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AlgoIQ products

NSE Dropcopy
 Broker Registration: You need to confirm that the client is a registered broker with us
or a new broker.
 Contact person details: Contact number, email and contact person name.
 Lease Line Connection: Make sure client have a lease line connection from the
 Member ID: Client must have a member ID from the exchange.
 Corporate Login Details: You'll need corporate ID and password for accessing the
dropcopy, kindly confirm that client have the same.
 Internet Connection: Ensure your system has internet connectivity for the installation
of Dropcopy.
 Machine Requirements: Your system should meet the specifications mentioned
Operating system: Windows 10 pro
Processor: 24 cores processor
RAM: 128 GB
System Type: 64 Bit
Storage: SSD(Nvme) -1TB
 Choose Version: Decide which version client want - NSE dropcopy basics, NSE
dropcopy prime SQL, or NSE dropcopy prime multi files.
 License Type: Choose between Demo or Registered license.

Installation Process:
 Download the setup of dropcopy tool from the google drive link.
 Copy the setup from download and paste in D or other drive.
 Enter the ID, password, Local IP, exchange IP and port and click on the login button.
 Do the necessary setting. Now your Dropcopy application is ready for use.
BSE dropcopy


 Broker Registration: You need to confirm that the client is a registered broker with us
or a new broker.
 Lease Line Connection: Make sure client have a lease line connection from the
 Confirm client have mapped their dealer ID in 200 sessions.
 Internet Connection: Ensure your system has internet connectivity for the installation
of Dropcopy.
 Machine Requirements: Your system should meet the specifications mentioned
Operating system: Windows 10 pro
Processor: 24 cores processor
RAM: 128 GB
System Type: 64 Bit
Storage: SSD(Nvme) -1TB
 Choose Version: Decide which version you want - BSE dropcopy basics, BSE dropcopy
prime SQL, or BSE dropcopy prime multi files.
 License Type: Choose between Demo or Registered license.
 Contact person details: Contact number, email and contact person name.

Installation Process:

 Download the setup of dropcopy tool from the google drive link.
 Copy the setup from download and paste in D or other drive.
 Enter the ID, password, Local IP, exchange IP and port and click on the login button
and do the necessary setting.
 Now your Dropcopy application is ready for use.
Feed Server

 Broker Registration: You need to confirm that the client is a registered broker with us
or a new broker.
 Lease Line Connection: Make sure client have a lease line connection from the
 Internet Connection: Ensure your system has internet connectivity for the installation
of Dropcopy.
 Machine Requirements: Your system should meet the specifications mentioned
Operating System: Windows 10 pro
Processor: Intel Xeon CPU E5-2673@2.40 GHz
RAM: Minimum 8 GB
System Type: 64 Bit
Storage: 512 GB
 License Type: Choose between Demo or Registered license.
 Contact person details: Contact number, email and contact person name.

Installation process

 Install SQL server 2019 on the system.

 Restore the Livefeeds database
 Install the BOD tool on the system.
 Do the BOD process
 Run the feed server tool and enter the id password
 Go to broadcast setting and enter the local IP, receiver ip and ports and save the
 Click on start button to start saving the feeds.
Extranet API


 Broker Registration: You need to confirm that the client is a registered broker with us
or a new broker.
 Contact person details: Contact number, email and contact person name.
 Lease Line Connection: Make sure client have a lease line connection from the
 Confirm that they have registered on the member portal and they have a key
 Internet Connection: Ensure your system has internet connectivity for the installation
of Extranet tool.
 Machine Requirements: Your system should meet the specifications mentioned in
the product note.
 License Type: Choose between Demo or Registered license.

Installation Process:

 Copy paste the setup of extranet API in a drive other than C drive.
 Enter the login ID and password and login into software.
 Do the necessary settings in the tool, now your tool ready to use.


 Broker Registration: You need to confirm that the client is a registered broker with us
or a new broker.
 Contact person details: Contact number, email and contact person name.
 Lease Line Connection: Make sure client have a lease line connection from the
 Confirm that they have consumer key and consumer secret.
 Internet Connection: Ensure your system has internet connectivity for the installation
of Extranet tool.
 Ask to client do they have static IP?
 Machine Requirements: Your system should meet the specifications mentioned in
the product note.
 License Type: Choose between Demo or Registered license.

Installation Process:

 Copy paste the setup of NCMS setup in a drive other than C drive.
 Enter the login ID and password and login into software.
 Do the necessary settings in the tool, now your tool ready to use.

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