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8u8AL Anu lSCLA1Lu 8AC1lCL PLAL1P (u8uCS ClSCnS) 8LC 1996

ulanne Lsen PealLh LducaLlon Sesslon lan CbeslLy

CunnlnCPAM CLn18L 8u8AL Anu lSCLA1Lu 8AC1lCL CASL S1uulLS Anu C1PL8 ASSLSSMLn1S v 4/2011
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nea|th Lducat|on Sess|on |an
A) Ident|ty of k|sk Iactor ke|ated to Chron|c D|sease W|th|n our Commun|ty
1o daLe Lhere ls compelllng sclenLlflc evldence connecLlng chlldren Lo belng overwelghL lncludlng
sufferlng wlLh obeslLy overwelghL and obeslLy have been recognlsed as havlng adversaLlve healLh
ouLcomes ln chlldren WhllsL Lhere ls a mounLlng dlsLlncLlon amongsL young adolescenLs lL ls known
LhaL Lhere ls a hlgh prevalence of obeslLy amongsL 713 year old males havlng rlsen from 11 Lo 24
(1983 2007) whllsL 713 year old females have rlsen from 12 Lo 27 ln Lhe same Llme frame 1here
ls growlng concern wlLhln Lhe governmenL wlLh regards Lo lmpllcaLlons of endorslng and lmprovlng
Lhe level of physlcal acLlvlLy ln addlLlon Lo ralslng Lhe publlc awareness addlLlonally Lo Lhe publlc
healLh lssues almed Lowards healLhy eaLlng Cueensland CovernmenL (2008)
8aLes of measured overwelghL and obeslLy ln persons aged 13 years and older ln Cueensland ln
200708 were slmllar Lo naLlonal raLes lor males naLlonal raLes were 612 compared wlLh 628
for Cueensland and for females raLes were 462 naLlonally and 476 ln Cueensland
lor males Cueensland raLes were second hlghesL afLer new SouLh Wales (norLhern 1errlLory
excluded) and Lhlrd hlghesL for females (afLer SouLh AusLralla and WesLern AusLralla) Comparlson of
raLes of obeslLy lnLernaLlonally ls llmlLed by varlable measures and recency of daLa Powever based
on mosL recenL release (CLCu healLh daLa 2009) and uslng Lhe mosL recenL naLlonal daLa AusLralla
has Lhe fourLh hlghesL raLe of adulL obeslLy ln Lhe CLCu afLer Lhe unlLed SLaLes Mexlco and new
Zealand CbeslLy ls noLably hlgh ln Lhe sLaLlsLlcal ranges for belng a greaL coconLrlbuLor Lowards
chronlc dlsease as sLaLed by World PealLh CrganlsaLlon (2011) Worldwlde obeslLy has more Lhan
doubled slnce 1980 wlLh nearly 43 mllllon chlldren under Lhe age of flve were overwelghL ln 2010"
8elng overwelghL and or obese has connoLaLlons for noncommunlcable dlseases such as
remaLure deaLh
lncrease rlsk of greaLer obeslLy
8reaLhlng dlfflculLles
8u8AL Anu lSCLA1Lu 8AC1lCL PLAL1P (u8uCS ClSCnS) 8LC 1996
ulanne Lsen PealLh LducaLlon Sesslon lan CbeslLy
CunnlnCPAM CLn18L 8u8AL Anu lSCLA1Lu 8AC1lCL CASL S1uulLS Anu C1PL8 ASSLSSMLn1S v 4/2011
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lncreased rlsks of fracLures
ulabeLes lnsulln dependenL
Larly marker for cardlovascular dlseases
lnsulln reslsLance
sychologlcal effecLs
CesLaLlonal ulabeLes lncrease rlsk for boLh Lhe pregnancy and blrLh
Sleep apnoea
World PealLh CrganlsaLlon (WPC) (2011)
As sLaLed by Lhe AusLrallan CovernmenL (2004) Lhere ls an alarmlng rlse Lo Lhe raLe of obeslLy Lo
numerous parLs of Lhe world Lhls developmenL ls noL llmlLed only Lo adulLs Lhough does lnclude
adolescenLs as well as chlldren as obeslLy ls becomlng a subsLanLlal healLh concern Lhere are speclal
groups of lnLeresL
lL ls known LhaL one ln four chlldren aged 317 years were known Lo be elLher overwelghL or
