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Standards Manual

For New Linguaskill and Linguaskill Business

Version 1.0
1.0 Introduction to New Linguaskill ............................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Test Format ...................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Invigilation Method ......................................................................................................................... 6
2.0 New Linguaskill Support Site .................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Support Services .............................................................................................................................. 7
2.2 Overview of the Linguaskill Standards Manual and related Documentation .................................. 7
3.0 Marketing .................................................................................................................................................. 8
4.0 New Linguaskill Centre Responsibilities................................................................................................. 10
4.1 Legal Matters ................................................................................................................................. 10
4.2 Linguaskill Centre and Centre Name Changes ............................................................................... 11
4.3 Centre Ownership – legal entity change & change of ownership ................................................. 11
4.4 Fees and Financial Obligations ...................................................................................................... 11
4.5 Offering Linguaskill to candidates based in another country ........................................................ 12
4.6 New Linguaskill Termination.......................................................................................................... 12
4.7 New Linguaskill Suspension ........................................................................................................... 13
4.8 Terms of Use of our systems.......................................................................................................... 13
5.0 New Linguaskill – The Linguaskill Centre Manager ............................................................................... 14
5.1 Appointing the Linguaskill Centre Manager .................................................................................. 14
5.2 Linguaskill Centre Manager Responsibilities ................................................................................. 14
5.3 Selection of the Linguaskill Test Manager ..................................................................................... 15
5.4 Initial set-up and onboarding ........................................................................................................ 15
6.0 User Roles and Invigilation ..................................................................................................................... 16
6.1 Recruiting and Selecting Invigilators/Proctors............................................................................... 16
6.2 Number of invigilators required .................................................................................................... 16
6.3 Invigilator Instructions ................................................................................................................... 17
6.4 Monitoring and Training records ................................................................................................... 17
7.0 Equipment and Hardware Requirements .............................................................................................. 18
7.1 Equipment ..................................................................................................................................... 18
7.2 Internet .......................................................................................................................................... 19
7.3 Speaking Test Setup ....................................................................................................................... 19
7.4 Further Technical Support ................................................................................................................... 20
8.0 Linguaskill Test Venues ........................................................................................................................... 21

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8.1 In Centre test venues ..................................................................................................................... 21
8.2 Former Clients ............................................................................................................................... 21
8.3 Suitability ....................................................................................................................................... 21
8.4 Venue Facilities .............................................................................................................................. 22
8.5 Signage and registration area ........................................................................................................ 22
8.6 Venue Changes .............................................................................................................................. 22
8.7 Speaking test set-up ...................................................................................................................... 23
9.0 Session Set-up and Timetabling ............................................................................................................. 24
9.1 Timetabling sessions...................................................................................................................... 24
9.1 Breaks ............................................................................................................................................ 24
9.2 Large Speaking Sessions ................................................................................................................ 24
10.0 Candidate Registration and Entries .................................................................................................. 25
10.1 Candidate Registration ................................................................................................................... 25
10.2 Candidate Identity Document Number ......................................................................................... 25
11.0 Access Arrangements............................................................................................................................ 27
11.1 Online versions, permitting extra time .......................................................................................... 27
11.2 Offline versions .............................................................................................................................. 28
12.0 Test Day ............................................................................................................................................. 29
12.1 Linguaskill Test Day Checks ............................................................................................................ 29
12.2 Candidate Arrival ........................................................................................................................... 30
12.3 Withdrawing candidates................................................................................................................ 30
12.4 Starting the Linguaskill test Session .............................................................................................. 30
12.5 Completing the Attendance Register ............................................................................................. 30
12.6 Incidents and dealing with emergencies ....................................................................................... 30
13.0 Special Considerations, Cancellations and Refunds ........................................................................ 32
14.0 New Linguaskill Results .................................................................................................................... 34
14.1 Accessing results............................................................................................................................ 34
14.2 New Linguaskill result classifications ............................................................................................. 34
14.3 Malpractice .................................................................................................................................... 35
14.4 New Linguaskill digital Certificate.................................................................................................. 35
14.5 Re-Sitting Modules and My Best Score.......................................................................................... 36
14.6 Recognising Organisations ............................................................................................................. 36
15.0 New Linguaskill Enquiry on Results & Appeals ................................................................................ 37

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15.1 Enquiry on Results (EoR)................................................................................................................ 37
15.2 Appeals .......................................................................................................................................... 37
16.0 Customer Service and Complaints.................................................................................................... 39
16.1 Managing Candidate Expectations ................................................................................................ 39
16.3 Complaints ..................................................................................................................................... 39
17.0 Inspections and Audits ..................................................................................................................... 40
17.1 Inspections..................................................................................................................................... 40
17.2 Centre Audits ................................................................................................................................. 40

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1.0 Introduction to New Linguaskill

New Linguaskill and New Linguaskill Business are quick and convenient online tests to help
organisations check the English levels of individuals and groups of candidates, powered by Artificial
Intelligence technology. It provides modular options to test all four language skills: Listening, Reading,
Speaking, and Writing.

It provides accurate results within 3-5 days and the test can be administered at a time that suits you.
Results are aligned to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), the international
standard for describing language ability.

Linguaskill is useful for:

• Education institutions: For example, for admission, progress and exit purposes.
• Employers: For example, for recruitment, benchmarking and promotion purposes.

1.1 Test Format

•59 minutes
•This is an adaptive test and will take each candidate
Reading differing times to complete the test depending on their
•Up to 59 minutes
•This is an adaptive test and will take each candidate
Listening differing times to complete the test depending on their

Writing •45minutes
•1 task

•16 minutes
Speaking •Dependent on Internet Speed &
candidate numbers.

The Listening module is adaptive, so there is not a fixed number of questions. Each question the
candidate answers helps the computer to understand their level better. The test finishes when the
candidate has answered enough questions to identify their level accurately.

The Reading module is adaptive, so there is not a fixed number of questions. Each question the
candidate answers helps the computer to understand their level better. The test finishes when the
candidate has answered enough questions to identify their level accurately.

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The Writing module asks candidates to input their response using a computer keyboard. A candidate’s
response will be examiner marked initially. During 2024/2025 we will be moving towards candidate
responses being auto-marked with market-leading auto-marker technology.

The Speaking module is taken using a computer with a microphone and headphones. Questions are
presented to the candidate through the computer screen and headphones, and their responses are
recorded. The candidate will have approximately 16 minutes. New Linguaskill Speaking and New
Linguaskill Business Speaking tests are assessed by using human examiners or market-leading auto-
marking technology, known as hybrid marking.

1.2 Invigilation Method

Until advised New Linguaskill and New Linguaskill Business can only be taken in-centre.

New Linguaskill and New Linguaskill Business can be taken in-centre or remotely. Candidate’s
certificates will show either of the two invigilation methods:
In Centre will be displayed if the candidate took all the Linguaskill modules face-to-face and in centre.

Remote will be displayed if the candidate took any of the Linguaskill modules remotely. It is important to
note that even if the candidate took most modules face-to-face, it will be 'Remote' that appears on their

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2.0 New Linguaskill Support Site

You will be provided with access to the New Linguaskill support site. Following the instructions,
guidance and documentation available on the site will assist you with successfully administering the
New Linguaskill and New Linguaskill Business tests, including setting up venues, sessions and making

When the Agreement and Linguaskill Product Schedule documents have been signed with Cambridge
English, the Linguaskill Centre Manager will receive confirmation on access to the New Linguaskill
support site.

2.1 Support Services

The Cambridge Helpdesk is available 24/7 to assist with queries and technical support.

Telephone: +44(0)1223 553997

Live Chat: and click on ‘Help’.


2.2 Overview of the Linguaskill Standards Manual and related Documentation

The Linguaskill Standards Manual and other associated documents apply to all Linguaskill Centres.
They are provided to enable the Linguaskill Centre Manager and centre staff to administer and run
the Linguaskill test in a compliant and uniform manner. Variations in instructions and procedure can
lead to perceived or actual unfairness.

