayswithoutsufficientsunlight),thenecessarybattery
capacity is:
Batterycapacity=Energyconsumptionper day*Number of days.
Battery Capacity = 109.368 Wh/day x 2 days = 218.736 Wh

Sincebatteriesareratedinampere-hours(Ah)andnormallyoperateat 12V, convert theenergy need to

BatteryCapacity(Ah)=Batterycapacity(Wh)/BatteryVoltage Battery
Capacity (Ah) = 218.736 / 12 = 18.228 Ah

 Mesh allows for excellent ventilation, ensuring that fresh air circulates within the
coop. This helps to maintain a healthy environment by reducing humidity and
preventing the buildup of ammonia from poultry waste.
 Good airflow helpsto regulate temperature, makingthe coopmore comfortable for
the birds, especially in hot weather.
 Meshwallsallowfor easyvisibility, enablingownerstomonitor thebirds withoutopening the
coop, reducing the stress on the poultry.

Integrating solar panels into a solar-powered portable electric mesh for a poultrycoop is a
critical component for ensuring a constant and consistent power supply. The approach
begins with picking an appropriate solar panel depending on the electric mesh's energy
requirements. The first step is to calculate the daily energy usage of the electric mesh
system.Electrical connections are made between the solar panels, charge controller,
battery, and electric mesh. The system incorporates safety elements such as fuses and
grounding rods to defend against electrical problems and increase stability. Regular
maintenanceroutinesare followed, suchascleaningthesolarpanelsto maintainefficiency and
examining all electrical components for wear and tear. This solar-powered solutionnot
only provides a consistent and sustainable energy source for the electric mesh, but it also
increases the chicken coop's portability by eliminating the need for external power
sources. The utilisation of renewable solar energy is consistent with environmentally
responsible practices, lowering the carbon footprint and operational costs over time.


Perimeter= 2*(length+ breadth)
Perimeter =[2*{2*( 3+1.5)}]+[2*{4*1.5}] Perimeter = 18 +
12 = 30 ft = 9.114 m

Theenergyconsumptionoftheelectric meshisdeterminedbythepower ratingandduty cycle. The
energizer operates at 12 volts and consumes 0.5 watts per metre.
TotalPower=PerimeterxPowerConsumptionperMetre. Total
Power = 9.114 x 0.5
TotalPower =4.557W

To calculateenergyconsumptionperday,
Energyconsumptionper day= Totalpower *Number ofhoursper day Energy
consumption per day = 4.557 * 24

Thetilt angleofthesolarpanelshouldbeadjustedtomaximisesunlight exposure
dependent on the latitude of the installation site. The usual rule of thumb is:
Optimal tilt angle≈latitude
Increasethetilt angleby15°(latitude+15°) For

The azimuth angle indicates the compass direction that the panel faces. The ideal
orientationinthenorthernhemisphere istruesouth(180°),whereasinthesouthern hemisphere
it is true north (0°).

 Solar panels provide constant and dependable power to poultrycoops, assuring the
operation of critical systems such as electric mesh.
 Solar energy is cost-effective since it cuts electricitybills over time, saving money
on operating expenses.
 Solar panels encourage environmentally responsible farming methods by utilising
renewable energy sources and lowering carbon footprints.
 Solar-powered coops are portable and self-sufficient, allowing for easy relocation
to different places.
 Solarpanelsprovideenergysecuritybyloweringvulnerabilitytopower interruptions
and variations.

Rubber padding is critical in ensuring the safety and well-being of birds in a solar-
powered portable chicken coop with an electric mesh system. Rubber cushioning protects
chickens from accidental contact with electric current by acting as an insulator betweenthe
birds and the electric mesh. This insulation is critical for the birds' safety since it prevents
electric shocks and potential injuries that could occur if they come into direct contact with
the energised mesh. Furthermore, the cushioning features of rubber padding give an extra
layer of protection, lessening the impact of any inadvertent contact and the chance of
injury to the birds. Rubber padding, when combined with the electric mesh system,
servesasan important safetymeasure toreduce therisksassociated withelectrical currents.
Rubber cushioning decreases the possibility of electrical accidents within the coop by
acting as a buffer between the birds and the electrified mesh. This is especially crucial for
young or weak birds, who are more likely to make unintentional contact with the mesh.
Furthermore, rubber padding contributes to a safer and more secure habitat for the birds,
improving their health and well-being.



Electricmeshvoltage:12 volts
Conversion factor: 1kV/mm=1,000volts/mm
Requireddielectricstrength=Electric meshvoltage/Thicknessofrubberpadding Assuming a
thickness of 5 mm:
Requireddielectricstrength=12volts/ (5mm* 1,000 volts/mm)=0.0024kV/mm

Asthestandardrequiresadielectricstrengthofatleast 20kV/mm,theselectedrubber padding

should have a higher dielectric strength than 0.0024 kV/mm.

 It possesses high dielectric strength, effectively insulating against electric currents
and minimizing the risk of electrical shocks to the birds.
 Rubber padding is easy to install and requires minimal maintenance,making it
apractical and cost-effective solution for protecting hens from electric mesh.


Installing a changeable waste collection tray into a solar-powered movable poultry coop
with an electric mesh systemprovides substantial benefits for efficient waste management
and maintenance. The replacement tray is a convenient method for collecting the hens'
waste, expediting the cleaning procedure, and promoting coop hygiene. Its functionality
extends beyond waste removal, improving the birds' overall health and well-being while
increasing the coop's operating efficiency.The replacement tray facilitates waste removal
and disposal for poultry farmers by eliminating the need for manual scraping or scooping
of soiled bedding and droppings. A removable tray design allows farmers to quickly and
easily retrieve collected garbage, reducing downtime and labour involved with cleaning
duties. This not only saves time and labour, but also decreases stress for the birds by
minimising disruptions to their surroundings during maintenance procedures.

