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Modern physics

7.1 Crystal Structure

7.1.1 Space lattice ,Unit cell , Cubic Crystal Structure - Simple cubic ( S.C. ) , Body centered cubic ( B.C.C. ) ,
Face Centered cubic ( F.C.C. )

7.1.2 Number of atoms per unit cell , Co-ordination number , Packing density

7.1.3 Miller indices

• Crystal structure of a metal : A metal is composed of several atoms , which are arranged in a regular
repeated three dimensional pattern. This arrangement is known as crystal structure.

There are two types of solids , (1) crystalline solid and (2) amorphous solid.

( 1 ) Crystalline solid : If the atoms or molecules in a solid are arranged in a regular manner then the solid is
said to be crystalline solid.

( 2 ) Amorphous solid : If the atoms or molecules in a solid are arranged in an irregular manner, then a solid
is said to be amorphous solid.
Space lattice : In a crystal structure , if the centre of atoms are considered to be points and these are
connected , the space with these points is called space lattice.

In another words, an array of points in space such that the environment about each point is same.

[ Note : Bravais lattice = Space lattice ] Space lattice has an infinite array of points in three dimension , all
with identical surroundings. Eight space lattices are possible to represent crystal structure.
Unit cell : The fundamental elementary pattern of arrangement of minimum number of an atoms , molecules
or group of molecules , which fully represents all the characteristics of the crystal is said to be unit cell of the
crystal structure.

Unit cell is that volume of the crystal, by translational repetition of which in three dimension , the whole
crystal structure can be constructed.

There are 8 lattice points per unit cell for S.C. (one at each of the eight corner), There are 9 lattice points per
unit cell for B.C.C. (one at each of the eight corner + one at the centre) whereas for F.C.C. , there are 14
lattice points per unit cell for F.C.C. (one at each of the eight corner + one at the centre of each of the six

The unit cell of Simple cubic structure( S.C. ),body centered cubic ( B.C.C. ) structure , face centered cubic
( F.C.C. ) structure respectively are as follows :
There are seven type of crystalline solids :-
• Cubic,
• Tetragonal ,
• Orthorhombic ,
• Monoclinic ,
• Triclinic,
• Rhombohedral ,
• Hexagonal .
Number of atoms per unit cell ( n ) : The total number of an atom belonging to the unit cell , which can be
found by knowledge of arrangement of the atoms in unit cell is said to be number of atoms per unit cell.
Packing density ( v/V ): The fraction of volume occupied by the spherical atoms
( v ) as compared to the total available volume of the structure ( V ) is said to be
packing density of the given crystal structure.

The packing density of simple cubic structure is 0.52.

The packing density of body centered cubic structure is 0.68.
The packing density of face centered cubic structure is 0.74.
Co-ordination number: The total number of nearest neighbour , an atom has in crystal structure is said to be
coordination number of the crystal structure.
# the distance between nearest neighbor is = a = 2r
# the distance between nearest neighbor is = 𝑎=2r
# the distance between nearest neighbor is = =2r
Miller indices : The three smallest figures which are inversely proportional to the numerical parameters of the
given plane or the face of the crystal is said to be Miller indices of the given plane or face of the crystal.

Procedure to find Miller indices : To find out Miller indices , there are three rules as follows,

• First find the intercepts of the plane on the three reference axis , e.g. x = 1 , y = 2 , z = 1.

• Take reciprocal of the intercepts ,e.g. 1 / 1 , 1 / 2 , 1 / 1.

• Convert this into whole number e.g. 1 / 1 2/1 1/1 L.C.M. = 2

➢ Important features of Miller indices :

• When a plane is parallel to one of the co-ordinate axis , the intercept is

infinity. Since 𝟏/∞ = 0 , the Miller index for that axis is zero.

• When the intercepts of a plane is on the negative part of the axis , the Miller
indices is distinguished by a minus sign directly over it. e.g. ( 1 1 1 ) indicates ,
there is negative intercept on the negative z-axis.

• Miller indices do not define a particular plane but a set of parallel planes.

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