Following the processes and guidance detailed in the Linguaskill Standards Manual and
associated documentation will assist with ensuring compliance with your responsibilities and
ensuring that the Linguaskill standards are met.

All Linguaskill Tests must be strictly invigilated to ensure test security and integrity and to prevent
potential malpractice.

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3.0 Marketing

3.1 Branding and Brandfolder

There is further information available on the resources and support available to help you promote the
New Linguaskill test. These include:
• Brochures
• Posters
• Videos
• Social media assets.

Access to marketing support and resources are provided via Brandfolder. Brandfolder is the platform we
use to store all of our marketing materials. You will need your password to log in. Please use Firefox or
Chrome to access Brandfolder as the link will not work with Internet Explorer. The site allows you to

• Videos – including overview, case study and learning support videos

• Product visuals – including example certificate artwork
• Templates – including PPT and Word templates
• Images – a range of imagery that you can use in your marketing
• Web banners and images – a range of branded images that you can use on your website
• Hubspot email banner – a range of branded images that you can use in your email communications
• Product overview presentation

Requesting your Linguaskill logos:

To receive your Linguaskill logo pack, you will need to complete our licensing form. You will then be
emailed access to the logos along with our guidelines on their use.

3.2 New Linguaskill Support Material and Learning Resources for Candidates
We have a range of free and paid-for learning solutions created to help candidates approach the New
Linguaskill or New Linguaskill Business with the confidence to achieve their best results and support
teachers to prepare their students effectively.

Sample Tests are available that provide candidates with examples of the task types they will face in
each of the modules of New Linguaskill and New Linguaskill Business. The sample tests do not provide
a result.

In addition, there are candidate advice sheets and the Assessment criteria for the Speaking and Writing

Please refer to the following article on the support site:

New Linguaskill: Free preparation resources

Paid-for learning resources include:

Linguaskill Online Tutor: 15-20 hour online course covering both Linguaskill and Linguaskill
Business for self-study or classroom learning, providing a clear overview and practice for all four
language modules in the test.

Linguaskill Trainer: A book containing six practice tests plus one online test.
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Further information can be found in this support site article:

New Linguaskill: Paid for preparation resources

3.3 Further Marketing Support

If you have any queries, comments, or feedback, please contact the International Marketing Support
team by submitting a request.
For non-English publications, please contact your local office.
As a Centre you are responsible for your sales and marketing with support from your local Cambridge

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4.0 New Linguaskill Centre Responsibilities

For information about the conditions of being a centre, please see your Overarching Agreement and
Linguaskill Product Schedule. You must review these carefully and comply with all requirements.

If you wish to offer a Linguaskill variant which you are not currently eligible for, for instance New
Linguaskill Business if you only have approval for New Linguaskill, please contact our support team.
You must not accept candidates or advertise the New Linguaskill tests until you have received written
confirmation of approval from Cambridge English.

4.1 Legal Matters

The Linguaskill Standards Manual contains regulations and information you need to run the Linguaskill
Test. This Manual, related documentation and online articles form part of your Agreement with
Cambridge English. Please refer to your Agreement regarding:
• Standard Terms and Conditions
• Data Processing Terms
• Cambridge Mandatory Policies
• Trademark Licence Agreement
• Intellectual Property Rights

Local laws regarding your business

You must comply with all laws and regulations in your country (local) and must ensure you are properly
registered as a business in the country or countries in which you operate. If you believe that our
regulations or other requirements are inconsistent with the law in your country, please contact the

Conflicts of interest/Declaration of Interest

You must be aware of potential conflicts of interest, and we would expect you to manage these within
your centre.

Equal opportunities and disability discrimination

Subject to local law and culture, you must provide equal access to the Linguaskill test for all candidates,
regardless of race, age, nationality, ethnic origin, gender (sex), sexual orientation, gender reassignment,
marriage and civil partnership status, pregnancy, maternity status, religion or belief, political belief or
disability. It may be necessary to take local legal advice on this matter.

Data protection
It is critical to us that we protect the privacy and personal data of our candidates. Please refer to your
Agreement and our privacy policy.

Individual privacy and protection, and Safeguarding

You must respect individuals’ privacy in relation to the administration of the Linguaskill test and ensure
that candidates are adequately protected against any potential dangers. What this means in practice
may be the subject of local law, and you are advised to take professional advice.

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You must ensure that the safety of children and vulnerable adults is assured in all matters relating to the
administration of the Linguaskill test. If we get in touch with you about a Safeguarding issue, please treat
this as a priority and with confidentiality.
For further information, please see this article on our supports site:
Safeguarding Policy

4.2 Linguaskill Centre and Centre Name Changes

One of the conditions of being a Centre is that we agree to the Centre name. The following conditions
• The Centre name must be short enough to be easily and clearly displayed.
• Centre names can include reference to geographical location but must avoid any implication of
• New Centres cannot use Cambridge or Cambridge English as part of their Centre name, and they
cannot register a company called Cambridge English or trademark a name including ‘Cambridge’,
‘Cambridge English’.
• If your Centre has changed its name and this is only a change of branding, but nothing more, please
complete the Change of Details Request form so that we can amend our records. Please contact us
as soon as possible to request a change. Please contact your nearest Cambridge English office in
the first instance if you wish to discuss this further.

4.3 Centre Ownership – legal entity change & change of ownership

If the ownership structure of your Centre has changed, for example if the business is sold to another
company, taken over/merged or one company ceases and a new one started, we will need more
information from you. We will treat this as a new application for Centre approval, and the Agreement and
Linguaskill Product Schedule will be with a new organisation.

You must tell us as soon as you know of any proposed changes, so we can send you the application
form to prevent any delays. We will also need to make the same checks we would make for a new
Centre application.

This helps us to decide if the new organisation can sign and comply with the Agreement and Linguaskill
Product Schedule. We reserve the right to suspend centre authorisation during this process until
ownership is clear and any applications are processed and approved. If we approve this application, we
will issue a new or amended Agreement and Linguaskill Product Schedule.

We will also need to ensure the previous organisation has no outstanding issues with us, such as
inspection concerns or outstanding invoices. If there are such issues and they are not cleared, we might
not be able to continue the Centre's authorisation.

4.4 Fees and Financial Obligations

New Linguaskill centres must follow correct financial procedures in relation to candidate fees, for
instance in the matter of issuing receipts and keeping accounts. Details of the New Linguaskill fees are
provided every year, around March.

For Linguaskill you can purchase credits on the Cambridge English Test Portal, Metrica platform, and an
invoice will be sent for the purchased credits at the end of each calendar month. Invoices must be
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settled within 28 days from the date of issue. If there are any problems in settling invoices by the due
date (e.g. delayed or mislaid invoices), you must email the Credit Control Team. We are not able to give
you advice on aspects of tax and VAT relating to your own business.

Please note that failure to adhere to the payment terms listed in your Agreement and Product Schedule
may lead to termination of your authorisation.

Please refer to the following article on the support site which provides the steps on purchasing credits
and checking credits availability on the Cambridge English Test Portal, Metrica.
New Linguaskill: Purchasing Credits and Viewing Test Credit Availability

4.5 Offering Linguaskill to candidates based in another country

The Linguaskill Product Schedule details territory to mean any countries that is set out in Section III
where your Institution is approved to offer Linguaskill tests. The Linguaskill Product Schedule details that
you should not offer the Linguaskill tests outside of these countries without our prior written consent. If
you wish to offer Linguaskill tests outside of the countries listed in your Linguaskill Product Schedule,
then you should apply for approval from us for each additional country and the permitted purpose. They
will then be added to your Product Schedule, when approved by us. Please note that approval is unlikely
to be provided to register candidates from outside your country/territory unless that country does not
have an active Linguaskill Centre.

Please note that candidate’s resident in another country but are looking to either temporarily or
permanently reside in your country/territory for study or work purposes are considered a permitted
purpose and can be considered for approval. Please ensure that you have supporting documentation to
confirm this when registering the candidate.

