Day 27

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Ray Optics
Learning & Revision for the Day
u Reflection of Light u Lens u Dispersion by a Prism
u Mirror formula u Total Internal Reflection (TIR) u Refraction Through a Prism
u Refraction of Light u Deviation by a Prism u Scattering of Light

Reflection of Light
The phenomena of bouncing back of light on striking a smooth surface is called
reflection of light.

According to the laws of reflection, (i) the incident ray, reflected ray and the normal
drawn on the reflecting surface at the point of incidence lie in the same plane and
(ii) the angle of incidence ∠i = angle of reflection ∠r.

Laws of reflection are true for reflection from a polished mirror or from an unpolished
surface or for diffused reflection.

Whenever reflection takes place from a denser medium, the reflected rays undergo a
phase change of π.

Reflection from a Plane Mirror

If a ray is incident on a plane mirror at an angle of incidence i, then it suffers a
deviation of (π − 2i) and for two inclined plane mirrors deviation is (360 °−2θ).

While keeping an object fixed, a plane mirror is rotated in its plane by an angle θ,
then the reflected ray rotates in the same direction by an angle 2θ. PREP

Focal length as well as the radius of curvature of a plane mirror is infinity. Power of a
plane mirror is zero.
Your Personal Preparation Indicator

If two plane mirrors are inclined to each other at an angle θ, the total number of
No. of Questions in Exercises (x)—


or  

images formed of an object kept between them, is n = − 1 , when it is odd. No. of Questions Attempted (y)—
 θ 
u No. of Correct Questions (z)—

The minimum size of a plane mirror fixed on a wall of a room, so that a person at the (Without referring Explanations)
centre of the room may see the full image of the wall behind him, should be 1/3rd the
size of the wall. u Accuracy Level (z / y × 100)—
u Prep Level (z / x × 100)—

Reflection from a Spherical Mirror In order to expect good rank in JEE,

your Accuracy Level should be above

A spherical mirror is a part of a hollow sphere whose one surface is polished, so that 85 & Prep Level should be above 75.
it becomes reflecting. The other surface of the mirror is made opaque.

Image formed by a concave mirroris is virtual and erect,

Refractive Index

when the object is placed between the pole and the

principal focus of concave mirror. In all other cases, the For a given pair of media, the ratio of the sine of angle of
image formed is real and inverted one. incidence (i) to the sine of angle of refraction (r ) is a constant,

Image formed by a convex mirror is virtual, erect and which is called the refractive index of second medium, w.r.t.
diminished in size irrespective of the position of the object. first medium.
Moreover, image is formed in between the pole and the sin i n
Thus, = constant = n21 = 2
principal focus of the mirror. sin r n1

The focal length of a spherical mirror is half of its radius of This is also called Snell’s law.
R Refractive index is a unitless, dimensionless and a scalar
curvature, i.e. f = .

2 quantity.

The refractive index of a medium w.r.t. vacuum
Mirror Formula (or free space) is known as its absolute refractive index. It is
Let an object be placed at a distance u from the pole of a defined as the ratio of the speed of light in vacuum (c) to
mirror and its image is formed at a distance v from the pole. the speed of light in a given medium (v).
1 1 1 c
Then, according to mirror formula, + = ∴ n=
v u f v

The power of a mirror (in dioptre), is given as Value of absolute refractive index of a medium can be 1 or
more than 1, but never less than 1.
P= ●
When light travels from one material medium to another,
f (in metre)
the ratio of the speed of light in the first medium to that in

If a thin object of height h is placed perpendicular to the the second medium is known as the relative refractive
principal axis of a mirror and the height of its image be h′, index of second medium, w.r.t. the first medium. Thus,
then the transverse or lateral magnification produced is v c / v2 n2
n21 = 1 = =
given by v2 c / v1 n1
h′ v f f −v
m= =− = = ●
When light undergoing refraction through several media
h u f −u f finally enters the first medium itself, then
Negative sign of magnification means the inverted image n31
and positive sign means an erect image. n21 × n32 × n 13 = 1 or n32 =

When a small sized object is placed along the principal
axis, then its longitudinal (or axial) magnification is given

When the object is in denser medium and the observer is in
by rarer medium, then real and apparent depth have the
Real depth
2 2 2 relationship, = n21
dv  v   f   f − v Apparent depth
Axial magnification = − =  =  = 
du  u   f − u  f   1 
i.e. real depth > apparent depth shift, y = h − h′ = 1 − h
 n21 

Refraction of Light where, h and h′ are real and apparent depths.

When light passes from one medium, say air, to another
medium, say glass, a part is reflected back into the first Refraction from a Spherical Surface
medium and the rest passes into the second medium. When it Let an object be placed in a medium of refractive index n1 at a
passes into the second medium, it either bends towards the distance u from the pole of a spherical surface of radius of
normal or away from the normal. curvature R and after refraction, its image is formed in a
This phenomenon is known as refraction. medium of refractive index n2 at a distance v, then
n2 n1 n2 − n1
− =
v u R
Rarer Denser i
i medium The relation is true for all surfaces, whether the image formed
is real or virtual.
Denser Rarer
medium medium r
(a) (b) A lens is part of a transparent refracting medium bound by
Fig. (a) and (b) shows refraction of light two surfaces, with atleast one of the two surfaces being a
curved one. The curved surface may be spherical or

1 1 1
The lens formula is given by − =
v u f
Lens Maker’s Formula
For a lens having surfaces with radii of curvature R1 and R2
For a thin object of height h placed perpendicular to the
respectively, its focal length is given by
principal axis at a distance u, if the height of image formed is h′,
then lateral or transverse magnification m is given by 1  1 1
P= = (n21 − 1)  − 
h′ v f f −v f  R1 R2 
m= = = = n
h u f +u f where, n21 = 2 = refractive index of the lens material w.r.t.
For a small sized object placed linearly along the principal axis,
its axial or longitudinal magnification is given by the surroundings.
2 2 2
dv  v   f   f − v
Cutting and Combination of a Lens
Axial magnification = − =  =  = 
du  u   f + u  f 
If a symmetrical convex f 2f 2f f f
lens of focal length f is
Silvering of Lens cut into two parts along
When one surface of a lens is silvered, it behaves as a mirror. its optic axis, then focal
1 2 1 length of each part
The focal length of silvered lens is = +
F fl fm (a plano-convex lens) is
2 f . However, if the two
where, f1 is focal length of plane convex lens and fm is focal (a) (b) (c) (d)
parts are joined as shown
length of corresponding mirror.
in the figure, the focal
In case of plano-convex lens length of the combination is again f .

