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Answer: D 16-031 According to the longitudinal study of Mills College graduates by Ravenna Helson,

most middle aged women in their fifties report that

type, A. their quality of life is very poor compared to young adulthood
B. they miss having children in the home and experience the “empty nest”
C. they feel less assertive and independent than they did in their early thirties
D. their quality of life is quite good

Answer: C 16-032 The women in Helson’s study of Mills College graduates found which decade oflife
: to be filled with the greatest turmoil?
Type: F A. 20s
B: 30s
C. 40s
D. 50s

Answer: C 16-033 Once active parenting is over, there may be a reversal of gender roles called a gender

Type: € A. change
B. modification
C. crossover
D. differential

Answer: A 16-034 According to research, which of the following is common in midlife?

A. Men become more nurturant
Types) iF B. Women become less assertive and less achievement-oriented
C. Both men and women tend to become less introspective
D. Basic temperament tends to change

Answer: C 16-035 Which age group has the largest number of people in its social convoy?
A. Adolescence
ype ak B. Young adulthood
C. Middle adulthood
D. Older adulthood

Answer: B 16-036 According to a study cited in the text, men with smaller social networks were more
likely to die during the next four years of all but which ofthe following?
Type: F A. Cardiovascular disease
B. Cancer
C. Accidents
D. Suicide

Answer: B 16-037 Some research suggests that marital satisfaction over a lifetime appears to follow a
U-shaped curve; this means that
ype: -—F A. satisfaction is lower in the early years of amarriage and then again in late
B. satisfaction is highest in the early years of a marriage and then again in late
C. there is a “normal distribution” of satisfaction throughout marriage
D. most marriages worsen over the years


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