Please ensure that you have in place, as part of your registration process, appropriate measures for
verifying candidates’ identity and the location where they are sitting the test, to comply with the
authorisation stated in your Linguaskill Product Schedule and that this meets any local regulations that
may be applicable. Please note that if we have any doubt as to the location where a candidate is taking
the test, we will request the documentation provided as part of registration.
You can request approval by using the form in this support site article:

New Linguaskill: Approval Request to Offer Linguaskill in other Territories

4.6 New Linguaskill Termination

If we need to take action to terminate the approval of a Centre or the Linguaskill Centre Manager, it is
important that you understand the conditions under which this can happen.
If we have evidence, for instance from our own monitoring, inspection procedures, or from local sources,
or in the case of financial dealings from credit records that an approved Centre or Linguaskill Centre
Manager has, in the judgement of Cambridge English, seriously or repeatedly failed to fulfil their/its
undertakings, then we reserve the right to withdraw approval without notice. Please see your Agreement
and Product Schedule for more detailed guidance. Examples of serious or repeated failure would
include, but are not limited to:
• major breach of security
• collusion with candidate malpractice
• misuse of entry fee revenue or persistent failure to comply with our credit terms
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• serious or persistent flouting of our guidelines on the use of our logo and other intellectual property
(including the name and shield of the University of Cambridge)
• gross misconduct involving candidates or others involved in the test process, for instance racial or
other forms of abuse
• any behaviour judged by us as constituting serious grounds for complaint by candidates and other
users about the Centre’s discharging of its responsibilities or behaviour likely to bring the reputation
of Cambridge University Press and Assessment or Cambridge English into disrepute.

A Linguaskill centre may be subject to summary termination as a result of failures of the type listed
above in relation to the conduct of the Linguaskill tests. Where we decide to terminate approval on the
grounds described above, we will do so after investigation, within the constraints of available time and
considering the interests of affected candidates.

There may also be cases where a Linguaskill centre and/or the Linguaskill Centre Manager consistently
fail to meet standards deemed appropriate by us, but it is considered that this does not warrant
summary termination. In such instances, we reserve the right to issue a probationary notice, during
which time performance will be monitored closely. Failure to improve performance will be considered
grounds for summary termination of approval.

4.7 New Linguaskill Suspension

We reserve the right to immediately suspend a Centre’s approval to run Linguaskill. This is an
exceptional circumstance and is normally implemented due to suspected malpractice or
maladministration at the Centre and a failure to meet the terms of the agreement.

Linguaskill centre suspension includes:

- suspension of the ability to purchase further credits for Linguaskill within the Cambridge English Test
Portal, Metrica.
- Suspension of access and ability to deliver Linguaskill on the Metrica platform.
- Removal of the Linguaskill Centre from the list of Authorised Linguaskill Centres on our website.

Length of the suspension will vary from case to case depending on the situation. We will keep the
Centre informed, where possible, of any processes being carried out. We will always act reasonably and
according to procedures. The length of suspension is though ultimately at our discretion. The
consequence of suspension may be that a Centre is allowed to return to full or conditional operation, or
its authorisation may be terminated.

4.8 Terms of Use of our systems

The Linguaskill Centre Manager is responsible for creating accounts on the Cambridge English Test
Portal, Metrica. There must be a suitable number of staff trained to carry out administrative tasks that
the Linguaskill Centre Manager might normally carry out in case of unexpected absences.

By using any of our software or online services you agree to the terms of use which are detailed in the
Linguaskill Product Schedule.

The Linguaskill Centre Manager must make sure that the usernames and passwords issued are only
provided to staff, authorised to access the Cambridge English Test Portal, Metrica and to register
candidates for accessing and taking the Linguaskill test and Results services.

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5.0 New Linguaskill – The Linguaskill Centre Manager

5.1 Appointing the Linguaskill Centre Manager

The Agreement and Linguaskill Product Schedule, detail all Linguaskill centres must nominate a named
Linguaskill Centre Manager. This person is the key contact for all matters relating to the Linguaskill

There may be more than one person involved in the administration of the Linguaskill test. Only one can
be nominated as the Linguaskill Centre Manager, and they will remain accountable for the overall
compliance, supervision, and administration of the Linguaskill test.

Please note that the Linguaskill Centre Manager cannot be engaged as Assessment Specialists by
Cambridge English due to potential conflicts of interest. This means they cannot be Centre Inspectors,
Professional Support Leaders, Regional Team Leaders or hold any other AS role which is directly
engaged by Cambridge English.

The decision on who to nominate as the Linguaskill Centre Manager is made by the centre and the
centre is responsible for ensuring a suitable person is appointed to this role. The centre is also
responsible for ensuring that the Linguaskill Centre Manager is given the support and resources needed
for fulfilling the role and for running a successful Linguaskill test.

5.2 Linguaskill Centre Manager Responsibilities

The Linguaskill Centre Manager is the main contact point between the centre and Cambridge English.
They are responsible for ensuring that the centre operates in accordance with the most recent guidance
and regulation documentation, particularly around Linguaskill test administration and security.

The role can be busy and challenging. We recommend appointing someone who is highly organised and
can stay calm when busy and when unexpected issues arise.

The Linguaskill Centre Manager role includes ensuring:

• a high standard of test administration, customer service and compliance with regulations
• that staff are appropriately trained on the Linguaskill test processes and that the centre has
enough staff
• that they are up to date with test regulations and share information with colleagues
• centre compliance with the terms of its centre agreement
• in some centres, the role may also include marketing
• there are no conflicts of interest between any candidate and centre staff
• that Linguaskill staff receive and aware of the processes and complete training, where provided,
• all correspondence is received and promptly responded to as required.

In addition, the Linguaskill Test Manager needs to ensure that all Linguaskill policies and procedures are
followed for:
• recruitment, management and arrangements for the test day administration by
invigilation/proctoring staff
• maintaining staff records of mandatory training and induction
• identifying and recording venues correctly on the Cambridge English Test Portal, Metrica and
ensuring that they meet all arrangements, including technical and hardware requirements and
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• ensuring secure and compliant test delivery
• managing and reporting incidents and malpractice
• management of processes both on the Cambridge English Test Portal, Metrica and outside of the
portal, including managing candidate registration and ensuring verification is conducted as
• providing excellent customer service when dealing with candidate complaints, requests for
Enquiry on Results, Appeals and general feedback
• manage data protection and data security for candidates and ensure that Cambridge English Test
Portal, Metrica, login details are not being shared with third parties.

5.3 Selection of the Linguaskill Test Manager

When choosing a the Linguaskill Centre Manager, make sure they can meet the following requirements:
• complete professional and financial integrity, including compliance with national requirements for
financial transactions
• knowledge and experience of Cambridge English exams or of running exams for other boards
• ability to deal effectively with unexpected situations and find suitable solutions
• ability to comply with regulations and maintain high standards
• great customer service skills and a focus on putting the customer at the heart of the business
• ability to communicate in English at a minimum B2 level of the Common European Framework of
Reference (CEFR).

We promote a policy of equality of opportunity. Within the requirements of local legislation, the role of the
Linguaskill Centre Manager is open to any suitably qualified applicant who meets the requirements
above and any residency requirements of the country where the centre is based. The centre is
responsible for carrying our reference checks and any other necessary checks, such as residency

5.4 Initial set-up and onboarding

The Linguaskill Centre Manager should receive access to the Cambridge English Test Portal, Metrica,
within 2-3 weeks of the approval of their application. Our regional team will assist with making any initial
orders within 28 days.

Linguaskill Centres will be provided with access to the current Linguaskill onboarding course on
completion of approval and registration. The onboarding course is provided online on the Learner
Management platform, Totara.

New Linguaskill onboarding training will be provided initially online by Cambridge MLT Delivery
staff. Onboarding training via Totara will be developed through 2025.

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6.0 User Roles and Invigilation

The Linguaskill Centre Managers is responsible for setting up access, managing training and monitoring
performance of Linguaskill staff at their centre. There are different administration responsibilities known
as user roles available for New Linguaskill which are available on the Cambridge English Test Portal,
Metrica. You can give new users multiple roles if you wish them to have access to more than one area.