When curved surface is silvered, then focal length of If a symmetrical convex lens of focal length f is cut into two
R parts along the principal axis, then the focal length of each
silvered lens is F =
2µ part remains unchanged, as f [Fig. f]. If these two parts are
joined with the curved ends on one side, the focal length of
the combination is [Fig. g]. But on joining the two parts in
+ 2
opposite sense, the net focal length becomes ∞ (or net power
= 0) (Fig. h).
F fl fm
f f f ∞
where, R = 2 fm or R = fl (µ − 1) 2

When plane surface is silvered, then
F = and fl = , fm = ∞
2(µ − 1) (µ − 1)
+ (e) (f) (g) (h)

The equivalent focal length of co-axial combination of two
1 1 1 d
F fl fm lenses is given by = + −
F f1 f2 f1 f2

When double convex lens is silvered, then f1 f2
F = and fl = ⇒ fm = .
2(2µ − 1) 2(µ − 1) 2
d < f1 d < f2

O1 O2

F fl fm 1 1 1

If a number of lenses are in contact, then = + + ...
F f1 f2
Power of a Lens ●
If two thin lenses of focal lengths f1 and f2 are in contact,
The power of a lens is mathematically given by the
1 1 1
reciprocal of its focal length, i.e. power P =
1 then their equivalent focal length = +
f (m) feq f 1 f2

SI unit of power is dioptre (D). Power of a converging lens is In terms of power, Peq = P1 + P2
positive and that of a diverging lens is negative.

Deviation produced by a A
Important Results
prism is,

Effective diameter of light transmitting area is called n n′
aperture. Intensity of image ∝ (Aperture)2 δ = i + i′ − A
2 ⇒ r + r′ = A
 f  i i′

Relation between object and image speed, vi =   vo For grazing incidence r r′
 f + u
i = 90 °

Newton’s formula states, f 2 = x 1 x2 where, x 1 and x2 =
and grazing emergence
distance of object; and image from first and second principlal i′ = 90° B C
foci. This formula is also called thin lens formula.
For minimum deviation
f (aµ g − 1) (aµ g − 1) δ + A
If lens immersed in a liquid, then l = = sin  m 
 2 

fa (l µ g − 1)  aµ g  (i) i = i′ and r = r ′ (ii) µ =

 − 1 A
 aµ l  sin
In case of minimum deviation, ray is passing through prism
Total Internal Reflection (TIR) symmetrically.
When a ray of light goes from a denser to a rarer medium, it For maximum deviation (δ max ), i = 90 ° or i′ = 90 °
bends away from the normal. For a certain angle of incidence For thin prism, δ = (µ − 1) A
iC , the angle of refraction in rarer medium becomes 90°. The
angle iC is called the critical angle. Dispersion by a Prism
r Rarer Dispersion of light is the phenomenon of splitting of white
90° n1 light into its constituent colours on passing light through a
prism. This is because different colours have different
i ic i r wavelength and hence different refractive indices.
Angular dispersion = δ v − δ r = (nv − nr ) A
Denser where, n v and n r represent refractive index for violet and red
n2 lights.
TIR in a medium n − nr n + nr
Dispersive power, ω = v , where n = v is the
n1 1 n−1 2
sin iC = = mean refractive index.
n2 n21 By combining two prisms with angle A and A′ and refractive
For the angle of incidence greater than the critical angle (i > iC ) index n and n′ respectively, we can create conditions of
in the denser medium, the light ray is totally internally (n − 1) A

Dispersion without deviation when, A′ = −
reflected back into the denser medium itself. (n′ − 1)

Deviation without dispersion when,
Conditions for Total Internal Reflection  n − nr 
A′ = −  v A
The light ray should travel from the denser medium towards
 n′v − n′r 

the rarer medium.

The angle of incidence should be the greater than the critical
angle. Refraction Through a Prism
Common Examples of Total Internal Reflection A ray of light suffers two refractions at the two surfaces on

Looming An optical illusion in cold countries. passing through a prism. Angle of deviation through a prism

Mirage An optical illusion in deserts. δ = i + e − A. where, i is the angle of incidence, e is the

Brilliance of diamond Due to repeated internal reflections angle of emergence and A is the angle of prism.
diamond sparkles.

Optical fibre Each fibre consists of core and cladding. The
refractive index of core material is higher than that of
Scattering of Light
cladding. Light entering at small angle on one end undergoes Molecules of a medium after absorbing incoming light
repeated total internal reflections along the fibre and finally radiations, emit them in all directions. This phenomenon is
comes out. called scattering. According to Rayleigh, intensity of
scattered light ∝ 4 .
Deviation by a Prism λ
A prism is a homogeneous, transparent medium bounded by There are some phenomenon based on scattering
two plane surfaces inclined at an angle A with each other. ●
Sky looks blue due to scattering.
These surfaces are called as refracting surfaces and the angle ●
At the time of sunrise and sunset, sun looks reddish.
between them is called angle of prism A. ●
Danger signals are made of red colour.



