Final Demo LP

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V

School Division of Sorsogon

Irosin, Sorsogon

At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
A. distinguish the difference between the literary languages and non -literary languages.
B. Identify the non-literary language and literary language in a poem.
C. show appreciation of the use of literary languages and non-literary language and their
formal features and conventions of literature



CODE: (EN12Lit-IIe-34):
CONCEPT: distinguish the literary uses of language from the non-literary and
understand their use as well as the formal features and conventions of literature.
VALUES INTEGRATION: dedication, optimism and good communication
A. Laptop
B. PowerPoint Presentation
C. Visual Aids
D. Chalk


A. GREETINGS: Students:
Happy Morning! Sir, Harven.
Happy morning class!

Anyone who would want to lead the prayer? In the name of the Father…


before taking your seats, kindly check your place if there is

any piece of paper below your chairs and put it into the
trash can.

any absentees today?
Students: No, Sir!
Ok class! You may now take your seat.


In the previous journey, you have learned the different

genres of literature. Specially, the discussion focused on
the difference between comedy and tragedy.

What is Comedy and Tragedy?

Comedy is a literary piece that is dramatic
but amusing or entertaining at the same
time. The mood of the story is light and it
always has a happy ending.

While tragedy is a literary genre that after

tells a sad story on suffering and
misfortune. The death of the main or any
major character is its most common plot.


Today, we will do another journey. Let us begin!

It’s time for us to explore Come and let us enjoy the little
Waves that will come our Way. HUNG ON!

DIRECTIONS: Figure out the phrase that the pictures in

set 1 and set 2 want to represent. Once you figured it out,



Now we are moving to the ocean of Learnings.

In this phrase of our journey. I will be showing you an image
and youSECOND
have to create
SETyour own sentences using the given image

Posted Picture Learner

s Answers
Answers may vary

How are the phrases you formed using the pictures in

the first set different from the phrases you formed in the

second set? When you used them in the sentence,

In every word there could be two languages that may
be used literally which just can be used in delivering
which phrases mean exactly
an information like the words
or figuratively formed
which mayand
create a
very dramatic effect that can be used in literature.
which phrases
These take
a different
what wemeaning?



Imagine, you would like to make a fruit salad

and found in the following instructions, which one
is easier to follow? Please take a look.

Instruction 1 Instruction 2
• Prepare different kinds of
fruits size such as: Papaya, • Prepare different kinds of
Watermelon, Melon, Peach, parts of plants which has
Mango and Kiwi seed in it such as: Papaya,
• Cut them according to your Watermelon, Melon,
desire size Peach, Mango and Kiwi
• Mix them in a glass bowl • Use a sharp tool such a
and pour condensed milk knife to reduce the size
and allpurpose cream according to your desire
together proportion.
• After mixing the fruits and • Combine the ingredients
the cream, put them inside in a bowl made of a
the fridge and leave it there mixture of silicates
for an hour or so material and pour an
Prepare and enjoy the fruit salad evaporated milk but
added with sugar in it and
a cream suited for many
• After combining the fruits
and the milk added sugar
and also the cream suited
for all purpose, put them
inside an appliance for
keeping food or items
cool and leave it there for
an hour or so.
• When the combination of
parts of plants with seed
in it and the mixture of
cream, you may now
ingest, chew and digest
and enjoy the mixture
you made.

Which of the two instructions do you prefer?
Instruction no.1, Sir!

Indeed, it is easier to understand the first instruction on

how to make a salad because it uses words that we
normally use in everyday life
It makes the instruction easier to understand. Right? Yes, Sir!

Ok, Now let’s proceed

In English language we have two different kinds of language:

The Non-Literary Language and Literary Language.

Non-Literary Language
This is the language which primary purpose
is to give information in precise and accurate ways.
Just like what we have between the instructions 1 and 2,
Instructions 1 gives us the specific language so that we
could understand it well.
The purpose of Non-literary language is to deliver
and send a direct message for the readers.
This is mostly the language we use
in our everyday lives in ways for us to:

 Transact and negotiate relationships

 Transact and negotiate goods and services
 Report on things, events and issues
 Give directions
 Explain
 Analyze
 Argue
 Persuade
 Give opinions

Literary Language
is the language that commonly found in literature. This is the
language that we use when we want to deliver a sentence in very creative way
or artistic way. It is best to avoid using this kind of language in everyday
context to avoid confusion and distraction of a reader or listener from what
the sender is trying to say.