For further information on the User Roles and how to set these up, please refer to this article on the
support site:

New Linguaskill: User Roles

6.1 Recruiting and Selecting Invigilators/Proctors

When recruiting and selecting invigilators/proctors you must ensure they have a competent level of
English to understand the guidance provided. Where they are required to communicate with candidates
in English, they must have evidence of a minimum CEFR Level B2 in English, for example a Linguaskill
certificate indicating a minimum level of B2.

You must comply with employment laws in your country and carry out the necessary legal and
employment checks. For example, a right to work check and character checks to ensure suitability for
the role. This must include a Criminal or Police Records check. You must keep a record showing when
the checks were carried out, the outcome and whether they are current or expired. Copies of any
records must be treated in accordance with UK, GDPR or equivalent local data protection laws. If you
hire staff through an agency, ensure that the agency carries out such checks as part of its recruitment
process and provides you with the records.

Invigilators must avoid a conflict of interest and therefore must not be friends, colleagues or relatives of
the candidates. An English teacher who has taught the candidates in the last 12 months cannot
invigilate on their own or with another invigilator. Teachers of other subjects can invigilate their own
students as long as there is another invigilator in the test room.

6.2 Number of invigilators required

In centre
The number of invigilators you need depends on the number of candidates you have in each Linguaskill
test room. The minimum requirement in a test room is at least one invigilator per 25 candidates. If the
invigilator cannot see all candidates’ screens at the same time, the number of invigilators must be
increased to one per 15 candidates.

Centres are responsible for ensuring that they have enough suitable, trained invigilators for the
Linguaskill test.

If there is only one invigilator in the test room, they must be able to ask for help without leaving the
candidates unsupervised, where a candidate needs to temporarily leave or for emergencies. If an
invigilator needs to leave the test room even temporarily another invigilator must replace them to
continue to meet the 1:25 ratio.

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We recommend having a back-up list of extra invigilators in case someone has to cancel at the last

Live remote proctoring will be available in 2025. For live proctoring the maximum number of candidates
that can be monitored by the proctor is 8 candidates. The proctor will be unable to watch and monitor
any more than 8 candidates on a screen.

If a proctor needs to be replaced while proctoring a live session, please ensure you have another
proctor available to replace them. We recommend having a back-up list of extra proctors in case of last-
minute cancellations.

6.3 Invigilator Instructions

The instructions booklet for invigilators running the New Linguaskill and New Linguaskill Business tests
can be downloaded from this article on the support site:
New Linguaskill: Test Day Instructions for Invigilators

There must be a copy of this booklet in each test room. They contain regulations and instructions for
running the Speaking, Writing, Reading and Listening Linguaskill tests.

All Linguaskill tests must be strictly invigilated to ensure test security and integrity with the aim to
prevent potential malpractice. Invigilators are responsible for the correct administration and security of
the test. Invigilators must read the instructions carefully before the Linguaskill test and ask the
Linguaskill Centre Manager to clarify anything which is not clear.

All test content is highly confidential and must be always kept secure, candidates and test day staff
should not photograph, take screen shots or note down any of the test questions.

It is vital that all Linguaskill tests are administered in the same way and exactly as instructed. Variations
in instructions and procedure can lead to perceived or actual unfairness.

6.4 Monitoring and Training records

All Invigilators and test day staff should be aware of their role and responsibilities. In addition, they
should be trained and monitored to ensure that they are performing their required test day duties,
particularly relating to:
• checking the candidate photo upload and candidate ID
• Updating the attendance report on the Cambridge English Test Portal, Metrica
• Incident handling
• Malpractice and test security.

Brief records should be kept that include the names of all invigilators that have been trained, the dates
of when they were trained, what was covered as part of training and signatures of invigilation staff
against their names.

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7.0 Equipment and Hardware Requirements

The Cambridge English Test Portal, known as Metrica, is the online portal used to administer Linguaskill
Tests. It is requirement in the Linguaskill Product Schedule that all centres are fully aware of all aspects
of the technology including minimum technical requirements for administering the Linguaskill test as well
as how to set up the technology appropriately.

For further information on the requirements and specifications, please refer to this article on the support

New Linguaskill: Technical and Hardware Requirements

7.1 Equipment
Every candidate will require a computer or laptop, configured according to the recommendations stated
in the Technical and Hardware Requirements and connected to the internet. Please note that the length
of some tests may vary according to internet speed and the number of candidates taking the test.

For the Speaking test candidates will require headphones with a microphone on a boom. Please refer to
the Technical and Hardware Requirements.

For the Listening test candidates will require headphones.

There must be a spare computer or laptop and a spare headset available per group of ten candidates in
case of any technical issues.

When remote proctoring is available all computers will require a webcam.

The test room must be spacious enough to hold the allocated number of candidates and equipment.
The room will include suitable desks with suitable chairs and partitions, if available, to provide each
candidate with adequate privacy (where required).

Desk size: No less than 100cm wide by 60cm deep. If dividers are not used, the minimum distance to
be maintained between candidates is 1.25m from the edge of one computer monitor to the edge of the
next computer monitor in all directions.

Dividers: Where used, they must be 60cm high from the top of the table.

Please review all the documentation provided and check all equipment the day before the Linguaskill
test is scheduled, where possible.

Invigilators should be provided with a computer, or a laptop connected to the internet to access Metrica
and administer the Linguaskill Tests. Mobile phones should not be used to access the Cambridge
English Test Portal, Metrica.

Candidates must be provided with rough paper and pens/pencils, which should be removed before they
leave the room.

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Please also consider any relevant local health and safety laws for the use of computers for instance
around screen glare, room lighting, ventilation or temperature control in the room to compensate for the
heat generated by the computers. Linguaskill centres should also consider best practice around
providing keyboards, screens, a mouse and mouse mat.

7.2 Internet
Internet Bandwidth is 2 Mbps upload and download per candidate. The minimum bandwidth
requirements are for each computer running the test, referring to local network speeds. When running
multiple tests concurrently on the same internet connection you should ensure this bandwidth is
available to each computer. If less than 2 Mbps is available for each candidate, the test may take longer
to run.

Backup power
One of the advantages of Linguaskill, is that allows you to plan any test sessions around any potential
announced power outages.

If a test is interrupted before the candidate has finished, due to an unplanned power cut the candidate
can log back at any time before the end of the 6-hour session and complete the test. The test will
resume from the last saved question. You can find more information in our Frequently Asked Questions
article on the support site:
New Linguaskill: Frequently Asked Questions

Where unplanned power outages result in candidates not being able to complete within the 6 hours,
please contact us as soon as possible.

7.3 Speaking Test Setup

For instructions and information on the specifications for setting up the New Linguaskill and New
Linguaskill for Business Speaking test, please refer to this article on the support site:
New Linguaskill: Speaking Test Setup

The speaking test uses HTML5 and so a compatible browser must be used to run the test. Google
Chrome and Mozilla Firefox are compatible and supported browsers.

Microsoft Internet Explorer is not compatible with HTML5 so cannot be used for the Speaking Test.

Linguaskill Centres must ensure that they provide candidates with a Headset that includes headphones
with the microphone attached via a boom. The headset should be the only one enabled for the computer
for the Linguaskill test.

Before candidates start the Linguaskill test, the headset must be configured as shown in the article to
ensure the New Linguaskill and New Linguaskill Business test runs correctly. We recommend checking
the settings on each computer before candidates arrive to minimize the chance of anything being set up
incorrectly. Failure to do this may mean the candidate’s Speaking responses are not recorded.

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Sound Check
Once set up is complete on the test day, the candidate can use the Sound Check screen to ensure their
headset can hear and record audio at a suitable level.

Speaking Test Setup Diagnostic Tool

At the bottom of any page on the Cambridge English Test Portal, Metrica is a link to the Speaking Test
Setup Diagnostics Tool. This can be used at any time to check the Operating System and Browser are
compatible with the test.