1 To get three images of a single object, one should have 7 A ray of light is incident on the surface of separation of a
two plane mirrors at an angle of medium at an angle 45° and is refracted in the medium at
(a) 60° (b) 90° (c) 120° (d) 30° an angle 30°. What will be the speed of light in the
2 A source of light lies on the angle bisector of two plane medium?
mirrors inclined at angle θ. The values of θ, so that the . × 108 ms−1
(a) 196 (b) 2.12 × 108 ms−1
(c) 3.18 × 108 ms−1 (d) 3.33 × 108 ms−1
light reflected from one mirror does not reach the other
mirror will be 8 A beaker contains water upto a height h1 and kerosene of
(a) θ ≥ 120° (b) θ ≥ 90° height h2 above water so that the total height of (water +
(c) θ ≤ 120° (d) θ < 30° kerosene) is (h1 + h2 ). Refractive index of water is µ1 and
3 A beam of light composed of red and green rays is that of kerosene is µ 2. The apparent shift in the position of
incident obliquely at a point on the face of a rectangular the bottom of the beaker when viewed from above is
glass slab. When coming out of the opposite parallel ª AIEEE 2011
face, the red and green rays emerge from  1  1  1  1
(a)  1 −  h2 +  1 −  h1 (b)  1 +  h1 +  1 +  h2
(a) two points propagating in two different non-parallel  µ1   µ 2  µ1   µ2 
directions  1  1  1  1
(c)  1 −  h1 +  1 −  h2 (d)  1 +  h2 −  1 +  h1
(b) two points propagating in two different parallel directions  µ1   µ2   µ1   µ2 
(c) one point propagating in two different directions
(d) one point propagating in the same direction 9 A printed page is pressed by a glass of water. The
refractive index of the glass and water is 1.5 and 1.33,
4 The optical path of a monochromatic light is same if it
respectively. If the thickness of the bottom of glass is
goes through 4.0 cm of glass or 4.5 cm of water. If the
1 cm and depth of water is 5 cm, how much the page will
refractive index of glass is 1.53, the refractive index of the
appear to be shifted if viewed from the top?
water is
ª JEE Main (Online) 2013
(a) 1.30 (b) 1.36
(c) 1.42 (d) 1.46 (a) 1.033 cm (b) 3.581 cm
(c) 1.3533 cm (d) 1.90 cm
5 On a hot summer night, the refractive index of air is
smallest near the ground and increases with height from 10 A fish looking up through the water sees the outside
world, contained in a circular horizon. If the refractive
the ground. When a light beam is directed horizontally as 4
it travels, the light beam ª JEE Main 2015 index of water is and the fish is 12 cm below the water
(a) becomes narrower surface, the radius of this circle in cm, is
(b) goes horizontally without any deflection 36
(c) bends downwards (a) 36 7 (b) (c) 36 5 (d) 4 5
(d) bends upwards
11 A green light is incident from the water to the air-water
6 A transparent solid cylinder rod has a refractive index of interface at the critical angle (θ ). Select correct statement.
. It is surrounded by air. A light ray is incident at the ª JEE Main 2014
(a) The spectrum of visible light whose frequency is more
mid-point of one end of the rod as shown in the figure.
than that of green light will come out to the medium
(b) The entire spectrum of visible light will come out of the
water at various angles to the normal
(c) The entire spectrum of visible light come out of the water
at an angle of 90° to the normal
The incident angle θ for which the light ray grazes along (d) The spectrum of visible light whose frequency is less
the wall of the rod is than that of green light will come out to the medium
 3
(a) sin−1  
(b) sin−1   12 Light is incident from a medium into air at two possible
 2  2 
angles of incidence (a) 20° and (b) 40°. In the medium,
(c) sin−1 
2  −1  1 
 (d) sin   light travels 3.0 cm in 0.2 ns. The ray will
 3  3
ª JEE Main (Online) 2013

(a) suffer total internal reflection in both cases (a) and (b) 19 A biconvex lens of focal length f forms a circular image of
(b) suffer total internal reflection in case (b) only radius r of sun in the focal plane. Then, which option is
(c) have partial reflection and partial transmission in case (b) correct?
(d) have 100% transmission in case (a)
(a) πr 2 ∝ f
13 The graph between angle of deviation (δ) and angle of (b) πr 2 ∝ f 2
incidence (i) for a triangular prism is represented by (c) If lower half part is covered by black sheet, then area of
the image is equal to πr 2 / 2
δ δ (d) If f is doubled, intensity will increase
(a) (b)
20 In an optics experiments, with the position of the object
fixed, a student varies the position of a convex lens and
O i O i for each position, the screen is adjusted to get a clear
image of the object. A graph between the object distance
u and the image distance v, from the lens, is plotted
(c) δ (d) δ using the same scale for the two axes. A straight line
passing through the origin and making an angle of 45°
with the x-axis meets the experimental curve at P. The
O i O i coordinates of P will be ª AIEEE 2009

(b)  , 
14 The refractive index of glass is 1.520 for red light and f f
(a) (2f , 2f )
 2 2
1.525 for blue light. Let D1 and D2 be the angles of
(c) (f , f ) (d) (4f , 4f )
minimum deviation for the red and blue light respectively
in a prism of this glass. Then, 21 A student measures the focal length of a convex lens by
(a) D1 < D2 putting an object pin at a distance u from the lens and
(b) D1 = D2 measuring the distance v of the image pin. The graph
(c) D1 can be less than or greater than D2 depending upon between u and v plotted by the student should look like
the angle of prism v (cm) v (cm)
(d) D1 > D2
15 Two beams of red and violet colours are made to pass (a) (b)
separately through a prism (angle of the prism is 60°). In O u (cm) O u (cm)
the position of minimum deviation, the angle of refraction
v (cm) v (cm)
will be
(a) 30° for both the colours
(b) greater for the violet colour (c) (d)
(c) greater for the red colour O u (cm) O u (cm)
(d) equal but not 30° for both the colours
16 The maximum magnification that can be obtained with a 22 An object approaches a convergent lens from the left of
convex lens of focal length 2.5 cm is (The least distance the lens with a uniform speed 5 m/s and stops at the
of distinct vision is 25 cm) focus. The image
(a) 10 (b) 0.1 (c) 62.5 (d) 11 (a) moves away from the lens with a uniform speed 5 m/s
17 A wire mesh consisting of very small squares is viewed (b) moves away from the lens with a uniform acceleration
at a distance of 8 cm through a magnifying lens of focal (c) moves away from the lens with a non-uniform
length 10 cm, kept close to the eye. The magnification acceleration
produced by the lens is (d) moves towards the lens with a non-uniform acceleration
(a) 5 (b) 8 (c) 10 (d) 20 23 In an experiment to determine the focal length (f ) of a
18 When the distance between the object and the screen is concave mirror by the u-v method, a student places the
more than 4F, we can obtain image of an object on the object pin A on the principal axis at a distance x from the
screen for the two positions of a lens. It is called pole P. The student looks at the pin and inverted image
displacement method. In one case, the image is from a distance keeping his/her eye in line with PA. When
magnified and in the other case it is diminished. Then, the student shifts his/her eye towards left, the image
the ratio of the size of image to the diminished image is appears to the right of the object pin. Then,
(D + d )2 D D2 D+d (a) x < f (b) f < x < 2f
(a) (b) (c) (d) (c) x = 2f (d) x > 2f
(D − d ) 2
d d 2
D −d

