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2 Look at the diagram.

It shows part of the Periodic Table.

(a) Write down the chemical symbol for an element that has an electronic structure with a full
outer orbit.


(b) Write down the chemical symbol for the most reactive Group 7 (or 17) element shown in
the Periodic Table.


(c) Write down the chemical symbol for the element which is in Group 2 and Period 3.


(d) Which scientist suggested the idea that atoms have a nucleus?

Circle the correct answer.

Dalton Darwin Galileo Rutherford


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Question Answer Marks Further Information

2(a) He or Ne or Ar 1 Accept helium or neon or argon, but symbol takes


(b) F 1 Accept fluorine, but symbol takes precedence

(c) Mg 1 Accept magnesium, but symbol takes precedence

(d) 1 more then one answer circled = 0 marks

Dalton Darwin Galileo Rutherford

Page 4 of 18

5 Priya investigates the reaction between zinc and hydrochloric acid.

The diagram shows the equipment she uses.

puts 1 g of powdered zinc into the flask
adds 25 cm3 of hydrochloric acid
collects the gas made in two minutes
repeats the experiment two more times using pieces of zinc of different sizes.

Priya writes down her results.

powdered zinc = 80 cm3 of gas

large pieces of zinc = 6 cm3 of gas

small pieces of zinc = 36 cm3 of gas

(a) Complete this table to present her results.


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(b) Write down the variable Priya changes in her investigation.


(c) Write a conclusion for her investigation.

Explain your answer.


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Question Answer Marks Further Information

5(a) 3 correct headings of size and volume = 1 mark

volume (of gas collected) Accept type of zinc or form of zinc or zinc used
size of zinc
in cm3
powdered 80 Note zinc unqualified is not sufficient

large pieces 6 Accept any order but volume and size must
small pieces 36
units of cm3 for volume written in the heading =
1 mark

Ignore units written within the table – the unit must

be in the heading.

data correctly added = 1 mark

(b) size of zinc or surface area 1 Accept form of zinc or type of zinc

Do not accept amount of zinc or mass of zinc

unless it is an ecf from 5(a)

Accept ecf from heading of left-hand column of 5(a)

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8 Oliver investigates light rays.

(a) (i) Complete the diagram to show what happens when a light ray hits a plane mirror.


(ii) Complete the diagram to show what happens when a light ray passes through a
glass block.


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(b) When white light passes through a prism, it is split into the colours of the rainbow.

Write down the name of this process.


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Question Answer Marks Further Information

8(a)(i) 1 angle of incidence approximately equal to angle of

reflection by eye = 1 mark

Note angle should be between 45 and 33°

Note – if arrow is included it must be correct

Note the line must be straight

Do not accept more than one reflected ray

(a)(ii) 2 glass block – first refracted ray bends towards

normal = 1 mark

Note first refracted ray travelling along normal = 0


second refracted ray bends away from normal =

1 mark

Note the line must be straight for 2 marks

Ignore arrows on rays

Ignore second normal if drawn

Ignore any reflected rays drawn

(b) dispersion 1 Ignore refraction

Do not accept diffraction

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11 Rajiv draws the magnetic field pattern for a weak bar magnet.

(a) Write down the names of the parts labelled N and S.

and [1]

(b) Which sentences about the magnetic field pattern for a weak bar magnet are correct?

Tick ( ) the three correct sentences.

Each field line has at least one arrow.

Each field line is continuous.

The field lines are all the same length.

The field lines come out of N and go into S.

The field lines cross over each other.


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(c) Rajiv has a strong bar magnet.

Look at the magnetic field pattern for his strong bar magnet.

Describe one way the magnetic field pattern for the strong bar magnet is different from the
pattern for the weak bar magnet.


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Question Answer Marks Further Information

11(a) north (pole) and south (pole) 1 both needed either order for the mark

(b) Each field line has at least one arrow. 2 all three correct ticks = 2 marks

two correct ticks = 1 mark

Each field line is continuous.
one or no correct ticks = 0 marks

The field lines are all the same length.

The field lines come out of N and go into S.

The field lines cross over each other.

(c) magnetic field lines are close(r) together or more magnetic field 1 Accept a lot of field lines compared to
lines or magnetic field lines are more concentrated weak bar magnet

Accept lines for magnetic field lines

Page 16 of 18

2 Pierre reacts metal compounds and acids to make three different salts.

The table shows the metal compounds and the acids Pierre uses.

(a) Complete the table to show the salts the reactions make.

metal compound acid salt made

calcium carbonate nitric acid

sodium hydroxide sulfuric acid

potassium hydroxide hydrochloric acid


(b) When calcium carbonate reacts with nitric acid a gas is made.

Write down the name of this gas.


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Question Answer Marks Further Information

2(a) 3 full name of each correct salt = 1 mark

salt made Accept correct formulae Ca(NO3) 2, Na 2SO4,


Note if name and formula given both must be

calcium correct
Do not accept calcium nitride

Accept sodium sulphate

Do not accept sodium sulfide or sodium
sulfate sulfurate

chloride Do not accept potassium chlorine or
potassium chlorite

(b) carbon dioxide 1 Accept CO2, but name takes precedence

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8 The diagram shows an atom of hydrogen.

The nucleus contains only one particle.

(a) Complete the labels on the diagram.


(b) Write down the chemical symbol for hydrogen. [1]

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

8(a) 2 each correct answer = 1 mark

Accept electrons

Accept protons

Do not accept neutrons in the nucleus

(b) H 1 Ignore H2

Do not accept h

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11 Gasoline burns in oxygen to make carbon dioxide and water.

Circle two words that describe this reaction.









12 The diagram shows fungi growing on a piece of wood.

Fungi are decomposers.

What are decomposers?

Why are decomposers important?


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Question Answer Marks Further Information

11 displacement 2 three circled and two correct = 1 mark

endothermic three circled and one correct = 0 marks

exothermic more than three circled = 0 marks




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15 Potassium is an element in Group 1 of the Periodic Table.

(a) Look at the word equation.

potassium + water potassium hydroxide + hydrogen

Write down the name of one product of this reaction.


(b) Look at the order of the elements in Group 1 of the Periodic Table.

Li lithium

Na sodium


Rb rubidium

Cs caesium

Fr francium

(i) What is the chemical symbol for potassium?

Circle the correct answer.

K N Na P Po

(ii) Predict which Group 1 element reacts the fastest with water. [1]

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

A B C D E 1 more than one answer circled = 0 marks

same pressure 1

Question Answer Marks Further Information

15(a) potassium hydroxide or hydrogen 1 Accept KOH or H2, but name takes

(b)(i) 1 more than one answer circled = 0 marks

K N Na P Po

(b)(ii) francium 1 Accept Fr, but if symbol and name given

they must both be correct

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5 Sulfur is an element.

(a) Write down the chemical symbol for sulfur. [1]

(b) Sulfides are compounds that contain sulfur.

(i) Write down the element that all chlorides contain. [1]

(ii) A compound has this chemical formula.

Write down the names of the three elements in this compound.


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Question Answer Marks Further Information

5(a) S 1

5(b)(i) chlorine 1

5(b)(ii) 2 all three correct any order = 2 marks

two correct any order = 1 mark

one correct = 0 marks

sodium Accept natrium


oxygen Do not accept oxide

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9 Carlos investigates the temperature change during some reactions.

measures 20 cm3 of a liquid in a measuring cylinder
puts the liquid in a plastic cup and measures the temperature of the liquid
adds a solid to the liquid and stirs
measures the temperature of the mixture
repeats this experiment with different solids and different liquids.

(a) Carlos puts too much liquid in the measuring cylinder.

Look at the diagram of the measuring cylinder and the liquid.

How much liquid does Carlos remove to get the 20 cm3 he needs?

cm3 [1]

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(b) Here are his results.

temperature temperature
change in is the reaction
liquid of liquid at of mixture at
solid added temperature exothermic or
used start end
in C endothermic?
in C in C

sulfate 19 30

ethanoic 19 12 –7

carbonate 18 14

sulfuric 18 34

(i) Calculate the change in temperature for each reaction.

One has been done for you.

Write your answers in the table. [1]

(ii) Which mixture of liquid and solid releases the most energy?



(iii) Complete the table by writing endothermic or exothermic in the last column. [1]

(c) Carlos is not sure all his results are reliable.

What does Carlos do to make his results more reliable?


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Question Answer Marks Further Information

9(a) 1.5 (cm3) 1

9(b)(i) 1 all three correct = 1 mark

change in
in oC
( 7)
Note the negative sign must be included but
4 positive signs can be missing


9(b)(ii) (liquid) (dilute) sulfuric acid 1 both needed for mark

(solid) magnesium (ribbon)

9(b)(iii) is the reaction 1 all four correct = 1 mark

exothermic or
endothermic? Note no ecf from (b)(ii)

9(c) repeat his investigation 1 Accept check the results

Page 12 of 16

3 Lily wants to make zinc sulfate.

She uses zinc and dilute sulfuric acid.
Look at the steps she takes.
They are not in the correct order.

