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1- BECAUSE + clause (çünkü, için)

Because the public theatres in Renaissance England attracted large audiences from all levelsof
society, pickpockets and other criminals were drawn there.

2- AS + clause (çünkü, için)

As the salaries are related to achievements, research at this institute is highly competitive.

NOTE: as+clause temel cümledeki eylemle eş zamanlı olan başka bir eylemi anlatan bir yan
cümle oluşturabilir. (-iken)

It’s a delightful novel, and the reader soon gets caught up in the lives of the characters as the
story progresses.

NOTE: as+noun bir kişinin veya şeyin ne olduğunu, ne olarak kullanıldığını anlatır. (olarak)

The year 1916 will always be remembered as the year when the British people grew more

NOTE: as+clause benzetme yaparken kullanılır. (gibi)

As the writer suggests, one reason why Edith Wharton is so admired in America is because she
writes with elegance and ease.

3- SINCE + clause (çünkü, için)

Since so many of the team members were ill, it’s not surprising that we lost the match.

NOTE: since+clause or since+noun zaman belirtir. (-den, -dan beri)

A lot of people have been out of work since the beginning of 21th century.

4- INASMUCH AS (=INSOFAR AS) + clause (madem ki, çünkü, için)

Inasmuch as the students had successfully completed their exams, their parents rewarded their
efforts by giving them a trip to Paris.

5- SEEING THAT (= SEEING AS) + clause (madem ki, -diğine göre, için)

Seeing that we are both experiencing similar problems, I suggest that we come together and
discuss the possible solutions.

6- FOR + clause (çünkü, için)

I left in haste, for I was already late for the appointment.

7- NOW THAT + clause (madem ki, -diğine göre, için)

Now that your aunt has retired, she is planning to leave the town where she has lived all her
8- IN THAT + clause (madem ki, -diğine göre, için)

Billiards is unlike all other games in that it appeals to the players on so many levels.

9- BECAUSE OF + noun (-den dolayı, -e yüzünden)

The arctic is one of the few areas on the Earth still left unconquered by solo explorers, primarily
because of the extremely harsh conditions.

10- DUE TO + noun (-den dolayı, -e yüzünden)

Contemporary rock and pop music have come about due to vast advances in technology.

11- OWING TO + noun (-den dolayı, -e yüzünden)

Primitive cave pictures are of a poor colour owing to the use of coloured earth.

12- ON ACCOUNT OF + noun (-den dolayı, -e yüzünden)

These plants must not be eaten on account of being extremely poisonous.

13- THANKS TO + noun (sayesinde)

Thanks to the experience he had, Mr. Rose was invited to participate in numerous committees
and panels at a decision- making and strategic level.


(-dığı gerekçesiyle, -e dayanarak)

The police have refused to disclose the name of the victim on the grounds that the
investigation is not completed.

As it was not possible to offer a suitable alternative post, the employee’s employment was
terminated on the grounds of ill- health.

15- AS A RESULT (transition)

(sonuç olarak)

Japanese culture places a strong emphasis on mutual help among blood relatives. As a result,
the proportion of elderly people living with their children is very high when compared with
European countries.

16- SO + clause (böylece, bu yüzden)

He thought the idea behind the book was brilliant, so he agreed to write the foreword for it.

17- THEREFORE (transition) (böylece, bu yüzden)

A play is written to be performed. Therefore, when you read a play, you must try to imagine
how it would appear and soundu to an audience.

18- CONSEQUENTLY (transition) (böylece, sonuç olarak)

Computers simply aren’t capable of simulating the human’s world outside. Consequently,
parents should have their children develop social skills and cultural understanding.
19- THAT’S WHY (transition) (böylece, bu yüzden)

John failed to appear, that’s why we had to start our journey without him.

20- HENCE (transition) (böylece, bu yüzden)

Actually, wood is the only material which has been used in Japanese sculpture throughout its
history. Hence, it is to be noticed that all the finest works of Japanese sculpture are made of

21- THUS (transition) (böylece, bu yüzden)

Several anthropologists take a very different view of war. They see it as fundamentally cultural,
learned by nurture rather than nature. Thus if human societies could be reformed, war would

22- AS A CONSEQUENCE (transition)

(sonuç olarak)

Many insects transmit diseases, damage structures or destroy agricultural goods. As a

consequence, they are considered pests by humans.