24 The image of an illuminated square is obtained on a 31 An equiconvex lens is cut into two Y
screen with the help of a converging lens. The distance of halves along (i) XOX ′ and
the square from the lens is 40 cm. The area of the image (ii) alongYOY ′ as shown in figure.
is 9 times that of the square. The focal length of the lens Let f , f ′ and f ′′ be the focal lengths X′ X
is ª JEE Main (Online) 2013 O
of the complete lens, of each half in
(a) 36 cm (b) 27 cm case (i), and of each half in case (ii)
(c) 60 cm (d) 30 cm respectively. Choose the correct
25 Which one of the following spherical lenses does not statement from the following.
exhibit dispersion? The radii of curvature of the surfaces of (a) f ′ = 2f , f ′′ = f (b) f ′ = f , f ′′ = f
the lenses are as given in the diagrams. (c) f ′ = 2f , f ′′ = 2f (d) f ′ = f , f ′′ = 2f

R1 R2 R ∞
Direction (Q. Nos. 32-36) Each of these questions contains
(a) (b) two statements : Statement I and Statement II. Each of these
questions also has four alternative choices, only one of which
is the correct answer. You have to select one of the codes (a),
(b), (c), (d) given below
(c) R R (d) R ∞ (a) Statement I is true, Statement II is true; Statement II is
the correct explanation for Statement I
(b) Statement I is true, Statement II is true; Statement II is
26 A double convex lens made of glass (refractive index not the correct explanation for Statement I
n = 1.5 ) has the radii of curvature of both the surfaces as
(c) Statement I is true; Statement II is false
20 cm. Incident light rays parallel to the axis of the lens
(d) Statement I is false; Statement II is true
will converge at a distance L such that
(a) L = 20 cm (b) L = 10 cm
32 Statement I The formula connecting u, v and f for a
20 spherical mirror is valid only for mirrors whose sizes are
(c) L = 40 cm (d) L = cm
3 very small as compared to their radii of curvature.
27 When monochromatic red light is used instead of blue Statement II Laws of reflection are strictly valid for plane
light in a convex lens, its focal length will ª AIEEE 2011 surfaces, but not for large spherical surfaces.
(a) not depend on colour of light 33 Statement I Endoscopy involves use of optical fibres to
(b) increase study internal organs.
(c) decrease
Statement II Optical fibres are based on the
(d) remain same
phenomenon of total internal reflection.
28 A concave lens and a convex lens have the same focal
length of 20 cm and both are kept in contact. The 34 Statement I The refractive index of diamond is 6 and
combination is used to view an object 5 cm long kept at a that of liquid is 3. If the light travels from diamond to the
distance of 20 cm from the lens combination. As liquid, it will be totally reflected when the angle of
compared to the object, the image will be incidence is 30°.
(a) magnified and inverted Statement II n = , where n is the refractive index of
(b) diminished and erect sin C
(c) of the same size and erect diamond with respect to liquid.
(d) of the same size and inverted
35 Statement I A double convex lens (n = 1.5) has a focal
29 To make an achromatic combination, a convex lens of length 10 cm. When the lens is immersed in water
focal length 42 cm having dispersive power of 0.14 is (n = 4 / 3), its focal length becomes 40 cm.
placed in contact with a concave lens of dispersive 1 n − nm  1 1
power 0.21. The focal length of the concave lens should Statement II = l  − .
f nm  R1 R 2 
(a) 63 cm (b) 21 cm 36 A thin air film is formed by putting the convex surface of a
(c) 42 cm (d) 14 cm plane-convex lens over a plane glass plate. With
30 A convex lens is in contact with a concave lens. The monochromatic light, this film gives an interference
3 pattern due to light reflected from the top (convex)
magnitude of the ratio of their focal length is . Their surface and the bottom (glass plate) surface of the film.
equivalent focal length is 30 cm. What are their individual Statement I When light reflects from the air-glass plate
focal lengths? interface, the reflected wave suffers a phase change of π.
(a) −75 , 50 (b) −10, 15 (c) 75 , 50 (d) −15 , 10 Statement II The centre of the interference pattern is
dark. ª AIEEE 2011



1 Two plane mirrors are inclined at 90°. An object is placed 5 The speed at which the image of the luminous point
between them whose coordinates are (a, b ). The position object is moving, if the luminous point object is moving at
vectors of all the images formed is speed v 0 towards a spherical mirror, along its axis is
(Given, R = radius of curvature, u = object distance)
 R 
(a, b) (a) vi = − v 0 (b) vi = − v 0  
 2u − R 
2u − R   R 
(c) vi = − v 0   (d) vi = − v 0  
O  R   2u − R 
(a) − a $i − b $j, a $i + b $j, − a $i + b $j 6 Diameter of a plano-convex lens is 6 cm and thickness at
(b) − a $i + b $j, − a $j − b $j, a $i − b $j the centre is 3 mm. If speed of light in material of lens is
(c) a $i + b $j, − a $i − b $j, a $i − b $j 2 × 108 m/s, the focal length of lens
(d) None of the above (a) 15 cm (b) 20 cm (c) 30 cm (d) 10 cm
2 A small coin is resting on the bottom of a beaker filled 7 A plano-convex lens of refractive index 1.5 and radius of
with a liquid. A ray of light from the coin travels upto the curvature 30 cm is silvered at the curved surface. Now,
surface of the liquid and moves along its surface (see this lens has been used to form the image of an object. At
figure). what distance from this lens, an object be placed in order
3 cm to have a real image of the size of the object?
(a) 20 cm (b) 30 cm (c) 60 cm (d) 80 cm
8 Monochromatic light is incident on
4 cm