obese ln 20072008
1ype Lwo dlabeLes ls on Lhe lncrease due Lo Lhe lncrease of obeslLy and/overwelghL wlLh a
rlsk facLor of becomlng Lhe leadlng cause of dlsease burden by 2023
When compared Lo Lhose who have soclal and economlc beneflLs as a comparlson Lo
AusLrallans llvlng ln rural/remoLe reglons are more llkely Lo llve shorLer llves
WhllsL Lhose who llve ln Lhe rural/remoLe reglons are aL greaLer rlsk of dlsease and lllness's
when equaLed Lo Lhose who llve ln Lhe ma[or/meLropollLan clLles
Looklng aL Lhe longLerm magnlLude of [uvenlle obeslLy and lLs conLlnuance LhaL wlll far reach lnLo
adulLhood research shows LhaL obeslLy wlll be addlLlonally expecLed Lo endure lnLo adulLhood lf lL
develops laLer ln chlldhood especlally lf Lhe obeslLy ls severe AusLrallan CovernmenL (2004)
uclus (2008)
LongLerm consequences of belng overwelghL and or obese as a chlld
1he 8oyal College of hyslclans of London (2004) adapLed from AusLrallan CovernmenL (2004) also
relLeraLes LhaL obeslLy wlLhln chlldhood probably wlll endure lnLo adulL llfe shall noL only lncrease
8u8AL Anu lSCLA1Lu 8AC1lCL PLAL1P (u8uCS ClSCnS) 8LC 1996
ulanne Lsen PealLh LducaLlon Sesslon lan CbeslLy
CunnlnCPAM CLn18L 8u8AL Anu lSCLA1Lu 8AC1lCL CASL S1uulLS Anu C1PL8 ASSLSSMLn1S v 4/2011
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Lhe rlsk of obeslLy assoclaLed lllnesses neverLheless Lhe llkellhood of happenlng aL an earller age ls
lncreased 1hese condlLlons lnclude
1ype 2 dlabeLes
Coronary PearL ulsease
CholeycysLlLls llver dlsease
ln addlLlon Lo parLlcular forms of cancer eg bowel cancer
8esplraLory compllcaLlons eg sleep apnoea
ConcepLlon (reproducLlve) concerns
AusLrallan CovernmenL (2004)
1hls ls also verlfled by uanlels (2006) where he sLaLes LhaL many healLh condlLlons relaLed Lo obeslLy
have been assoclaLed Lo chlldhood overwelghL and or obeslLy examples known Lo be lncluded early
sympLoms of hardenlng of Lhe arLerles nonalcohollc faLLy llver dlsease hlgh blood pressure
LogeLher wlLh sleep apnoea dlsordered breaLhlng LhroughouL sleep Chlldhood overwelghL/obeslLy
ls closely llnked Lo adulL healLh condlLlons whllsL lL has been known Lo exacerbaLe Lhe damage hearL
dlsease Lhough has been known Lo commence ln chlldhood however wlll Lake many years before lL
lnsLlgaLes Lhe acLuallLy of evldence of hearL dlsease
) Ident|f|cat|on of 1arget Group for k|sk Iactor
1he age group for Lhe ma[or LargeLlng of overwelghL/obeslLy ls chlldren Lo young people 3 Lo 13years
for as per Cueensland CovernmenL (a) (2011) sLaLes LhaL
CbeslLy raLes ln chlldren are a growlng concern globally lL has been esLlmaLed LhaL aL
leasL 20 mllllon chlldren under 3 were overwelghL ln 2003 1he prevalence of overwelghL
and obeslLy ln AusLrallan chlldren has lncreased subsLanLlally whllsL Lhere ls a pro[ecLlon
LhaL overwelghL/obeslLy chlldren wlll reach adulL proporLlons wlLhln 30 years"
1he age group l shall be looklng aL are chlldren and young people (317yrs) who llve ln Lhe rural
reglon of AusLralla as Lhey are dlsadvanLaged as compared Lo Lhose who llve ln Lhe meLropollLan
8u8AL Anu lSCLA1Lu 8AC1lCL PLAL1P (u8uCS ClSCnS) 8LC 1996
ulanne Lsen PealLh LducaLlon Sesslon lan CbeslLy