7.4 Further Technical Support

The following troubleshooting articles on the support site provide additional guidance and support.
Please note that Metrica will display error messages for some technical issues, please screen shot
these messages if it is not clear how to resolve the technical issue and provide to our helpdesk team.
New Linguaskill: Troubleshooting
New Linguaskill: Speaking Test Setup - Troubleshooting

If you continue to encounter problems, then please contact us for further assistance on:
Helpdesk: +44 (0)1223 553997

Test centres must have an authorised mobile phone, with international calls enabled, that can only be
brought into the test room during the Linguaskill tests to allow invigilators to call us for technical support
or assistance.

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8.0 Linguaskill Test Venues

8.1 In Centre test venues

A venue is the address where the Linguaskill test is run. The Linguaskill Product Schedule details that a
Test Venue is the premises which meet the relevant requirements for the delivery of the Linguaskill test.
Venues must be in the territory/country listed in your Product Schedule.

Every test location must be added as a venue in the Cambridge Test Portal, Metrica. Test venues are
created in Metrica and then selected when creating test sessions. If you are running sessions in multiple
rooms at a venue, then a separate venue for each room should be created.

Instructions for creating and managing venues on Metrica can be found in this support site article:

New Linguaskill: Creating Venues

The venue equipment should meet the Technical and Hardware requirements and trained invigilator(s)
should be available for delivering the test.

8.2 Former clients

New Linguaskill will not be capturing client details on the Cambridge Test Portal, Metrica. Former
clients, such as higher educational colleges or institutions, can prepare candidates to enter the test
through the Authorised Linguaskill Test centre but they will not have the ability to purchase and
administer the test directly.

Where a former client wants to test their candidates at their premises, the Linguaskill centre will need to
make sure that the relevant requirements are met. The Agreement and Linguaskill Product Schedule
detail that test venues must have appropriate test security measures in place.

8.3 Suitability
The Linguaskill test venue must be able to accommodate the number of candidates booked for the
session. The general ambience should be suitable in terms of adequate lighting, ventilation, temperature
control and noise levels both inside the building and out.

Appropriate venue conditions must be provided for candidates requiring special arrangements. This may
include disabled access to the test room and facilities, including access to disabled toilets, for people
with disabilities.

It is the test centres responsibility to ensure that the venue is compliant with local health and safety
regulations. Centre staff must be fully aware of the evacuation protocol of the given venue.

In addition, please ensure the following conditions are met for each test room/venue:

• The test room must provide adequate computers and headsets of the required specification to deliver
the test.

• Signs are provided to ensure candidates can find the Linguaskill test room, Notice to Candidates are
displayed outside each test room.

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• The test room must be separate from any other activity. During the test, no one else is allowed to use
the room and there should be no one else in the room, except candidates, the test invigilators,
supervisors, technical staff.

• There must be a minimum of one invigilator per 25 candidates. If the invigilator cannot see all
candidates’ screens at the same time, the number of invigilators must be increased to one per 15

• Where there is a sole invigilator, they must be able to summon help immediately if needed, e.g., they
can use a mobile phone with sound and vibration switched off.

• Candidates must not be disturbed by noise from others in the room* or any external noise. (* See 8.7
Speaking test set-up).

• The seating arrangements must prevent candidates from being able to see another candidate’s
screen. The minimum distance between the edge of one screen and the edge of the next must be
1.25 metres unless the monitors are positioned back-to-back or separated by dividers high enough
to prevent candidates from viewing other candidates’ screens. Privacy screens may be used, but you
should allow sufficient space between candidates, so they do not to disturb each other, particularly
during the Speaking test.

• All helpful material that is in candidates’ view, such as posters or notices in English, must be
removed or covered.

8.4 Venue facilities

The venue must have a lockable or monitored area available for candidates to store their belongings.
Candidate’s personal belongings can also be tagged for easy retrieval.

There must be a suitable waiting area for all candidate’s pre-registration and for the ID check. The check
of the candidate ID will need to be confirmed on the Attendance Register by invigilators on Metrica.
Please refer to the instructions provided in the booklet:

New Linguaskill: Test Day Instructions for Invigilators

Toilets must be available and be suitable for people with disabilities.

Venues must ensure that there are suitable emergency exits so that staff and candidates can evacuate
safely if ever required to do so.

8.5 Signage and registration area

All venues must provide signage that makes it clear that the candidate has arrived at the Linguaskill test
venue. The signage must clearly direct candidates to the waiting room for registration, the Linguaskill
test room and toilets.

8.6 Venue changes

Linguaskill test venues that have been assigned to a session cannot be changed in Metrica. We would
request that you suspend the session and set up a new session with the change of venue assigned. We
would also request that you inform MLT Delivery up to 3 calendar days before the test date of a change
of test venue to an assigned session.

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8.7 Speaking test set-up
For the speaking test we continue to gather feedback from our centres and candidates through our trials
and feedback surveys to monitor the effect of noise distraction from other candidates taking the test.

Please remember that the speaking session is only 16 minutes in duration, so where centres feel that
this may be an issue with the venue capacity, we would advise that the speaking sessions are run in
smaller groups with candidates spread throughout the room, leaving where possible a spare workstation
in between each candidate.

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9.0 Session Set-up and Timetabling
New Linguaskill and New Linguaskill Business can be run on any convenient date. Each test day can be
a combination of either all four modules (Reading, Listening, Writing or Speaking) or alternatively just
one, two or three modules. A session needs to be set up for every module in the Cambridge English Test
Portal, Metrica. Where candidates are entered into more than one module then they will appear in more
than one session. Further information on setting-up sessions can be found in this support site article:
New Linguaskill: Sessions

Please set up sessions as early as possible in the Cambridge Test Portal, Metrica and at least 5 days
before the test date. The duration for each session is 6 hours only, and access to the session will close
after 6 hours for security purposes.

Once sessions are set-up candidates can be entered. Invigilators should be informed of the session
name(s) and start time(s). Invigilators should also ensure that candidates start the Linguaskill test as
close to the start of the session time as possible.

9.1 Timetabling sessions

Sessions can be run in any order. Where all modules are being delivered, we recommend starting with
the Speaking test so candidates will start and finish at approximately the same time.

Module Time Required Additional Information

Speaking 16 minutes Dependent on internet speed and the number of candidates.

Writing 45 minutes.

Reading Up to 59 minutes This is an adaptive test and will take each candidate differing
times to complete the test depending on their ability

Listening Up to 59 minutes This is an adaptive test and will take each candidate differing
times to complete the test depending on their ability

Candidates will usually end the test at slightly different times. It should be decided before the start of the
test the order in which the sessions will be run and the associated timings.

9.1 Breaks
When running all the modules a break should be scheduled after two sessions have been completed.
Candidates can either leave quietly when they have reached the end of the test or be instructed to
remain seated until all candidates in the room have completed the test.

9.2 Large speaking sessions

We request at least two days’ notice if you are planning to run a large speaking session with more than
500 candidates. This would include, for instance, running speaking tests with over 250 candidates per
day on consecutive days.

We will provide an allocated speaking session and ensure examiners are available for marking. Please
email MLT Delivery.

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10.0 Candidate Registration and Entries

10.1 Candidate Registration

It is the Centre’s responsibility to ensure that all candidates are made aware of the information
contained in the Terms and Conditions, which are provided via a link in the email to candidates with their
login details. Linguaskill centres need to ensure that this email is sent to candidates when they are
entered on the Cambridge English Test Portal, Metrica. Candidates will be asked to accept these Terms
and Conditions when they first log in to the Cambridge English Test Portal, Metrica.

The candidate Terms and Conditions can be found in this article on the support site:
New Linguaskill: Candidate Terms and Conditions

Information on candidate registration and instructions for making candidate entries can be found in this
article on the support site:
New Linguaskill: Managing Candidate Registration and Entries

The Linguaskill test is not recommended to persons under 16 years of age and candidates taking the
test remotely (not in Centre) must be 18 years old or older. The test content of Linguaskill is designed
for adult English language learners.