a glass prism of angle A. If the

θ A
refractive index of the material of
the prism is µ, a ray incident at an
angle θ, on the face AB would get
How fast is the light travelling in the liquid? transmitted through the face AC
. × 108 ms−1
(a) 18 (b) 2.4 × 108 ms−1
of the prism provided
(c) 3.0 × 108 ms−1 (d) 1.2 × 108 ms−1 ª JEE Main 2015
−1   1 
3 The reflective surface is given by y = 2 sin x and it is (a) θ > sin µ sin A − sin−1  
  µ 
facing positive axis. What is the least value of coordinate
  1 
of the point where a ray parallel to positive x-axis (b) θ < sin−1 µ sin A + sin−1  
becomes parallel to positive y-axis after reflection?   µ 
π π π π   
(a)  , 3  (b)  , 2  (c)  , 2  (d)  , 3 
(c) θ > cos−1 µ sin A + sin−1  
3  2  3  4    µ 
  1 
4 A light ray is incident perpendicular to one face of a 90° (d) θ < cos−1 µ sin A − sin−1  
prism and is totally internally reflected at the glass-air   µ 
interface. If the angle of reflection is 45°, we conclude
 3
that for the refractive index n as 9 A thin convex lens made from crown glass µ =  has
 2
focal length f. When it is measured in two different liquid
4 5
having refractive indices and , it has focal lengths f1
3 3
and f2, respectively. The correct relation between focal
length is ª JEE Main 2014

(a) f2 > f and f1 becomes one

1 1 (b) f1 and f2 both becomes one
(a) n < (b) n > 2 (c) n > (d) n < 2
2 2 (c) f1 = f2 < f
(d) f1 > f and f2 becomes one

10 A light ray falls on a square glass slab 45º 15 An object 2.4 m infront of a lens forms a sharp image on
as showin in the diagram. The index of Incident ray a film 12 cm behind the lens. A glass plate 1 cm thick,
refraction of the glass, if total internal of refractive index 1.50 is interposed between lens and
reflection is to occur at the vertical face, film with its plane faces parallel to film. At what distance
is equal to ª JEE Main 2013 Diagram (from lens) should object shifted to be in sharp focus on
film? ª AIEEE 2012
( 2 + 1) 5 3 3
(a) (b) (c) (d) (a) 7.2 m (b) 2.4 m (c) 3.2 m (d) 5.6 m
2 2 2 2
16 Let the zx-plane be the boundary between two
11 A spectrometer gives the following reading when used to
transparent media. Medium 1 in z ≥ 0 has a refractive
measure the angle of a prism.
index of 2 and medium 2 with z < 0 has a refractive index
Main scale reading : 58.5 degree of 3. A ray of light in medium 1 given by the vector
Vernier scale reading : 09 divisions A = 6 3 i + 8 3 j − 10 k is incident on the plane of
Given that 1 division on main scale corresponds to separation. The angle of refraction in medium 2 is
0.5 degree. Total divisions on the vernier scale is 30 and ª AIEEE 2011
match with 29 divisions of the main scale. The angle of the
(a) 45° (b) 60° (c) 75° (d) 30°
prism from the above data is ª AIEEE 2012
17 Two plane mirrors A and 2√3m
(a) 58.59° (b) 58.77°
(c) 58.65° (d) 59° B are aligned parallel to B
each other, as shown in
12 A car is fitted with a convex side-view mirror of focal

the figure. A light ray is 0.2m
length 20 cm. A second car 2.8 m behind the first car is
incident at an angle 30° A
overtaking the first car at a relative speed of 15 m/s. The
at a point just inside one
speed of the image of the second car as seen in the
end of A. The plane of incidence coincides with the plane of
mirror of the first one is ª AIEEE 2011
1 1
the figure.
(a) m/s (b) 10 m/s (c) 15 m/s (d) m/s The maximum number of times the ray undergoes
15 10
reflections (including the first one) before it emerges out is
13 A diverging lens with magnitude of focal length 25 cm is
(a) 28 (b) 30 (c) 32 (d) 34
placed at a distance of 15 cm from a converging lens of
magnitude of focal length 20 cm. A beam of parallel light 18 A light ray is incident on a horizontal plane mirror at an
falls on the diverging lens. The final image formed is angle of 45°. At what angle should a second plane mirror
ª JEE Main 2017 (Offline) be placed in order that the reflected ray finally be
reflected horizontally from the second mirror as shown in
(a) virtual and at a distance of 40 cm from convergent lens
(b) real and at a distance of 40 cm from the divergent lens
figure, is
(c) real and at a distance of 6 cm from the convergent lens Q
(d) real and at a distance of 40 cm from convergent lens
14 In an experiment for determination of refractive index of A D
glass of a prism by i - δ, plot, it was found that a ray S α
incident at an angle 35° suffers a deviation of 40° and 45° 45° N
that it emerges at an angle 79°. In that case, which of the
following is closest to the maximum possible value of the P Q
refractive index? ª JEE Main 2016 (Offline)
(a) 1.5 (b) 1.6 (c) 1.7 (d) 1.8 (a) θ = 45 ° (b) θ = 60° (c) θ = 22.5 ° (d) θ = 15.3 °

SESSION 1 1 (b) 2 (a) 3 (b) 4 (b) 5 (d) 6 (d) 7 (b) 8 (c) 9 (d) 10 (b)
11 (d) 12 (b) 13 (c) 14 (a) 15 (a) 16 (d) 17 (a) 18 (a) 19 (b) 20 (a)
21 (c) 22 (c) 23 (b) 24 (a) 25 (c) 26 (a) 27 (b) 28 (c) 29 (a) 30 (d)
31 (d) 32 (c) 33 (a) 34 (d) 35 (a) 36 (b)

1 (b) 2 (a) 3 (a) 4 (b) 5 (b) 6 (c) 7 (a) 8 (a) 9 (d) 10 (d)
11 (c) 12 (a) 13 (d) 14 (a) 15 (d) 16 (a) 17 (b) 18 (c)