Personal characteristics influence choice and hierarchy of information needs, and how strong
they are. But numerous cognitive needs have their main cause outside a person. They arise as
a consequence of social roles a person plays or are induced by the environmental conditions.

23- FOR THIS REASON (transition) (bu sebepten dolayı)

Early sociological studies were considered the field to be similar to the natural sciences like
physics or biology. For this reason, many researchers argued that the methods and
methodology used in the hard sciences were perfectly suited for use in the study of sociology.

24- ACCORDINGLY (transition) (böylece, bu yüzden)

My mother continued to have severe headaches after the medication was stopped and
accordingly returned to the doctor.

NOTE: It will be a formal meeting. Everybody should dress accordingly. (in a suitable way.)

25- THEREBY (transition- but followed especially by a gerund.) (dolasıyla, o sebeple)

In 1907, Japan limited the number of males who could immigrate to Canada to 400 a year,
thereby becoming the first nation to control the movement of its citizens to this country. (böyle
yaparak/ böylece vatandaşlarının…)

26- IN VIEW OF + noun

IN VIEW THAT + clause
(göz önünde tutarak)

The jury returned a guilty verdict although they requested mercy fort he accused in view of his
age. (yaşını göz önünde tutarak)


27- ONLY IF + clause, inverted clause (devrik cümle). (sadece olursa)

Only if it is repaid within two months, will we lend you the money.
28- PROVIDING/PROVIDED (THAT) + clause (eğer, koşuluyla) if

Providing that the item is diagnosed as faulty by our technicians, a replacement will be with
you within 3 working days providing that it is in stock at our warehouse.

29- ON CONDITION THAT + clause (eğer, koşuluyla) if yerini tutar.

The foreigners being outside Turkey, on condition that it doesn’t exceed total six months, does
not interrupt the working period.

30- AS LONG AS (SO LONG AS) + clause (eğer, koşuluyla) if yerini tutar.

I will do anything as long as I can earn some money.

31- IN THE EVENT OF + noun

(durumunda, olduğunda)

In the event of a power failure, we will have to shift our plans. (elektrik kesintisi durumunda…)


32-ALTHOUGH + clause (-e rağmen)

Although it’s dying out in the towns, folk dance is still a vibrant tradition in Turkish villages, as
you may well see if you attend a traditional wedding party.

33-THOUGH + clause (-e rağmen)

Portugal and Brazil share the same language and culture though Brazil is Latin American and
half the size of South America.

NOTE: He is a bit snobbish. I like him, though.

34- EVEN THOUGH + clause (-e rağmen)

Even though it had been snowing all day, a great many people managed to get to the end-
of-term concert.

35- MUCH AS + clause (-e rağmen, her ne kadar ... ise de)

Much as she was in need of a job, she had to turn down the offer.

36- EVEN IF + clause (olsa bile)

A: Should we have asked Jane to come with us to the concert?

B: Even if we had, she wouldn’t have come.

37-WHILE + clause (-iken)

Autobiographies and biographies deal with the lives of real people while essays provide a
writer a room to express his or her thoughts and feelings on a particular subject.

38-WHEREAS + clause (oysa, -iken, halbuki)

The name Kızılırmak emphasizes the colour of this river, whereas the earlier name “Halys”
stresses its saltiness.
39-WHEN + clause (-iken)

She stopped short when she ought to have continued. (devam etmesi gerekirken …)

40-DESPITE + noun (-e rağmen)

Kiev is one of the most historic cities of Ukraine. Despite its rapid growth during the 19th century,
it still reveals many signs of its long and rich history.

41- IN SPITE OF + noun (-e rağmen)

In spite of having failed many times, he won’t give up his aims.

42- HOWEVER / NEVERTHELESS / NONETHELESS (transition) (buna rağmen)

Emily was perhaps the quietest of the three Bronte sisters, but she was, nevertheless, the
most passionate.