Linguaskill test centres decide whether to accept a registration or not. Once registration is paid,
candidates cannot transfer their test entry to another Linguaskill test centre.

As part of the registration process you need to capture the following candidate information to submit the
candidate entry.
− First name
− Family name
− Email address
− Date of birth
− Gender
− Nationality
− Identity document number.

10.2 Candidate Identity Document Number

Candidates need a valid ID to take the New Linguaskill and New Linguaskill Business test. Valid forms
of ID include the candidates: passport, or government-issued national identity card. The ID must contain
the candidate’s full name and a photo. The ID should have an expiration date.

Candidate’s must be informed that they need to provide their passport/ID number to the centre at the
time of registration and bring the same ID to the Linguaskill test. The Centre should be informed of any
change to the identity document before the test date. A candidate ID must be valid, original, and
unexpired. This should be a passport or government-issued national identity card.

If a candidate does not bring their ID to the test, they may not be allowed to take the New Linguaskill or
New Linguaskill Business test, and they may not receive a result.

For New Linguaskill or New Linguaskill Business the candidate identity document number will be
displayed on the Certificate and added to the Results Verification Service website.
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Instructions for making candidate entries can be found in this article on the support site:
New Linguaskill: Managing Candidate Registration and Entries

Entries should be made as early as possible. Remember that you need to send candidate login details
when the entries have been added to the session. This is an additional step and provides candidates
with an email, with their login details to the Cambridge English Test Portal, Metrica.
The email also provides links to the New Linguaskill Candidate Instruction Booklet which provides the
steps to upload their candidate photo before the test and how to access their results after the Linguaskill

Centres need to ensure that candidates are aware of the test venue, date of the test and time to arrive.

10.3 Candidate Photo Upload

Candidates are required to upload a photo to the Cambridge English Test Portal, Metrica. This is a
mandatory requirement and is one of the methods for checking identity.

Instructions for uploading the candidate photo and making amendments to the candidate registration
details can be found in this support site article:
New Linguaskill: Candidate Account, Registration, Photo and Amendments

These instructions are provided to the candidate in the instructions booklet which will be accessed via a
link in the candidate email with login details.
New Linguaskill: Candidate Instructions Booklet

If no photo is uploaded, the candidate may not be allowed to take the test. Cambridge English reserves
the right to withhold results if no photo is provided. Cambridge English will also use the photo and
passport/ID number for malpractice checks.

The photo will be displayed on the Certificate and on the Results Verification Service website Candidates choose who can view it by sharing their result via the
Cambridge English Test Portal, Metrica with their chosen institution.

10.4 Safeguarding Policy

Cambridge English takes its responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and
vulnerable adults very seriously.

Centres must exercise a duty of care to any candidate who has not reached the age of legal
competence, so is a minor under local law and vulnerable adults.

Please refer to the Cambridge English safeguarding policy on our support site:
Safeguarding Policy

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11.0 Access Arrangements
Candidates may be eligible for modified test material or test conditions due to a temporary or permanent
disability or other medical requirements, so they are not disadvantaged by their disability or medical

Further information on Access Arrangements, including the Linguaskill Access Arrangements application
form and the New Linguaskill Special Arrangements Booklet can be found in this article on the support
New Linguaskill: Access Arrangements - Special Arrangements

Our procedures and materials have been created and set up with expert consideration to the
candidates’ needs and to give them the best possible opportunity to demonstrate their ability.
Access arrangements aim to meet the particular needs of an individual candidate without affecting the
integrity of the assessment. These include reasonable adjustments to assist candidates to take the test
who have special requirements, such as:
• Visual difficulties
• Hearing difficulties
• Speech difficulties
• Additional extra time.

Please advise candidates that our website provides details for current Linguaskill. For New
Linguaskill please use the article detailed above and the New Linguaskill Special Arrangements
Booklet to advise candidates.
New Linguaskill: Special Arrangements Booklet V1.0

This booklet contains details about these arrangements and how to apply for them, timelines for
applications and details of the medical and supporting evidence required.

To make sure candidates who require reasonable adjustments are not unfairly disadvantaged, we do not
charge any additional fees for these arrangements. All customers should be treated equally. We expect
Linguaskill Centres not to charge additional costs for Special Arrangement candidates.

Centres should ensure they comply with disability law in their country. Centres in the UK need to be
aware of the Equality Act 2010, where it is a legal requirement to make reasonable adjustments to cater
for candidates with disabilities.

11.1 Online versions, permitting extra time

We can offer online modified adaptive Reading and Listening versions suitable for candidates who need
extra time, for example, dyslexic candidates. None of the tasks in the online modified version require
candidates to spell out answers. Please note that a play button functionality is used to accommodate
students requiring extra time.

Please ensure that you request online versions, which permit candidate’s additional time, at least two
UK working days before the Linguaskill test date to ensure that the arrangements are in place in time for
the candidate to take the test.

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11.2 Offline versions

Offline (paper-based) arrangements will be available later in 2024.

If the Special Requirement means the test must be taken offline, please book the test a minimum of
three weeks in advance.

We can provide the following offline (paper-based) arrangements:

• Braille question booklets and text booklets in contracted or uncontracted versions for blind
• Enlarged print question booklets and text booklets for visually impaired candidates
• Special Requirements version of the Listening test with audio file or CD for blind or visually
impaired candidates or candidates with special requirements
• Lip-reading version of the Listening test for hearing impaired candidates.

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12.0 Test Day

New Linguaskill and New Linguaskill Business must be strictly invigilated to ensure test security and
integrity and to prevent potential malpractice.

Further information on preparing the Linguaskill test room and the instructions for invigilators can be
found in this support site article:
New Linguaskill: Test Day Instructions for Invigilators

There must be a copy of the New Linguaskill Test Day Instructions for Invigilators in each test room.

The Notice to Candidates details the items candidates may take into the test room. All electronic
devices and all watches must be left in the designated area and must be switched off.

12.1 Linguaskill Test Day Checks

Refer to the checklist below to make sure that everything is set up correctly for running the test.

 Invigilators have been appointed, trained, provided with a Metrica login and have a
copy of the New Linguaskill Test Day Instructions for Invigilators. See section 6.0

 All equipment meets the requirements and technical checks are completed as detailed
in section 7.0

 The venue meets the requirements and is set up correctly as detailed in section 8.0

 Signs to the test room and the Notice to Candidates are in place.

 A registration area is set-up to check candidate IDs with a designated area for
candidate’s personal belongings.

 The New Linguaskill Invigilator Report is available to advise candidates of login details.

 Invigilators logged in on Metrica with access to the attendance register as detailed in

the New Linguaskill Test Day Instructions for Invigilators.

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12.2 Candidate Arrival
Invigilators should follow the guidance in the New Linguaskill Test Day Instructions for Invigilators.
They should ensure that candidates are supervised from arrival and before entering the test room to
completion and departure. This includes:
• test day registration and ID check
• managing personal belongings
• waiting room management
• access to toilets.

We advise that candidates only enter the test room when their ID has been confirmed with the approved
identification used as part of their application and available for invigilators to view on the Cambridge
English Test Portal, Metrica.

Candidates should bring their login details to the Linguaskill test. Where a candidate has forgotten their
login details these can be accessed from the Cambridge English Test Portal, Metrica. The New
Linguaskill Invigilator Report provides the candidate login details.

Please see the instructions in this support site article for accessing the report:
New Linguaskill: Managing Candidate Registration and Entries

12.3 Withdrawing candidates

Candidates that have not arrived, arrive late or do not have their candidate Identity Document or their ID
is expired, or does not match with the registration details will need to be withdrawn. Please see section
7.2 of the New Linguaskill Test Day Instructions for guidance.

For security purposes it is important that withdrawals are completed before starting the Linguaskill test.

12.4 Starting the Linguaskill test Session

Invigilators should follow the guidance in Section 8 of the New Linguaskill Test Day Instructions for

12.5 Completing the Attendance Register

For every candidate in the session(s) Invigilators will be required to complete the online Attendance
Register on the Cambridge English Test Portal, Metrica. Invigilators should follow the guidance in
Section 9 of the New Linguaskill Test Day Instructions for Invigilators.

