02 Laboratory Exercise 1

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Laboratory Exercise
Best Modern Computing Technology

At the end of the exercise, the students should be able to:

▪ Compare modern computing technologies based on their functions.


▪ Internet Connection
▪ MS Word

Instructions: (50 points)

1. Choose two (2) modern computing technologies based on the functions that appeal to you the

I have selected two modern computing technologies for comparison: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and

2. Conduct individual research on the two (2) modern computing technologies based on the following

Artificial Intelligence (AI):

Everyday life application: AI is used in virtual assistants, recommendation systems, healthcare

diagnostics, and more.
Number of users/companies using the technology: AI is used by numerous companies and individuals
Benefits to various industries: AI benefits industries like healthcare, finance, and e-commerce through
improved diagnostics, algorithmic trading, and personalized recommendations.
Impact on current technological advancements: AI drives innovations in robotics, natural language
processing, and automation.

Everyday life application: Blockchain is used in cryptocurrencies, supply chain management, voting
systems, and identity verification.
Number of users/companies using the technology: Blockchain adoption is growing, especially in
finance and logistics sectors.
Benefits to various industries: Blockchain enhances transparency, security, and trust in transactions,
reducing fraud and errors.
Impact on current technological advancements: Blockchain fuels innovations in decentralized finance
(DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and raises discussions on digital privacy and security.
3. Determine which is better than the other based on comparing the pointers above:

The choice between AI and Blockchain as the "better" technology depends on specific needs and
goals. AI has a broader range of everyday applications and is adopted by numerous industries, driving
technological advancements. Blockchain excels in ensuring transparency and security in transactions,
particularly in finance and supply chain management, and also influences financial innovations and
data security.

4. Conclude the research in no less than ten sentences:

In conclusion, both AI and Blockchain are valuable modern computing technologies, each with its own
strengths. AI's versatility and widespread adoption make it suitable for a wide range of applications
and industries. It continues to drive technological advancements in areas like robotics, natural
language processing, and automation. On the other hand, Blockchain is exceptional in enhancing trust
and security in transactions, particularly in sectors where these attributes are critical, such as finance
and supply chain management. Its impact extends to innovations in decentralized finance (DeFi) and
non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and triggers discussions on digital privacy and security. The choice
between the two depends on the specific requirements and objectives of users or industries. Both
technologies will continue to shape the future of computing and contribute to technological
advancements in their respective domains.

Performance Standards Points
The conclusion included a justified comparison of the two (2) modern computing technologies. 30
The student emphasized the pointers in their explanation. 10
The conclusion is explained in no less than ten sentences. 10
Total 50
02 Laboratory Exercise 1 *Property of STI
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