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Welcome to the six week iron mind training.

If you've bought this course, you may

have seen one of my first videos. If not, the link is going to be below here, where I
explain the secrets to having an iron mindset. So I'm going to preach the virtues of an
iron mindset. I know all of you bought this because you understand how important it
is to have a mindset of iron. But I'm going to sit here and once again explain to you
how different the world is when you have a mind which isn't warped and affected
easily by outside influences. You are never going to become a robot. This has nothing
to do with not feeling emotions. This is nothing to do with just becoming an empty,
emotionless void of a person. That's not what this is. This is about understanding that
you're a human being. You're going to feel emotions. This is a beautiful thing. And
making sure that you use them in the correct way. A and b, you do not ever let them
stop you doing what you're supposed to do. I say to people often, I haven't felt like
going to the gym in two years. I'm wearing my gym clothes right now. I just finished
training. I haven't felt like training in two years. I. After ten years of professional
fighting, after giving my life to exercise genuinely, I have not woke up and felt like,
oh, I really want to train. I haven't felt that way in a long time. That's why I retired
from fighting. But I have still gone and I have still trained, regardless of how I feel. So
this is one of the tenets, and there's going to be a lot of things you're going to learn
of an iron mindset. It's the ability to not let your feelings affect you, and sometimes to
do the complete opposite of how you feel, because you're not going to very often feel
like working hard, you're not going to always feel like doing the right thing. You're
not always going to be motivated. The idea that you need to be constantly motivated
shows how weak your mindset is. I don't need motivation to go to the gym. I cannot
want to go with every fiber of my being, and I will still be there because I use my
cerebral ability, I use my mind, and I logically decide what I'm going to do with my
day, regardless of how I feel, regardless of whether I'm motivated or not. This course
is going to be six weeks. That's going to teach you how to put together a mindset
that allows you to get things done, because that's all life is and that's all the world is.
Life is just getting things done, doing the right things, doing the important things,
making sure they're done efficiently and thoroughly so that you live the best possible
life. It's as simple as that. It's not particularly complicated. A lot of the lessons that
you would need to learn I gave out in my free video. So if you've not seen that video,
once again, the link is below. Watch that video for a start because that teaches you
some very, very important things about where your mind should be to begin. And
this six week training is going to be about exercises you can do to teach yourself
slowly over time, to put together a mindset that prevents you from failure. Because if
you have a mindset that doesn't allow you to fail, then you're simply going to win.
There's no other option. So that's what this, this is all about. So in the first week,

we're going to learn something is, which is extremely basic, but it's extremely
important. I'm not going to be, and I don't want to be one of those guys who's like,
motivation, inspirational. I've never been one of them people. I don't believe in
motivation, inspiration, I don't believe in that crap. I don't believe that you need
motivation to get things done. I'm not going to sit here and just talk a whole bunch of
motivational things to make you feel good. What I'm going to do is I'm going to tell
you the things I always did that allowed me to put together the mindset I currently
have. So if you look at any story, literally any story with a hero in it, they all have one
thing in common. And that thing is that there's always a villain. You cannot have a
hero without a villain. It doesn't matter. You can think of any superhero, any comic
book, any, any book you can think of any movie. There's always a good guy and
there's a bad guy. So for the good guy to exist, there has to be a bad guy. There's no
other way for the, the duality of the universe to continue without this basic tenet. So
you want to be the good guy in your story. You want and every. I've said this before,
actually, as a man, life is going to be difficult. It's more difficult than being a woman.
It's more difficult than anything else. So it's very easy to see yourself. Life is actually
easier as a whole if you see yourself as a hero. Because in every single hero story, the
hero suffers. He has a hard time. And if you understand that you're suffering because
you're a hero, then the suffering begins to make sense. So you can be sitting here
right now going, my woman doesn't respect me. I have no money in the bank. This is
difficult. I'm struggling here. I'm struggling there. You can feel sorry for yourself, or
you can say, yeah, my woman doesn't respect me. I'm struggling. I can't make
money. But you know what? That's because I'm a fucking superhero. And my life's
gonna be hard because I'm a man. And as a hero, it's gonna be difficult. These are
the tests and the trials and tribulations I have to go through to become someone.
Every single male superhero went through a whole ton of shit before he became
superhero. You've seen the Batman movies. His parents died. He was locked up in
jail. All these bad things happen, and then they emerge as the hero. And this is done
for a reason, because it's the reality of life, especially as a man. So right now, you
have to understand that you're the hero in this movie. And if you're struggling, you're
struggling for a very important reason. And how you handle these struggles and how
you deal with these struggles are going to decide the kind of person you're going to
be afterwards. You're either going to be a superhero or you're going to succumb to
them and you're going to fail. So be happy that you're struggling, because that's
important. That's the first thing. Second thing is there has to be a villain. Now, most
people think their villain is someone else. You see this all the time. The villain is the
opposite of the hero. So if you're sitting at home and you haven't got much money
and you're broke and you're pissed off and you're depressed, and you look at me,
and I have four supercars and all these girls, I'm traveling the world. I go everywhere
I want. You may think I'm your villain. People look at other people and say, that guy
has this, this guy has this, and they become envious, and they think that's the villain.
That's not true. That's not the case, because every single person has different