Please note that completion and submission of the checks should be no later than 6 hours after
candidates have completed their test.

12.6 Incidents and dealing with emergencies

Everyone's safety is the top priority in an emergency.

Further information on dealing with emergencies and incidents can be found in the New Linguaskill Test
Day Instructions booklet which can be found in this support site article:
New Linguaskill: Test Day Instructions for Invigilators

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The Linguaskill test may continue if the emergency created a brief break and did not disturb the
candidates. If the incident causes a lengthy pause, then consider whether candidates and test day staff
can continue with the test or whether it should be postponed.

It might not be suitable to continue the test that day if the emergency caused any distress to candidates.
Invigilators are requested to get in touch with the Helpdesk if the test session cannot be completed on
the day or if further guidance is required.

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13.0 Special Considerations, Cancellations and Refunds

There may be instances where a candidate is unable to attend the Linguaskill test or is disadvantaged
on the test day owing to illness, injury, or other exceptional events outside of their control.

In these cases, we ask that the candidate makes the request in writing directly to yourselves for special
consideration. The candidate should provide supporting evidence, where available. You should then
consider the request and permit a postponement to a later opportunity or, in some cases, provide a
partial or full refund.

Linguaskill centres are responsible for processing special consideration requests from candidates. All
requests and outcomes must be recorded and be available on request.

Further information on Special Considerations can be found in this article on the support site:

New Linguaskill: Access Arrangements - Special Considerations

Under certain circumstances which are outside of your control, you may have to cancel or postpone the
Linguaskill test. These circumstances include, but may not be limited to, technical failure, venue issues,
extreme weather conditions, natural disaster, civil unrest, industrial action, global pandemic or for
reasons of force majeure. In these circumstances, you should provide as much notice as possible and
provide candidates with the choice of either a full refund, or a transfer to a future test date – whichever is

If a candidate is concerned by a decision following a request for special consideration, they can raise a
complaint which is detailed in the Cambridge complaints procedure here.

13.1 Cancellations and Refunds

Please see the Linguaskill cancellation and refund policy in this article on the support site:
New Linguaskill: Purchasing Test Credits and Viewing Test Credit Availability

Centres are required to inform candidates of their rights if you need to cancel a test and what your
requirements are if a candidate wants to cancel or transfer to another test date.

We can only provide refunds in rare cases where tests are purchased by mistake for the incorrect
product, and where 50+ tests were ordered. We are unable to refund tests that you decided not to use.
You should only purchase and allocate test credits that you intend to use for confirmed candidates.

See Section 12.2 regarding withdrawing candidates. Once an entry has been withdrawn the test credit
will become available again and can be used for a new entry. The following support article provides
steps on how to withdraw a candidate where the candidate did not attend or have a valid ID on the
Linguaskill test day.
New Linguaskill: Managing Candidate Registration and Entries

If you need to request a refund for any incorrect product purchased, please contact the helpdesk.

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13.2 Requesting refunds for Unmarkable Speaking Test

New Linguaskill Speaking tests have five parts. If three or more parts cannot be marked due to audio
quality issues, the test will be classed as Unmarkable. Results will appear as an asterisk (*), indicating
that it could not be marked.

Unmarkable Speaking tests are usually caused by incorrect equipment or microphone setup so please
make sure you follow our recommended steps before starting the test to avoid a Speaking test being
classed as unmarkable.

Details for the Speaking Test Setup can be found in this support site article:
New Linguaskill: Speaking Test Setup

In the unlikely event that a test is classed as unmarkable due to a technical error on our side, you may
request a replacement test credit using the form that can be found in the article link below.

Please note that we reserve the right to refuse issuing a replacement test credit where the problem was
caused by incorrect equipment or a failure to complete the test set-up procedure before the test.

Further information, including the form for requesting refunds for Unmarkable Speaking tests, can be
found in this article on the support site:

New Linguaskill: Refund requests for an unmarkable Speaking test

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14.0 New Linguaskill Results
Candidates will be able to view, download and share their results via the Cambridge English Test Portal,

Results will be available 3-5 days after the test. However, it is recommended that candidates check back
regularly as results can often be released ahead of schedule.

Although we make every effort to ensure that results are issued promptly, in certain circumstances, such
as a malpractice investigation or a technical issue, results may be issued later, are withheld or we are
unable to provide an assessment of the responses.

We reserve the right to amend results. We may also withdraw results in instances of malpractice.

14.1 Accessing results

Candidates can access their results with their login to the Cambridge English Test Portal, Metrica.

For further information on how candidates can access and share their results, or download their digital
Certificate please see this support site article:

New Linguaskill: View, download and share results

The New Linguaskill Test Manager and Results user roles provides access to the Detailed Group Report
and the Result Enquiry Report. Further details on these result reports and how to access them in the
Cambridge English Test Portal, Metrica can be found in this support site article:
New Linguaskill: Results Report

14.2 New Linguaskill result classifications

New Linguaskill results are shown with a Cambridge English Scale score and a Common European
Framework of Reference (CEFR) Level for each skill tested. The CEFR is the international benchmark
for describing language ability and means that New Linguaskill results can be compared to international

An average Cambridge English Scale score and associated CEFR level will also be provided. There is
also an explanation of what each score means in terms of English language ability so candidates can
see where they have performed well, and where they may need to improve.

For further information on the New Linguaskill Result Classifications please see this support site article:

New Linguaskill: Results Explained

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14.3 Malpractice

Malpractice is any attempt to breach test security and obtain a fraudulent result that is not a true
reflection of the candidate’s level of English. Attempts to commit malpractice may take place before,
during or after the test. It is important to note that most malpractice occurs during the test itself.

Cambridge reserves the right to not issue a result or to disqualify a candidate, where our rules and
regulations have not been followed and where we believe that an attempt has been made to engage in

We value the integrity and reliability of our tests. New Linguaskill Invigilators and examiners assist with
detecting and reporting attempts to breach test security and obtain a fraudulent result. This article on the
support site provides further guidance and advice around malpractice:
New Linguaskill: Malpractice and Disqualification of Results

Further support and training on Malpractice can be found in this support site article.

Candidates should be referred to the New Linguaskill: Candidate Terms and Conditions, these state
that a candidate will not receive a result if they are found to have been involved in malpractice or where
Cambridge English does not consider the scores to be a reliable indicator of their ability. Cambridge
English reserves the right to cancel Linguaskill test results for the entire Linguaskill test session, if it
considers our rules and regulations were breached for any of the modules and/or the scores are not
valid due to malpractice. Candidates have the right to appeal, via their Linguaskill Centre, against any
decision relating to malpractice.

Candidates are not entitled to a refund if their results are cancelled or withheld due to malpractice.

It is the responsibility of the Linguaskill test centre to inform candidates when their result is being
investigated and subsequently released, and when they have been disqualified. Candidates should be
provided with a letter detailing their disqualification. Template Letters are provided in this support site
article: New Linguaskill: Malpractice and Disqualification of Results

14.4 New Linguaskill digital Certificate

The New Linguaskill digital certificate can be downloaded by the candidate when they are accessing
their results on the Cambridge English Test Portal, Metrica.

Candidates who score between B1 and C2 will be able to download and share their New Linguaskill
certificate. They have the option to choose specific results by test date or use my ‘Best Score’.

The Certificate will only show test results for B1 or above, and if the candidate doesn’t achieve that level
(Below B1), then the test result will not be included. To confirm, a “Below B1” result will not be included
on the certificate, because the minimum level was not reached.

For further information on the features of the New Linguaskill Certificate please see this support site
New Linguaskill: The New Linguaskill Digital Certificate

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14.5 Re-Sitting Modules and My Best Score
When a candidate’s results are available, they can look at their scores, and decide whether to try again
for a better result. They can do this immediately, or after having studied further. A candidate can re-sit
any module for Linguaskill again.

