Day 09

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Learning & Revision for the Day
u Universal Law of Gravitation u Gravitational Potential u Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion
u Acceleration due to Gravity u Gravitational Potential Energy u Satellite
u Gravitational Field u Escape Velocity u Geostationary Satellite

Universal Law of Gravitation

In this universe, each body attracts other body with a force that is directly proportional
to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance
between them.
Let m1 and m2 be the masses of two bodies and r be the separation between them.
m m
F = G 12 2 .
The proportionality constant G is called universal gravitational constant. In SI system,
value of gravitational constant G is 6.67 × 10 −11 Nm2 kg−2 . Dimensional formula of G is
[M −1L3 T −2 ].

Acceleration due to Gravity

The acceleration of an object during its free fall towards the earth is
called acceleration due to gravity.
If M is the mass of earth and R is the radius, the earth attracts a mass R
m on its surface with a force F given by
GMm Centre PREP
Your Personal Preparation Indicator
This force imparts an acceleration to the mass m which is known as
acceleration due to gravity (g). u No. of Questions in Exercises (x)—
By Newton’s law, we have u No. of Questions Attempted (y)—
GMm u No. of Correct Questions (z)—
F 2 GM (Without referring Explanations)
Acceleration (g) = = R = 2
m m R
u Accuracy Level (z / y × 100)—
On the surface of earth, g = 2 u Prep Level (z / x × 100)—
Substituting the values of G, M, R, we get g = 9.81 ms −2 . In order to expect good rank in JEE,
your Accuracy Level should be above
Mass of the earth m = 6 × 10 kg and radius of the earth R = 6.4 × 10 m.
85 & Prep Level should be above 75.

Gravitational field intensity due to a solid sphere

Variation in g with Altitude and Depth

(e.g. earth) of mass M and radius R at a point distant r from

with respect to Earth GM
its centre (r > R) is I = 2
The value of g is variable and can vary in same cases as
mentioned below and at the surface of solid sphere, I = 2 .
1. Value of acceleration due to gravity ( g ) at a height ( h ) R
gR2 However, for a point r < R, we find that I = 3
from the surface of the earth is given by g′ = R
(R + h)2
 2h 
If h << R, then g′ = g 1 − 
 R R2
2. Value of acceleration due to gravity (g) at a depth (d) I∝r I ∝ 12
from the surface of the earth is given by
 d r<R r>R
g′ = g  1 −  O
 R R r

At the centre of the earth d = R and hence, g′ = 0. Variation of gravitational field intensity in solid sphere

Due to a body in the form of uniform shell gravitational

Variation in the Value of g Due to

field intensity at a point outside the shell (r > R) is given

Rotation of the Earth by
I= 2
Due to rotation of the earth, the value of g decreases as the
speed of rotation of the earth increases. The value of But at any point inside the shell, gravitational intensity is
acceleration due to gravity at a latitude is zero.
g′λ = g − Rω2 cos2 λ ●
Gravitational intensity at a point due to the combined
effect of different point masses is given by the vector sum
Following conclusions can be drawn from the above
of individual intensities.
Thus, I = I 1 + I2 + I3 + ...
(a) The effect of centrifugal force due to rotation of the earth
is to reduce the effective value of g.
(b) The effective value of g is not truely in vertical direction. Gravitational Potential
(c) At the equators, λ = 0 ° Gravitational potential at any point in a gravitational field is
defined as the work done in bringing a unit mass from
Therefore, g′ = g − Rω 2
(minimum value)
infinity to that point.
(d) At the poles, λ = 90 ° W
Gravitational potential, V = lim .
Therefore, g′ = g (maximum value) m 0→ 0 m0

Gravitational Field Gravitational potential due to a point mass is V = − .
The space surrounding a material body in which its Gravitational potential is always negative. It is a scalar term
gravitational force of attraction can be experienced is called and its SI unit is J kg −1.
its gravitational field.
For Solid Sphere
Gravitational Field Intensity (I) ●
At a point outside the solid sphere, (e.g. earth), i.e.
Gravitational field intensity at any point is defined as the GM
r > R, V = − .
force experienced by any test mass devided by the magnitude r
of test mass when placed at the desired point. GM

At a point on the surface, V = − .
Gravitational field intensity, I = ●
At a point inside the sphere, (r < R).
GM GM  r2 
where, m0 is a small test mass. The SI unit of gravitational V =− 3
(3 R2 − r 2 ) = − 3 − 2 
intensity is N kg −1. 2R 2R  R 

Gravitational intensity at a point situated at a distance r ●
At the centre of solid sphere,
GM 3GM 3
from a point mass M is given by I = 2 V =− = Vsurface
r 2R 2

For Spherical Shell B

At a point outside the shell, A
V =− where, r > R. II

At a point on the surface of spherical shell, D
V =−
3. Law of Periods The square of the planet’s time period of