CunnlnCPAM CLn18L 8u8AL Anu lSCLA1Lu 8AC1lCL CASL S1uulLS Anu C1PL8 ASSLSSMLn1S v 4/2011
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reglons Cueensland CovernmenL (a) (2011) 1hough overall Lhe LargeL age group shall be wlLhln Lhe
year 7 aL nanango SLaLe rlmary School
1here ls a demographlc of low socloeconomlc dlsadvanLaged groups slLuaLed wlLhln Lhe norLh
8urneLL LhaL shows Lhere are a hlgh proporLlon of chlldren belng overwelghL and or obese LhaL falls
wlLhln Lhls caLegory Cueensland PealLh (2004) lL has been esLlmaLed LhaL a number of obese
overwelghL chlldren from Lhe norLh 8urneLL PealLh Servlce ulsLrlcL lndlcaLe LhaL wlLhln Lhe age
grouplng of 314 years female chlldren surpass males on raLlo whllsL Lhese chlldren are
dlsadvanLaged by poor nuLrlLlon and decreased physlcal acLlvlLy As per Lhe AusLrallan 8ureau of
SLaLlsLlcs (A8S) (2011) chlldren resldlng wlLhln Lhe rural remoLe reglons besldes havlng Lhe lowesL
socloeconomlc sLaLus when compared Lo Lhose who reslde ln Lhe meLropollLan reglon are 70 more
Lhan llkely Lo suffer wlLh obeslLy and or belng overwelghL
Cond|t|on Ma|es Iema|es
CverwelghL chlldren 3 Lo 14 years 300 400
Cbese chlldren 3 Lo 14 years 100 200

l have chosen a group of chlldren who are beglnnlng puberLy whllsL encompasslng a range of ages
from 11 Lo 13 years Lhese chlldren are ln year 7 aL school As chlldren Lhey have had PealLhy Parold
vlslL Lhem aL school each year so Lhls ls Lo enhance Lhe learnlng's Lhey have been glven wlLh regards
Lo good nuLrlLlon and malnLalnlng physlcal educaLlon noL only aL school buL aL home durlng Lhe
school holldays and weekends
C) Consu|tat|on rocess
l flrsL consulLed wlLh Lhe rlnclpal of Lhe local School Lo galn hls consenL prlor Lo my dlscusslng Lhls
wlLh Lhe Leachers of year 7 1he school has a large currlculum on physlcal educaLlon for all ages
rlmarlly a leLLer was drafLed and glven flnal approval by Lhe rlnclpal for Lhe sLudenLs Lo glve Lhelr
parenLs for approval or noL for Lhelr son or daughLer Lo aLLend an educaLlon sesslon/s abouL healLhy
eaLlng and physlcal educaLlon Lo promoLe Lhelr healLh lL was wrlLLen ln Lhe leLLer LhaL Lhls was noL a
8u8AL Anu lSCLA1Lu 8AC1lCL PLAL1P (u8uCS ClSCnS) 8LC 1996
ulanne Lsen PealLh LducaLlon Sesslon lan CbeslLy
CunnlnCPAM CLn18L 8u8AL Anu lSCLA1Lu 8AC1lCL CASL S1uulLS Anu C1PL8 ASSLSSMLn1S v 4/2011
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compulsory parL of Lhe school educaLlon noneLheless belng promoLed by Lhe nurslng communlLy Lo
help ralse awareness of how chlldren are becomlng overwelghL and or obese Lherefore developlng
healLh concerns LhaL wlll follow Lhem lnLo adulLhood
1o galn communlLy parLlclpaLlon flyers can be dellvered promoLlng Lhe PealLhy LlfesLyle and
AcLlvlLles" wlLhln Lhe reglon of Lhe SouLh 8urneLL adverLlsemenLs placed lnLo Lhe local magazlne
CounLry locus" Lo lncrease parLlclpaLlon over weekends AddlLlonally sendlng ouL emalls and uslng
lacebook as a promoLlon wlLhln Lhe communlLy for Lhose who are knowledgeable wlLh compuLers
1here are a number of resources avallable for people Lo galn furLher lnformaLlon abouL healLh and
healLh promoLlon SouLh 8urneLL Councll lacebook CommunlLy PealLh Slmple sLeps Lo beLLer
healLh 1oward C2 1omorrows Cueensland lnformaLlon brochures are avallable noL only ln hard