circumstances. There are things you have that I don't have, and there's things I have
that you don't have. So I may have had a genetic gift over you, for example, because
I'm a fantastic kickboxer, but you may have been born more wealthy than me. I was
born in a very, very poor family, so I had advantages and disadvantages. You had
advantages and disadvantages. So comparing yourself to other people is asinine. And
it's the name because it's not a level fair playing ground. There are some people who
are born to millionaire parents who are gorgeous, model, good looking, and have six
packs without trying. Some people are lucky like that. That's just how it is. So
comparing yourself to these people is not going to help you. Your villain is nobody
else. Your villain is someone you're going to create. And you're going to create your
villain because he's going to motivate you to be the most powerful hero you can
possibly be. So you're going to create your villain. And this is the task for the first
week. This is a six week training course. And over each week you have a very
important task. And the task for this week is to create your villain to make sure that
there was no disadvantages involved. Your villain is going to be a clone of you. But
what your villain is going to have is he's going to have some things you don't have.
And your to villain is going to be the person who basically, without requirement for
motivation, without requirement, without being, no matter how he feels that day, no
matter how stressed he is from work, regardless of what happens to him, your villain
is going to be the guy who always does exactly what he wants to do. So your villain is
going to be the guy who goes to the gym regardless of how he feels. Your villain is
going to be the guy who approaches every beautiful girl he ever sees and says, hey, I
really think you're beautiful. Goes over to him and talks to them. Your villain is going
to be the guy who asks for a raise at work. Your villain is going to be the guy who
does everything he wants, regardless of how he feels, regardless if he's not motivated
or not, regardless of he's shy to talk, that girl, or people are watching, or his ankle
hurts, he doesn't want to go to the gym, whatever. Or his boss, he thinks his boss is
going to fire him. Your villain is that dude who does anything he wants to do. So for
this week, you have to sit and you have to make a list of all the things you'd sit there
and say, if I did everything I wanted to do, if I were to be the best version of myself
possible, what would I do? Okay, well, I'd go to the gym every day. I'd get up at 06:00
a.m. And I'd go to the gym every day. You write that down. I'd approach every
beautiful girl I ever see and I'd introduce myself and try and get their instagram or
their number. You'd write that down, for example. I'd start a side business, even
though I don't know anything about it. I'd learn how to make websites. My villain's
the kind of guy who would sit there and he'd learn how to do it by himself, and he'd
start his own online business. Write that down. My villain is the kind of guy who reads
very important books. I say I don't have time, but my enemy, this villain, he reads
books, he finds time. He doesn't watch tv ever. He doesn't waste time ever. He
doesn't eat junk food. He reads books, writes it down, and you have to make a list.
Now, this list, at first should be easy for you, but then you're going to get to about
seven or eight things and you're going to stop. No, this list needs to be 25 to 30