At any point inside the surface of spherical shell
revolution is directly proportional to the cube of
GM semi-major axis of its orbit.
V =− = Vsurface
T 2 ∝ a3
where a is the semi-major axis.
Relation between Gravitational Field
and Gravitational Potential Gravitational Potential Energy
If r1 and r2 are position of two points in the gravitation field Gravitational potential energy of a body or system is negative
with intensity (I), then change in gravitational potential of work done by the conservative gravitational forces F in
r2 bringing it from infinity to the present position.
V (r2 ) − V (r1) = − ∫ I ⋅ dr Mathematically, gravitational potential energy
⇒ dV = − I ⋅ dr U = − W = − ∫ F ⋅ dr

dr = dx $i + dy $j + dz k$ ●
The gravitational potential energy of two particles of
and $ then
I = I x $i + I y $j + I z k, masses m1 and m2 separated by a distance r is given by
dV = − I.dr = −I x dx − I y dy − I z dz U=−
∂V $ ∂V $ ∂V $
Thus, I=− i− j− k The gravitational potential energy of mass m at the surface
∂x ∂y ∂z

of the earth is
Remember that partial differentiation indicates that variation GMm
of gravitational potential in counter along the variation of U=−
x-coordinate, then other coordinates (i.e. y and z) are
assumed to be constant.

Difference in potential energy of mass m at a height h from
the earth’s surface and at the earth’s surface is
mgh ~
U( R + h ) − UR = − mgh, if h << R
Kepler’s Laws of Planetary 1+
Motion ●
For three particles system,
Kepler discovered three empirical laws which accurately
describe the motion of planets. Gm1m2 Gm1m3 Gm2 m3 
U = − + + 
These laws are  r 12 r 13 r23 
1. Law of Orbits All the planets move around the sun in an n (n − 1)
elliptical orbit with sun at one of the focus of ellipse.

For n-particles system, pairs form and total
Minor axis potential energy of the system is sum of potential energies
of all such pairs.

Planet Swept area

Escape Velocity
Major axis
It is the minimum velocity with which a body must be
S projected from the surface of the earth so that it escapes the
Perihelion Apehelion
or Perigee or Apogee gravitational field of the earth. We can also say that a body,
a projected with escape velocity, will be able to go to a point
2. Law of Areas The line joining the sun to the planet which is at infinite distance from the earth.
sweeps out equal areas in equal intervals of time, i.e. areal The value of escape velocity from the surface of a planet of
velocity of the planet w.r.t. sun is constant. This is called mass M, radius R and acceleration due to gravity g is
the law of area, which indicates that a planet moves faster 2GM
near the sun and slowly when away from the sun. vescape = = 2gR

Escape velocity does not depend upon the mass or shape or Height of Satellite in Terms of Period
size of the body as well as the direction of projection of the
The height of the satellite (from the earth planet) can be
body. For earth value of escape velocity is 11.2 kms−1.
determined by its time period and vice-versa.
Satellites As the height of the satellite in terms of time period,
1/ 3
Anybody that revolves around earth or any planet is called  gR2T 2 
h=r −R= 2 
− R.
satellite. These can be natural (e.g. Moon) or artificial. The  4π 
artificial satellites are man made satellites launched from the
earth. The path of these satellites are elliptical with the centre of Energy of Satellite
earth at a foci of the ellipse. However, as a first approximation
1 GMm
we may consider the orbit of satellite as circular. Kinetic energy of satellite, K = mv20 = .
2 2r
Orbital Velocity of Satellite Potential energy of satellite, U = −
Orbital velocity of a satellite is the velocity required to put r
the satellite into its orbit around the earth. The orbital GMm
and total energy of satellite E = K + U = − = − K.
velocity of satellite is given by 2r

GM gR2 gR2 Binding Energy of Satellite

vo = = =
r r (R + h) It is the energy required to remove the satellite from its orbit
If h << R or r ~
− R, then and take it to infinity.
GM Binding energy = − E = +
vo = = gR = 7.9 kms – 1 2r

vescape = 2 vorbital
Angular Momentum of Satellite
Angular momentum of a satellite, L = mv0r = m2GMr
Period of Revolution
It is the time taken by a satellite to complete one revolution
around the earth. Geostationary Satellite
2 πr r3 r3 3π If an artificial satellite revolves around the earth in an
Revolution period, T = = 2π = 2π = equatorial plane with a time period of 24 h in the same sense
vo GM gR2 G. e
as that of the earth, then it will appear stationary to the
R observer on the earth. Such a satellite is known as a
− R, then T = 2π
If r ~ = 84.6 min.
g geostationary satellite or parking satellite.



1 A mass M is split into two parts m and (M − m ), which are (a) M will remain at rest
separated by a certain distance. The ratio m/M which (b) M will move towards M
maximizes the gravitational force between the parts is (c) M will move towards 2M
(d) M will have oscillatory motion
(a) 1 : 4 (b) 1 : 3
(c) 1 : 2 (d) 1 : 1 3 If one moves from the surface of the earth to the moon,
2 Particles of masses 2M, m and M are respectively at what will be the effect on its weight?
1 (a) Weight of a person decreases continuously with height
points A, B and C with AB = (BC ), m is much-much
2 from the surface of the earth
smaller than M and at time t = 0, they are all at rest as (b) Weight of a person increases with height from the
given in figure. At subsequent times before any collision surface of the earth
takes place. (c) Weight of a person first decreases with height and then
A B C increases with height from the surface of the earth
2M m M (d) Weight of a person first increases with height and then
decreases with height from the surface of the earth