Hints and Explanations

SESSION 1 7 n=
sin i
c 11 m r < m g < m v
sin r v
1 Number of images Þ sin( q r ) > sin(q g ) > sin q v
c sin r
360° Hence, v = q r > q g > q v [q r , q g , q v are critical angles
n= -1 sin i
q of corresponding colours]. Thus, all
where, q is angle between mirrors. 3 ´ 108 ´ sin 30° colours from red to green will emerge out
360° sin 45°
\ 3= - 1 or q = 90° of water.
3 ´ 108 12 Speed of light in medium
2 n = 360 2 3 ´ 10-2
q =
Number of images, N = n, which is odd = 212
. ´ 10 ms 8 –1 0.2 ´ 10-9
= n-1 3
8 We know, apparent shift, = ´ 108 ms -1 = 1. 5 ´ 108 ms -1
For the given condition, no successive æ 1ö m2 v
reflection takes place. So, the number Dh = ç1 - ÷ h As, = 1
è mø m1 v2
of images will be N £ 2
\ Apparent shift produced by water, m 3 ´ 108
n-1£2 = Þ m=2
æ 1ö 1 1. 5 ´ 108
Dh1 = ç1 - ÷ h1
n£3 è m1 ø 1
We have, sinC =
360 and apparent shift produced by 2
q C = sin -1 æç ö÷ = 30°
kerosene, 1
æ 1ö è2 ø
120 £ q Þ q ³ 120° Dh2 = ç1 - ÷ h2
è m2 ø When the value of incidence angle is
3 In any medium other than air or greater than critical angle than total
vacuum, the velocities of different \ Dh = Dh1 + Dh2
internal reflection take place.
colours are different. Therefore, both æ 1ö æ 1ö
= ç1 - ÷ h1 + ç1 - ÷ h2 In the second case we get total interval
red and green colours are refracted at è m1 ø è m2 ø reflection.
different angles of refractions.
9 Given, m = 1. 5, t 1 = 5 cm, 13 Angle of deviation depends upon the
Hence, after emerging from glass slab
through opposite parallel face, they m2 = 1.33 and t 2 = 1 cm angle of incidence. If we determine
Change in path = Dt 1 + Dt 2 experimentally the angles of deviation
appear at two different points and move
corresponding to different angles of
in two different parallel directions. æ 1ö æ 1ö
= ç1 - ÷ ´ t 1 + ç1 - ÷ ´ t2 incidence, then the plot between i and d
è m1 ø è m2 ø that we will get is shown below
4 As optical paths are equal, hence
ng × x g = nw × x w æ 1 ö æ 1 ö
xg = ç1 - ÷ ´ 5 + ç1 - ÷´1 δ
Þ nw = ng × è 1. 5ø è 1.33 ø
» 1.90 cm
= 1.53 ´ = 1.36 10 The situation is shown in figure. δm
5 A horizontal beam is travelling from a O
denser to a rarer medium, so it bends i
upwards (away from normal).
14 D = (n - 1) A
6 sin C = 3 θC
12 cm

…(i) θC For blue light n is greater than that for

2 red light, so D2 > D1 .

C O 15 At minimum deviation (d = d m )
θ A 60°
r1 = r2 = = = 30°
1 2 2
sin qC =
1 m (For both colours)
sin r = sin (90° - C ) = cos C =
2 AB
sin q m2 tan qC = 16 Maximum magnification is obtained
= OA when image is formed at near point of
sin r m1
\ AB = OA tan qC eye. In that case,
2 1 OA 12 36
sin q = ´ or AB = = = m = 1+
= 1+
= 11
3 2 n -1
2 2 7 f 2.5
æ 4ö - 1
ç ÷
q = sin -1 æç ö÷
è 3ø

17 1 = 1 - 1 …(i) 21 \ 1 - 1 = 1 = constant, = 0.5 ´

f v u v u f 20 20
which is a rectangular hyperbola. Þ f = 20 cm
Given, f = 10 cm
(as lens is converging) 22 When object would approach the lens Incident rays travelling parallel to the
then image would move away from the axis of lens will converge at its second
u = - 8 cm principal focus.
lens with non-uniform acceleration.
(as object is placed on left This can be seen from the fact that Hence, L = + 20 cm
side of the lens) when object is far away, image would æ ö
On substituting these values in be formed at focus P. When object 27 1 = (m - 1) ç 1 - 1 ÷
f è R1 R2 ø
Eq. (i), we get approaches the lens then image would
move away such that when object Also, by Cauchy’s formula,
1 1 1
= - approaches to focus, then image would B C
m = A + 2 + 4 + ...
10 v - 8 approach to infinity. l l
1 1 1 1
Þ = - 23 Since, object and image move in Þ mµ
v 10 8 opposite directions, the positioning l
1 8 - 10 As l blue < l red Þ m blue > m red
Þ = should be as shown in the figure. Object
v 80 lies between focus and centre of Hence, f red > f blue
\ v =
= - 40 cm curvature f < x < 2 f .
-2 28 When a concave lens is joined in contact
with a convex lens of same focal length,
Hence, magnification produced by the the combination behaves as a glass plate
lens Image of infinite focal length or zero power.
v - 40 Object right
m= = =5 Hence, the image of an object will be of
u -8 left the same size and erect.

18 In displacement method, the ratio of 29 For an achromatic combination, the

the diminished image to the object is 24 As magnification = 9 = v condition is
D -d w1 w
m2 = 2 = + 2 =0
O D +d f1 f2

and the ratio of image to the object is

40 cm Here, w1 = 014
. , f1 = 42 cm
D +d
Converging thus, we get f2 = - 63 cm
(D + d )2 30 Let focal length of convex lens is + f ,
m1 I
= 1 ´
= \ v = 9 u = 9 ´ 40 = 360
m2 O I2 (D - d )2 1 1 1 then focal length of concave lens would
Now, - = 3
v u f be - f .
19 2
1 1 1
- = From the given condition,
f v -40 f 1 1 2 1
= - =
θ r 1 1 1 30 f 3f 3f
+ =
360 40 f
\ f = 10 cm
Þ é 1 + 1ù 1 = 1
r = f tan q or r µ f Therefore, focal length of convex lens
ëê 9 úû 40 f
= + 10 cm and that of concave lens
\ pr 2 µ f 2
1 = - 15 cm.
20 It is possible when object kept at centre 9 40 f
31 (i) Cutting along YOY ¢
of curvature because then only position Þ f = 36 cm Focal length get doubled.
of object and image would be same. i.e.
æ ö f ¢¢ = 2 f
u = v [which is the point of intersection 25 1 = ( m - 1) ç 1 - 1 ÷
f è R1 R2 ø (ii) Cutting along XOX ¢
between curve and straight line]
1 Focal length unchanged.
For no dispersion, =0
v f 32 Laws of reflection are valid for plane
or R1 = R2 = R. surfaces, irregular surface and curved
So, (c) is correct option. surface.