A – Add zinc powder to the warm dilute sulfuric acid until no more zinc reacts.
B – Evaporate the solution until some crystals start to appear.
C – Place 25 cm3 of dilute sulfuric acid into a beaker.
D – Leave the solution to completely crystallise.
E – Place the filtrate of zinc sulfate solution into an evaporating basin.
F – Filter the contents of the beaker to remove unreacted zinc.
G – Warm the dilute sulfuric acid.

(a) Write the letters to show the steps in the correct order.
Two have been done for you.


(b) When zinc reacts with dilute sulfuric acid a gas is made.

Write down the name of this gas.


(c) When Lily uses hotter dilute sulfuric acid the reaction is faster.
Explain why.
Use ideas about particles and collisions.


(d) What equipment does Lily use to accurately measure 25 cm3 of dilute sulfuric acid?


(e) Identify one safety hazard in this experiment.


Describe how this safety hazard is reduced.

reduced by


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Question Answer Marks Further Information

3(a) 2 G and A correct = 1 mark

(C) G A (F) E B D
E, B and D correct = 1 mark

3(b) hydrogen 1

3(c) particles have more energy / particles move faster 2 each correct answer = 1 mark

more collisions (per second) Accept more collisions per second or greater
collision frequency = 2 marks

Accept more successful collisions = 2 marks

3(d) measuring cylinder 1 Accept (graduated or volumetric) pipette or


3(e) any one from 2

sulfuric acid is corrosive or sulfuric acid causes Accept sulfuric acid is an irritant
(chemical) burns or sulfuric acid is dangerous to eyes or
sulfuric acid splashing into eyes Accept sulfuric acid is harmful

powdered zinc is dangerous to eyes Accept zinc powder irritates the skin

heated solutions may spit or heated solution may splash

hot equipment can burn hands

then any one from

wear goggles / eye protection

wear gloves Accept laboratory coats

use tongs Ignore facemask

Page 6 of 16

4 Gabriella investigates light.

(a) Gabriella shines white light through a magenta filter.

(i) Circle the correct statement about the magenta filter.

transmits blue and green light

transmits blue and red light

transmits green and red light

transmits no light

transmits white light


(ii) Gabriella shines blue light and green light onto blue paper.

Describe what happens to the blue light and the green light.

blue light

green light

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(b) Gabriella shines white light onto a glass prism.

Write down the name of this process.


5 Vertebrates are classified into different groups.

Draw a straight line from each group of vertebrates to match the best description of that group.

Draw only two lines.


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Question Answer Marks Further Information

4(a)(i) transmits blue and green light 1 more than one answer circled = 0 marks

transmits blue and red light

transmits green and red light

transmits no light

transmits white light

4(a)(ii) (blue light) is reflected 2

(green light) is absorbed

4(b) dispersion 1

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8 Oliver compares the energy in different types of food.

He burns the food and uses the energy released to heat water.

(a) Complete the sentence about the energy transferred when the food burns.

The energy in the food is transferred into light, sound and

energy. [2]

(b) Oliver uses the same volume of water in the test-tube for each food he burns.

This makes it a fair test.

Tick ( ) three more things Oliver does to make it a fair test.

always starts with cold water at 10 °C

mixes and burns all the food together

burns the same mass of food

keeps the burning food the same distance from the test-tube

uses the same type of food

writes down the colour of the food


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(c) Oliver burns each food.

He measures the increase in temperature of the water.

Here are his results.

increase in temperature
food of water
in °C
bread 6

cereal 8

marshmallow 10

biscuit 12

popcorn 3

Oliver draws a bar chart.

One of the bars is wrong.

Write down which bar is wrong. [1]

(d) Which food contains the most energy?

Give a reason for your answer.




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Question Answer Marks Further Information

8(a) The chemical energy in the food is transferred into 2 each correct answer = 1 mark
light, sound and thermal/heat energy.

8(b) 2 all three correct = 2 marks

always starts with cold water at 10 °C
two correct = 1 mark

mixes and burns all the food together one correct = 0 marks

burns the same mass of food

keeps the burning food the same

distance from the test-tube

uses the same type of food

writes down the colour of the food

8(c) popcorn 1

8(d) (food) biscuit 1 both correct = 1 mark

(reason) (idea that there is) the greatest increase in the

temperature of the water

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12 Look at the diagram of an atom.

Write down the number of particles in the nucleus of this atom.


13 Priya finds some information about the energy transferred by four machines.

energy useful energy other energy

machine put into machine out of the machine out of the machine
in J in J in J

A 100 64 36

B 240 60 180

C 24 12 12

D 782 382 400

Priya says,

‘Energy is always conserved.’

Tick ( ) to show if Priya is correct.

Yes No

Explain your answer.

Use the numbers in the table.


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Question Answer Marks Further Information

10(a) 2 correct reactants any order = 1 mark

iron + oxygen + water hydrated iron oxide
correct product = 1 mark

10(b) rust(ing) 1 Accept corrosion or oxidation

Question Answer Marks Further Information

11(a) 1 Accept one correct arrow on the scissors

Note the arrows need to be vertical or nearly


11(b)(i) 30 (N) 1

11(b)(ii) (principle of) moment(s) 1 Accept force distance = force distance

Question Answer Marks Further Information

12 4 1 Accept 2 protons and 2 neutrons

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1 Look at the diagram. It shows part of the alimentary canal.

(a) Where is acid added to the alimentary canal?

Circle the correct answer.

A B C D E [1]

(b) Where is digested food absorbed from the alimentary canal into the blood?

Circle the correct answer.

A B C D E [1]

(c) Look at the part labelled A on the diagram.

Write down the names of the two parts of the alimentary canal that part A connects.

and [1]

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Question Answer M arks Further Information

5(a) 11 1

5(b) 8 1

5(c)(i) F 1 Accept fluorine

5(c)(ii) 1 all three correct = 1 mark


5 The diagram shows part of the Periodic Table.

The number above each chemical symbol shows the number of protons in the atom.

(a) How many protons are there in an atom of sodium? [1]

(b) How many electrons are there in an atom of oxygen? [1]

(c) Look at the diagram of an atom.

(i) Write down the chemical symbol for this atom.


(ii) Label the diagram.

Choose from the list.

electron neutron proton [1]

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8 Carlos investigates the reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid.

Look at the diagram. It shows the apparatus he uses.

Carlos measures the total volume of gas made every 30 seconds.

(a) Look at the diagram of the gas syringe below.

What is the volume of gas in the gas syringe?

cm3 [1]

(b) Carlos decides to repeat his experiment.

Suggest why it is a good idea to repeat the experiment.


(c) The hydrochloric acid in the experiment is corrosive.

Describe how Carlos controls this safety risk.


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(d) Look at his results.

time in seconds total volume of gas in cm3

0 0

30 20

60 35

90 44

120 50

150 50

Circle the best way for Carlos to present his results.

bar graph line graph pie chart scatter graph [1]

(e) The total volume of gas made depends on the concentration of acid.

Carlos wants to do an experiment that makes about 100 cm3 of gas.

Describe how he decides the correct concentration of acid to use.


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Question Answer M arks Further Information

8(a) 48 (cm3) 1

8(b) to ensure his results are reliable 1 Do not accept to get more accurate
results / for a fair test

Accept reduce errors / check results / to

get an average

8(c) wear goggles or eye protection / wear gloves 1 Accept wear lab coat / protective

Ignore face masks

8(d) 1 more than one answer circled = 0 marks

bar graph line graph pie chart scatter graph

8(e) do preliminary work / try out different concentrations / double the concentration 1

3 This question is about different types of chemical reaction.

(a) Complete the sentences.

Choose from the list.

combustion displacement neutralisation respiration rusting

(i) Burning a fuel in air is called . [1]

(ii) The reaction between an acid and an alkali is called . [1]

(b) Complete the word equation for the reaction between calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid.

calcium hydrochloric calcium

+ + +
carbonate acid chloride


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Question Answer M arks Further Information

3(a)(i) Burning a fuel in air is called combustion. 1

3(a)(ii) The reaction between an acid and an alkali is called neutralisation. 1

3(b) 2 each correct answer = 1 mark

Accept either order

Question Answer M arks Further Information

4 When white light enters a prism it is split into seven different colours. 4 each correct word = 1 mark

This process is known as dispersion.

The coloured light is known as the colours of the spectrum.


4 Look at the diagram. It shows white light being split into different colours.

Complete the sentences.

Choose from the list.

dispersion eight filter mirror

prism reflection refraction screen

seven six spectrum

When white light enters a it is split into

different colours.