g g
4 At the surface of a certain planet acceleration due to
gravity is one-quarter of that on the earth. If a brass ball
(c) (d)
is transported on this planet, then which one of the
following statements is not correct?
d d
(a) The brass ball has same mass on the other planet as on O R O R
the earth
(b) The mass of the brass ball on this planet is a quarter of 11 The gravitational field, due to the ‘left over part’ of a
its mass as measured on the earth uniform sphere (from which a part as shown has been
(c) The weight of the brass ball on this planet is a quarter of ‘removed out’) at a very far off point, P located as shown,
the weight as measured on the earth would be (nearly) ª JEE Main 2015
(d) The brass ball has the same volume on the other planet
Mass of complete
as on the earth Removed
part sphere = M
5 If both the mass and radius of the earth, each decreases P
by 50%, the acceleration due to gravity would R
(a) remain same (b) decrease by 50%
(c) decrease by 100% (d) increase by 100%
5 GM 8 GM 7 GM 6 GM
6 A research satellite of mass 200 kg circles the earth in an (a) (b) (c) (d)
6 R2 9 R2 8 R2 7 R2
orbit of average radius ,where R is the radius of the
2 12 A solid sphere is of density ρ and radius R. The
earth. Assuming the gravitational pull on a mass of 1kg gravitational field at a distance r from the centre of the
on the earth’s surface to be 10 N, the pull on the satellite sphere, when r < R , is
will be ρπGR 3 4 π Gρ r 2 4 π Gρ R 3 4 π Gρ r
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(a) 880 N (b) 889 N r 3 3r 2 3
(c) 885 N (d) 892 N 13 The maximum vertical distance through which a full
7 The height at which the acceleration due to gravity dressed astronaut can jump on the earth is 0.5 m.
g Estimate the maximum vertical distance through which he
becomes (where, g = the acceleration due to gravity
9 can jump on the moon, which has a mean density 2/3rd
on the surface of the earth) in terms of R, the radius of that of the earth and radius one quarter that of the earth.
the earth is (a) 1.5 m (b) 3 m (c) 6 m (d) 7.5 m
h h 14 The mass of a spaceship is 1000 kg. It is to be launched
(a) 2h (b) (c) (d) 2 h
3 2 from the earth’s surface out into free space. The value of
8 The change in the value of g at a height h above the g and R (radius of earth) are 10 m/s 2 and 6400 km
surface of the earth is the same as at a depth d below respectively. The required energy for this work will be
the surface of the earth. When both d and h are much (a) 6.4 × 1011 J (b) 6.4 × 108 J
smaller than the radius of the earth, then which one of the (c) 6.4 × 109 J (d) 6.4 × 1010 J
following is correct? 15 If g is the acceleration due to gravity on the earth’s
h 3h surface, the gain in the potential energy of an object of
(a) d = (b) d = (c) d = 2h (d) d = h
2 2 mass m raised from the surface of the earth to a height
9 Average density of the earth equal to the radius R of the earth, is
1 1
(a) does not depend on g (a) 2mgR (b) mgR (c) mgR (d) mgR
(b) is a complex function of g 2 4
(c) is directly proportional to g 16 Two bodies of masses m and 4 m are placed at a
(d) is inversely proportional to g distance r. The gravitational potential at a point on the line
joining them where the gravitational field is zero is
10 The variation of acceleration due to gravity g with 4Gm 6Gm 9Gm
distance d from centre of the Earth is best represented (a) − (b) − (c) − (d) zero
r r r
by (R = Earth’s radius) ª JEE Main 2017 (Offline)
g g 17 A planet in a distant solar system is 10 times more
massive than the earth and its radius is 10 times smaller.
Given that the escape velocity from the earth is 11 kms −1,
(a) (b) the escape velocity from the surface of the planet would
d d be
(a) 1.1 kms −1 (b) 11 kms −1
(c) 110 kms −1 (d) 0.11 kms −1