coples buL onllne aL varlous webslLes Lhrough communlLy slLes Cueensland PealLh Lhe SouLh
8urneLL Councll ulabeLes AssoclaLlon wlLh regards Lo Lhe lncreaslng levels of overwelghL chlldren
and obeslLy 1hese programs are noL almed speclflcally aL chlldren Lhough do lnclude adulLs
lncreaslng ouLdoor acLlvlLles for healLh promoLlon any healLh concerns seek furLher advlce from
your local Ceneral racLlLloner before aLLendlng any acLlvlLles 1he SouLh 8urneLL has a walk/blke
Lrack LhaL boasLs a small exerclse area for people Lo use 1he local uocLor's also uLlllse care plans
LhaL alm Lowards Lo malnLalnlng a healLhy welghL and or welghL loss programs for Lhose who have
welghL concerns referrals are made Lo dleLlclans for people Lo access dleLary requlremenLs
addlLlonally dleLlclans are able Lo correlaLe speclfled lndlvlduallsed welghL loss programs
D Deve|op|ng an Lducat|on Sess|on |an
An educaLlon plan was dlscovered on A8C Sclence (2006) lood Lxerclse Lnergy Lhls plan ls
excellenL for an educaLlon as lL covers areas of nuLrlLlon Lhe beneflLs of parLlcular foods whaL ls bad
whaL ls good lncludlng exerclse and energy requlremenLs 1he overall duraLlon of Lhe educaLlon
sesslon would be planned Lo go for approxlmaLely 30 43 mlnuLes for each sesslon alLhough wlll
8u8AL Anu lSCLA1Lu 8AC1lCL PLAL1P (u8uCS ClSCnS) 8LC 1996
ulanne Lsen PealLh LducaLlon Sesslon lan CbeslLy
CunnlnCPAM CLn18L 8u8AL Anu lSCLA1Lu 8AC1lCL CASL S1uulLS Anu C1PL8 ASSLSSMLn1S v 4/2011
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depend on Lhe slze of Lhe class plannlng Llmes Lo sulL Lhe class Lhls addlLlonally lncludes Lhe Llme
requlred for Lhe experlmenLs and dlscusslons eg A8C Sclence (2003) Sugar Shocker 1he area LhaL l
would plan on uslng could be Lhe class room where l wlll need some space due Lo Lhe experlmenL
LhaL l plan on dolng wlLh Lhe chlldren's lnvolvemenL Lhus allowlng for Lhe whole class parLlclpaLlon
AddlLlonally Lhe educaLlon plan can be broken down lnLo Lwo sesslons so as Lo allow for Lhe
chlldren's parLlclpaLlon ln furLher exploraLlon of nuLrlLlon and maklng of posLers of good nuLrlLlon
whlle lncludlng ways of lncorporaLlng exerclse and energy lnLo dally acLlvlLles for Lhe second sesslon
8esources LhaL are essenLlal for Lhe educaLlonal program lnclude lnformaLlon sheeLs facL sheeLs
wlLh a quesLlonnalre (supplled by A8C Sclence Cnllne Lesson 13 uemonsLraLlon 13 Sugar
Shocker) (See Appendlx 1 2) 1hls sesslon ls expecLed Lo lasL for approxlmaLely 43mlnuLes due Lo
Llme of class Leachlng sesslons 1hls should be a very lnformaLlve sesslon as Lhe chlldren should Lake
home some very lmporLanL lnformaLlon wlLh conslderaLlon Lo Lhelr healLh welghL nuLrlLlonal and
overall exerclse acLlvlLles lL ls dellvered ln an exclLlng formaL so LhaL Lhe chlldren are lnvolved ln all
manners Lowards Lhe experlmenLs LhaL are golng Lo be shown
1hus glvlng Lhe chlldren Lhe confldence Lo be able Lo say no" Lo foods whlch are conLrlbuLlng
facLors Lo Lhem galnlng welghL Lmpowerlng Lhem Lo help educaLe Lhelr parenLs Lo undersLandlng
Lhe beneflLs of parLlcular foods LhaL are beneflclal ln addlLlon Lo lncreaslng Lhelr physlcal exerclslng
acLlvlLles le walklng blke rldlng as a famlly group