This process is known as .

The different colours are known as the colours of the .


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Question Answer M arks Further Information

3(a)(i) Burning a fuel in air is called combustion. 1

3(a)(ii) The reaction between an acid and an alkali is called neutralisation. 1

3(b) 2 each correct answer = 1 mark

Accept either order

Question Answer M arks Further Information

4 When white light enters a prism it is split into seven different colours. 4 each correct word = 1 mark

This process is known as dispersion.

The coloured light is known as the colours of the spectrum.


8 Look at the diagram. It shows solutions being mixed in a plastic cup.

Look at the table. It shows the results of five experiments.

temperature before temperature after

experiment mixing solutions mixing solutions
in C in C
A 15 26

B 15 10

C 15 15

D 15 32

E 15 27

(a) (i) Which experiment transfers the most thermal (heat) energy into the solutions?


(ii) Complete the sentence.

The reaction in experiment is endothermic because

. [1]

(b) Suggest a reason for the result in experiment C.


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Question Answer M arks Further Information

8(a)(i) D 1

8(a)(ii) The reaction in experiment B is endothermic because there is a 1

temperature decrease.
8(b) there is no reaction / no heat released and absorbed 1 Accept it is not exothermic and not

Accept energy instead of heat


11 Look at the chemical symbols for four metals.

Cu Zn Na Ca

Answer the questions.

Each chemical symbol can be used once, more than once or not at all.

(a) Which of the four metals is the most reactive?


(b) Which of the four metals does not react with water or dilute hydrochloric acid?


(c) Which of the four metals reacts slowly with dilute hydrochloric acid?


(d) Which of the four metals is lowest in the reactivity series?


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Question Answer M arks Further Information

11(a) Na 1 Accept sodium

11(b) Cu 1 Accept copper

11(c) Zn 1 Accept zinc

11(d) Cu 1 Accept copper


5 Jamila makes zinc sulfate.

She uses an acid and zinc metal.

The diagram shows the stages Jamila uses to make zinc sulfate.

The stages are not in the correct order.

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(a) Put the stages in order to show the correct method.

One has been done for you.


(b) Write down the name of the acid Jamila uses to make zinc sulfate.


(c) When Jamila adds zinc to the acid a gas is made.

Write down the name of this gas.


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Question Answer Marks Further Information

5(a) 2
C B (A) E D
CB in correct order = 1 mark

ED in correct order = 1 mark

5(b) sulfuric (acid) 1 Accept hydrogen sulfate

5(c) hydrogen 1

8 Aiko investigates the reaction of magnesium with hydrochloric acid.

The diagram shows her equipment.

(a) Aiko uses the equipment labelled X to measure the volume of gas made in the reaction.

Write down the name of equipment X.


(b) Aiko collects 35 cm3 of gas in 5 minutes.

Aiko wants to find out what happens when the concentration of acid is increased.

Aiko doubles the concentration of acid she uses and repeats the experiment.

(i) Predict the volume of gas she collects in 5 minutes.


Explain your answer.

(ii) Write down two variables she controls.

(c) Aiko wants to do a similar investigation with sodium and hydrochloric acid.

Explain why it would not be safe to use sodium.


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Question Answer Marks Further Information

8(a) measuring cylinder 1

8(b)(i) 70 (cm3) 1 Accept any value from above 35 cm3 to 70 cm3

reaction is faster or rate is doubled Accept more acid particles available to react with
the excess magnesium or more collisions between

both correct for the mark

8(b)(ii) any two from 2 each correct answer = 1 mark

volume of acid Do not accept concentration of acid

temperature (of acid)

mass of magnesium or size of magnesium ribbon Accept surface area of the magnesium or amount
of magnesium or volume of magnesium
time (taken to collect the gas)

8(c) (idea that) sodium would be too reactive or might explode or might 1
burst into flames
Question Answer Marks Further Information

13(a) dispersion or dispersal 1 Ignore refraction

13(b) prism 1 Accept any type of prism


5 Priya has two magnets.

(a) Priya dips the bar magnet into iron filings.

Where will most of the iron filings stick to the magnet?

Explain your answer.


(b) Look at the horseshoe magnet.

Put an X on the diagram to show where the magnetic field is strongest.


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(c) Which pattern shows the magnetic field lines of a bar magnet?

Choose from A, B, C or D.

answer [1]

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

5(a) 2 each correct answer = 1 mark

on the poles Accept south pole or north pole or on the ends

this is where the magnetic field is strongest Note this mark is independent of the poles

5(b) X written between the poles or on the poles 1 Accept the centre of the cross within the shaded

Note if two crosses drawn both must be correct

5(c) C 1

8 Look at the model of a carbon atom.

(a) Write down the name of:

particle X

particle Y

(b) Circle the name of the scientist who suggested a model for an atom.

Copernicus Galileo Newton Pasteur Rutherford [1]

(c) The diagram shows part of the Periodic Table.

(i) Complete the sentence.

Carbon is in Period of the Periodic Table.


(ii) Circle the element which has similar chemical properties to carbon.

Ar Al B Li Si [1]

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

7(a) selective breeding or artificial selection 1 Ignore cross breeding

7(b) (male) C 1 both correct for the mark


(idea that) it is the variety with most wool

Question Answer Marks Further Information

8(a) (particle X) electron 2 each correct answer = 1 mark

(particle Y) neutron Accept both names reversed for 1 mark

8(b) 1 more than one answer circled = 0 marks

Copernicus Galileo Newton Pasteur Rutherford

8(c)(i) Carbon is found in Period 2 of the Periodic Table. 1 Accept two / second / 2nd

8(c)(ii) 1 more than one answer circled = 0 marks

Ar Al B Li Si

11 The table describes the reaction of some metals with cold dilute acid and cold water.

reaction with reaction with

cold dilute acid cold water

potassium reacts violently reacts very rapidly

lithium reacts violently reacts very rapidly

calcium reacts violently reacts very rapidly

extremely slow
magnesium reacts rapidly

metal X reacts slowly no reaction

copper no reaction no reaction

gold no reaction no reaction

Use information from the table to answer these questions.

(a) Explain how you can tell that magnesium reacts faster with cold dilute acid than with cold


(b) Suggest the name of metal X.


(c) Potassium reacts with cold water to make a colourless gas and an alkaline solution.

Write the name of the:

colourless gas

alkaline solution

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

11(a) reacts rapidly with acid and slowly with water or more bubbles with acid 1 Accept reacts vigorously with acid but not with
than water water

Note faster with acid is in the question so do not

credit if written

Note needs a comment about reaction with acid

and the reaction with water

11(b) zinc or iron or lead or tin 1 Accept correct symbol but name takes
precedence, e.g. Zn / Fe / Pb / Sn

11(c) (colourless gas) hydrogen 2 each correct answer = 1 mark

(alkaline solution) potassium hydroxide

Question Answer Marks Further Information

12 colour colour colour the object 2 all three correct = 2 marks

of light of object appears
one or two correct = 1 mark
white red red
Ignore pink for red
green green green
Accept light or dark preceding the colour
blue red black Accept no light or no colour for black

12 Complete the table to show the colour each object appears in different colours of light.

colour of light colour of object colour the object appears

white red

green green

blue red


13 Blessy uses pure white light to produce a spectrum of colours.

(a) What is the name of the process that splits white light into a spectrum of colours?


(b) Write down the name of equipment X.


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8 Look at the diagram of the structure of a lithium atom.

(a) There are three electrons in a lithium atom.

(i) How many protons are there in a lithium atom?


(ii) How many neutrons are there in a lithium atom?


(b) A sodium atom contains 11 protons.

Draw the structure of a sodium atom.


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9 Mike investigates the strength of magnets.


puts the magnet on top of his hand

puts the bottom of his hand onto 24 paper clips

lifts his hand up

counts how many paper clips have been attracted

repeats with different magnets.

Here are his results.

magnet number of paper clips

A 24

B 24

C 7

D 19

E 12

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(a) Mike concludes that magnet A and magnet B are both strong.

He cannot conclude which of these two magnets is stronger.

(i) Explain why he cannot conclude which magnet, A or B, is stronger.


(ii) Describe what he could do to find out which magnet, A or B, is stronger.


(b) Pierre repeats Mike’s investigation.

Here are Pierre’s results.

magnet number of paper clips

A 18

B 22

C 1

D 13

E 6

Pierre uses the same magnets as Mike.

Pierre uses the same paper clips as Mike.

The results are different.

(i) Describe one difference between the results.


(ii) Suggest why the results are different.