points long, minimum. This guy you're building your arch nemesis. You have to write
down every single quality about this guy, what he does. He goes to the gym every
day, 06:00 a.m. He doesn't watch tv, he doesn't eat junk food. He goes up to beautiful
girls, etcetera, etcetera. 25 are 30 points long because this is going to become your
enemy for the next six weeks of training. You want to become a hero. You need
someone to battle against. This is who you're battling against. You're battling against
a better version of yourself, a version of yourself that doesn't succumb to how he
feels, but does what he's supposed to do anyway. So this is who your villain's going to
be. And when you're writing down this list, all the qualities your villain has, imagine
what this person looks like. You have to put genuine effort into this. You have to
imagine what he looks like. Imagine how he walks, imagine how he talks. Imagine
what people think when they see him. Imagine how different you would be if you had
been going to the gym every single day for an hour and a half, every single day for
the last two, three, four years. Imagine it. Imagine how differently people would look
at you. Imagine how differently females would treat you if you were jacked like that
guy would be. You have to sit and you have to put down all these qualities. And then
once the qualities are there, 25 or 30 minimum. Then you have to imagine what kind
of person this is. You have to imagine what he looks like, what he talks like, what he
thinks like. Imagine how he views the world, because this is who you're going to be
battling against. So you have to put genuine effort into constructing this person and
understanding this person. The reason I'm saying do this is because this is what
motivates me every single day. When I was training for a fight, the reason I'd always
go train is because I knew my enemy was training. But when I stopped fighting
professionally, I thought, well, what enemy do I have? And I realized I had to create
my own. So when I don't feel like going to the gym, I imagine I've built my own
enemy. I won't even list all the things that my enemy has. He has a whole bunch of
shit I don't have. And he's a. He would be an impossible, nearly impossible person to
be. But when I sit and I don't feel like going to the gym, I know my enemy's training
because he trained no matter what, regardless of how he feels, regardless if he's
pissed off or if there's traffic or it's raining or he's tired. My enemy trains. When I see
a girl, and she's beautiful, but all her friends are there, I'm afraid they're gonna laugh
at me. My enemy wouldn't give a fuck. He'd go over there anyway. That's who he is.
He's the man. So when I understood who I was truly battling against, then you have
two choices. You either rise up to try and take him on, or you become a little pussy.
You have the choice, do I want to lose to this man, this man I've created and I've built,
do I want to lose to him, or do I want to beat him or compete with him? And you have
to make a choice. And you sit there and go, well, I know that the person I created in
my mind, my arch nemesis, would go over there and he'd talk to all the girls, and he'd
fuck two of them, let alone one. This is an extremely important facet. And for the next
six weeks, we're going to be doing lots of things that are going to revert back to the
enemy that you've created. So you'd have to put genuine effort into putting together
this person. You have to imagine everything about them from start to finish. You

have to imagine standing next to them. If you were standing next to this guy right
now with no shirt on, who would girls want to fuck. Who would people respect? And
the crazy thing about all of this is that this person is you. This person is you. It's just
you with a little bit of a different path or a different take on life. It's you who's the
person who does whatever he's supposed to do, regardless of how he feels. It's you
with an iron mind. This is the exact point of it. The reason creating this enemy is so
important, and the reason viewing him and seeing how he sees why the world and
understanding how important and powerful this person is, is important is because
that person is you. That person is you who does what he's supposed to do without
fail. That's all it is. And when you truly, truly put this person together and you truly,
truly understand him, and you find out what you could be and you find out what
you're battling against, you're going to become far more difficult to demotivate. It's
going to be much harder for someone to say to you, don't go to the gym because
you, you're going to know, well, my enemy, this guy, give him a name, whatever. This
dude's going to the gym. That's why he looks how he looks and that's who I'm being
compared to. So I have to go to the gym. Oh, yeah. But, you know, I'm tired. Well, you
don't go then. My training partner doesn't want to go. Fine. You don't go. I am going.
I'm not the guy who's going to let this man beat me. And you have to start comparing
yourself to this guy in every single facet. I still do it to this day. I compare my bank
balance to this guy's and he's killing me. I compare my body to this guy. He's killing
me. I compare so many things about myself. You guys may look at me and go take
millionaire girls, this, that, da da. I'm still comparing myself to this person I've
created. And I know that I'm losing and that's what drives me forward. That's why I
don't miss the gym. That's how I find a way to make money. That's how I do whatever
it takes to succeed because I know who I'm battling against most. You guys have no
enemy. You have no enemy or you have an enemy which is somebody else. You're
looking at Justin Bieber or Drake or some shit. That, that's not going to motivate you.
That's pointless. It's not going to help you or you have no enemy. All. You have a
support structure around you and you have people say, oh, you're great just the way
you are. You know, you're beautiful just the way you are. And you're sitting there and
living in your little comfort zone like a little bitch. Bullshit. Put this enemy together
from start to finish. Feel free to email me the list. Email me the list. I'll see if there's
anything you've missed out. My email address is at the bottom of the screen. Feel
free to email me your list. I'll compare it to my list and we'll see if there's anything you
missed out. But this is going to be the most important thing across the next six
weeks. We're going to keep referring back to and when you truly put this list
together, you truly create this person and truly understand that it could be you. It's
going to be far more difficult to stop you doing what you need to do in the future.

Transcribed by Transkriptor 5/5

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