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Sikhism in Panama

Sikhism in Panama took roots when Panama Canal was started in 1890 by an American
company.[1]Panama got separated from Spain in 1821 and joined with Columbia , with which it remained
till 1903.Construction of rail-road link between Atlantic and Pacific Oceans was started in 1850. With the
boom of labour opportunities , large no. of immigrants saw Panama as a place for fortune. Sikhs came
first as construction workers for trans continental rail road link. During 1864, among the population of
New Granda, for which Panama City was part there of then, out of 27.47 lac, 1.65 lacs were Indians [2]
including large no. of Punjabi and Sikh population . Many sikhs left Isthmus after completion of rail link
but a large no. remained and got settled there..

Establishment of Higher Education System
Present generation

Then when work on Panama Canal was started in 1890, they worked for digging canal as manual
labourers, as very few machinery was available by that time. That was period when steam engine was
just started.Punjabi and specially among them Sikh labourers worked under odd conditions meeting
challenges of yellow fever etc. British and American officials preferred Sikh labourers over others
because of their hard work and characteristic to withstand harsh conditions of work. Panama canal was
competed in 1913 -14. By that time all along Sikhs had maintained a weekly congregation, reciting
Gurbani path, in houses by rotation. Punjabi early settlers who came to Panama started working in jobs
like watchmen or sold daily use articles as petty businessmen, till they were absorbed in Panama Canal
construction work by American company. With completion of canal Many of them had earned enough
money by dint of hard work working in elongated hours to set up their own business or became land
owners and did farming in fields. one among them Rattan Singh built his financial company, and became
founding father of Gurdwara Guru Nanak Sahib, Panama along with another Parkash Singh and many
others from their voluntary contributions. Gurdwara is well established and was inaugurated on 1986
Guru Nanak Birthday.[1] Gurdwara is managed by Guru Nanak Sahib Civic Society, Panama.[3]

Establishment of Higher Education System

One such weekly congregation resulted in forming Panamian medical and management corporation of
higher education ( PMMC) which set forth a Medical degree programme in Panama.[1]
Present generation
After closure of Panama Canal Project and further formation of independent Republic of Panama, many
Sikhs returned back to their homeland in India , others migrated to Canada , England and other Europian
countries. But still a large no. got settled there. After establishment of Panama Canal and American
military bases in Panama, many new immigrants including Sikhs came and got settled there as permanent
residents. Recent interviews of some of 4th generation Panamian Sikhs by Sikh channel of U.K., has
revealed that those who settled are engaged in financial business owning financial companies, owning
agricultural lands cultivating banana and other crops, owning departmental stores,restaurants etc. Some
of these joined civil and military services.There are many among these as Sindhi Sikhs who believe in
ten gurus and attend Gurdwara regularly. There is only one Gurdwara in Panama. Many interviews by
Sikh Channel are revealing oral history of presence of 4th generation Sikhs in Panama.

1. "Sikhs in Panama and Medical School Scholarship Opportunities" (
ews/sikhs-panama-and-medical-school-scholarship-opportunities). SikhNet. Retrieved
2. Ottis, Fassenden Nott (1867). Isthmus of Panama :History of Panama railroad. Harper &
Brothers. p. 264.
3. Melton, J. Gordon (2010). Religions of the World: A Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Beliefs
and Practices, 2nd Edition. ABC-CLIO. p. 2187. "Some of South Asian continent
organisations in Panama are.....Guru Nanak Sahib Civic Society."

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