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Question Answer Marks Further Information

8(a)(i) 3 1

8(a)(ii) 4 1

8(b) 2.8.1 or 2 If drawn ignore distribution of electrons

within each shell so long as numbers
are correct

Accept dots or circles instead of

total of 11 electrons drawn outside of
the nucleus = 1 mark


drawing showing 2.8.1 = 2 marks

Accept correct use of 2.8.1 notation =

2 marks

Ignore any particles shown in the

Question Answer Marks Further Information

9(a)(i) both picked up 24 / both picked up the maximum number of paper clips 1

9(a)(ii) using more paper clips 1 Accept repeat using bigger paper clips
/ replace with iron filings and measure
the mass of iron filings

9(b)(i) fewer paper clips picked up 1

9(b)(ii) their hands are different / Pierre’s hand is bigger / Mike’s hand is smaller 1

11 Jamila and Ahmed investigate displacement reactions.

They put drops of different solutions into the dimples of a spotting tile.

They then add metals to each solution.

The diagram shows their experiment.

(a) Jamila and Ahmed look to see if a reaction takes place.

Suggest what they might see if a reaction takes place.


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(b) They record their results in a table.

They put a

tick ( ) if there is a reaction

cross (x) if there is no reaction.

Here are some of their results.

zinc magnesium copper iron

zinc nitrate x x
magnesium nitrate

copper nitrate

iron nitrate x

(i) Complete the table to predict the results for magnesium nitrate. [1]

(ii) The reactivity series shows the metals in order of reactivity.

Which of the four metals is the lowest in the reactivity series?


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12 Complete the light rays in the three diagrams.







13 Complete the word equation for aerobic respiration.


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Question Answer Marks Further Information

11(a) colour change / fizzing / bubbles / new substance forms / some form of coating 1 Accept temperature change

11(b)(i) 1 Ignore X in the grey box

magnesium nitrate x x x

11(b)(ii) copper 1
Question Answer Marks Further Information

12(a) see diagram below 1 reflected ray correct by eye = 1 mark

Do not accept arrow in the wrong


note arrow does not need to be


12(b) see diagram below 1 refracted ray correct by eye = 1 mark

Ignore arrows

12(c) see diagram below 2 two rays from light source continued to
edge of object and onto screen = 1

middle ray goes to object = 1 mark

Ignore arrows

2 Aiko wants to increase the rate of reaction between sodium carbonate and dilute nitric acid.

(a) Match the way that she can do this to why it works.

Draw only two straight lines.

way why it works

more crowded particles so more collisions

increase the
temperature of
nitric acid
particles have less energy so more collisions

particles move faster so more collisions

increase the
concentration of
nitric acid
has bigger particles so that there are more collisions


(b) Lumps of sodium carbonate react more slowly with dilute nitric acid than powdered sodium

Use ideas about collisions to explain why.


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Question Answer Marks Further Information

2(a) more crowded particles so more 2 each correct link = 1 mark

increase the collisions
temperature two lines from same way = 0 marks
of nitric acid more surface area so more collisions

particles move faster so more

increase the collisions
of nitric acid has bigger particles so that there are
more collisions

2(b) any two from 2 Note assume answer refers to the

reactant as a lump unless otherwise

(idea that) larger pieces have smaller (surface) area / ora Accept larger pieces have less surface
/ fewer particles exposed (on surface)
reaction occurs at the surface

so fewer collisions / ora Accept particles collide less often / less

frequent collisions / less chance of a

5 Mike makes a salt called magnesium sulfate.

He adds magnesium to dilute sulfuric acid.

He keeps adding magnesium to the dilute sulfuric acid until no more hydrogen gas is given off.

Some unreacted magnesium is left in the magnesium sulfate solution.

(a) Describe how Mike separates the unreacted magnesium from the magnesium sulfate


(b) Describe how Mike makes a dry sample of magnesium sulfate from magnesium sulfate


(c) Write a word equation for the reaction between magnesium and sulfuric acid.

+ +


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Question Answer Marks Further Information

5(a) filter it / filtration 1

5(b) evaporate the solution / crystallisation 1 Accept heat or boil the solution

5(c) sulfuric magnesium 2 reactants (any order) = 1 mark

magnesium + acid hydrogen + products (any order) = 1 mark

Accept correct formulae but words take


Accept mix of words and formulae

note magnesium is Mg, sulfuric acid is

H2SO4, hydrogen is H2 and magnesium
sulfate is MgSO4

Question Answer Marks Further Information

6(a) decreases / gets lower 1

6(b) increases / gets higher 1

6(c) increase the temperature 1 Accept heat (it)


11 Mia investigates the temperature change during some reactions.

In each experiment Mia adds a solid to a liquid.

She measures the temperature of the liquid before and after adding the solid.

(a) Mia uses a measuring cylinder to measure the volume of liquid.

The diagram shows part of her measuring cylinder of liquid.

What is the volume of liquid in the measuring cylinder?

cm3 [1]

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(b) Here are Mia’s results.

temperature is the reaction

liquid of the liquid change in exothermic
of solid(s) added
added after solid is temperature or
added endothermic?

water 17 copper sulfate 20 +3


citric acid and sodium

water 17 14
. .

sulfate 18 zinc 22
. .

(i) She does not include some important information in the headings of the table.

Which unit is missing from the headings?


(ii) Calculate the change in temperature for each experiment.

One has been done for you.

Write your answers in the table. [1]

(iii) Complete the table by writing endothermic or exothermic in the last column. [1]

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

11(a) 2.4 (cm3) 1

11(b)(i) °C 1 note award unit mark if shown in table

but answer line takes precedence

11(b)(ii) change in 1 correct numerical value including

temperature correct sign = 1 mark


11(b)(iii) 1 all correct for the mark

type of reaction

6 Carlos investigates light.

(a) He shines blue light into a prism.

(i) Describe one thing that happens to the blue light.


(ii) Carlos changes the blue light to white light.

Describe one other thing that happens to the white light.


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1113/01 Checkpoint Secondary – Mark Scheme October 2020

Question Answer Marks Further Information

6 (a)(i) refraction / it is refracted 1 Accept changes direction / bends

(towards the normal) / slows down

Do not accept disperses / dispersion /


(ii) disperses / dispersion / splits into the spectrum / splits into different colours of 1 Accept gives colour of rainbow /
light rainbow colours / gives many colours

Do not accept reflection

(b) colour of light colour of book colour of light reflected into eye 2 all three correct = 2 marks

red red red two correct = 1 mark

blue red no light one correct = 0 marks
red magenta red
Accept black for no light

Page 8 of 14

12 Ahmed investigates the reaction between magnesium lumps and dilute hydrochloric acid.

Look at the diagram. It shows the apparatus he uses.

Look at the graph of Ahmed’s results.

(a) How long (in seconds) does it take to make 50 cm3 of hydrogen?

seconds [1]

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(b) Ahmed repeats the experiment with magnesium powder.

Predict what will happen to the rate of the reaction.

Explain why.


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12 Ahmed investigates the reaction between magnesium lumps and dilute hydrochloric acid.

Look at the diagram. It shows the apparatus he uses.

Look at the graph of Ahmed’s results.

(a) How long (in seconds) does it take to make 50 cm3 of hydrogen?

seconds [1]

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1113/01 Checkpoint Secondary – Mark Scheme October 2020

Question Answer Marks Further Information

12 (a) any value between 21 and 22 (seconds) 1

(b) rate of reaction increases / gets larger / gets faster 3 each correct answer = 1 mark

idea that smaller pieces have larger (surface) area / ora Accept smaller pieces have more
surface / more particles exposed on

so more collisions / ora Accept particles collide more often /

more frequent collisions / more chance
of a collision / more (successful)

Page 14 of 14

5 Complete the sentences about changes that happen in the human body during adolescence.

Choose words or phrases from the list.

at the same time as body hair breasts earlier than

enzymes hormones later than proteins

During adolescence, the human body begins to change.

Both sexes begin to grow .

This is due to the increased amount of made by the sex organs.

On average, females become sexually mature males.


6 Chen investigates some reactions.

He measures the temperature of the reactants at the start of the reaction.

He measures the temperature of the products at the end of the reaction.

Look at his results.

temperature at temperature at temperature

reaction start end change type of reaction
in C in C in C
A 20 15 5 endothermic

B 20 30

C 15 30

D 25 15

(a) Complete the table. [2]

(b) Which reaction has the greatest energy change?

Explain how you know.


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1113/02 Checkpoint Secondary – Mark Scheme October 2020

Question Answer Marks Further Information

6 (a) temperature temperature temperature

2 each correct column = 1 mark
reaction at start at end change type of reaction
in C in C in C

A 20 15 (-5) (endothermic)
B 20 30 (+)10 exothermic
C 15 30 (+)15 exothermic
D 25 15 10 endothermic

(b) C 2 each correct answer= 1 mark

idea that (C has) the largest temperature change

Question Answer Marks Further Information

7 400 1.5 (= 1 weight of Mia) 2

600 (N) correct answer only = 2 marks

Page 6 of 14

14 Look at the diagram.

It shows part of the Periodic Table.