26 Here, n = 1.5, as per sign convention 33 Optical fibre consists of a very long and
(v) thin fibre of quartz glass. When a light
ray is incident at one end of the fibre
u u (u > f ) R1 = + 20 cm and R2 = - 20 cm
making a small angle of incidence, it
1 æ 1 1 ö suffers refraction from air to quartz and
\ = (n - 1) ç - ÷
u=v f è R1 R2 ø strikes the fibre-layer interface at an
u = 2f , v = 2f é 1 1 ù
angle of incidence greater than the
= (1.5 - 1) ê - ú critical angle.
ë (+ 20) (- 20)û

It therefore, suffers total internal The centre of the circle is lying on m = tan 45° = 1
reflection and strikes its opposite meeting point of mirrors (i.e. O). The
(from law of reflection)
interface. At this interface also, the position of images from diagram is for
angle of incidence is greater than the S 1 , r1 = - a $i + b $j, r2 = - a $i - b $j, y = 2 sin x
critical angle. So, it again suffers total
internal reflection. Thus, optical fibre is r = a i$ - b $j.
3 \ m=
= 2cos x = 1
based on total internal reflection. Hence, option (b) is true. dx
Endoscopy is a process for viewing cos x =
internal organs of human body. This 2 As shown in figure, a light ray from the 2
process use a device endoscope which coin will not emerge out of liquid, if p
i > C. x=
is based on total internal reflection. 3
The corresponding value of
34 Refraction index of diamond w.r.t. A R B p
liquid y is 2 sin = 3
1 3
lnd =
sin C C i>C 4 For total internal reflection from glass-air
6 1 h interface, critical angle C must be less
\ = than angle of incidence.
3 sin C
or sin C = = sin 45° Coin
2 A C
\ C = 45°
Therefore, minimum radius R 45°
For total internal reflection angle should
be greater than critical angle. corresponds to i = C . 45°
But here angle of incidence is lower In DSAB,
than critical angle, so total internal

reflection does not occur in light.
n B
35 In water, 1
1 æ n - nm ö æ 1 1 ö i.e. C < i
=ç l ÷ç - ÷ ...(i)
f w è n m ø è R1 R2 ø or C < 45° (QÐ i = 45° )
Þ C = sin -1 æç ö÷
æ 1 1 1
1 1 ö But n =
= (n l - 1) ç - ÷ ...(ii) sin C ènø
fa è R1 R2 ø n2 −1
( n l - 1) (1.5 - 1)(4 / 3)
sin -1 æç ö÷ < 45°
fw R 1
= = = tan C or
fa æ nl - nm ö (1.5 - 4 / 3) h ènø
ç ÷ or R = h tan C
è nm ø 1
h or < sin 45°
0.5 ´ 4 / 3 (2 / 3) 6 or R= n
= =
3 4 1 n2 - 1
- é ù 1
2 3 1 sin C or n>
êQ sin C = and tan C = ú sin 45°
\ f w = 4 f a = 4 ´ 10 = 40cm êë n 1 - sin2 C úû
Given, R = 3cm , h = 4cm or n>
36 Both statements I and II are correct but (1 / 2 )
statement II does not explain statement I. 3 1
Hence, = or n> 2
4 n2 - 1
SESSION 2 25 5 5 1+ 1=1
or n2 = or n= v u f
1 The images formed by combination of 9 3
two plane mirrors are lying on a circle Differentiating both sides
c 1 dv 1 du
whose radius is equal to OS. But n = - 2 = 2
v v dt u dt
Y c 3 ´ 108 2
= 1.8 ´ 108 ms -1 = v i = - æç ö÷
or v = = dv v du
n 5/ 3 dt è u ø dt
= - æç ö÷ v 0
(– a, b) S1 S (a , b ) 3 Let the incidence point is P ( x, y ) v
n èu ø
θ θ 45°
90° – θ 90° – θ 1 1 1 2 1 2u - R
45° P Again, = - = - =
X v f u R u Ru
O 90° – θ
90° – θ
θ θ uR
v =
2u - R
S2 S3
(a, – b) 2
(– a, –b) 2
æ R ö
v i = - æç ö÷ v 0 = - v 0 ç
èu ø è 2u - R ø