43- STILL (transition) (buna rağmen, yine de)

It was snowing. Still, we had to go out.

44- EVEN SO (transition) (buna rağmen, yine de)

The Romantic Age in England was part of a movement that affected all the countries of the
Western World. The forms of romanticism were so many and varied that it is difficult to speak of
the movement as a whole. It tended to align itself with the humanitarian spirit of the
democratic revolutionaries. Even so, romantics were not always democrats and democrats
were not always revolutionaries…

45-(ON THE ONE HAND) …ON THE OTHER HAND (transition) (öte taraftan, diğer bir yandan)

On the one hand, it costs you nothing to encounter danger; on the other hand, it even gives
you delight.


The rumour was, unbelievable as it seemed, that Jackie would be promoted to a more senior
position. (İnanılmaz gözükse de…)

47- ON THE CONTRARY (transition) (aksine, tam tersine)

Mrs. Douglas did not ever want to divorce her husband. On the contrary, she was one half of
a very happy marriage.

48- IN CONTRAST (transition) (aksine, tam tersine)

A multilateral treaty has several parties, and establishes rights and obligations between each
party and every other party. In contrast, bilateral treaties are negotiated between a limited
number of states, most commonly only two, establishing legal rights and obligations between
those two states only.


It began to rain, but the teams played on notwithstanding.

Notwithstanding the steps taken, the place is rather noisy and disordered.
Nobody knew Mr.Dickens notwithstanding he had lived in that town for a long time.

50- CONTRARY TO + noun (aksine, tam tersine)

When children stare at computer screens, rather than laughing with each other, they get so
involved that they forget to laugh at all; this is contrary to what’s natural for them.

51- AS OPPOSED TO + noun (aksine, tam tersine)

On our web page, new headlines will be listed in different categories, as opposed to the
previous format which listed them on one page. ( önceki formatın tersine…)

52- FOR ALL + noun (=in spite of) (-e rağmen)

For all the protests, she still loved to be in our group.


53- MOREOVER (transition) (bunun yanı sıra)

The first European author, remembered primarily as a biographer, is Plutarch, a Greek

philosopher who lived under the Roman Empire. His Parallel Lives of ancient Greek and Roman
statesmen and soldiers is one of the most fascinating works of antiquity and influential in the
European biographical tradition. Moreover, he seems to have been the first author to
distinguish sharply between biography and history.

54-BESIDES + noun (yanı sıra)

Besides tiredness and depression, symptoms of “seasonal affective disorder” (SAD) include
sleeping more and physical aches.

NOTE: Ray is a good father. Besides, he is a successful businessman.

55- FURTHERMORE (transition) (bunun yanı sıra)

We did not go right to the top and look into the crater as we had insufficient time. Furthermore,
it was rather foggy and freezing cold so high up.

56- IN ADDITION (transition) (bunun yanı sıra)

Most of the story is presented through dialogue, the words the characters speak. In addition,
it is divided into short units of actioncalled “scenes” and larger ones called “acts”. (ayrıca/
buna ilaveten/üstelik…)

57- IN ADDITION TO + noun (bunun yanı sıra, ek olarak)

Without advertising, commercial television companies would have to close down. In addition
to this, advertisements increase our knowledge, and this enables us to make better choices as

58- AS WELL AS + noun (yanı sıra)

As well as organizatonal change, technology has played a central role in the evolution of
warfare. (organizasyondaki değişikliğin yanı sıra…)
59- INDEED (transition) (aslında, gerçekten)

King Henry VIII of England enjoyed the love and admiration of his people at least during the
early years of his reign. This was partly because he came as a welcome change after his cold
and calculating father, Henry VII. Indeed, the young king had many advantages. He was
young and handsome; he was a fine sportsman; he also had a first-class intellect. (gerçekten


60- IN ORDER TO / SO AS TO / TO + verb (-mek, -mak için)

Mail your package early in order to/ so as to/ to ensure its timely arrival.

61- SO THAT + clause (-sin diye, -mesi için, böylece)

Let’s take some steps so that we can work in harmony. (uyumlu bir şekilde çalışabilelim diye….)