18 A projectile is fired vertically upwards from the surface 26 The gravitational force exerted by the sun on the moon is
of the earth with a velocity kve , where ve is the escape about twice as great as the gravitational force exerted by
velocity and k < 1. If R is the radius of the earth, the the earth on the moon, but still the moon is not escaping
maximum height to which it will rise measured from the from gravitational influence of the earth. Mark the option
centre of the earth will be which correctly explains the above system.
1− k2 R (a) At some point of time the moon will escape from the earth
(a) (b)
R 1− k2 (b) Separation between the moon and sun is larger than the
R separation between the earth and moon
(c) R (1 − k 2 ) (d)
1+ k2 (c) The moon-earth system is bounded one and a minimum
amount of energy is required to escape the moon from the
19 Two cars of masses m1 and m2 are moving in circles of earth
radii r1 and r2, respectively. Their speeds are such that (d) None of the above
they make complete circles in the same time t. The
ratio of their centripetal acceleration is 27 What is the minimum energy required to launch a satellite of
mass m from the surface of a planet of mass M and radius R
(a) m1r1 : m2 r2 (b) m1 : m2 (c) r1 : r2 (d) 1 : 1
in a circular orbit at an altitude of 2R ?
20 What is the direction of areal velocity of the earth ª JEE Main 2013
around the sun? 5 GmM 2GmM GmM GmM
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(a) Perpendicular to positon of the earth w.r.t. the sun at 6R 3R 2R 3R
the focus Energy
(b) Perpendicular to velocity of the earth revolving in the
28 The curves for potential energy
elliptical path (E P ) and kinetic energy (E K ) of
(c) Parallel to angular displacement two particles system are as
(d) Both (a) and (b) shown in the figure. At what O C
points the system will be bound D
21 The time period of a satellite of the earth is 5 h. If EP
the separation between the earth and the satellite is (a) Only at point A
(b) Only at point D
increased to 4 times the previous value, the new time
(c) At points A and D
period will become
(d) At points A, B and C
(a) 10 h (b) 80 h (c) 40 h (d) 20 h
29 The earth moves around the sun in B Earth
22 A satellite goes along an elliptical path around earth.
an elliptical orbit as shown in the
The rate of change of area swept by the line joining OA
earth and the satellite is proportional to figure. The ratio = x . The ratio A
OB O Sun
1/ 2 3/ 2 2
(a) r (b) r (c) r (d) r of the speeds of the earth at B and
23 A satellite of mass m revolves around the earth of at A is
radius R at a height x from its surface. If g is the (a) x (b) x (c) x 2 (d) x x
acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the earth, 30 A satellite of mass ms revolving in a circular orbit of radius rs
the orbital speed of the satellite is around the earth of mass M, has a total energy E . Then its
1/ 2
gR gR 2  gR 2  angular momentum will be
(a) g x (b) (c) (d)  
R−x R+ x R + x  (a) (2E msrs )1/ 2 (b) (2E msrs )

24 Two particles of equal mass m go around a circle of (c) (2E msrs2 )1/ 2 (d) (2E msrs2 )
radius R under the action of their mutual gravitational 31 Match the term related to gravitation given in Column I with
attraction. The speed of each particle with respect to their formula given in Column II and select the correct
their centre of mass is ª AIEEE 2011 option from the choices given below :
Gm Gm Gm Gm
(a) (b) (c) (d) Column I Column II
R 4R 3R 2R
A. Gravitational potential at a point 1. 3 GM
25 Suppose the gravitational force varies inversely as the outside the solid sphere 2R
nth power of distance. Then the time period of a planet
B. Gravitational potential at a point on 2. GM
in circular orbit of radius R around the sun will be
the surface of sphere r
proportional to
 n + 1  n − 1  n − 2 C. Gravitational potential at the centre 3. GM
     
 2   2  n  2  of solid sphere R
(a) R (b) R (c) R (d) R

A B C Statement II An object moving around the earth under

(a) 1 3 2 the influence of the earth’s gravitational force is in a state
(b) 2 3 1 of ‘free-fall’.
(c) 1 2 3
33 Statement I Kepler’s laws for planetary motion are
(d) 3 2 1
consequence of Newton’s laws.
Direction (Q. Nos. 32-33) Each of these questions contains Statement II Kepler’s laws can be derived by using
two statements : Statement I and Statement II. Each of these Newton’s laws.
questions also has four alternative choices, only one of which 34 Assertion (A) If the earth were a hollow sphere,
is the correct answer. You have to select one of the codes (a), gravitational field intensity at any point inside the earth
(b), (c), (d) given below would be zero.
(a) Statement I is true, Statement II is true; Statement II is Reason (R) Net force on a body inside the sphere is
the correct explanation for Statement I
(b) Statement I is true, Statement II is true; Statement II is
(a) If both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is
not the correct explanation for Statement I
the correct explanation of Assertion
(c) Statement I is true; Statement II is false
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not
(d)Statement I is false; Statement II is true
the correct explanation of Assertion
32 Statement I An astronaut in an orbiting space station (c) If Assertion is true but Reason is false
above the earth experiences weightlessness. (d) If Assertion is false but Reason is true



1 Satellites orbitting the earth have finite life and sometimes   1 1   1 1  
(a) Gm  A  −  + BL  (b) Gm  A  −  − BL 
debris of satellites fall to the earth. This is because  a + L a   a a + L 
(a) the solar cells and batteries in satellites run out   1   1 
1 1 
(b) the laws of gravitation predict a trajectory spiralling (c) Gm  A  −  − BL  (d) Gm  A  −  + BL 
inwards   a
( + L) a     a a + L  
(c) of viscous forces causing the speed of satellite and 5 A ring having non-uniform distribution of mass having
hence height to gradually decrease
mass M and radius R is being considered. A point mass
(d) of collisions with other satellites
m0 is taken slowly from A to B along the axis of the ring. In
2 A body is released from a point distance r from the doing so, work done by the external force against the
centre of earth. If R is the radius of the earth and r > R , gravitational force exerted by ring is
then the velocity of the body at the time of striking the
earth will be
(a) gR (b) 2gR
2gRr 2gR (r − R) O
(c) (d) R R
r −R r

3 Two small satellites move in circular orbits around the

earth, at distances r and r + ∆r from the centre of the (a)
earth. Their time periods of rotation areT and T + ∆T , 2R
( ∆r << r , ∆T << T ). Then, ∆T is equal to (b)
GMm0  1