6 i.e. O =I From Eq. (ii), f1 =

\ m=- =
v I æ 1 1 ö
ç - ÷
R u O è R1 R2 ø
Þ = -1 -10
R u From Eq. (iii), f2 =
3 mm æ 1 1 ö
or v = -u ç - ÷
Plano-convex lens è R1 R2 ø
Thus, from lens formula,
10 From figure, we get r = sin -1 æç 1 ö÷
1 1 1
= -
By Pythagoras theorem, F v u è 3ø
R2 = 32 + (R - 3 mm )2 1 1 1
= -
Þ R2 = 32 + R2 - 2 R (3 mm ) 10 - u u 45º
+ (3 mm ) 2 1 2
10 u
Þ R • 15 cm \ u = - 20 cm
c 3 ´ 108 3 r
Also, m= Þ m= = Hence, to get a real image, object must
v 2 ´ 108 2
be placed at a distance 20 cm on the left
1 æ 1 1 ö side of lens.
As, = (m - 1) ç - ÷ r
f è R1 R2 ø 90 – r
8 1 sin q = m sin r1 90 – r
1 æ3
= ç - 1ö÷ é - 0ù
Þ r
f è2 ø êë 15 úû
Þ f = 30cm 1
A For critical angle, sinC =
7 A plano-convex lens behaves as a
concave mirror if its one surface θ Now, by Snell’s law, we have
(curved) is silvered. The rays refracted r2 m sin i sin 45°
= =
from plane surface are reflected from µ 1 sin r æ -1 æ 1 ö ö
sin çsin ç ÷ ÷
curved surface and again refract from è è 3 øø
plane surface. Therefore, in this lens m sin qc = 1sin 90° 1
two refractions and one reflection 1
sin qc = = 2, m =
occur. m 1 2
Let the focal length of silvered lens is F .
r2 < qc 3
1 1 1 1 2 1
= + + = + sin r2 < sin qc
F f f fm f fm
r1 + r2 = A , r1 = A - r2 , r1 = A - qc 11 1 Vernier scale division = 29 main scale
where, f = focal length of lens before sin r1 > sin( A - qc ) division
silvering, °
Þ m sin r1 > m sin( A - qc ) 29 æ 29 ö
f m = focal length of spherical 1 VSD = ´ 0.5° = ç ÷
Þ sin q > m sin( A - qc ) 30 è 60 ø
1 2 2 é æ 1 öù Thus, least count = 1 MSD - 1VSD
= + ...(i) q > sin -1 êm sin ç A - sin -1 ÷ ú ° ° °
= æç ö÷ - æç ö÷ = æç ö÷
è m øû 1 29 1
F f R ë
è 2 ø è 60 ø è 60 ø
(QR = 2 f m )
æ ö
Now, 9 1 = æç 3 - 1ö÷ ç 1 - 1 ÷ So, reading = main scale reading +
f è 2 ø è R1 R2 ø vernier scale reading
1 æ 1 1 ö
= (n - 1) ç - ÷ ...(ii) 1æ 1 1 ö = MSR + n ´ LC
f è R1 R2 ø = ç - ÷ …(i)
1 °
Here, R1 = ¥, R2 = 30 cm
2 è R1 R2 ø = 58.5°+9 ´ æç ö÷ = 58.65°
è 60 ø
æ 1 1 ö
= (1.5 - 1) æç -
1ö = æç - 1ö÷ ç
1 1 1 3/2
\ ÷ - ÷
f è ¥ 30 ø f1 è 4 / 3 ø è R1 R2 ø 12 1 + 1 = 1 Þ -21 du - 12 dv = 0
u v f u dt v dt
1 0.5 1 1æ 1 1 ö
= =- = - - v 2 du
ç ÷ = 2 æç ö÷
or …(ii) dv
f 30 60 8 è R1 R2 ø
dt u è dt ø
æ 1 1 ö
f = - 60 cm = æç - 1ö÷ ç
or 1 3/2 v f
- ÷ But =
f2 è 5 / 3 ø è R1 R2 ø u u- f
Hence, from Eq. (i), we get
1 2 2 6 -1 æ 1 1 ö dv æ f ö æ du ö
= + = = ç - ÷ …(iii) \ = -ç ÷ ç ÷
F 60 30 60 10 è R1 R2 ø dt è u - f ø è dt ø
F = 10 cm 2 2
From Eq. (i), f =
= æç ö ´ 15 = 1 ms -1
æ 1 1 ö ÷
Again given that, ç - ÷ è -2.8 - 0.2 ø 15
è R1 R2 ø
size of object = size of image

A + d min ö
13 Focal length of diverging lens is sin æç ÷ 16 As refractive index for z > 0 and z £ 0 is
25 cm. è 2 ø
1.5 = different, xy-plane should be boundary
As the rays are coming parallel, so the sin A / 2 between two media.
image (I1 ) will be formed at the focus of 74° + d min ö
sin æç
Angle of incidence,
diverging lens i.e. at 25 cm towards left ÷
è 2 ø ½ ½
of diverging lens. Þ 1.5 = cos i = ½
Az 1
sin 37° ½ 2 ½=
2½ 2
½ A x + A y + A z½
15 cm Þ 0.9 = sin æç37° + min ö÷
è 2 ø \ i = 60°
(Q sin 37° » 0.6 ) From Snell’s law,
æ d min ö sin i m2 3
sin 64° = sin ç37 °+ ÷ = =
è 2 ø sin r m1 2
25 cm (Q sin 64° = 0.9) 2
v d sin r = ´ sin 60°
37° + min = 64° Þ d min » 54° 3
Now, the image (I1 ) will work as object 2
2 3
for converging lens. This angle is greater than the 40° = ´
3 2
For converging lens, distance of object u deviation angle already given. For
(i.e. distance of I1 ) greater m, deviation will be even higher. = = 45°
= - (25 + 15) = - 40 cm 2
Hence, m of the given prism should be
f = 20 cm Þ r = 45°
lesser than 1.5. Hence, the closest
1 1 1 0 .2
\ From len's formula = - option will be 1.5. 17 d = 0.2 tan 30° =
f v u 3
1 1 1 1 1 1 15 Shift in image position due to glass
= - Þ = - l = 2√3 m
20 v - 40 v 20 40 plate,
æ 1ö d
S = ç1 - ÷ t = æç1 -
1 ö
1 ÷ ´ 1 cm
è mø è 1.5ø
v 90

Þ v = 40 cm 1 0.2 m
= cm

v is positive so image will be real and 3
will form at right side of converging For focal length of the lens,
lens at 40 cm. 1 1 1 1 1
= - = - l 2 3
f v u 12 -240 = = 30
14 If m is refractive index of material of d 02
. / 3
1 20 + 1 240
prism, then from Snell’s law or = Þ f = cm
f 240 21 Therefore, maximum number of
sin i sin( A + d m )/ 2
m= = …(i) Now, to get back image on the film, lens reflections are 30.
sin r sin A / 2
has to form image at 18 From the figure CD = emergent ray, and
where, A is angle of prism and d m is æ12 - 1 ö cm = 35 cm such that the glass
minimum deviation through prism. ç ÷ CD is parallel to PQ and BC is a line
è 3ø 3 intersecting these parallel lines.
Given, i = 35° , d = 40 °, e = 79 °. plate will shift the image on the film. So, < DCB + < CBQ = 180°
So, angle of deviation by a glass prism, 1 1 1
As, = - Ð DCN + ÐNCB + ÐCBQ = 180°
d = i + e -A f v u a + a + 45° = 180°
Þ 40 ° = 35° + 79° - A 1 1 1 3 21 a = 67.5°
Þ = - = -
i.e. Angle of prism Þ A = 74°. u v f 35 240 But Ð NCS = 90°
Such that, r1 + r2 = A = 74°. 48 ´ 3 - 7 ´ 21 1 So, second mirror is at angle of 22.5°
= =-
Let us put m = 1.5 in Eq. (i), we get 1680 560 with horizontal.
Þ u = - 56. m

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