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Module Intervention Activities

1 RSSH \PP: RSSH \PP: HRH Planning, 1. TA to apply WISN tool and methods
Human Management and Governance (workload indicators of staffing needs)
Resources for Including community Health for human resources management to
health (HRH) Workers (CHWs). capture data related to recording,
and Quality of analyzing and reporting of staffing status
Care. and needs at health facilities.
Operational plan:
- Establishing steering committee and task
force team.
- 1 to 2 days workshop to determine the
WISN processes and implementation
- Field verification of the needed data.
- Data collection, compilation, processing,
and analyzing.
- Feedback to the senior level policy
makers and managers.
Targeted population:
Health cadres at health facilities.
Expected outcomes:
- Improving health workforce staffing
structure in the public sector and
improving the health care quality.
- Updating the staffing norms for the
health facilities and establishing evidence
based new norms and standards.

2. Survey to set baseline National Health

Workforce Account:

- Establishing task force committee with
national consultant guidance.
- 5 days workshop to develop the
operationalization steps and developing
the baseline survey tool.
- Piloting and testing the tool.
- Identify the study areas and selection of
the states.
- Field verification of the needed data.
- Data collection, compilation, processing,
and analyzing.
- Feedback to the senior level policy
makers and managers.
Targeted population:
All health workforce personnels.
Expected outcomes:
- Set up of minimum data set for national
health workers projection in alignment of
the HRH 2030 strategy and SDGs.

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