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1 Your Wisdom Decides Your Words.

The Holy Spirit is the only source of Wisdom you
need to speak right words. My daddy always said,
“If what you say to somebody cannot be said to
everybody then be careful what you say to

2 The Master Key of Sowing Can Bring

Forth Your Healing. Your Seed Is Anything
You Have Received From God That You Can Sow
Into Someone Else. Your expectation is the current
that brings the promises of God. Nothing is going
to change for you until you can fuel and energize
expectation within you. Sow a Seed today. Wrap
your faith around it and claim your healing from

3 Do Not Get Into Debt Emotionally To

People Who Age You. When someone does
something good for you, pay them back with
gratitude and kindness. Do not feel indebted to
them. What they gave was a gift. Thank God for it

4 Purchasing Name Brands. There are

times when buying the best is necessary. Just
remember, a name brand does not guarantee
quality. Some less expensive items are just as good
as the name brands.
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5 Identify 3 Possible Income Sources.

Ask God for Wisdom to discover additional sources
of income. There are infinite opportunities.
Investigate them. Use your creativity, skills and
even other’s ideas to provide your increase.

6 Determine Your Self-Portrait. Your

Self-Portrait Determines Your Self-Conduct. How
do you view yourself? You will always struggle
subconsciously to fulfill your own self-portrait.
Developing a new picture of yourself is the way to
begin moving into the realm of success.

7 The Seed of $58. The Instruction You

Follow Determines The Future You Create. God
spoke to me to plant a $58 Seed as a monument to
my faith. It was the craziest instruction He ever
gave me. Today, thousands of lives have been
blessed and are continuing to be blessed by sowing
The Seed of $58.

8 What You See Determines What You

Desire. Never put in front of you what you do not
want in you. Your whole body will respond to what
is inside your imagination. Put God’s Word and
Wisdom in front of you.

9 Do Not Insult People With Low

Offers. Negotiate everything, but be realistic and
fair. Respect other’s asking price and come to an
agreement. What you save gives you more Seed.
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10 Abilities. Always stay in the center of your

expertise. Your Assignment from God is unique.
He expects you to discover your calling, focus
yourself and seek His Wisdom.

11 The Presence of God Causes Admiration,

Humility And Worship In The Heart That Is
Toward Him. Worship Is The Correction of Focus.
The Proof of Humility Is The Willingness To Reach.
The Holy Spirit looks upon you to find a reason to
bless you.

12 Asking. God gave Solomon Wisdom and

Favor because he asked for the right thing. Your
provision and Favor will be at the center of God’s
calling for you.

13 You Must Treasure And Protect Your

Flow of Passion. Many people with great
potential and great dreams have lost their passion
to achieve them. Decide your limitations,
frustrations, and your observations...and be
willing to take the first small step towards
adjustment today.

14 You Must Continually Visualize This

Uncommon Dream In Your Heart And
Mind. Develop the habit of visualizing, seeing
and thinking your dream. Seeing and thinking
about your dream is the only way you will be able
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to overcome the disappointment and tears of those

who do not believe in you.

15 What You See Determines What You

Pursue. How often have you seen something you
were not even considering to buy, but then you had
to own it? Your vision is a powerful influence in
your life. Train yourself to avoid obtaining things

16 The Seed of $100. The Seasons of Your Life

Will Change Every Time You Decide To Use Your
Faith. My first experience of sowing Seed for a
Harvest was a pledge I made to give $100. In the
natural, my faith-promise seemed beyond my
means, but God honored my obedience and
multiplied that Seed again and again. I learned
that whatever you faith out, that is the level you
faith back.

17 Your Words Decide Where You Will

Succeed or Fail In Your Life. Your words are
pictures of your heart. Your words are the Seeds
for feelings. Your words determine your success
and favor. Silence is the best substitution for
ignorant words.

18 You Must Pursue The Presence of

God. When your pursuit of God’s kingdom
becomes your priority, everything else you need
will emerge. Talk like an overcomer. Think like an
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overcomer. Laugh like a victor, not a victim. His

Biggest Plans Are Coming To Pass In Your Life.

19 Access. Feelings are marvelous eternal

things that work for you. You can access a feeling
through focus, amplification and even reaching
through the debris of your life. We access God’s
favor when we seek to duplicate His nature within

20 You Cannot Help Someone Who Does

Not Accept The Bible As The Standard of
Truth. You cannot help somebody who rejects
truth. The Bible is the truth. There is no standard
outside of the Bible.

21 Sit Down And Review Any

Accusations Against You With The Inner
Circle of Those You Love. Review the
accusation against you with those you trust and
love. Identify the goal of your adversary. Show
those you love the intents and focus of your
adversary. Make any changes necessary to prevent
this accusation from taking root or becoming

22 Humility Is Necessary In Entering

His Presence. What You Respect, You Will
Attract. Treasure the moment The Holy Spirit
anoints and does something specific and unique
through you. Humbly thank God for the privilege
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of being used to bring healing to the broken.

23 You Cannot Help Someone Who

Refuses To Believe They Have A
Problem. Truth is necessary for solutions. Your
ability to embrace truth regarding a problem is
really significant. Without it, you cannot be
helped; nor can you help someone who is not
honest regarding their problem.

24 What You See Determines What You

Believe. Sometimes something has to be seen
before it is believable. Abraham saw the stars of
Heaven and believed his descendants would be just
as innumerable. What is believable becomes

25 You Cannot Help Someone Who

Disregards The Divine Chain of
Authority In Their Life. Authority is not a
man thing, it is a God thing. You cannot help
someone who disregards, disrespects or rejects the
divine chain of authority in their life.