(a) Write down the chemical symbol of an element in the same group as chlorine.


(b) Write down the chemical symbol of an element in the same period as sodium.


(c) Write down the chemical symbol of the element with an atom with only 8 protons.


(d) Complete the diagram to show the electronic structure of lithium, Li.


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1113/02 Checkpoint Secondary – Mark Scheme October/2020

Question Answer Marks Further Information

14 (a) F 1 Accept Br / I / At

(b) Mg or Al or Si or P or S or Cl or Ar 1

(c) O 1

(d) 1 Accept dots or circles instead of


Ignore distribution of electrons within

each shell so long as numbers are

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1113/02 Checkpoint Secondary 1 Science – Mark Scheme April 2019

Question Answer Marks Further Information

6 2 note only accept these colours

four correct = 2 marks

two or three correct = 1 mark

one correct = 0 marks

Question Answer Marks Further Information

7 When metals react with acid the products are a salt and hydrogen. 3 each missing substance = 1 mark

When carbonates react with acid the products are a salt, water and
water and carbon dioxide in either order
carbon dioxide.

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

8(c) any two from 2

habitat (destruction)

food (supply) / damage to food chains / amount of prey

predation / hunters

competition Accept competition for a named factor

e.g. nesting sites or shelter
pest control (trapping / shooting / use of poisons)

climate (change)


time of year / season

Accept reproduction (rate) / birth rate /
death rate

Question Answer Marks Further Information

9(a) The nucleus of the atom contains protons and neutrons. 3 either order
each correct answer = 1 mark
The nucleus is surrounded by particles called electrons.

9(b)(i) H 1

9(b)(ii) Na 1

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11 Jamila investigates the reaction of different metals with hydrochloric acid.

The metals are magnesium, zinc and iron.

She measures how long it takes for the reaction with each metal to make 50 cm3 of hydrogen gas.

(a) She thinks these variables are important in her investigation.

A the metal used

B the volume of hydrochloric acid used

C the concentration of the hydrochloric acid used

D the time to make 50 cm3 of hydrogen gas

E the temperature of the room

Which letter shows the variable Jamila changes?

Which letters show the three variables Jamila keeps the same?

, and

Which letter shows the variable Jamila measures to find out which metal reacts the fastest?


(b) Jamila predicts that hydrochloric acid will react fastest with zinc.

Look at her results.

time to make 50 cm3 of gas

in seconds
magnesium 50
iron 280
zinc 200

Is Jamila’s prediction correct?

Explain your answer.


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1113/01 Checkpoint Secondary 1 Science – Mark Scheme October 2019

Question Answer Marks Further Information

11(a) A / the metal used 4 variable changed = 1 mark

B and C and E all correct in any order = 2 marks

but two correct = 1 mark
one correct = 0 marks

D / time to make 50 cm3 of gas variable measured = 1 mark

11(b) no (no mark) 2 Note if yes = 0 marks for the question

comparison involving time = 1 mark

comparison involving rate = 1 mark

zinc does not take the shortest time (to make 50 cm3 of gas) / Note just quoting times is not sufficient
magnesium takes the shortest time (to make 50 cm3 of gas)

magnesium is the fastest / zinc is slower than magnesium Accept magnesium is more reactive than zinc /

Page 11 of 12

7 The diagram shows part of the structure of an atom of helium.

(a) There are three types of particle in an atom.

This diagram shows only two of the types of particle.

(i) Name the particles labelled Z.


(ii) Name the particles that are missing from the diagram.

Draw on the diagram the correct position and number of the missing particles.

(b) The diagram shows the group of the Periodic Table that contains helium.

The elements are in the same order as they appear in the Periodic Table.







(i) Which element in the group has the largest atomic number?


(ii) Describe how the radius of the atom changes as you go down the group.


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Question Answer Marks Further Information

7(a)(i) electrons 1

7(a)(ii) protons 2 Accept electrons if answer to 7(a)(i) is incorrect

two circles drawn inside the inner circle Accept any colour other than black and any size – if
black the circle must be either labelled or clearly
different to the original black circles on the question

Do not accept circles on the inner circle but they

can just touch the inner circle

7(b)(i) radon 1

7(b)(ii) increases 1

Page 8 of 14

11 The diagram shows how a room can be heated.

The arrows show the direction of air movement.

Use the diagram to complete the sentences.

At A warm air rises because it is ................................................... .

At B cool air sinks because it is ..................................................... .

This process is called .................................................................... .


12 Pierre reacts metal compounds with acids to make three different salts.

The table shows the metal compounds and the salts he makes.

Complete the table to show the acids he uses in each reaction.

metal compound acid salt formed

calcium carbonate calcium nitrate

sodium hydroxide sodium sulfate

potassium hydroxide potassium chloride


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1113/02 Checkpoint Secondary 1 Science – Mark Scheme October 2019

Question Answer Marks Further Information

12 2 all correct = 2 marks

one or two correct = 1 mark
nitric (acid)
Accept hydrogen nitrate / hydrogen sulfate /
hydrogen chloride
sulfuric (acid) Accept correct formulae, HNO3, H2SO4, HCl

hydrochloric (acid)

Question Answer Marks Further Information

13 trapped air is a good conductor 1 more than one answer circled = 0 marks

trapped air is a good convector

trapped air is a good insulator

trapped air is a good radiator

Page 12 of 14

5 Yuri investigates the reaction of metals with acids.

He adds different metals to dilute hydrochloric acid.

The diagram shows his results.

(a) Complete the column heading and table to show Yuri’s results.


A 0

B 6


(b) Describe how Yuri could improve his method to find the volume of gas produced.

Tick ( ) the box next to the correct method.

collect the gas in a measuring cylinder

collect the gas in a test tube

repeat the experiment the same way

use a smaller piece of metal


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(c) Yuri repeats his experiment using more concentrated acid.

Yuri makes this prediction.

If I use more concentrated

acid I will get a faster

The diagram shows his results for his second experiment.

Is Yuri’s prediction supported by his results?

yes no

Explain your answer.


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1113/01 Checkpoint Secondary 1 Science – Mark Scheme April 2017
Question Answer Marks Further Information

6(a)(i) reactants products 2 reactants = 1 mark

water + carbon dioxide glucose + oxygen products = 1 mark

Accept carbohydrate / sugar instead of glucose.

Ignore starch

Accept correct formulae or mix of words and

formulae but names take precedence
H2O + CO2 C6H12O6 + O2

6(a)(ii) 3 cm3 1 answer must include unit

6(b)(i) more carbon dioxide available (for plant) / breath 1 Accept CO2
contains carbon dioxide

6(b)(ii) move the lamp closer / more lamps / brighter bulbs 2 Accept increase temperature = 1 mark

because this Accept because enzymes work faster / more

collisions / particles move faster = 1 mark
provide more light / increases light intensity
Ignore use more pond weed

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1113/02 Checkpoint Secondary 1 Science – Mark Scheme April 2018

Question Answer Marks Further Information

8(a) lithium + water 3 reactants in either order = 1 mark

lithium hydroxide + hydrogen lithium hydroxide as one product = 1 mark

hydrogen as one product = 1 mark

8(b) 2 Note if lithium hydroxide or water = 0 for the


only contains one type of atom

8(c) increases / get more reactive 1 Accept becomes more vigorous

Accept francium will be the most reactive / sodium is

the least reactive

Question Answer Marks Further Information

9 any two from 2

the apparatus gets hot / risk of getting burnt

the pins are sharp / risk of getting skin wound

the wax catches fire

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8 When lithium is added to water it forms lithium hydroxide and a gas.

(a) Complete the word equation for the reaction between lithium and water.


(b) The chemical symbol for lithium is Li.

The formula for water is H2O.

The formula for lithium hydroxide is LiOH.

Which of these substances is an element?

Choose from lithium, water or lithium hydroxide.


Explain your answer.


(c) Lithium is in Group 1 of the Periodic Table.

The diagram shows some of the elements in Group 1 of the Periodic Table.

Describe how the reactivity of the Group 1 metals changes as you go down the group.


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13 Plants are able to use light energy to make their own food.

Name one substance that plants use to make their own food by this process.


14 Tick ( ) the three correct properties of magnets.

Like poles of magnets repel.

Magnets always have N and S written on them.

Magnets do not work if they are in water.

Magnets attract iron, cobalt and nickel.

The force of attraction is greater at the poles than in the middle of the magnet.


15 Planets orbit the Sun.

Write down the names of planets A, B and C.


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1113/02 Checkpoint Secondary 1 Science – Mark Scheme April 2018

Question Answer Marks Further Information

14 Like poles of magnets repel. 2 three correct ticks = 2 marks

two correct ticks = 1 mark

Magnets always have N and S written on them.
one correct tick = 0 marks
Magnets do not work if they are in water.
four ticks, three correct = 1 mark

Magnets attract iron, cobalt and nickel.

