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Republic of the Philippines


Don Severino de las Alas Campus
Indang, Cavite, Philippines
☏ (046) 4150-013 loc 221

Home Economics, Vocational and Technical Education Department

Name: Hannah Sofia Raquel Date: June 06, 2024

Year & Section: BSHM 3-2 Instructor: Mr. Rodelo


DIRECTION. Group yourself into five (5) groups. Each group is composed of 5–6 members.(100

1.Each group should choose a film that shows multiculturalism.

2. Discuss the cultural elements in the film that posed challenges.
3. Identify how these challenges were resolved.
4. Each member of the group will prepare a one-page report focusing on one cultural


Movie title: Coco

2. There are several challenges tackled in the movie Coco. Referring to the conflict
between Miguel's family. Miguel's family has a misunderstanding and an unresolved
problem with his grandfather. That caused another conflict, which is Miguel's love for
music, a kind of art. He was not allowed to play or even hold an instrument. Another
conflict here is a cultural conflict. When Miguel crossed the world of the dead, he was
shocked by what he saw. It was very different from what he was used to in the human
world. This movie also discussed the toxic family culture and how the discipline and
succession of the elders should also be passed on to future generations. Children also
do not have the right to make decisions on their own, and only adults have the right to
make life decisions that children will follow.

4. Religion
"Coco" beautifully showcases Mexican religious traditions, particularly Día de los
Muertos. The film portrays the afterlife as a vibrant realm where ancestors reside,
emphasizing the importance of honoring family and heritage. Through the protagonist's
journey, Miguel explores the interconnectedness of the past and present, highlighting the
significance of faith and ancestry in shaping one's identity. With its colorful animation
and heartfelt storytelling, the movie celebrates the richness of Mexican culture and the
enduring power of remembrance.

As we all know, religion is one of the things considered in the multicultural world, as is
diversity. Religion is a sensitive topic, but even so, many people still mock and
disrespect each other's religion. Religious differences can also present challenges, such
as tensions between different faith groups or conflicts over religious practices. That's
why we should practice respecting others's religions and beliefs. Let's not be the reason
they lose faith in their religion. Like in the movie Coco, let us practice accepting their
religion and beliefs. Be happy for them for what they are choosing to believe. Let's not
force them into things that are forbidden to them; that is immaturity. Effective
multiculturalism requires promoting tolerance, understanding, and respect for religious
diversity, while also fostering dialogue and cooperation among different religious
communities. Ultimately, embracing religious diversity can strengthen multicultural
societies by promoting inclusivity, social cohesion, and the recognition of shared values
amidst cultural differences.

Social Organization
"Coco" showcases social organization in various ways throughout the film. Firstly, it
highlights the structure and dynamics within Mexican families. The Rivera family, with
multiple generations living together and respecting each other, reflects the traditional
family structure in Mexican society. Respect for elders, strong family bonds, and shared
responsibilities are emphasized, illustrating the importance of family in shaping
individuals' lives. Moreover, the movie portrays the interconnectedness of Mexican
communities. From the bustling town of Santa Cecilia to the vibrant Land of the Dead,
social connections play a vital role in the characters' lives. Traditions like building
ofrendas and participating in festivals demonstrate the close-knit nature of these
communities and the importance of collective identity.

Additionally, "Coco" highlights the role of music as a social connector. Music not only
brings people together across generations but also bridges the gap between the living
and the dead. It serves as a means of expressing emotions, preserving memories, and
reinforcing social bonds and identity within the community.
Overall, "Coco" effectively reflects social organization by portraying the significance of
family, community, music, and respect in Mexican society. Through its characters and
storyline, the film provides insights into how these elements shape individuals' identities
and relationships within their social contexts.

Group members
Lim, Irish
Montenegro, Mariel
Napoles, Elijah Mae
Raquel, Hannah Sofia
Ritual, Dorothy

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