Literary Language is the language that commonly found

in literature. This is the language that we use when we want to
deliver a sentence in very creative way or artistic way. It is best to
avoid using this kind of language in everyday context to avoid
confusion and distraction of a reader or listener from what the
sender is trying to say.
These are the words that use symbolism, metaphors, and
other figurative sense of meaning. In contrary with non-literary, literary
language is using an intelligent and usually formal tone or quality of
This language is in aesthetic, imaginative and engaging
ways and the main purpose are to entertain, to move, to express and
reinforce cultural identity and to reflect one’s view and personality
such as:

 Narrative
 Non-Narrative
 Imaginative recount
 Fairytale
 Cultural story
 Poetry
 Dramatic role-play
 Songs

After the discussion, we are now approaching our destination but before that
let us try this.

DIRECTIONS: Read the poem entitled the “Taj Mahal” written by

Sahir Ludhianvi (translated by Mustansir Dalvi). Pick five lines with
literary language and write your interpretation of the lines on your
quiz notebook/paper and give the non-literal language of each.

TAJ MAHAL by Sahir Ludhianvi (translated by Mustansir Dalvi)

For you, my love, the Taj

may well be the quintessence
of ardour; while full well
may you regard
this exquisite vale. Even so,
dear one, let us meet
someplace else.

What worth, these lowly ones,

loitering in the halls of the lords,
where on every path lie etched
remains of pomp and glory?
What worth then, the passing
of lovelorn souls?

My love, behind the veils

of love’s proud proclamations,
did you see the signs
of imperious grandeur?
You, who revel
in mausoleums of dead kings,
did you not heed the dark hovels
that fostered us?

Beyond count are those, in this world

who have lived and loved.
Could anyone deny the truth
of their passions?
But they, like us, stay destitute,
without the means
to erect monuments to their love.

These edifices, these tombs,

these battlements, these forts,
haughty relics
of the conceit of emperors
are left behind like resilient creepers
on the face of the world,
seeped in the blood
of our forefathers.

My love, those artful hands

who created this beauty
would have lived
and loved too; but their lovers
are long gone, nameless,
without a trace.
To this day, no one has lit
a candle in their memory.

The lush gardens and palaces,

the Yamuna’s edge;
the exquisitely carved portals,
the arches and niches,
the handiwork of the one
emperor who, buttress’d
by infinite wealth
has mocked our very love,
our impoverish'd, destitute love.

Even so, my love,

let us meet
someplace else.


Let us go back. If you were not able to overcome the waves of the ocean, you
have to go back so that you may endure the strong wind and big waves. Students:
In every word, there
could be two languages
What did you learn today? that may be used;
language that we use in
our everyday
conversation. This is the
language that we can
easily understand
because they are just
simple and very straight
to the point.

language that we use
when we want to deliver
a sentence in very
dramatic or artistic
ways. This language is
really important in
literature. When we
want to express
ourselves in very
creative way, we can
really use Literary
Language. When we
want to make a poem or
song, literary language
shall be used.

Very Good!

DIRECTIONS: Choose and darken the circle corresponding to the letter of

your best answer for each item.

1. Joshua wants to talk to her grandmother about the journey what he had last
week. What kind of language will he use if he wants to be understood
A. literary
C. formal
D. universal

2. . Below are the main purposes of using literary language except for one.
Which is it? entertain
B. to move express
D. To use in every day’s live

3. The purposes of Non-literary language are except for one. Which is it?
A. explain
B. analyze
C. reinforce cultural identity
D. argue

4. Which of the following is using literary language?

A. It is so hot today.
B. Are you coming to the party on Friday night?
C. I am walking in the parade of tears while sending you home.
D. My mother went to the market this morning to buy different
kinds of vegetables for the ingredients of her recipe.


DIRECTIONS: Read and Reflect on the poem of Sahir Ludhianvi entitled

TAJ MAHAL on how he describes his love for his beloved. On one clean
bond paper, draw your symbolism of love and explain it using both non-
literary and literary language

Your Drawing:

Prepared by:
Harven Lim Dineros

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