Furthermore, the changeable tray helps the hens live in a cleaner and more sanitary
environment, lowering the danger of disease transfer and insect infestation. By rapidly
eliminating waste fromthe coop, bad odoursand bacteria buildup are reduced, resulting in a
healthier and more comfortable environment for the birds to live in. This is proactive
approach to waste management helps maintain optimal conditions for poultry health and
productivity, ultimately contributing to higher egg yields and overall profitability for the
farmer. Froma practical aspect, the removable tray increases the poultrycoop's portability
and versatility, aligning with modern farming practices. Whether the coop is permanently
installed or relocated to new grazing sites on a regular basis, the replaceable tray system
assures waste management continuityregardless of environmentalvariables. Furthermore,
maintenanceproceduresandextendingthe lifeofthecoopinfrastructure. Calculations

Totaldailywasteproduction= Averagedailywasteproductionper hen×Number ofhens Total
daily waste production = 0.1 kg/hen/day × 7 hens = 0.7 kg/day

Capacityofthetray=Totaldailywasteproduction×Replacement frequency Capacity
of the tray = 0.7 kg/day × 7 days = 4.9 kg

 Its simple removal design reduces downtime during cleaning procedures, allowing
for rapid and effective trash management.
 Reduced waste accumulationreducesthe risk ofbacterialdevelopment and disease
transmission, resulting in improved poultry health and welfare.
 Improvedairqualitycontributestothehens'overallwell-beingandcomfort,increasing
productivity and egg-laying performance.
 Its interoperability with solar-powered portable coops provides continuous
wastetreatment, even in distant or off-grid areas.

Power Requirement:

Tocalculatethepowerconsumptionlet usconsiderthebelowmentionedcomponentsand their

power requirements.

UVLight:AssumeeachUVlightconsumes10 watts.
CO2Emitters:AssumeeachCO2emitter consumes5watts.

Ifthenetuses2UVlightsand 1 CO2 emitter:



Assumethenetoperatesfor7hoursperday. Total
power consumption: 450 W
Energy Required = 450W * 7h = 3150 Wh
Tofind thebatterycapacityin ampere-hours(Ah)fora12Vbattery:

BatteryCapacity(Ah) ={EnergyRequired (Wh)/ {BatteryVoltage(V)} Battery

Capacity (Ah) = 3150Wh/12V = 262.5Ah


Theresistanceoftheconductivewire meshcanbeestimatedusingthe materialproperties and

The meshis madeofaluminiumwitharesistivityof2.65*10-8 Wire
length (L) = 10m
Cross-sectionalarea(A) =1 *10-6 m2

Resistance=Resistivity*[L/A] R
= [2.65 * 10-8] * [10/10-6]

Thisresistanceensuresthe meshwillconductthenecessaryhighvoltage totrap

mosquitoes effectively.


DesignOfElectric PoultryCoop

Givenbelowisthedesignoftheproposed prototypeoftheproject.


1.5Ft 3Ft





Letusfirstfind outthedailyenergyconsumption forthepoultrycoop;

Dailyenergyconsumption=Power consumption*totaloperationalhoursper day

Daily energy consumption = 450 W * 24 Hrs


Daily energy consumption = 10.8 kWh

Determining solar panel sizing , we have:

Requiredsolar panelcapacity=Dailyenergyconsumption/sunlight hours Required

solar panel capacity = 10.8 / 5 = 2160 Watts

Nowletusassumethateachsolarpanelhasacapacityof300 Watts,then

Number ofsolar panels=Required solar panelcapacity/ Capacityofeachsolar panel

Number of solar panels = 2160/300

Number ofsolarpanels=7.2

Sowerequireapproximately8 panels.

Costof1Smarten250W12V PolycrystallineSolarPanel= Rs3500

Costof8 Smarten250W12VPolycrystallineSolar Panel=Rs13,599 ×8 =Rs28,000 Life of 1

solar panel ≈ 25 years

Per daycostof8solarpanels≈28,000/(365×25)≈Rs3.068



 Aluminum frames in solar-powered electric coop construction offer lightweight,

sturdy, corrosion-resistant, and easy assembly, making it suitable for remote and
off-grid deployment.
 Rubberpadding inelectriccoopsensureselectricalsafetybyprovidingaprotective
barrier against currents, reducing the risk of electric shocks and short circuits,
promoting reliable operation.
 Solar panels are being used as the primary energy source for an electric coop,
demonstrating the feasibility and effectiveness of renewable energy in off-grid
agricultural settings.
 The electric mesh in the poultry coop structure ensures a secure, efficient, and
energy-efficient enclosure, deterring unauthorized entry and promoting the well-
being of the poultry within the coop.
 The electric coop's design features a replaceable tray for waste collection,
simplifying waste disposal and cleaning, promoting hygienic conditions, and
enhancing its practicality and functionality.


 Themachine haspotentialforcommercializationinfutureandwillbenefitfarmers.
 Precision climate control systems can be incorporated which can improve welfare,
health, and production outcomes by regulating temperature, humidity, and
ventilation based on real-time environmental conditions.
 It can feature a modular, scalable framework for easy expansion and
reconfiguration, ensuring adaptability and flexibility for poultry farmers.
 Smart grid technologies enable real-time monitoring, control, and automation of
power distribution systems, enabling utilities to detect and respond to issues
proactively, optimizing power flow and reducing downtime.
 The integration of IoT devices and smart grid systems can enhance operational
efficiency and user experience by enabling remote monitoring and management.

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