1 
3 ∆r 2 ∆r − 3 ∆r ∆r R  2 5 
(a) T (b) T (c) T (d)T
2 r 3 r 2 r r GMm0  1 1 
(c) −
4 A straight rod of length L extends from x = a to x = L + a . R  5 2 
The gravitational force, it exerts on a point mass m at (d) It is not possible to find the required work as the nature
x = 0, if the mass per unit length is A + Bx 2, is of distribution of mass is not known

6 With what minimum speed should vmin 12 From a solid sphere of mass M and
m be projected from point C in the m 30° radius R, a spherical portion of radius
presence of two fixed masses M R 
  is removed as shown in the figure.
each at A and B as shown in the  2
figure, such that mass m should Taking gravitational potentialV = 0 at
escape the gravitational attraction I = ∞, the potential at the centre of the
M M cavity thus formed is (I = gravitational
of A and B ?
A R O R B constant). ª JEE Main 2015
2GM 2 2 GM
(a) (b) −GM −GM −2GM −2GM
R R (a) (b) (c) (d)
2R R 3R R
(c) 2 (d) 2 2 13 A satellite is revolving in a circular orbit at a height h from
the Earth’s surface (radius of Earth R , h < < R ). The
7 A particle of mass 10 g is kept on the surface of a minimum increase in its orbital velocity required, so that
uniform sphere of mass 100 kg and radius 10 cm. Find the satellite could escape from the Earth’s gravitational
the work to be done against the gravitational force field, is close to (Neglect the effect of atmosphere)
between them, to take the particle far away from the ª JEE Main 2017 (Offline)
sphere, (you may take G = 6.67 × 10−11 Nm 2 / kg2) (a) 2gR (b) gR (c) gR / 2 (d) gR ( 2 − 1)
(a) 13.34 × 10−10 J (b) 3.33 × 10−10 J 14 Four particles, each of mass M and equidistant from each
(c) 6.67 × 10−9 J (d) 6.67 × 10−10 J other, move along a circle of radius R under the action of
8 Two metallic spheres each of mass M are suspended by their mutual gravitational attraction, the speed of each
two strings each of length L. The distance between the particle is ª JEE Main 2015
upper ends of strings is L. The angle which the strings GM GM
(a) (b) 2 2
will make with the vertical due to mutual attraction of the R R
spheres is GM 1 GM
(c) (1 + 2 2 ) (d) (1 + 2 2 )
 GM  R 2 R
 GM 
(a) tan−1   (b) tan−1  
 gL   2 gL  Direction (Q. Nos. 15-16) Each of these questions contains
two statements : Statement I and Statement II. Each of these
 GM   2GM 
(c) tan−1  2  (d) tan−1  2 
questions also has four alternative choices, only one of which
 gL   gL  is the correct answer. You have to select one of the codes (a),
(b), (c), (d) given below
9 A body of mass 2 kg is moving under the influence of a
(a) Statement I is true, Statement II is true; Statement II is
central force whose potential energy is given by the correct explanation for Statement I
U = 2r 3 joule. If the body is moving in a circular orbit of (b) Statement I is true, Statement II is true; Statement II is
5 m, its energy will be not the correct explanation for Statement I
(a) 250 J (b) 125 J (c) Statement I is true; Statement II is false
(c) 625 J (d) 650 J (d) Statement I is false; Statement II is true
10 A mass m is placed at P at a distance 15 Statement I Three orbits are marked 3
r as 1, 2 and 3. These three orbits 1
h along the normal through the centre P
O of a thin circular ring of mass M and O h m
have same semi-major axis although
their shapes (eccentricities) are
radius r as shown in figure. If the mass
different. The three identical
is moved further away such that OP M
satellites are orbiting in these three orbits, respectively.
becomes 2h, by what factor, the force These three satellites have the same binding energy.
of gravitation will decrease, if h = r ?
Statement II Total energy of a satellite depends on the
3 2 5 2 4 3 4 2 semi-major axis of orbit according to the expression,
(a) (b) (c) (d)
4 3 3 5 5 5 − GMm
11 An artificial satellite of the earth is launched in circular orbit 2r
in equatorial plane of the earth and satellite is moving from 16 Statement I Two satellites are following one another in the
West to East. With respect to a person on the equator, the same circular orbit. If one satellite tries to catch another
satellite is completing one round trip in 24 h. Mass of the (leading one) satellite, then it can be done by increasing
its speed without changing the orbit.
earth is, M = 6 × 10 24kg. For this situation, orbital radius of the
satellite is Statement II The energy of the earth satellites system in
− GMm
(a) 2.66 × 104 km (b) 6400 km circular orbits is given by E = , where, r is the
(c) 36,000 km (d) 29,600 km radius of the circular orbit.