26 The Uncommon Dream Within You. A

Dream Is The Invisible Filler of Every Vacuum In
Your Heart And In Your Life. God gives you
pictures of something you can become. An
Uncommon Dream will require an uncommon faith
that will come through small, but consistent
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27 It Is Possible To Be In The Presence

of God And Not Change. You cannot take
hold of the grace and blessings of God unless you
have knowledge of what He has provided for you.
Cultivate a teachable spirit. Design the life you
want. Champions Make Decisions That Will Create
The Future They Desire.

28 A Good Conversationalist Is
Irreplaceable. Good Conversationalists
Unleash Divine Joy, Motivation And Passion For
Obedience To Divine Instructions. Divine
Conversation Can Birth Hope In The Most
Sorrowful Moments of Your Life. Stop talking
about shortages and setbacks. Stop talking about
defeat and disease. Stop talking about failures and
problems. Develop positive stimulating

29 View Yourself As Your Greatest

Enemy Would View You, Thus You Will
Become Your Very Best Friend. Review
your life carefully. What could an adversary say
about you? Is there anything that could be used
against you? View yourself as your enemy is
viewing you.

30 Sow Uncommon Seeds of Faith With

Expectation of A Promised Harvest. Seed-
Faith Is A Divine Weapon. Everything you possess
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is a potential Seed. Love, time, patience and

forgiveness are Seeds. Your finances are even

31 Music And Singing Are Important

For Entering His Presence. God will never
dwell in a joyless environment. If you sing to The
Holy Spirit, He will manifest His presence. Your
singing is an act of obedience to The Holy Spirit.

32 Do Not Spend Your Overtime Money.

Sometimes God provides extra income for
unexpected expenses. Put those funds in a
separate account. Call it your overtime money.
Recognize this as extra Seed.

33 You Cannot Help Anyone Whose

Conscience Has Been Seared. The
Conscience Is An Invisible Referee. God places a
basic conscience within everyone that is responsive
to the divine law of God. When The Holy Spirit
convicts you, respond instantly and swiftly with
your prayer of repentance. Do not trivialize His

34 The Seed of $200. When You Open Your

Hand, God Will Open His Hand. The Seed of $200
challenged me as never before. This level of Seed-
sowing is where I received the Wisdom Key. What
You Are Willing To Walk Away From Determines
What God Will Bring To You.
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35 Ask For What You Have Earned

Before You Ask For What You Have Not
Earned. And put aside for your future. Get you
an account...a little passbook account at the bank
maybe 3 or 4 percent interest or something. Just
develop the habit of saving.

36 What You See Determines Your

Conduct. Jesus recognized the cross as the way
to resurrection. His goal was not the cross. The
goal of Jesus was to return to the Father as the
Savior. He had a picture of Himself resurrected.
That was the picture He moved toward.

37 The Uncommon Dream Within You.

Similarity Creates Comfort, But Our Difference
From Another Creates Our Future. Joseph’s dream,
which temporarily made him an inmate in
Pharaoh’s prison, eventually defined the difference
between himself and his brothers. His faithfulness
to his dream soon brought him into Pharaoh’s

38 The Presence of God Will Bring

Repentance. Anytime truth is spoken, God’s
presence emerges and becomes obvious. The Holy
Spirit draws us toward Him. He is merciful and
long-suffering, and is waiting to restore you. You
can overcome any temptation, any addiction, inner
grief or chaotic situation through The Holy Spirit.
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39 Goal-Setting. The Bible is a book about

decisions. Decisions decide the quality of your life.
Your decisions will determine the goals you set for
your life.

40 Every Problem Is Always A Wisdom

Problem. Wisdom is the factory for wealth.
Wisdom is the incubator for knowledge, wealth and
understanding. When you recognize your problem
as a Wisdom problem, you change your focus and
become qualified to pursue God’s answer to your

41 When Your Heart Decides The

Destination, Your Mind Will Design The
Map To Reach It. When You Choose A Miracle,
The Method For Obtaining It Becomes Obvious.
Create in your mind a picture of where you are
going. This will guard you from adapting to where
you are.

42 What You Respect You Will Attract.

You will respect what is valuable. You will only
succeed by following what is worthy in God’s sight.
His Word will teach you what is valuable.

43 The Greatest Financial Decision I

Ever Made. Always access the environment of
uncommon achievers. Set financial dreams and
goals. Make accounting for your finances an
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obsession. Choose a Biblical belief system

regarding money.

44 Study Conversationalists. Good

Conversationalists Are Not Always Wise
Conversationalists. Exciting Conversationalists
Can Be Deadly Conversationalists. What you
discuss with others will become bigger. Never say
anything you do not want to hear about the rest of
your life.

45 Review Repeatedly The Teachings of

Jesus During A Season of False
Accusation. If Jesus had enemies, you will have
enemies also. You must be willing to experience
this season of pain to qualify for the next season of
promotion and blessing.

46 Your Focus Is Corrected In The

Presence of God. When You Get Into The
Presence of God You See The World Differently. The
Holy Spirit considers you His dwelling place, and
He alone will impart the unshakable confidence
that Christ dwells within.

47 Make Your Gifts Smaller. Use prudence

when giving gifts. Give thoughtful gifts, not
expensive ones. When you try to impress or
compete with someone, you violate the spirit of

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