The force of attraction is greater at the poles than in

the middle of the magnet.

Question Answer Marks Further Information

15 A Jupiter 1 all three correct = 1 mark

B Uranus

C Neptune

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3 Ring magnets have a north pole (N) and a south pole (S).

Gabriella has a toy made of ring magnets.

She puts four ring magnets on the toy.

There are gaps between the magnets.

Complete the missing labels in the boxes on the diagram.

Use N for a north pole.

Use S for a south pole.

The first one has been done for you. [2]

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1113/01 Checkpoint Secondary 1 Science – Mark Scheme October 2018

Question Answer Marks Further Information

3 2 four correct = 2 marks

two or three correct = 1 mark

Ignore any labels unless the boxes are empty

Question Answer Marks Further Information

4(a) pollen 1

4(b) pollination 1 Ignore cross or self

4(c) fertilisation 1

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5 Chen investigates displacement reactions.

(a) Chen adds iron to copper sulfate solution in a test-tube.

A reaction takes place.

Copper and iron sulfate are made.

Complete the word equation for this reaction.


(b) Chen repeats his method with some other metals and metal salt solutions.

Here are his results.

metal metal salt solution does it react?

copper zinc sulfate no

copper iron sulfate no

iron copper sulfate yes

iron zinc sulfate no

zinc copper sulfate yes

zinc iron sulfate yes

Put these metals in order of reactivity, starting with the most reactive.

copper iron zinc

most reactive

least reactive

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5 Chen investigates displacement reactions.

(a) Chen adds iron to copper sulfate solution in a test-tube.

A reaction takes place.

Copper and iron sulfate are made.

Complete the word equation for this reaction.


(b) Chen repeats his method with some other metals and metal salt solutions.

Here are his results.

metal metal salt solution does it react?

copper zinc sulfate no

copper iron sulfate no

iron copper sulfate yes

iron zinc sulfate no

zinc copper sulfate yes

zinc iron sulfate yes

Put these metals in order of reactivity, starting with the most reactive.

copper iron zinc

most reactive

least reactive

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1113/01 Checkpoint Secondary 1 Science – Mark Scheme October 2018

Question Answer Marks Further Information

5(a) 2
correct reactants (either order) = 1 mark

correct products (either order) = 1 mark

5(b) most reactive zinc 1 all correct = 1 mark

least reactive copper

5(c) exothermic 1

5(d) measure the temperature (before adding the metal) 2 Accept measure the temperature change = 2 marks

measure the temperature after adding the metal Accept measure the temperature over time = 2 marks

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11 The diagram shows a model of an atom of an element.

(a) Name the part of the atom labelled X.


(b) Describe how you can tell that the element is in Group 4 of the Periodic Table.

Use information from the diagram.


(c) What happens to the size of atoms as you move down Group 4?


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1113/01 Checkpoint Secondary 1 Science – Mark Scheme October 2018

Question Answer Marks Further Information

10 2 two correct ticks = 2 marks

They all eat the same food.

only one tick = 1 mark if correct

They can all breed with each other.

two correct ticks and one incorrect tick = 1 mark

They share similar features.
one correct tick and two incorrect ticks = 0 mark
They live in the same habitat.
four or five ticks = 0 marks
Their offspring would all be able
to have young.

Question Answer Marks Further Information

11(a) electron(s) 1

11(b) has 4 electrons in outer shell 1 Accept 4 electrons on outer ring

Accept 4 electrons in the valence shell / 4 valence


11(c) get bigger / gets larger / increases 1 Ignore heavier

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

2(a) non- type of 2

metal compound

chlorine chloride
oxygen oxide
sulfur sulfide

2(b) water 1

Question Answer Marks Further Information

3 A2 is 0.4 A. 2 three correct = 2 marks

A3 is 0.4 A. two correct = 1 mark

A4 is 0.8 A. one correct = 0 marks

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2 Reactions between metals and non-metals form compounds.

(a) Sulfur reacts with metals to form a type of compound called a sulfide.
Complete the table to show the type of compound formed by different non-metals.
One has been done for you.

non-metal type of compound



sulfur sulfide

(b) Iron reacts with a compound and oxygen to form rust.

What is the name of this compound?


3 Gabriella connects an electrical circuit.

There are two lamps and four ammeters in the circuit.

The lamps are identical.

The reading on A1 is 0.8 A.

What are the readings on the other ammeters?

A2 is A.

A3 is A.

A4 is A. [2]

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1113/02 Checkpoint Secondary 1 Science – Mark Scheme April 2017

Question Answer Marks Further Information

1 An iron nail is attracted to both the south pole and 1 Accept other indications of the correct answer
e.g. ticking or circling but answer line takes
the north pole of a magnet. precedence

Question Answer Marks Further Information

2 1 more than one answer ticked = 0 marks

A high pitched sound is always loud.

A high pitched sound always has a high


A high pitched sound always has a large


A high pitched sound always has a low


A high pitched sound must have a large


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7 Carlos investigates the reaction of zinc with dilute sulfuric acid.

He puts zinc into a conical flask and then adds 25 cm3 of cold dilute sulfuric acid.

The diagram shows his apparatus.

Carlos then records the volume of gas in the syringe each minute.

The diagrams below show some of his results.

(a) Write down the volume of gas collected after 6 minutes.

cm3 [1]

(b) Carlos repeats the investigation using 25 cm3 of warm dilute sulfuric acid.

Predict the volume of gas collected after 2 minutes.

cm3 [1]

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(c) Carlos then repeats the investigation using 25 cm3 of more concentrated sulfuric acid.

Explain why the reaction is faster.

Use ideas about particles and collisions in your answer.


8 Yuri draws a picture to show the air particles in front of a loudspeaker.

Write the letter C on the diagram where there is a compression of air particles.

Write the letter R on the diagram where there is a rarefaction of air particles.

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1113/02 Checkpoint Secondary 1 Science – Mark Scheme October 2018
Question Answer Marks Further Information

6(a)(i) photosynthesis 1

6(a)(ii) oxygen 1

6(b) gas A = grown / increased in size 3 Accept grew very well / tall(er)

gas B = small(er) / dying Accept wilting

gas C = (idea of) no change / not grown Accept same size

Question Answer Marks Further Information

7(a) 40 (cm3) 1

7(b) any volume greater than 22 (cm3) 1

7(c) more particles 2

more collisions Accept less space between particles / more

particles in one unit volume / more crowded particles
/ more particles in the same space / particles closer
together / more particles (to) collide / particles more
concentrated / more frequent collisions / collisions
more often / more chance of collisions = 2 marks

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10 Youssef and Blessy investigate the reaction of metals with dilute hydrochloric acid.

They put 10 cm3 of hydrochloric acid into four test-tubes.

They then add 0.1g of a different metal to each test-tube.

Youssef and Blessy measure the time it takes for the metal to react completely.

This is the reaction time.

The table shows their results.

reaction time
in s
calcium 15

iron 290

magnesium 23

zinc 230

(a) Put the metals in the table in order of reactivity.

most reactive

least reactive [1]

(b) Write the word equation for the reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid.


(c) Youssef and Blessy wear safety glasses during the investigation.

Explain why.


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11 White light can be split into different colours by a glass prism.

(a) Write down the name given to this splitting of white light.


(b) The white light is split into seven different colours.

Complete the order of the seven colours.





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1113/02 Checkpoint Secondary 1 Science – Mark Scheme October 2018
Question Answer Marks Further Information

10(a) calcium 1 all correct = 1 mark


10(b) magnesium + hydrochloric (acid) 3 both reactants in any order = 1 mark

magnesium chloride + hydrogen hydrogen as a product = 1 mark

magnesium chloride as a product = 1 mark

10(c) stop chemicals getting into eye / avoid injuries to eye from 1 There must be a reference to the eye and a
corrosive chemicals / stop reaction (mixture) getting into the substance, chemical or reaction

Question Answer Marks Further Information

11(a) dispersion 1 Ignore refraction

11(b) (red) 2 three correct and in correct order = 2 marks

orange one or two correct and in correct order = 1 mark


note these are the only colours allowed

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7 Youssef investigates what happens when iron is added to different solutions.

He puts four different metal salt solutions into four beakers.

He then adds an iron nail to each beaker.

After ten minutes Youssef records his observations.

metal salt solution observation

copper sulfate iron nail covered in a pink solid

potassium nitrate no reaction

lead nitrate iron nail covered with a black solid

silver nitrate iron nail covered with a black solid

(a) Which variable does Youssef change in his investigation?


(b) Write down one variable Youssef needs to control.


(c) Youssef sets up another beaker.

