BF Assignment

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Miloud Chaabi the youngest of the eight siblings grew up in Chaaba, in the Essaouira suburbs,
and his family suffered from extreme poverty. His father worked day and night to provide basic
necessities to his family. Chaabi witnessed the death of his older brother due to a lack of basic
needs at home and ultimately starvation.

The Chaabi family was conservative, and despite the fact that their family surroundings were
characterized by extreme poverty, the Chaabi children were encouraged to study at traditional
Moroccan Islamic schools in their village although Miloud Chaabi did not pursue formal
education through institutional channels, his entrepreneurial and business skills was established
as early as the age of 12 years.

Chaabi then at the time of Second world war left his village to take control of his own destiny
then lived the life of a vendor wandering from village to village providing goods and services at
age of 15 Chaabi landed more stable work in the construction trade then at the age of 18 Chaabi
formed his own construction company in 1948, Ynna’s Holding, and with great determination
and a lot of hard work Miloud Chaabi then became one of the richest men in his country and has
been cited in the top 40 richest people in Africa by Forbes Magazine.

Answer 01:
Miloud Chaabi began to show his business mindset at a very young age, leaving his house and
travelling to villages to sell goods and services at the age of 12, and then going into the
construction trade at the age of 15, and then forming his own construction company at the age of

Miloud Chaabi’s dedication and passion to his work has earned him a place among 40 richest
people in Africa.

Miloud Chaabi is a spiritual individual with deeply rooted Islamic values, Chaabi led his
companies with authentic leadership style that has shown to be implemented at all levels of his
companies and companies has expanded beyond his native Morocco and across African
continent, he is a self-made visionary leader with binding attachment to his community and with
great interest in social condition of his peoples.

27 February 2022 1
Chaabi hires employees in company based on perfect fit for the job with no discrimination and
companies affiliated with Ynna Holding usually promotes and encourages cultural diversity at
the job. Chaabi also treat his employees with great respect and takes keen interest in them and
never imposes anything on them as he knows them at individual level and respects what is
important to them.

As we know religion influences Chaabi’s leadership approach and this approach seems to be
based on four Islamic values,

 Honesty
 Trustworthiness
 Wisdom
 Moral obligation

Although Chaabi’s leadership style may appear a little paternalistic, as it is marked by his strong
presence in the company as a founder, his core values allow him to strengthen the emotional
bond with his followers and make him a loyal leader but this style seemed profitable until the
death of Miloud Chaabi.

Answer 02:
The organization values at Ynna Holding companies helped Chaabi establish a consensus on a
shared vision and common business practices within his companies. Organization values at
Ynna’s is based on true value of work, moral ethics and hard work and these values are found in
all companies at all organizational levels.

Motivation and positive mindset are found in all Ynna employees and Ynna’s management
believes that this positivism and optimism are those characteristics who are responsible in
creating a sense of well-being and workplace balance.

Answer 03:
Authentic leadership approach is followed in his all companies and it has a great impact at
Ynna’s performance and as Miloud Chaabi have a great relation with his company’s employees

27 February 2022 2
and he knows each of them personally then the job involvement of those employees is also high
and employee turnover is low at Ynna’s. Mr. Chaabi always follow a strong relation with
employees of the company and he have always distinct values and purpose for the organisation.

Ynna’s under the leadership of Miloud Chaabi is a huge success which made Chaabi among the
top 40 richest persons of Africa.

Strengths of Miloud Chaabi are as follows,

 Miloud Chaabi is an honest man with strong beliefs and values and he is always seen
motivated throughout his life and he has worked hard since his childhood.
 Miloud Chaabi also inspires others and it is an important quality of an authentic leader as
he always inspires his employees and no employee have ever left his company because of
 Another great quality in Miloud Chaabi is his decision-making ability as we know he had
made many important decisions throughout his life when he left his village for sake of
better lifestyle at a very early age and he has worked hard since then.
 Miloud Chaabi is always a very humble and down to earth person as it is seen from the
Miloud Chaabi foundation which he established in 1965 to help poor families to get
proper education and health facilities.
 Miloud Chaabi has always had a clear vision and a goal in mind, which has helped his
organization's growth and development to the point where it is now.

Weaknesses of Miloud Chaabi are as follows,

 Chaabi refused to step down and retire until the end, causing conflicts since he did not
want to embrace the new modernist approach and preferred the old traditional approach
in decisions at Ynna.

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Answer 04:
Ynna should also consider modernized approach with traditional approach and should add young
leaders in their management which would help Ynna achieve more success.

Management should encourage modernized approach in their decision making because this
branding and perception is also necessary because now after the demise of Miloud chaabi
traditional approach is fading away and it can’t be followed more.

Chaabi’s son Omar is constantly reorganizing Chaabi’s approaches and practices through the
adoption of contemporary management paradigms and modern insights to adequately respond to
the workplace needs and preferences of today’s younger generations which is proving to be a
good for the organization.

Answer 05:
Five components of authentic leadership style are as follows

1. Stimulation of follower identification:

Stimulation of follower identification is the main component of authentic
leadership and Miloud Chaabi understands his employees' strengths and weaknesses because he
knows them individually, Chaabi motivates and values his employees and he doesn't overwork

2. Creation of hope:
Miloud Chaabi always motivate his employees and influences them because he
knows what his employees are capable of so he always lights up the hope in them.

3. Reflection of trust:
Miloud Chaabi always trust his employees in every situation because
organizational values in his organization is very strong and the level of trust, competence and
loyalty is very high in them.

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4. Positive emotions:
A sense of positivity is always encouraged as they know that if employees are
positive then the productivity ratio in the employees increases and Miloud Chaabi always
encourages it in his organization.

5. Optimism raising:
Miloud Chaabi has always maintained a spirit of success in his organization so
that all employees are encouraged and remain committed to the success of their organization.

As a conclusion we can say that Miloud Chaabi is a great visionary leader who led Ynna Holding
from the front and made that company that big that he is then considered to one of the richest
people in Africa compared to his previous situation where his brother died of starvation.

With his traditional approach he helped his organization grow and he always maintains a positive
organizational culture his leadership approach is marked by involving ethics in management,
moral considerations in business decision-making, observing fairness, stewardship of employee
respect and spirituality as a source of motivation.

Islam factor is always shown in his leadership style and as he was a great follower of Islam, he
makes decisions according to rules and regulations of Islam like he treat his employees with
great respect and know each of the employee individually and he don’t burdenize them.

He is also a philanthropist as he manages and oversees the operations of Miloud Chaabi

Foundation which he formed in 1965 in which he assists to provide basic necessities to poor

I want to complete 1500 words but now it is not happening so please help me for this. I had put 6
hours in this assignment so please spare me for this I would be thankful to you.

27 February 2022 5

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