=> We took some steps, so that we could work in harmony. (böylece uyumlu şekilde çalıştık)

62- IN ORDER THAT + clause (-sin diye, -mesi için, amacıyla)

Many animals have developed different behavioral and morphological adaptations in order
that they can survive the winter.

63-LEST + clause (olmasın diye, etmesin diye)

The soldiers did not light any fires lest they should be seen by their enemy. (düşmanları
tarafından görülmesinler diye…)


64- NEITHER…..NOR (ne … ne de) ikisi de değil

It’s universally accepted that neither the right to live nor the right to be prosecuted only
according to the laws that are in existence at the time of the ofference can be limited in times
of national emergency.

65- EITHER…OR (ya … ya da) ikisinden biri

As most students learn a foreign language an order to communicate either orally or in writing,
language learning should include a real life use of language.

66- NOT ONLY….. (BUT) (ALSO/ AS WELL) (sadece değil aynı zamanda) ikisi de

The company is not only looking for well-qualified people; it also wants them to be enthusiastic
about their work.
Cutting down trees to build houses not only damages the environment, but also threatens
human health.
This system is not only cheaper than the others; it’s safer as well.
67- BOTH….AND (hem o … hem o, her ikisi de)

The seeds,or beans, were used as a form of currency, valid both for the purchase of everyday
items and for the payment of tribute Money to the king.

68- WHETHER…..OR (ya … ya da, ister öyle ister böyle)

Whether we look at the problem historically or sociologically, we find that art has often been
a thing of no beauty. (soruna ister tarihsel ister sosyolojik açıdan bakalım…)

NOTE:” whether…..or not” yapısı sözü edilen eylemin her iki olasılıktan da etkilenmeyeceğini

I’m coming with you to the hospital, whether you want met o or not.

69- NO SOONER…..THAN (tam olmuştu ki, … oldu, yapar yapmaz … oldu) ( yan cümle devriktir)

No sooner had I opened the front gate than somebody touched me on the shoulder. (kapıyı
açar açmaz…)

70- HARDLY….WHEN (tam olmuştu ki, … oldu, yapar yapmaz … oldu) (yan cümle devriktir)

Hardly had I put the phone down when it began to ring. (telefonu kapatır kapatmaz…)



New Guinea is home to some of the world’s strangest creatures. For example, there is a special
species of kangaroo that lives in trees…

72- IN OTHER WORDS (başka bir değişle)

English is spoken by over a billion people around the world; in other words, by more than a
quarter of the world’s population.

73- THAT IS TO SAY (başka bir değişle)

For many companies, shares of stock are limited to the founders of the company and their
employees.These companies are called”private” companies because their stock is owned
privately; that is to say, it’s not possible for the public to buy shares in the company. ( başka bir

74- THAT IS (yani)

The admission to the museum is free for children, that is, anyone under fifteen years old.


75- AS FOR (-e gelince, sorarsan)

When we were at sea, there was never a dull moment. As for the kids, they had a play room
that they could stay in with other kids of their age. (çocukları sorarsan…)
76- AS TO (konusunda, hakkında)
We had no idea as to how all these events happened on the same day.

76- AS REGARDS (ile ilgili olarak, hakkında)

There is no fixed rule as regards the lenght of a poem, but, generally speaking, they’re
composed of four, eight, twelve or sixteen lines. (şiirin uzunluğu hakkında…)

77- AS OF (itibaren)

I’ll be taking care of the website of our company as of today. (bugünden itibaren..)

78- AS IF/ AS THOUGH (-mış, -miş gibi)

It seems as though we are going to have trouble finding tickets again. (…zorluk çekecekmişiz
gibi görünüyor.)

79- IN CASE (olur diye)

The doctor gave me her number in case I might have some more questions that I wanted to
ask. (….sormak istediğim soru olabilir diye.)

NOTE: I took my umbrella with me in case it might rain. (Yağmur yağma ihtimaline karşı
şemsiyemi aldım)
I took my umbrella with me so that I wouldn’t get wet. (Islanmamak için/ Islanmayayım diye
şemsiyemi aldım.)