This time he puts the nail in sodium chloride solution.

There is no reaction.

Explain why the nail in this beaker does not react.


© UCLES 2017 1113/01/A/M/17

1113/01 Checkpoint Secondary 1 Science – Mark Scheme April 2017
Question Answer Marks Further Information

7(a) (type of salt) solution / (different metal salt) solutions 1 Ignore different metals

7(b) volume / amount of solution / size of nail / time nail left in 1 Accept type of nail / amount of iron
/ temperature / concentration of solution

7(c) sodium is more reactive than iron / sodium is higher up 1 Accept reverse argument
in the reactivity series

Question Answer Marks Further Information

8 3 six correct = 3 marks

four or five correct = 2 marks

two or three correct = 1 mark

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10 Look at the diagram. It shows some of the elements in the Periodic Table.

Use this Periodic Table to answer these questions.

(a) Write down the chemical symbol of the most reactive element in Group 1.


(b) An atom of an element has only one proton inside its nucleus.

Write down the chemical symbol for this element.


(c) Write down the chemical symbol of the element in Group 7 (Group 17) and Period 3.


(d) Write down the name of the element in the same group as boron.


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1113/01 Checkpoint Secondary 1 Science – Mark Scheme April 2017
Question Answer Mark Further Information

10(a) K 1 Accept potassium

Accept Fr

10(b) H 1 Accept hydrogen

10(c) Cl 1 Accept chlorine

10(d) aluminium 1 Ignore Al

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6 Look at the pictures of stars seen from the same position on the surface of the Earth.

One of the pictures is from June and the other is from December.

(a) Why are the patterns of the stars different?


(b) A picture of stars is taken in October.

It is taken from the same position on the Earth.

What pattern will the stars have in the month of October?

Circle the correct answer.

same as the pattern in June

same as the pattern in December

a different pattern

© UCLES 2017 1113/02/O/N/17


11 Complete the table about the reactivity of metals.

reaction with dilute

metal reaction with cold water
hydrochloric acid

sodium violent reaction to form hydrogen

calcium bubbles and gives hydrogen

iron no reaction

copper no reaction

gold no reaction


12 Blessy puts two books on a table.

The books are the same size and the same mass.

Which book exerts the greater pressure on the table?

Explain your answer.


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1113/02 Checkpoint Secondary 1 Science – Mark Scheme April 2017

Question Answer Marks Further Information

11 metal water acid 5

violent Accept lots of bubbles and forms hydrogen /
reaction to
reaction to flames and forms hydrogen / quick reaction and
sodium form
form forms hydrogen
bubbles and bubbles to
calcium gives form Accept violent reaction to form hydrogen / lots
hydrogen hydrogen of bubbles and forms hydrogen / quick reaction
(1) and forms hydrogen
a slow
formation of
iron no reaction
bubbles (1)
Accept reaction to form hydrogen

no reaction
copper no reaction

no reaction
gold no reaction

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13 Mike and Oliver sit on a see-saw.

Mike is smaller than Oliver but the see-saw balances.

Explain why it balances, using the principle of moments.


14 Mia investigates an endothermic reaction.

She adds sodium carbonate to dilute ethanoic acid.

(a) The temperature of the dilute ethanoic acid at the start is 20 °C.

What will happen to the temperature when the sodium carbonate is added?


(b) When sodium carbonate reacts with dilute ethanoic acid a salt is made.

A gas and a liquid are also made.

Which gas and liquid are made when carbonates react with acids?


liquid [2]

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1113/02 Checkpoint Secondary 1 Science – Mark Scheme April 2017

Question Answer Marks Further Information

14(a) decrease 1 Accept it will get colder

Accept quoted temperature values less than

20 oC

14(b) carbon dioxide / CO2 2 if both name and formulae are given both must
be correct
water / H2O
if both products are correct but reversed = 1

Question Answer Marks Further Information

15(a) air particles 1 Accept other indications of correct answer but

circle takes precedence
heat particles
more than one answer circled = 0 marks
light particles

solid particles

sound particles

15(b) Area A is called a compression because the particles are 2 Accept any (idea that) the particles are close
close together.
Ignore particles are compressed together
Area B is called a rarefaction because the particles are
far apart. Accept any (idea that) the particles are apart

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5 Chen investigates the reaction of acids with metals.

He puts hydrochloric acid into four test-tubes.

Chen then adds a different metal powder to each tube.

The diagram shows his results.

Chen counts the bubbles formed in the reaction and records his results in a table.

tube name of metal

1 iron 6

2 copper

3 zinc

4 tin

(a) Chen has missed one of the headings in the table.

Complete the table by writing in the missing heading. [1]

(b) Chen has not recorded the result for zinc.

Complete the table by writing in the result for zinc. [1]

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(c) Write down the metals in order of reactivity.

most reactive

least reactive [1]

(d) The bubbles are made of a gas.

What is the name of the gas that forms when metals react with acids?


(e) Chen uses hydrochloric acid in his investigation.

What is the name of the salt formed when zinc reacts with hydrochloric acid?


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1113/01 Checkpoint Secondary 1 Science – Mark Scheme October 2017

Question Answer Marks Further Information

5(a) number of bubbles / amount of bubbles 1

5(b) 14 1

5(c) (most reactive) zinc / Zn 1 all correct for 1 mark

iron / Fe
tin / Sn
(least reactive) copper / Cu

5(d) hydrogen / H2 1 Ignore H

5(e) zinc chloride / ZnCl2 1 Do not accept zinc chlorine

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7 Look at the diagram of a nitrogen atom.

(a) The protons are not shown on the diagram.

How many protons are in a nitrogen atom?


(b) Which group of the Periodic Table does nitrogen belong to?


(c) Write down the chemical symbol for nitrogen.


© UCLES 2017 1113/01/O/N/17

1113/01 Checkpoint Secondary 1 Science – Mark Scheme October 2017

Question Answer Marks Further Information

6(a) conduction 1

6(b) (idea that) some metals are better conductors than 1 Accept heat travels faster through some metals
others / metals have different conductivities

6(c) atoms vibrate 2 Accept molecules, particles or ions instead of

energy is passed or transferred from one atom to another

Question Answer Marks Further Information

7(a) 7 1

7(b) 5 1 Accept 15

7(c) N 1 Do not accept n

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1 Angelique and her friends are planning a party.

They want to prepare food that will be part of a healthy, balanced diet.

They find this information on the internet.

(a) The information states that a person should eat mostly cereals and whole grains.

(i) Which group of nutrients is provided by cereals and whole grains?


(ii) Why do we need these nutrients?


(b) People are advised to eat more fruit and vegetables in their diet.

This helps to prevent them from developing deficiency diseases such as scurvy and rickets.

Name the group of nutrients which helps to prevent these deficiency diseases.


(c) Eating too much fat and oil can lead to health problems.

State one harmful result of eating too much fat and oil.


© UCLES 2017 1113/02/O/N/17

1113/02 Checkpoint Secondary 1 Science – Mark Scheme October 2017

Question Answer Marks Further Information

1(a)(i) carbohydrates 1 Accept fibre / starch

1(a)(ii) for energy 1 Accept to prevent constipation if fibre given in


Accept ecf if protein given

1(b) vitamins 1 Ignore letter of vitamin

1(c) any one from 1 Accept diabetes / stroke / high cholesterol /

plaque in blood vessels
heart disease / obesity / high blood pressure

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8 Safia and Carlos do some displacement reactions.

(a) The sentences A – D describe the method they use.

The sentences are in the wrong order.

A They look to see if there is a reaction.

B They place different metals into five test-tubes.

C They add copper nitrate solution to each test-tube.

D They repeat the method with different solutions.

Complete the boxes to show the correct order.

One box has been done for you.


(b) The table shows their results.

= a reaction takes place

= there is no reaction

zinc iron lead magnesium

zinc nitrate

iron nitrate

lead nitrate

magnesium nitrate

Use the information in the table to put the metals into the order of reactivity.

most reactive

least reactive [2]

(c) Complete the word equation for the reaction between zinc and lead nitrate.


