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qa Wa / Eastern Railway FAG a hen/ written Test fesrree Ye/ Post - BF A 3N§ / Chief Publicity Inspector . Date: 25.08.11 SHARERETA ie / Maximum Marks:100 WF Duration: 3 EE How Far Instructions: %. Ga oF 2 wnt A faeries f. am (9.2 A 75) siftart B. sr (w.6 @ Al) A A aly 5 var fae ar aaa & Bowe oa Rel var sirot A B. genet wets ser a at sae 8 aH E fa sea sara ar Fea ae et ai poe sere GferTET A awe ah ya ae aT SMT oT Questions are divided in 2 parts. Part {(Q.1 to Q.5) 1s compulsory. Any five questions from Port 11(Q.6 to Q.11) may be attempteu. B. Question paper is in Hindi and Englis 1. Questions can also be answered in regional language €. Ifotherwise not a part of the answer please do not mention your name anywhere in the a script. ana | aR oar SPUR) E, Teta at iu sak ATR, aifbrametet afar - 50) PART § (All questions ae compulsory, wav) juestion carry 10 marks, Max marks $0 | LXer 9) Sater FAPY ony ane ger eet a: feT|EH ay ARAL, wed A 2 ak (a) He IE (b) aS SAE FTA (cle UH (g/g U aHT (el ome TAT aH 1. Expend the following abbreviations as usec in Railway parlance, each carry 2 marks. (a) CONCOR (b) IREM. {c) APAR (d) DAR (e) DRUCC 2.faest Tat & aparora fr eet A BP sedan 2 afar @AT eA (CZyHY (aagr (eysat 2. List cut the city in which the Head Quarter: of the following Railways are located, each carry 2 mark {a)CR —.(b) SCR (c) SECR (d) SER fe} NCR 3, fat seh oe fergrer areter saffih a sist 8d, wean ay 2 alae (a) sre SUT (bp sTATA Uw) Yor aT a AeA (a) ad aS FH weer (Sirerap) (o) 4a Tad a neIyaUa 3. Name the persons currently occupying the (ullowing posts, vach carry 2 marks 14) Prime Minister af india _{b) Union Minister for Railways (c) Chaitinan Railway Board (1) Member (Engineering) Railway 3c ard (e) Ge ral Manager, Eastern Railway fore eanes (AIT) stwar ae sneha ar AF He Hagar A WeAweT Cae Meek A 2 aia (ap Mh sorq ans (by eee (cy 140 est Bet (a) BHAT (e) ay Aare |. With which departments of Indian Railways the following persons (designations) or things are cannecied, each carry 2 marks: a) PW (b) Telephone (c) 1¢) Terane (d) Pharmacists {+} Fower Wagon 1 Mack nea Bi a P3MEN Solution by {88 the rack pe Tar eee tobe sana 15 Occasion. ak Parations of drag, nd (ist those (20) 9 at oy Fa oe seb ap (eC 2 Saga (2x) ome Ta : “195 Neon aay " rieF o, ny two Of the following topics that Were in ne WS, recent) at Bilt ‘ieland él Tran (2x5) < over a fret a af fawat ae 50 - 70 ereat ar fret: (2x5) Seam caret oy aMBar yet aaa et rae aT sr sarin ofan & gape F aera A Bie wera AEE site shert notes (50-70 wards) on any two of tie following: (25) Media Management at accident site fect + 1 Yellow Journalism on Railways. ‘port nce of print media in the times of c »minance of electronic media doe Bur (gre) Faw AY sea aden! fT vay Tra apaturdh a sean fae ord siren diy siete 8 a &, (10) ) Write salient features of Railway Services (Conduct) Rules. Briefly list out the conduct expected out of a railway servant. (10) rons fOr 1963 FF RT 3(3) separ Ray athe tects Tera aT RMA wT A str Rain one aifRards tr ah & (10) As per the Official Languages Act 1963 clause 3(3), how many and which documents need to be compulsorily issued in bi-lingual form? List them all. (10) oc 0000:

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