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Harry Pearce (690994)

For this project I created logos for a publisher. We had to either use the names of the logos given in the brief or to
create two of our own. I chose two of the logos in the brief which were ‘Lazy Bear’ and ‘Cat Hut’ because I couldn’t
think of any other logo names myself. I ended up creating two neat and simple publisher logos. As this was a mini
project, I felt it was too short and it felt kind of rushed as it was only for one day. I feel I didn’t have enough time to
think carefully enough about this and I feel like this is one of my weaknesses. Next time, I will try my best not to
focus too much on the details and make sure it is something I can create in one day. I feel like for this short project, I
underachieved because I struggled to stay calm and got stressed out and wasn’t thinking correctly. I didn’t enjoy this
project as it was so short, and I only had one day. This made me stressed out, as all I could think of was finishing it
as fast as possible.

It turns out in the end I did surprisingly well with the outcomes for this project. I was kind of impressed with myself
that I was able to achieve something like this. I feel my outcomes for this project fitted with the brief and I ended up
with two simple and unique publisher logos. To be honest, I really like how they looked! I think the most effective
design is the ‘Lazy Bear’ rather than the ‘Cat Hut’. I think both the logos are effective because of how simple and
clear they are.

At the start, all of us needed to create twelve sketches, drawing for one minute for each. For the sketches, we had to
draw as quickly as possible. By only having one minute, this tested our skills to be able to create a logo that doesn’t
have too much detail in it. This was a real challenge for some of us. When we finished sketching, we scanned and
uploaded them to illustrator so that we could start adding colour and text to the logos. I really enjoyed working on
the ‘Lazy Bear’ design, I think it looked simple and unique and suitable as a publishing logo. If I had more time, I
would change the colours of ‘Cat Hut’, as although it looks interesting in black and white I think in colour it would
probably look way more vibrant.

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