SESSION 1 1 (c) 2 (c) 3 (c) 4 (b) 5 (d) 6 (b) 7 (c) 8 (c) 9 (c) 10 (c)
11 (c) 12 (d) 13 (b) 14 (d) 15 (b) 16 (c) 17 (c) 18 (b) 19 (c) 20 (d)
21 (c) 22 (a) 23 (d) 24 (b) 25 (a) 26 (c) 27 (a) 28 (d) 29 (b) 30 (c)
31 (b) 32 (a) 33 (d) 34 (a)

SESSION 2 1 (c) 2 (d) 3 (a) 4 (d) 5 (b) 6 (b) 7 (d) 8 (c) 9 (c) 10 (d)
11 (a) 12 (b) 13 (d) 14 (d) 15 (a) 16 (d)

Hints and Explanations

SESSION 1 6 Here, mg = 10 or 1 × g = 10 ⇒ ρ = 
3 
 g;
Gm(M − m )  4 πGR 
1 As, F = ⇒ g = 10 ms –2

x2 R2 R2 40 ∴ ρ∝ g
For maximum gravitational force Now, g ′ = g 2 = 10 × = (where, ρ = average density of the earth)
r (3R/2) 2 9
dF G m 1
= 2 (M − 2m ) = 0 or = Pull on satellite = m ′ g ′ 10 Inside the earth’s surface,
dm x M 2
40 GM
= 200 × g = d i.e. g ∝ d
2 The particle B will move towards the 9 R3
greater force between forces by A ≈ 889 N Outside the earth’s surface,
and B. Gm 1
G (2Mm ) 7 Acceleration due to gravity at height h g = 2 i.e. g ∝ 2
Force on B due to A = F BA = GM d d
( AB )2 is, g ′ = So, till earth’s surface g increases linearly
(R + h )2
towards BA with distance r, shown only in graph (c).

Force on B due to C = F BC =
GMm g GM R2  R 
⇒ = 2 ⋅ =g   11 We have,
(BC )2 9 R (R + h )2  R + h 3
towards BC M 4  R M
2 M′ = × π  =
As, (BC ) = 2 AB 1  R  4 3 3  2 8
⇒ =  πR
GMm GMm 9  R + h 3
⇒ F BC = = < F BA
(2 AB )2 4( AB )2 R 1 ∴ Gravitational field at
⇒ = GM GM
Hence, m will move towards BA R+ h 3 P = 2 −
(i.e. 2M). R 8R2
⇒ 3R = R + h
= G × 2  1 −  =
M  1 7 GM
3 The gravitational attraction on a body h
⇒ R= R  8 8 R2
due to the earth decreases with height 2
and increases due to the moon at a 12 Intensity,
certain height. 8 g h = g  1 − 2h  …(i) 4 π Gρr
r = 3  π R3ρ =
 R GM Gr 4
I =
At one point it becomes zero and with R3 R 3  3
and g d = g  1 − 
further increase in height the …(ii)
 R
gravitational attraction of the moon 13 On the moon, g m = 4 π G (R/4)(2ρ/3)
As per statement of the problem, 3
becomes more than that of the earth.
=  π GRρ = g
g h = gd 14 1
4 The mass of a body is always constant 63  6
i.e. g  1 −
and does not change with position. 2h   d
 = g 1 −  Work done in jumping
 R  R
5 Here, g = GM /R 2
= m × g × 0.5 = m × (g /6) h 1
⇒ 2h = d h 1 = 0.5 × 6 = 3.0 m
G (M /2) 2GM
and g ′ = = = 2g GM
(R/2)2 R2 9 As, g = 2 ; 14 Potential energy on the earth surface is
R − mgR while in free space it is zero. So,
 g′ − g 
∴ % increase in g =   × 100 to free the spaceship, minimum required
M =  π R 3  ρ
 g  energy is
3 
 2g − g  K = mgR = 103 × 10 × 6400 × 103 J
=  × 100 4G πR 3
 g  ∴ g = ρ = 6.4 × 1010 J
3 R2
= 100%

15 Gravitational potential energy of body 1 mg (r − R )  gR2   gR2 

1 /2
m k 2 ⋅ 2gR = , vo =
on the earth’s surface is 2 1+
r −R or  ( R + x ) =  ( R + x )
   
GMe m R
U =−
R  r − R 24 As gravitational force provides necessary
k R 1+
=r −R
At a height h from earth’s surface, its  R  centripetal force.
value is k2r = r − R
GMe m GMe m R
Uh = − =− [as h = R] ⇒ r =
(R + h ) 2R 1 − k2
where, Me = mass of earth, m m mv2
19 As their period of revolution is same, so F R
m = mass of body their angular speed is also same.
and R = radius of earth. Centripetal acceleration is circular path,
∴ Gain in potential energy a = ω2 r .
= Uh − U ω2 r Gm2 mv 2
Thus, 1 = 2 1 = 1
r i.e. F = 2
GMe m  GMe m  ω r2 (2R ) R
=− − −  a2 r2
2R  R  Gm
20 Areal velocity of the earth around the ⇒ v =
GMe m GMe m 4R
=− + sun is given by
2R R
dA L 25 The necessary centripetal force required
2 =
GMe m gR m
= as g = GMe  dt 2m for a planet to move around the sun
2R 2R  R2  where, L is the angular momentum and = gravitational force exerted on it
1 /2
1 m is the mass of the earth. But angular
or v =  n −1e 
= mgR mv 2 GMe m GM
momentum i.e. =
2 R R n
R 
L = r × p = r × mv 1 /2
16 Let gravitational field is zero at P as
∴ Areal velocity 2πR  R n −1 
shown in figure. Now, T = = 2 πR ×  
 dA  = 1 (r × m v) v  GMe 
m P 4m  
 dt  2m  R2 × R n −1 
1 /2
A B = 2π 
x r–x 1 
= (r × v)  Gme 
r 2
 R ( n + 1 )/2 
Gm G (4m ) Therefore, the direction of areal velocity = 2π  
∴ =  (Gme )1 /2 
x2 (r − x )2  d A  is the direction of (r × v), i.e.
 