The candidate can choose their best score achieved – a unique Linguaskill feature called My Best
Score. This means that candidates don’t have to practice all four skills again to ensure they pass the
test. Instead, they can concentrate solely on improving the skills they need.

For the result of the re-sit to be linked to the original test, it must be taken with the same login. It's also
necessary for the candidate to sit the components under the same Institution ID/centre number (e.g.

Test results are available via the Cambridge English Test Portal, Metrica indefinitely. Candidates should
check with the appropriate Recognising Organisation for how long they accept results.

Candidates can select either 'My Best Score' or 'Available Linguaskill Results' from a specific test date
to show on their Linguaskill digital Certificate. For further information please see this support site article:
New Linguaskill: Re-sitting a Linguaskill Module and My Best Score

14.6 Recognising Organisations

Linguaskill is recognised by many universities, employers and governments around the world for study
and work purposes. Each will set its own requirements, so we request that Linguaskill Centres refer
candidates to the appropriate recognising organisation for further information on requirements.
Recognising organisations (ROs) are organisations that recognise Linguaskill and use Linguaskill as
confirmation of a candidate’s level of English.

Candidates can choose to share their result directly to a Recognising Organisation by following the
steps in the Candidate Instructions Booklet. Please see this support site article for a copy of the booklet:
New Linguaskill: Candidate Instructions Booklet

The instructions for sharing a candidate result are also provided in this support site article:
New Linguaskill: View, download and share results

New Linguaskill results are shown for each module and an average result is calculated from the
modules taken on each test date, and My Best Score (where applicable). Please note that the Average
result calculation will not include the following statuses:
• Below B1
• * (Asterisk) score
• Pending
• Disqualified.

These statuses will not appear in My Best Score and ‘Pending’ or ‘Disqualified’ statuses will prevent
results from the same test day being shared or appearing in My Best Score.

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15.0 New Linguaskill Enquiry on Results & Appeals

15.1 Enquiry on Results (EoR)

If a candidate believes that Cambridge English has awarded an incorrect result for their Speaking or
Writing test, they can request an Enquiry on Results. Enquiries on Results are not available for Listening
and Reading due to the adaptive nature of these tests.

If the candidate’s Speaking or Writing test was 100% auto-marked, Cambridge will complete the Enquiry
on Results for free. This constitutes the candidates right to request a human review of a 100% auto-
marked test. In these cases, the centre will inform the candidate and reimburse any fees accordingly.

The test centre should discuss the result enquiry process with the candidate and submit the form on the
candidate’s behalf no later than 28 days of them taking the test.

There is a fee for the Enquiry on Result process. Where an Enquiry on Results leads to a change of
result the fee will be waived. It is the responsibility of the centre to take payment from the candidate for
an Enquiry on Results and provide any refund to the candidate where applicable.

Linguaskill Centres should advise candidates on the procedure, date by which requests for Enquiries on
Results should be made and the fee for the service.

The Enquiry on Results form and instructions can be found in this support site article:
New Linguaskill: Enquiry on Results - EoR

15.2 Appeals
A Linguaskill candidate can appeal against decisions affecting Linguaskill test results for the following:
• a decision relating to the outcome of an Enquiry on Results
• a decision relating to a malpractice investigation
• a decision relating to any reasonable adjustments made for Access Arrangements, such as Special
Arrangements and Special Considerations.

The appeals process is not concerned with making judgements about a candidates work in the test, and
an appeal will not normally involve re-marking or reassessment of a candidates work.

Please discuss with your candidate what the Appeals process involves, the fees and timeline.
Candidates who wish to request an appeal should do so no later than 21 days from an outcome of EOR
or a decision on either malpractice or reason adjustments. Once the fee has been paid, you will need to
complete the Appeal form.

An Independent Reviewer will:

• confirm that during the course of reaching the decision, Cambridge used procedures which were
consistent with the it’s code of practice and applied the procedures properly and fairly.
• detail any issues that are not resolved.

The outcome will be provided to you no later than 10 weeks from the date we received the appeal,
which you can then send to the candidate.
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Please note: It is the centres responsibility to take payment for a candidate appeal. If an appeal decision
is upheld, we will refund you the appeal fee which you should return to the candidate. In the case of a
malpractice decision being upheld the candidate's result will be released.

The Appeal form and instructions can be found in this support site article:
New Linguaskill: Appeals

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16.0 Customer Service and Complaints

16.1 Managing Candidate Expectations

Linguaskill Centres should continuously deliver the highest quality of customer service, whilst managing
candidate expectations. Candidates should be provided with clear information on the Linguaskill test,
• details on the venue, test date, times, prices, breaks, format and any further requirements
• Login details and associated documents, by ensuring that the email is sent from the Cambridge
English Test Portal, Metrica to the candidate when they are entered for the session.

Inform candidates about your Centre’s terms and conditions, for instance relating to non-payment of
fees, outstanding fees, arriving late for the test, additional support. You should inform candidates to
arrive early on the test day to assist with pre-test candidate checks and confirm that candidates will be
withdrawn from the session if they have not arrived at the required time.

Your centre terms and conditions should also make it clear to candidates what to expect on the test day,
for instance what to bring/not to bring on the test day etc.

Centres are required to inform candidates of their rights if you need to cancel a test and what your
requirements are if a candidate wants to cancel or transfer to another test date.

16.2 Offering great service

Great customer service means following best practices, such as promptly responding to customer
queries and providing supportive staff. During holiday periods, make sure you have staff available to
answer queries or provide alternative contact arrangements, so candidates know who to contact via
telephone or email.

Candidates should know how to contact your centre if they have questions about amendments, login
details, accessing and sharing results, results queries and malpractice concerns.

16.3 Complaints
Linguaskill centres are responsible for managing candidate complaints. Linguaskill centres should have
a complaints policy, which is made clear to candidates.

If a candidate wishes to complain, they should raise this with you on the day of the test or as soon as
possible after the test. You should investigate their complaint and provide a response. If a candidate
subsequently wishes to raise the complaint directly with us, they should contact the Helpdesk. When we
receive a complaint, we normally contact the Centre and ask for details of your investigation into the
issues raised.

We will request candidate feedback as part of the Linguaskill test and may also conduct further surveys
to elicit candidate responses on their experience.

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17.0 Inspections and Audits

To preserve the quality and integrity of the Linguaskill test, we will be implementing a Linguaskill
Inspection and audit programme. All Linguaskill centres will be subject to announced/unannounced
centre inspections and audits. This is to ensure that all candidates experience similar Linguaskill test
conditions and to make sure that no candidate is either unfairly advantaged or disadvantaged.

17.1 Inspections
The Inspection programme will look at sending Inspectors, appointed by Cambridge, to visit Linguaskill
Centres and their venues on the test day to evaluate the following and to advise Centre staff

Inspectors will observe the test administration in one or more rooms. They will also ask invigilation staff
some questions. Inspectors have the right to check the candidates’ photo IDs and ask candidates
questions about their identity.

All our Inspectors are trained to record fair and accurate findings and to provide a supportive role
towards Centres, encouraging improvement where it is needed.

As most inspections are unannounced visits, we expect centres to ensure that venues are set up
correctly, with full addresses and linked to the correct sessions. This is to ensure that Inspectors can be
at the right venue at the right time.

Further information will be provided around this requirement in due course.

17.2 Centre Audits

A Centre Audit is a meeting between a Cambridge English staff member and you/your team to discuss
compliance with test day and non-test day regulations. These audits will be arranged with you in
advance and may last for 3-4 hours depending on the topics covered. You will know in advance what
the auditor would like to discuss. We encourage you to take the opportunity to ask any questions you
may have about our regulations or your own procedures.

Further information will be provided around this requirement in due course.

Reference: Linguaskill Standards Manual Status/Version: 1.0 Date: 07/04/2024

Owner: Senior Delivery Manager MLT Classification: External Page 40 of 40

© 2024 Cambridge University Press & Assessment
All details are correct at the time of going to print in May 2024. ENG/9672/V1/JAN24

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