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Agrarian Reform in the Philippines

Farmers usually owns and used small-scale lands, which causes land hunger. For this
reason, farmers illegally cultivate vacant lands. To settle this, the government has implemented
Agrarian Reform which consist of land distribution and utilization.

Agrarian Reform has created fair land tenure to reduce land conflicts. Conflict-free land
and certainty of ownership increase land productivity. It also leads to a system of
empowerment that gives farmers access to land, access to higher agricultural incomes, and the
right of those who cultivate land where they can grow crops, fruits, vegetables and more.
Because of these benefits of land reform, it helped the reduction of poverty and uplift the
economic stability of the people, especially the farmers that can really help on their families’
everyday living.

Agrarian Reform has really helped to eradicate poverty in the Philippines and promote
rural development. As a result, rural people have seen a better future which also brought peace
and internal stability to the country. Lastly, this leads for them to possess basic human rights
that promotes equity and social justice, food security and poverty alleviation.

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