 dt  or T ∝ R( n + 1 )/2
⇒ 4 x2 = (r − x )2 ⇒ 2x = r − x
r perpendicular to the plane containing r 26 Option (c) is correct, a minimum amount
⇒ x= and v.
3 of energy equal to|TE |of the moon-earth
Gm G (4m ) 9Gm 21 According to Kepler’s law, T 2 ∝ r 3 system has to be given to break
∴ VP = − − =− (unbound) the system, the sun is exerting
x r − x r 2 3

∴  1  =  1 
T r 25 r3
⇒ = force on the moon but not providing any
(∴ x = r / 3) T  r  (T ′ )2
64r 3 energy.
17 Mass of planet, M p = 10Me , or T ′ = 1600 or T ′ = 40 h
27 From conservation of energy
where, Me is mass of earth. 22 Areal velocity = dA = L = mvr = vr Total energy at the planet = Total energy
R dt 2m 2m 2 at the altitude
Radius of planet, R p = e ,
10 r GM 1 − GMm
= = GMr + (KE) surface
where Re is radius of earth. 2 r 2 R
Escape velocity is given by, dA − GMm 1
So, ∝ r = + mv 2A …(i)
2GM dt 3R 2
ve =
R In its orbit, the necessary centripetal force
2G × M p
23 The gravitational force exerted on is provided by gravitational force.
For planet, v p = satellite at a height x is
Rp mv 2A GMm
GMe m ∴ =
FG = (R + 2R ) (R + 2R )2
100 × 2GMe (R + x )2
= GM
Re where, Me = mass of the earth. ⇒ v 2A = …(ii)
= 10 × v e Since, gravitational force provides the From Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get
= 10 × 11 necessary centripetal force, so 5 GMm
= 110 kms −1 (KE) surface =
GMe m mv o2 6 R
18 From law of conservation of energy, (R + x )2
(R + x )
28 The system will be bound at all these
1 mgh where, v o is orbital speed of satellite
mv 2 = points where the total energy = (E P + E K )
2 h GMe m
1+ ⇒ = mv o2 is negative.
R (R + x )
Here, v = kv e = k 2gR gR2 m In the given curve, at points A, B and C,
= mv o2 Q g = GMe 
or   the E P > E K .
and h = r − R (R + x )  R2 

r − R
= GM 
29 According to law of conservation of v 2 GM GM 7 The initial potential energy of the
⇒ = − 
angular momentum; 2 R r  rR  particle = Work done.
mv A × OA = mv B × OB , r − R GMm
v B OA = gR  
Q GM = g 
  Ui = −
= = x  r   R2  r
v A OB 6.67 × 10−11 × 100 × 10−2
∴ v = 2 gR (r − R ) /r Ui = −
30 Total energy of satellite,
3 According to Kepler’s law, T 2 ∝ r 3 6.67 × 10−11
GMm s Ui = −
E =− …(i) T 2 = kr 3 … (i) 01
2r s
Orbital velocity of satellite,
Differentiating it, we have = − 6.67 × 10−10 J
GM 2T ∆T = 3kr 2 ∆r
vs = m = 10 × 10–3 kg
rs Dividing it by Eq. (i), we get
Angular momentum of satellite is given 2T ∆T 3kr 2 ∆r 3 ∆r
= ⇒ ∆T = T R = 0.1 m
by T 2
kr 3 2 r
1 /2 M = 100 kg
 GM  4 Mass of the element of length dx at a
L = m sv srs = m s   r s = (GM m2s r s )1 /2
 rs  distance x from the origin
= (2 Em s r s2 )1 /2 [from Eq. (i)] = ( A + Bx2 ) dx
We know that, work done = Difference in
31 Gravitational potential, Gm ( A + Bx2 )dx
dF = potential energy
GM x2
At outside point (solid sphere) = ∴ W = ∆U = U f − U i
r On integrating,
⇒ W = −Ui [Q U f = 0]
GM ( A + Bx2 )dx
At the surface (solid sphere)= F = Gm ∫ = 6.67 × 10−10 J
R a
3GM a+L A  8 The metallic spheres will be at positions
At the centre (solid sphere)= = Gm ∫  2 + B  dx as shown in the figure.
2R a x 
Hence, (b) is correct.  1 1  
= Gm  A  −  + BL 
 a a + L
32 Force acting on astronaut is utilised in q
 T
providing necessary centripetal force, T cos q q
thus he feels weightlessness, as he is in 5 Even though the distribution of mass is
the state of free fall. unknown we can find the potential due T sin q
to ring on any axial point because from
33 Kepler’s laws are based on observations, mg
any axial point the entire mass is at the
hit and trial method and already same distance (whatever would be the From the figure,
recorded data but later on Newton nature of distribution). GM × M GM 2
proved their correctness using his laws. Potential at A due to ring is, T sinθ = F = = 2
L2 L
34 It is clear that the net force on the body VA = − and T cos θ = Mg
inside the hollow sphere is zero hence, ⇒ tanθ = 2
then net gravitational field intensity Potential at B due to ring is, gL
 E = F  at any point inside the earth VB = −  GM 
  5R ⇒ θ = tan −1  2 
 m  gL 
dU = U f − U i
must also be zero.
= U B − U A = m 0 (V B − V A )
9 Given, U = 2r 3
GMm 0  1 1 
SESSION 2 = − + − dU
R  5 2  ∴ F = = −6r 2
1 As the total energy of the earth satellite Wgr = − Wext
− GM  mv 2
bounded system is negative  . ⇒ Wgr = − dU = − Wext Now, =|F |= 6r 2
 2a  GMm 0  1 1  r
∴ Wext = dU = − 1 1
Where, a is radius of the satellite and M R  2 5  or mv 2 = (6r 3 ) = 3r 3
is mass of the earth. Due to the viscous 2 2
force acting on satellite, energy 6 Here, K i + U i = K f + U f As, TE = K + U
decreases continuously and radius of 1 2GMm = 3r 3 + 2r 3
∴ mv 2 − = 0+ 0
the orbit or height decreases gradually. 2 2R = 5r 3
2 Using law of conservation of energy, 1 2GMm 2 2 GM ∴ At r = 5m,
GMm 1 GMm or mv 2 = or v =
− = mv 2 − 2 2R R TE = 625J
r 2 R Hence, (b) is the correct option. Hence, (c) is the correct option.