lurLher lnformaLlon would be senL home for parenLs Lo peruse Lhls would be
L) Lva|uat|on of the Lducat|on Sess|on
1o galn furLher lnslghL lnLo Lhe effecLlveness of Lhe educaLlon sesslon l would do a survey LhaL would
be senL home for boLh Lhe parenL and chlld Lo compleLe and reLurned vla a selfaddressed envelope
1hls survey ln Lurn would glve an lndlcaLlon of dleLary lnLake and Lhe effecLlveness of an exerclslng
program LhaL Lhe whole famlly or Lhe chlld alone ls aLLendlng lf Lhe parenLs felL LhaL furLher
8u8AL Anu lSCLA1Lu 8AC1lCL PLAL1P (u8uCS ClSCnS) 8LC 1996
ulanne Lsen PealLh LducaLlon Sesslon lan CbeslLy
CunnlnCPAM CLn18L 8u8AL Anu lSCLA1Lu 8AC1lCL CASL S1uulLS Anu C1PL8 ASSLSSMLn1S v 4/2011
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asslsLance ls requlred furLher communlcaLlon would be deemed confldenLlal wlLh a chance for an

8eference LlsL
AC Sc|ence (2006) Lesson |an 13 lood xercise nerqy AC Sc|ence Cn||ne ketr|eved
November 23 2011 from http]]wwwabcnetau]sc|ence]surf|ngsc|ent|st ]pdf ]|esson _
AC Sc|ence (200S) 1eocher uemo 1l 5uqor 5hocker AC Sc|ence Cn||ne ketr|eved
November 23 2011 from http]]wwwabcnetau]sc|ence] surf|ngsc|ent|st ]pdf] teach
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beoltb Jevelopmeot ooJ wellbeloq 2011 CaL no PL 144 8eLrleved CcLober 31 2011
from hLLp//alhwgovau/publlcaLlondeLall/?ld10737419387llblu10737419386
Austra||an Government (2004) isk loctor Monitorinq 4 risinq epidemic obesity in 4ustro/ion
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http]]www aphgovau]house]comm|ttee]haa]obes|ty]subs]sub06Spdf
ueens/ond 6overnment (a) (2011) Overweiqht ond Obesity 2011 opu|at|on Lp|dem|o|ogy Un|t
ueens|and nea|th ketr|eved Cctober 30 2011 from http]]wwwhea|th q|dgovau]
Cueensland CovernmenL (b) (2010) ootb 8otoett neoltby commooltles lloo SouLh 8urneLL
8eglonal Councll 8eLrleved CcLober 29 2011 from hLLp//wwwsouLhburneLLqldgovau/c/
documenL llbrary/geL_flle?uuld0cfed1eccb37444bbc334a3431b32b0egroupld12344
Cueensland CovernmenL (c) (2010) elfkepotteJ neoltb totos 2010 uarllng uownsWesL MoreLon
PealLh Servlce ulsLrlcL Summary 8eporL Cueensland PealLh 8eLrleved CcLober 30 2011 from
8u8AL Anu lSCLA1Lu 8AC1lCL PLAL1P (u8uCS ClSCnS) 8LC 1996
ulanne Lsen PealLh LducaLlon Sesslon lan CbeslLy
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;oeeoslooJ Covetomeot (d) (2001) 1owotJs neoltby Ctowtb ooJ uevelopmeot lssoes of
Ovetwelqbt Obeslty ooJ uoJet Nottltloo omooq cbllJteo lo ;oeeoslooJ ;oeeoslooJ neoltb PealLh
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ulanne Lsen PealLh LducaLlon Sesslon lan CbeslLy
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8u8AL Anu lSCLA1Lu 8AC1lCL PLAL1P (u8uCS ClSCnS) 8LC 1996
ulanne Lsen PealLh LducaLlon Sesslon lan CbeslLy
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8u8AL Anu lSCLA1Lu 8AC1lCL PLAL1P (u8uCS ClSCnS) 8LC 1996
ulanne Lsen PealLh LducaLlon Sesslon lan CbeslLy
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8u8AL Anu lSCLA1Lu 8AC1lCL PLAL1P (u8uCS ClSCnS) 8LC 1996
ulanne Lsen PealLh LducaLlon Sesslon lan CbeslLy
CunnlnCPAM CLn18L 8u8AL Anu lSCLA1Lu 8AC1lCL CASL S1uulLS Anu C1PL8 ASSLSSMLn1S v 4/2011
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