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Kumar Picasso, Hadapsar

(For Final Assessment 2023-24)
SUBJECT: English Language
(Topic- Grammar- Tenses; Notice and E-mail; Friendly Letter)
Question 1
i) Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in the
brackets. Do not copy the passage, but write in a correct serial order the word or
phrase appropriate to the blank space:
(0) has been
It ______(0)________ (be) more than 4,000 years since the end of the Indus Valley
Civilisation – time that ______(1)______ (stand) still in Dholavira, the last village in
the Great Rann of Kutch.
‘Waterholes in a river with a white sand bed’ ____(2)_____ (be) the literal meaning
of the name Dholavira. However, no one in the village remembers ____ (3)_____
(see) anything close to it. The seasonal streams between which _____ (4)_____ (be)
once located the Indus Valley settlement rarely ever ____(5)___ (has) water.
Localities ___ (6)____ (refer) to the settlement as ‘Kotdo Timbo’ or ‘fort mound’. The
settlement _____ (7)_____ (be) declared a UNESCO world heritage site and
____(8)____ (become) important to the villagers due to the influx of tourists.

(1) stands
(2) is
(3) seeing
(4) was
(5) have
(6) refer
(7) has been
(8) has become

ii) Notice and Email writing:

(a) As the Sports Captain of your school, write a notice inviting students of Classes
VIII to X to give their names for the events to be held at the school grounds on
the occasion of Annual Sports Day of your school.

Play Hard, Play Fair

Annual Sports Day

On 20th February 2024

From 8:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

At The School Grounds, Wisdom World School

Students of Classes VIII to X who are interested in participating in the events

must give their names to Mrs.Dode on or before 10th February 2024.

(b) Write an email to a famous sports celebrity to be the Guest of Honour at the
Annual Sports Day of your school.

Sun: Invitation for Annual Sports Day

Dear Sir,

Our school is organising the Annual Sports Day on the 20th of February, 2024. It
will be held from 8:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. on the grounds of Wisdom World

We invite you to be the Guest of Honour for this event. We would be

extremely privileged if you would graciously accept this invitation.

Looking forward to a positive response.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

Ajita Kapoor
Sports Captain

iii) Friendly letter writing:

You were severely ill for two weeks and your grandmother came up from the village to
look after you in your parents’ absence. Write a letter to her, expressing your thanks
for her care.

A-605, Galaxy Apartments,

Alexandra Road,

20th February 2024.

My dear Grandma,
How can I ever thank you for all that you have done for me in the past two weeks? I
am so glad that you came to take care of me when I fell ill with jaundice and had to be
hospitalised. I do not know how I would have recovered without you.
I had been feeling extremely tired for the past few weeks, but did not think that there
was anything seriously amiss. The day I fell unconscious in school was a terrifying one for
Mother and Father. They admitted me to the hospital immediately, but they could not
take leave from their jobs for a long time. I am truly grateful to you for dropping
everything at a moment’s notice and rushing to Pune to be with me. The long hours you
spent at my bedside, the delicious soups that you fed me with your loving hands (I am
sorry that I could not do justice to them), and the way you kept cheering me up helped
me to recover quickly. I know that it must have been difficult for you to leave Grandpa,
the dogs and the farm for such a long time. I am thankful that you came, and I miss you
so much.
I am well now and am trying to catch up with the schoolwork that I missed. Do not
worry, I am not working too hard. Looking forward to the summer holidays when I can
visit you. Mummy and Daddy send their love too.
Yours affectionately,

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