10 Gravitational force acting on an object 12 Consider cavity as negative mass and ∴ Minimum increase in its orbital
of mass m, placed at point P at a apply superposition of gravitational velocity required to escape from the
distance h along the normal through the potential. Consider the cavity formed in Earth’s gravitational field.
centre of a circular ring of mass M and
a solid sphere as shown in figure. 2GM GM
radius r is given by v ′− v = −
V (∞ ) = 0 R R
r = 2gR − gR
= gR ( 2 − 1) Q g = GM 
h  
O m P ºº +  R2 
R R/2 R/2 -P
14 Net force acting on any one particle M.
GMmh According to the equation, potential at v M
F = v
(r 2 + h2 )3 /2 an internal point P due to complete
When mass is displaced upto distance sphere. R
GM  R 

V3 = − 3 3R2 −   
2h, then R 45°
m m
GMm × 2h 2GMmh 2R   2  R O 45°
F ′= 2 =
(r + (2h )2 )3 /2 (r 2 + 4h2 )3 /2 R
− GM  2 R  − GM  11R2 

When h = r , then 3R − =
2R3  4  2R3  4  v
GMm × r GMm M v
F = 2 = −11 GM
(r × r 2 )3 /2 2 2r 2 = 2 2
and F ′ = 2
2GMm = + cos 45°
Mass of removed part (2R ) 2 (R 2 ) 2
(r + 4r 2 )3 /2 5 5r2 3 GM 2
+ cos 45°
× π   =
M 4 R M
F′ 4 2 4 2 = (R 2 ) 2
∴ = F ′= 4  2
F 5 5
5 5
F × πR 3 3 8
3 GM 2  1 1 
=  + 
11 Here, time period of satellite w.r.t. Potential at point P due to removed part R2  4 2
observer on equator is 24 h and the −3 GM 8 −3GM
V2 = × = This force will equal to centripetal force.
satellite is moving from West to East, so 2 R2 8R Mv 2 GM 2  1 1 
angular velocity of satellite w.r.t. the So, =  + 
Thus, potential due to remaining part at R R2  4 2
earth’s axis of rotation (considered as point P. GM
fixed) is, − 11GM  3GM  v =(1 + 2 2 )
2π 2π V P = V3 − V2 = − −  4R
ω= + , 8R  8R 
Ts Te 1 GM
(−11 + 3) GM − GM = (2 2 + 1)
= = 2 R
where, T s and Te are time periods of 8R R
satellite and the earth, respectively Hence, speed of each particle in a
π 13 Given, a satellite is revolving in a circular motion is
ω = rad/h
6 circular orbit at a height h from the 1 GM
(2 2 + 1)
= 1.45 × 10−4 rad s –1 Earth’s surface having radius of Earth R, 2 R
From v =
GM i.e. h < < R. 15 Total energy of earth (planet)-satellite
r Orbital velocity of a satellite, system is independent of eccentricity of
GM GM GM orbit and it depends on semi-major axis
⇒ rω = v = = (as h < < R )
r R+ h R and masses of the planet and satellite.
⇒ r = 3 /2
Velocity required to escape, 16 Here, Statement I is wrong because as
ω 1 GMm speed of one satellite increases, its
mv ′ 2 =
6. 67 × 10−11 × 6 × 1024 2 R+ h kinetic energy and hence total energy
1. 45 × 10−4 2GM 2GM increases, i.e. total energy becomes less
v′ = =
⇒ r = 2.66 × 107 m R+ h R negative and hence r increases, i.e. orbit
= 2.66 × 104 km changes.
(h < < R )

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