80- IN CASE OF/IN THE EVENT OF (olduğunda, durumunda)

We had better insure our car in case of / in the event of accident. (in case I should have an

81- OTHERWISE/ IF NOT (aksi taktirde)

You have to study now. Otherwise/ If not, you’ll have to do it in the evening, which will be more

82- OR (ELSE) (aksi taktirde)

They knew that it would be useful, or else they would have no reason to conduct their research.
(…aksi takdirde…)

83- BUT FOR (olmasaydı)

The project would not have been completed but for the support and generosity of many
helpful and caring people.
(…desteği olmasaydı…)

84- EXCEPT FOR (haricinde, dışında)

Except for a few people who are close to the director, nobody knows which specialists will be
consulted. (…birkaç kişi dışında / haricinde…)

NOTE: “except for” yapısı “but for” yapısına benzer bir anlamda da kullanılabilir.
We would have got lost except for you.
85- FOR FEAR OF + noun
FOR FEAR THAT + clause

The doctor prescribed antibiotics for fear that the patient’s condition would get worse.
They closed all the windows for fear of rain.

86- LIKE (gibi)

Like any romantic, he believed in the possibility of progress and improvement for humanity.
(her romantik gibi….)

87- UNLIKE (farklı olarak, tersine)

Volunteer fire brigades, unlike professional ones, rarely have the training to deal with big or
complicated fires. (profesyonellerin tersine….)


Culturally, politically and even scientifically, China’s home-grown experiments and

experiences could not be matched for a long time. In the meantime, the Chinese were
enthusiastic travellers and explorers… (…bu arada / bu süre zarfında…)

89- REGARDLESS OF (bakılmaksızın, gözetilmeksizin)

We decided to go to the beach on foot regardless of the distance that made some of us
oppose to the idea. (mesafeyi göz önüne almayarak…)

90- APART FROM (= ASIDE FROM) (haricinde, dışında)

We were happy to see that apart from a few scratches, the car was absolutely undamaged.
(birkaç çizik dışında….)

NOTE: “apart from” ek olarak/ ilaveten anlamında da kullanılır.

Apart from its price, the house is too far away from work.

91- LIKEWISE (benzer şekilde)

The people we met in Spain were extremely polite and consumed with hilarious laughter over
our attempts to speak their language and likewise we were too. (…benzer şekilde….)

92- SUCH AS (gibi)

Moreover, facilities in the rural areas, such as transport,health and education services should
be improved. (ulaşım, sağlık, eğitim hizmetleri gibi…)

NOTE: “such….as” yapısı karşılaştırma yaparken kullanılır.I

have never drunk such delicious coffee as this.

93- RATHER THAN (-den ziyade)

This car is cute rather than attractive. (…çekici olmaktan çok sevimli)
94- ON THE WHOLE (her şeyi hesaba katarak, genelde)

On the whole, deep voices like his are not valued as much as they deserve to be.

95- NOR (ne de… ne) (her ikisi de değil)

This mistake cannot have been made by Tony nor by anyone else at the office.
A direct Access to the sea is not always of capital importance for the development of a
country nor was it one hundred years ago.

96- IN FACT (=AS A MATTER OF FACT) (gerçekte)

In fact, the brain is nearly 80 per cent water. ( aslında…)

NOTE: “in fact” söylenen bir söze karşı bir fikir belirtirken de kullanılır.

People say that he is extremely careful with money. In fact, he is a generous man.

97- IN PARTICULAR (özellikle)

Yeats was not simply a writer. He was involved in many different kinds of activity. In particular,
he worked to help Ireland get its independence.

98- AFTER ALL (her şeye rağmen, sonunda)

After all, Pat’s mother is still guite young and never gets ill.

99- INSTEAD (OF) (-e yerine)

Instead of wine, we served fruit juice.

We didn’t serve wine. Instead, we served fruit juice.

NOTE: “Instead” cümle sonunda da kullanılabilir.

We didn’t serve wine. We served fruit juice instead.


… It was about 3 pm when I decided to leave. I had to take the train once again, to go home.
To sum up,
It was a great learning experience for me…

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