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1113/02 Checkpoint Secondary 1 Science – Mark Scheme October 2017

Question Answer Marks Further Information

8(a) 1

(B) C A D

8(b) magnesium 2 magnesium and zinc = 1 mark


iron iron and lead = 1 mark


8(c) zinc nitrate 2 each correct answer = 1 mark

either order

Question Answer Marks Further Information

9 4000 2

10 (N / cm2)

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Question number 5 CSS00445

Part CF Skill Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 7Ep2 E 1 Increasing the number of turns of wire

8Pm3 around the iron rod will make the
electromagnet stronger / the
electromagnet pick up more
(b) 7Ep2 E 1 yes (no marks) If no then = 0 marks for
8Pm3 question
use of two pieces of data to illustrate
that she is correct / more turns picks Answer must
up more paper clips specifically refer to
turns and number of
paper clips

(c) 8Ec4 E 1 (idea of) using a wider range of the

8Pm3 number of turns / use 1, 3, 5, turns /
use the same size paper clips / repeat
each one / get an average value / use
smaller paper clips

Total 3

Question number 6 CSS00383

Part CF Skill Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 9Ec2 E 2 left hand column = 1

9Cc1 change in endothermic or mark, minus sign (–)
temperature exothermic must be present
in °C reaction
right hand column = 1
–5 endothermic

(b) 9Cc5 A 3 sodium chloride one mark for each

correct answer
answers can be in any
carbon dioxide order

Total 5

© UCLES 2016 1113/01/A/M/16


Question number 8 CSS00379

Part CF Skill Mark Answer Further Information

(a) (i) 9Cp1 A 1 4

(ii) 9Cp1 A 1 5

(b) 8Cp2 K 1 Be Do not accept

BE or be

(c) 9Cp2 A 2 Any two from

different number of protons / less

protons / fewer protons / has 3 protons
/ lower atomic number / atomic number
is 3

smaller number of particles in nucleus

/ smaller mass number / smaller
nucleon number / 7 particles in
nucleus / mass or nucleon number is 7

different number of electrons / less

electrons / fewer electrons / 3
electrons / lithium is 2,1 / different
electronic structure

(d) 9Cp1 K 1 Darwin Galileo Newton Rutherford two answers = 0 marks

Total 6

© UCLES 2016 1113/01/A/M/16


Question number 9 CSS00427

Part CF Skill Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 8Pl3 A 1 C

(b) 8Pl3 K 1 i is always larger than r more than one answer

circled = 0 marks

i is always the same as r

r is always larger than i

r is sometimes larger than i

Total 2

Question number 10 CSS00178_A

Part CF Skill Mark Answer Further Information

9Pf1 A 3 force/area or 10/2 correct numerical

answer with incorrect
units = 2 marks
N/cm2 or N per cm2

Total 3

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Question number 8 CSS00337

Part CF Skill Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 7Ec1 E 1 As the number of cigarettes smoked

8Bh11 each day during pregnancy increases,
the birth mass of a baby
(b) 8Bh11 A 1 give up smoking / reduce the number
of cigarettes they smoke each day

Total 2

Question number 9 CSS00277

Part CF Skill Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 8Cp2 K 1 Na Do not accept NA / na

/ na / NA

(b) 8Cp1 K 2 Sodium conducts electricity. each correct tick = 1

Sodium does not conduct heat.
three ticks and two
correct = 1 mark
Sodium has a low boiling point.
three ticks and one
Sodium is ductile. correct = 0 marks

Sodium is not malleable. four or five ticks = 0


(c) (i) 9Cc2 K 1 hydrogen

(ii) 9Cp3 K 1 faster / greater / bigger / more / quicker

Total 5

© UCLES 2016 1113/02/A/M/16


Question number 10 CSS00444

Part CF Skill Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 7Ep4 E 2 force / newtons


(b) (i) 7Ep5 E 1 the force needed to move the wooden

7Pf1 block will be less (than with rougher

(ii) 7Ep5 E 1 (smoother surfaces have) less friction


Total 4

Question number 11 CSS00372

Part CF Skill Mark Answer Further Information

(a) (i) 9Cc2 K 1 potassium / K all three in any order =

sodium / Na 1 mark
calcium / Ca
case must be correct if
symbol written

(ii) 9Cc2 K 1 hydrogen

(b) 9Cc4 A 2 each correct tick = 1

aluminium and silver nitrate mark

three ticks and two

calcium and zinc sulfate correct = 1 mark

three ticks and one

copper and sodium chloride correct = 0 marks

four or five ticks = 0

lead and iron nitrate

tin and magnesium chloride

Total 4

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Question number 12 CSS00558

Part CF Skill Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 8Pm1 A 2 they all repel each other

(idea that) the north poles are next to

north poles / south poles are next to
south poles / like poles are next to
each other

(b) 8Pm1 A 2 they all attract each other

(idea that) the north and south poles

are next to each other / unlike poles
are next to each other

Total 4

Question number 13 CSS00418

Part CF Skill Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 8Pf1 A 2 10/4 or distance/time

2.5 (in metres per hour)

(b) 8Pf1 A 1 4 (hours)

Total 3

© UCLES 2016 1113/02/A/M/16

Question number 5

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) (i) 1 F Accept fluorine

(ii) 1 Li Accept lithium

(iii) 1 Mg Accept magnesium

(b) 2 two electrons on inner ring = 1


four electrons on the outer ring

= 1 mark

Accept x or circles or e

Total 5

Question number 6

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 four correct = 2 marks

two or three correct = 1 mark

one correct = 0 marks

Total 2
Question number 8

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) (i) 1 sulfuric (acid) Accept H 2 SO 4

(ii) 1 burning Accept other ways of

indicating correct answer e.g.
condensation ticking or underlining but circle
takes precedence
more than one answer circled
neutralisation = 0 marks


(b) 2 D F C (E) B A DFC in correct place = 1 mark

BA in correct place = 1 mark

(c) 1 eye protection / tie (long) hair back / Accept common names for
(heat proof) gloves / (idea of) apron or eye protection
lab coat / standing up / use clamps or
equivalent to hold apparatus

Total 5
Question number 3

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 2 five correct = 2 marks

two, three or four correct = 1


one correct = 0 marks

(b) 1 more than one answer ringed

blue green red white yellow = 0 marks

(c) 1 X anywhere within the prism

Total 4
Question number 4

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 2 food main type four correct links =

item of nutrient
meat carbohydrate
2 marks

bread fat two or three correct links = 1

lettuce protein

one correct link =
butter 0 marks

Accept bread to roughage

(b) 2 must have both ideas for 2


provides all the nutrients Accept provides the nutrients

in the food pyramid / provides
every type of nutrient

(idea of) in the correct proportions Accept in the right amount /

in the appropriate amount /
adequate amount / in the
proper amounts / suitable

Total 4
Question number 5

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) (i) 1 more gas is collected when the Accept quoting data i.e. two
concentration is higher concentrations and two

Accept ora

(ii) 2 more particles per unit volume / Accept more frequent

particles are closer together / particles collisions = 2 marks
are more crowded
Ignore references to particles
more collisions moving faster / having more

Do not allow collides faster

(b) 1 repeat them / increase the range of Accept measure the gas
concentration / do more concentrations volume for a longer time

Total 4
Question number 8

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 2 each correct tick =

1 mark
aluminium and copper chloride

three ticks and two

correct = 1 mark
copper and potassium chloride
three ticks and one
correct = 0 marks

four or five ticks =

gold and silver nitrate
0 marks

lead and copper chloride

tin and zinc chloride

(b) (i) 1 hydrogen / H 2 Accept H

(ii) 1 exothermic

Total 4
Question number 9

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 2 all correct = 2 marks

two correct = 1 mark

one correct = 0 marks

Accept arrow anywhere on

individual magnets

(b) (i) 1 Accept arrow anywhere on

the field line

(ii) 1 Do not accept contradictory


Do not accept lines that

cross each other

at least two correct line(s) and correct

arrow = 1 mark

Total 4

(iii) Write one conclusion about the amount of fat found in fruits.


(iv) Mike thinks the information in the table is not a fair comparison because the
fruits are different shapes.

Lee thinks it is not a fair comparison but he knows that the shape of the fruit is
not important.

What measurement do they need to make it a fair comparison?


11 Safia investigates the reaction between magnesium ribbon and dilute sulfuric acid.

In each experiment Safia uses 25 cm3 of sulfuric acid.

She records the temperature of the acid and then adds some magnesium ribbon.

When the magnesium has finished reacting she records the temperature of the acid again.

Safia does this experiment six times.

Each time she uses a different length of magnesium ribbon.

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Look at Safia’s results.

Safia then calculates the temperature change for each reaction.

(a) Put her results, including the temperature changes, into a table.


(b) One set of readings is an anomalous result.

Which set?


(c) The reaction between magnesium and sulfuric acid releases energy.

What is the name given to a reaction that releases energy?


© UCLES 2014 1113/01/SP/14 [Turn over


Question 11

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 3 Correct data recorded in

table = 1 mark

Correct headings =
1 mark

Correct temperature
changes entered in table
= 1 mark

Accept if not in correct

order but data is same

(b) 1 result for 4 cm This can be highlighted

on the table or written

(c) 1 exothermic

Total 5

Question 12

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 newtonmeter / forcemeter

(b) 1 (idea of) checking reliability / identify anomalous /

odd / unusual results
(c) 1 9.7

(d) 1 32.6 - first row second number Accept answer written

on paper by (d)
Total 4

© UCLES 2014 1113/01/SM/14

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