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1. Pamoja Public Procurement Services Agency

Over the last five years, nine county governments in Kenya have transferred an increasing
number of procurement competences to the national government Public Procurement Services
Agency at national level. The transferred sections include; transport, energy, water and waste
management, and economic development. To be more efficient, the decision was made to
merge several procurement teams from the nine county governments, including the public
procurement teams from national government. Together the procurement budget for the nine
counties is around Kenyan shillings. 130 billion per year. An accounting officer of a given
county government who is the procuring entity, may procure from or utilize the services of the
Agency established. All procuring entities of the national government shall obtain all common
user items from the suppliers contracted by the Agency and may use a framework agreement
from the Agency to enter into direct contracts with the suppliers or contractors.

a) In reference to the case study above, evaluate five roles performed by Pamoja Public
Procurement Services Agency. (10 marks)
b) Assess five major benefits that individual county government will get for forwarding their
procurement functions to Pamoja Public Procurement Services Agency. (10 marks)
c) Propose four sources of funds for Pamoja Public Procurement Services Agency. (8 marks)

2. a) Explain five external factors in public procurement. (10 marks)

b) Analyse four major sections of the PPADA ACT 2015 highlighting there main objectives.
(8 marks)
3. a) Explain five challenges of engaging international suppliers in public procurement.
(10 marks)
b) Evaluate four challenges in public procurement and their recommendations. (8 marks)

4. a) Differentiate between goods, services & works giving relevant examples. (10marks)

b) Discuss four inappropriate influence practices on evaluation of submitted tenders that can
amount to unethical behavior. (8 marks)

5. a) Examine five advantages of using Integrated Financial Management Information Systems

b) Enumerate four documents used in international procurement. (4 marks)
c) Assess two main challenges of using foreign exchange rates. (4marks)
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6. a) Propose four types of materials that qualify to be disposed in a procurement department.
(5 marks)
b) Outline five drivers of international sourcing. (5 marks)

c) Assess four factors that determine the choice of multimodal combination to use. (8 marks)

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